

全部话题 - 话题: needless
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发帖数: 5443
On November 8th, we are going to win this state and we are going to win the
White House.
It’s going to be a victory for YOU, the American people.
We are going to end the Clinton Corruption and restore dignity and honesty
to government service.
Hillary Clinton is an insider who fights only for her donors and for herself.
I am an outsider fighting for you.
我们首先要做的一件事就是重建美国的法律和秩序。我的好朋友,克... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1124
来自主题: USANews版 - 迄今为止看到最好的总结
"How did this happen?!" they cry.
You want to know how this happened? You want to know how America resorted to
bigotry and racism? You want to know how we let a TV star with no
experience get to the White House? You want to know why we couldn’t stop
being stupid enough to listen to what you had to say?
I can explain.
Ten years ago I never had to tell somebody my wife was black and children
were of mixed race to get them to stop assuming I was racist.
Ten years ago I didn’t have to tell somebody ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 迄今为止看到最好的总结
作者:SS Wang
"How did this happen?!" they cry.
You want to know how this happened? You want to know how America resorted to
bigotry and racism? You want to know how we let a TV star with no
experience get to the White House? You want to know why we couldn’t stop
being stupid enough to listen to what you had to say?
I can explain.
那我就大发慈悲... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 123
可笑的是一个八竿子打不着的街上性骚扰也算在了trump的头上, 据说是grab pussy闹得
Reports of racist graffiti, hate crimes in Trump's America
By Holly Yan, Ralph Ellis and Kayla Rodgers, CNN
Updated 8:53 PM ET, Thu November 10, 2016
(CNN)Fears of heightened bigotry and hate crimes have turned into reality
for some Americans after Donald Trump's presidential win.
Racist, pro-Trump graffiti painted inside a high school. A hijab-wearing
college stud... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4756
zi [email protected]/* */ 翻译
"How did this happen?!" they cry.
You want to know how this happened? You want to know how America resorted to
bigotry and racism? You want to know how we let a TV star with no
experience get to the White House? You want to know why we couldn’t stop
being stupid enough to listen to what you had to say?
是怎样让一个毫无经验的TV秀明星步入白宫... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 391
"How did this happen?!" they cry.
You want to know how this happened? You want to know how America
resorted to bigotry and racism? You want to know how we let a TV star with
no experience get to the White House? You want to know why we couldn’t stop
be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2054
An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right
by Allum Bokhari & Milo Yiannopoulos29 Mar 20164584
A specter is haunting the dinner parties, fundraisers and think-tanks of the
Establishment: the specter of the “alternative right.” Young, creative
and eager to commit secular heresies, they have become public enemy number
one to beltway conservatives — more hated, even, than Democrats or loopy
The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - Gallup: Trump已经超越Obama
Trump's Approval Rating Hits New Record Low
Gallup- Job approval upon hitting 60 days in office:
Carter 75
Reagan 60
HW Bush 56
Clinton 53
W Bush 58
Obama 63
Trump... 37
2:07 PM - 19 Mar 2017
With two months into his presidency, Donald Trump's ratings continue to fall
. The commander in chief's approval rating fell to a new low over the
weekend to 37 percent, according to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10554
I spent the last 15 years trying to become an American. I've failed.
I have lived in America for the past 15years. I have two Ivy League
degrees. And I am on the verge of deportation.
Despite being an "honoraryAmerican," as I have often jokingly introduced
myself, I am in fact acitizen of New Zealand. I was 18 years old when I
first came to America. Istill remember the excitement I felt when, very late
at night, my flight fromAuckland tou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
How Steve Bannon and Donald Trump Rode the Honey Badger Into the White House
Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency
By Joshua Green
Mellivora capensis — better known as the honey badger — is a thick-skinned
and sharp-toothed little creature that in 2011 became a YouTube sensation
thanks to a short video called “The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger.” In the
clip, a honey badger chases off jackals, raids a beehive, survives a cobra
bite and eats venomous snakes h... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Reasons Why We Need to Preserve Our 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear
The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil
interference. They deserve a place of honor with all that is good. When
firearms go, all goes. We need them every hour. — George Washington,
Founding Father in his address to the 2nd session of united States Congress.
