a**e 发帖数: 5094 | 1 transverse myelitis is CNS problem
GBS is PNS problem
ask incontinece(cord problem) in hx.
PE:CNS vs PNS, sensory level for myelitis, rectal reflex(I hate it every
time my seniors ask me to do this)
MRI is always a good choice, then LP :) |
f******r 发帖数: 117 | 2 失禁的是transverse myelitis,正常的是GBS?
谢谢 |
c*******u 发帖数: 12899 | 3 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
jessica86 (life is short,why not make it ..able) 于 (Sat Sep 24 13:19:50 2011, 美东) 提到:
谢谢大家。很不幸,诊断是Transverse Myelitis. 现在只能希望能完全康复。
[update2]Thanks a lot, everyone. It turns out there is indeed inflammation in his spine. His attending ordered steroids and will start treatment tonight. Hopefully it works.
举,但是不灵活... 阅读全帖 |
e*******0 发帖数: 1487 | 4 Treatments and drugs
By Mayo Clinic staff
Several therapies target the acute signs and symptoms of transverse myelitis:
Intravenous steroids. After your diagnosis, you'll likely receive steroids
through a vein in your arm over the course of several days. Steroids help
reduce the inflammation in your spinal column.
Plasma exchange therapy. People who don't respond to intravenous steroids
may undergo plasma exchange therapy. This therapy involves removing the
straw-colored fluid in which blood cel... 阅读全帖 |
d*****9 发帖数: 178 | 5 还想提醒一下这位家长:
小孩发病之前有没有接受过抗病毒的疫苗(flu shot or MMR之类)
请google一下这些病毒跟Transverse Myelitis之间的关系,我看网上报道有打了flu
shot之后感染Transverse Myelitis的病例。
这儿有写MMR可能造成的副作用(包括Transverse Myelitis)
祝福祝福 |
s******t 发帖数: 579 | 6 Niu! Never heard about transverse myelitis.
The following is what I googled:
Transverse myelitis is a neurological disorder caused by an inflammatory
process of the spinal cord, and can cause axonal demyelination. Transverse
implies that the inflammation is across the thickness of the spinal cord.
In some cases, the disease is presumed to be caused by viral infections such
as cytomegalovirus (CMV) and has also been associated with spinal cord
injuries, immune reactions, schistosomiasis a... 阅读全帖 |
l*h 发帖数: 4124 | 7 you must have your own definition of Transverse Myelitis different from what
the medical world knows. the MRI description said it was NOT Transverse
have you ever seen Transverse Myelitis shown on MRI as cord-like? also think
about what you said yesterday. |
l*h 发帖数: 4124 | 8 what a joke! you have no idea what a transverse myelitis is. you were trying
to substitute with the general term myelitis on some aspects of the disease. |
b******8 发帖数: 24 | 9 The NMO is recognized as a distinct CNC inflammatory demyelinating disease
now. The revised diagnostic criteria for definite neuromyelitis optica (NMO)
, proposed by Mayo clinic, require optic neuritis, myelitis, and at least
two of three supportive criteria: MRI evidence of a contiguous spinal cord
lesion 3 or more segments in length, onset brain MRI nondiagnostic for
multiple sclerosis, or NMO-IgG seropositivity. But there is varied forms of
the NMO too.
The treatment for the NMO included, |
b******1 发帖数: 251 | 10 google: Transverse Myelitis vaccines |
k*****e 发帖数: 372 | 12 病史看大小便?查体看tendon reflex & pathological reflex?班门弄斧,请Ance师
姐补充 |
f******r 发帖数: 117 | 13 谢谢小粉有问必答,虽然我的问题很弱智
这样问答比自己看书容易多了 |
d***g 发帖数: 9 | 14 很多年轻人到美国都想要申请大学的护士专业,也就是英文所说的Nursing,因为几乎
1 申请护士职业移民最基本的条件和优点。
5 已经有身份(有绿卡或是美国公民),但是想申请护士专业,如何申请美国大学的护
6 通过考试后,取得美国护士执照,通过托福考试后,如何找医院面试谈判,如何找律
7 注册护士考试的英文名称和考试内容,那里可以买参考书,网上有哪些资源。
8 申请过程中常见的困难和困扰有那些
9 托福考试的复习与报考准备
10 附录 护士注册... 阅读全帖 |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 15 Transverse myelitis has not specific treatments. Earlier steroids may be
helpful. But at this stage, you have to deal with the complications.