Steve Nolan, Contributor
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and survivors of the Aurora,
Colorado shooting as well as to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
标 题: 普林斯顿教授性骚扰韩裔女研究生
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 14 18:08:53 2017, 美东)
Emails sent to The Tab reveal how a Princeton professor invited his graduate
student to watch an explicit film with him and then sexually harassed her.
Professor Sergio Verdu, 59, was found responsible by Princeton of harassing
Yeohee Im, a 25-year-old electrical engineering student. HuffPost revealed
the results of Im's Title IX case, and how Princeton did not discip... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1830
Liberals livid after deal to end shutdown
Activist groups were angry at how the negotiations turned out, with some
calling it '#SchumerSellout.'
By ELANA SCHOR 01/22/2018 02:09 PM EST Updated 01/22/2018 04:21 PM EST
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
Liberal activists are furious with Democratic senators after most of them
agreed to reopen the federal government without a firm path to shielding
young immigr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17532
来自主题: WorldNews版 - Joseph Andrew Stack的宣言
Joseph Andrew Stack, 1956-2010,今天驾飞机
If you’re reading this, you’re no doubt asking yourself, “Why did this
have to happen?” The simple truth is that it is complicated and has been
coming for a long time. The writing process, started many months ago, was
intended to be therapy in the face of the looming realization that there isn
’t enough therapy in the world that can fix what is really broken.
Needless to say, this rant could fill volumes with
发帖数: 891
来自主题: Automobile版 - Why Claim Insurance?
We buy insurance so if accident happens, we can walk away with minimal finanic
al burden.
Say if an accident causes $1000 damage. Now let's also say, if we let insuranc
e pay for it, and our insurance rate goes up by $300 next year.
Most insurance companies only checks driving record upto 3 years anyway, so st
arting from the 4th year, we are as good as having no accident on record.
So, pay $1000 now? or pay $300/year for 3 years? Needless to see, the 2nd opti
on is better.
Another thing to cons
发帖数: 10585
来自主题: Automobile版 - 买车还是韩国车好啊!
Always Catching Up, Rarely Ahead
Asia's Curse Upon Rural America
A Car Usually Rarely Appreciates
Always Made Crap
Autos May Combust
Accelerates Under Demonic Influence
Always Unsafe Designs Implemented
Always Under Diagnostic Inspection
Always Upside-down, Double Interest
Another Understated Dealer Incentive
A Used Dodge Incognito
Bob Marley and the Wailers
Beautiful Mechanical Wonder
Beautiful Models Wanted
Bavarian Manure Wagon
Biggest Metal Waste
Big Money... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6655
来自主题: Automobile版 - 请教:空调嗒嗒响是怎么回事
recirculation mode is a mode of ventilation, It has nothing to do with air
Did you see A/C indicator ON? If you hear noise when it's on, needless to
say it's A/C noise. If in both modes the A/C is OFF, it's more likely a
damper positioning issue.
发帖数: 368
来自主题: Automobile版 - 23K预算,买新车还是二手豪车啊
if MBA is the choice, the best is always leasing a new car. It is fun to
drive and trouble free (and you do not need to worry about selling the car !)
Many people are afraid about leasing while I think it is quite attractive,
given that (2) I am affordable to that car, i.e., less than half of my
annual salary; (2) I enjoy my time with my family than dealershops unless
absolutely necessary; and (3) I enjoy the feeling of new car.
For B (I did not do research on M & A), there are several leasing ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1644
Road TestSE Hybrid 4-cyl CVT
In a class generally known for bland styling and a lack of driving
excitement, the redesigned 2013 Fusion is a fresh, charismatic newcomer. But
like some promising and talented celebrities, it has just enough quirks to
erode your enthusiasm.
The new Fusion looks upscale and stylish, and it handles like a really good
European sports sedan. We bought three versions: a top-trim Titanium, a mid-
trim SE, and the SE Hybrid. All versions provide a composed, civilized ride
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7283
来自主题: Automobile版 - 大家觉得GL550怎么样
用点数就租了辆GL450,跟mustang类似的价格,便宜啊。不过GL class需要踩尽油门才
Mercedes GL - bit of a disappointment
I have a bunch of Hertz points I need to use up, so I burned up a weekend
Prestige rental at SAN. What looked like the best car to reserve was a GL450
(other options were a GLK, stuff like Mustangs, and some really
uninteresting stuff.) The car was a 2012 with about 25k miles on the clock.
By the end of the weekend I was longing to be back at wor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8992
来自主题: Automobile版 - 准备买新车了, 换了老A8
2006.奥迪 A8. 125,000 highway miles
Noted, this is an old car, 
But has full suite of lux and tech features. Shines like new. Special
frontal 保护膜still intact.
Leather steering and seats, and heated all around.
All 4 side windows tinted black.
Solar top panel for A/C cooling in summer when the car is parked in sun.
电动后窗帘。 Shines like new
Air suspension, full aluminum body
Audi Parking assistant. Keyless entry. Push button start.
Adaptive headlights. The beam turns to where the car is turn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20965
来自主题: Automobile版 - 便宜没好货啊,还是别买BMW
啥意思,, 这个新车很多都有这个问题。bmw 2011,我只不过没有听说过, 只知道
lexus加速。 看bmw,只看可靠性, 据说这个评价还不错,就买了。。。 结果才发现
给些具体帮助,, 不到三天能退吗?
BMW does not officially acknowledge this issue, and THEY are the one's who
play dumb, but this is indeed a major SAFETY issue as outlined in Sonnie's
initial post. I had EXACTLY that experience: in traffic, cruising along,
need to switch lanes, look in side view and have ample room/time to do so,
hit the gas pedal and go NOWHERE. the only BMW dealer i know of, that has
actually come out a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: Automobile版 - Toyota Sienna complaints
Toyota Sienna
HomeAutomotiveCar Models Last updated: 08/07/2017
Consumer Complaints and Reviews
Nancy of Chatham, NJ on July 28, 2017
Satisfaction Rating
I purchased my Toyota Sienna 2013 XLE new. After 3 1/2 years and 39,000
miles, I have had to replace a full set of run flat tires 4 times, brake
pads and now have been informed that I need to replace the shocks and struts
and the tires again (since they are wearing unevenly due to the first issue
). To top that all off, the cable to the automat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
GM Takes On Ferrari and Lamborghini With the 2019 Corvette ZR1
With a 755-horsepower V8 engine that can reach 210 miles per hour, it’ll
offer those stallions some serious competition.
By Hannah Elliott
November 28, 2017, 9:46 PM CST Updated on November 29, 2017, 10:03 AM CST
It’s also the most powerful street car General Motors has ever produced.
The six-figure coupe comes with a 755-horsepower V8 engine and a top speed
of 210mph. That’s more powerful than even Ferrari’s $320,000 F12 and
Lamborg... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 282
来自主题: Classified版 - City of Hope in Duarte 附近求租
I am a new postdoc in City of Hope, Duarte, CA 91010. Looking to rent a
furnished room/apartment. I would prefer a location close to City of Hope.
The start date of the lease can be around the middle of September.
Needless to say, I'm responsible and no-nonsense people. Clean, tidy and non
If you know of any suitable place (temporal sublease is ok), please contact
me by email.
Your help will be really appreciated.
发帖数: 596
New 1099-K Requirements Can’t Be Ignored
March 16, 2012
By Roger Russell, Senior Editor, Accounting Today
This is the first year that the IRS requires payments made with a credit or
debit card to be reported by merchants who processed more than $20,000 and
200 transactions.