I suggest muscle relaxants for the muscle spasm. TENS unit may be also
helpful. |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 16 Transverse myelitis
上激素, 愈快愈好。 |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 17 MRI of C-spine.
但是, 很多病人的MRI可以是“正常”的, 不是脊髓没有问题,是MRI看不出来。
小孩有尿储留吗? 可以做一个postvoid residue测定。
从你所说的症状来看, transverse myelitis可能性最大。
建议你与你的医生商量, 早期治疗可能会改变结果,尽管有争议。 |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 18
请问您了解Transverse Myelitis的常用的治疗方式么?据医生说,用steriods是惯例
我在网上查到,还有一种是plasmapharesis. Treatment typically consists of one
plasma exchange daily for 5–7 days. 知道那种更有效么?谢谢
TM的机理可能还是autoimmune,可能与最近的病毒感染有关。 大剂量steroids是最常
用的治疗方法, 简单, 没有大的副作用。 可惜steroid的有效性还是有争议, 所以
提倡早诊断,早治疗。 plasmaphresis一般不用, 因为1. 疗效不确定,2 invasive,
小孩很受罪。 所以如果病孩没有危急情况,一般不采用。
大多数TM预后良好, 希望你孩子早日康复。
Bless. |
s********e 发帖数: 1596 | 19 transverse myelitis?
碍。 |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 20 I see. She has transverse myelitis(TM). The immobility caused the DVT.
So there is no special treatment for TM except physical therapy. But the DVT
has to be treated. Please consult your doctor. |
l*h 发帖数: 4124 | 21 i don't think there is sufficient evidence for a transverse myelitis. but
there is definitely something wrong with the spinal cord.
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 22 我的意见还是不变,这个孩子得的是Transverse Myelitis, 证据就是MRI, 如果有腰
穿结果更好了。 复发很少,但不是不可能。 看一下下面的文章:
我不明白怎么把脊髓炎变成了格林巴利了? 不是指责国内的医生,今天这个病,明天
后果很严重,不过你没必要现在告诉孩子妈。 另外,告诉她治疗效果应该是很好的,
如果孩子没有了血栓,而脊髓炎没有留下大的后遗症,孩子还是可能再走路的。 对小
孩,我总是有信心。 |
l*h 发帖数: 4124 | 23 then just continue to fan someone who knows almost nothing about myelitis
and who claimed a venous clot paralyzed the kid. |
l*h 发帖数: 4124 | 24 i still say this: A++ knows nothing about transverse myelitis. i was in
adult neurology in china and then fully trained in child neurology, adult
neuro-onc and ped neuro-onc in the us. |
k********n 发帖数: 756 | 25 1。可能不是Transvers Myelitis。年龄小于2岁,而且可以了解到的症状体格检查实验
3。MRI很重要,一定要带上。 |
l*h 发帖数: 4124 | 26 this further says you know nothing about transverse myelitis.
link |
l*h 发帖数: 4124 | 27 there is nothing fitting into transverse myelitis in this case.
the best timing for anticoagulatory treatment has long passed. it becomes
very tricky how and when to deal with the clot. it is irresponsible to
recommend anti-coagu without thoroughly checking both general conditions and
the spinal cord lesion. |
s********e 发帖数: 1596 | 28 我一个小学老师的太太,最近几年下身疼痛难忍,在我们当地医院检查最后诊断是脱髓
鞘、脊髓炎(myelitis). 请问除了激素还有什么好的疗法?谢谢! |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 29 不知道中国人有没有multiple sclerosis? 如果真有MS,治疗MS现在主要是disease
modify therapy。 如果是Transverse myelitis, 那么治疗就是药物治疗,还有Botox
, baclofen pump等等。 |