Like what you see? Click here to sign up for Accounting Today's daily
newsletter to get the latest news and behind the scenes commen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2523
来自主题: ebiz版 - 关于死呆婆的rewards
Common sense...needless to say
发帖数: 2103
23 of 24 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Beware, this charger can melt down and create possibe
fire hazard, October 14, 2013
By Richard Stevens "EDJPRO" (Dallas, TX United States) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: [Most Powerful] Saicoo 6A/30W 4 USB High output Ports
Car Charger(83CM Cable Length), with separated ON/OFF Switch /LED ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2103
23 of 24 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Beware, this charger can melt down and create possibe
fire hazard, October 14, 2013
By Richard Stevens "EDJPRO" (Dallas, TX United States) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: [Most Powerful] Saicoo 6A/30W 4 USB High output Ports
Car Charger(83CM Cable Length), with separated ON/OFF Switch /LED indicator
and one Silic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5065
The KnC Bitcoin Wallet app is available on the Google Play Store and it’s
free. Needless to say, there’s no app for iOS or Windows Phone. The wallets
are pre-funded and it appears that the first 1,000 downloads will be
awarded with $5 each, while the next 95,000 wallets will get $1 each (at the
current BTC/USD exchange rate).
发帖数: 915
Should female faculty get bonus points to correct for gender bias in student
Now that most colleges and universities have completed their spring
semesters, course instructors are opening up sealed manila envelopes, all
over the country, to read their teaching evaluations.
And, like each year, what they’ll find has been pervasively slanted by
gender bias.
As a professor, a member of the academy and a woman, I am deeply concer... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1312
来自主题: Faculty版 - 答应了offer又改了主意
Dear xxx,
This is a very difficult email to write. I am afraid that I am going to have
to back out of my decision to come to Mixxx. Although my husband was
initially (albeit cautiously) in agreement to make the move, he has
subsequently changed his mind and is now essentially refusing to leave Chxxx
. Needless to say, this means that I am also unable to leave.
I can not express how deeply sad and sorry I am about this change in
decision. Please extend my deepest apologies to the rest of the depa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6923
One of these was a gift to someone, the other was for my household. I
unwrapped mine and put it away. When I took it out for its' first use. it
was severly cracked. The same thing happened to the person whom I gave the
other to. Needless to say, I was embarassed.
发帖数: 92
来自主题: HiFi版 - 先锋100刀的BS41 90了
I see. Did you do something like this reviewer said at amazon.com? - "The
binding posts are a little odd. They are angled upward in a fairly shallow
recess, so the speaker wires dangle in mid air. I've never seen binding
posts angled this direction; they are usually 90 degrees or angled downward
so the wires flow down the back of the speaker. The posts are 5 way and
accept bare wire, pins, spades, and banana plugs. In order to use banana
plugs, the knurled collar has to be unscrewed and a little... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 282
来自主题: HouseRental版 - City of Hope in Duarte 附近求租
I am a new postdoc in City of Hope, Duarte, CA 91010. Looking to rent a
furnished room/apartment. I would prefer a location close to City of Hope.
The start date of the lease can be around the middle of September.
Needless to say, I'm responsible and no-nonsense people. Clean, tidy and non
If you know of any suitable place (temporal sublease is ok), please contact
me by email.
Your help will be really appreciated.
发帖数: 146
来自主题: Investment版 - 2012 markets: Expect ups and downs (ZT)
2012 markets: Expect ups and downs
BY Jurrien Timmer, Co-Manager of Fidelity® Global Strategies Fund,
Fidelity Viewpoints — 12/21/11
Consider U.S. stocks, high-yield corporate, and floating-rate high-income
It’s been quite a year, one of violent mood swings but little overall
direction. We seem to be in a time warp where everything happens faster and
faster. Everything seems to be correlated. There are very few places to hide
, and even those places don’t feel like good options anymor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3066
Same here, I've interviewed and gave straightforward unbiased reviews on
many candidates including Indian, white, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian,
Hispanic and Persians, and some of them eventually became my good colleagues
and friends. As long as the candidate is competent, can aid in my group's
project execution and won't become a focal point in office politics or be a
total Sociopath (Trust me, I've helped hire one by mistake, and needless to
say I regretted it). I'll usually give them a thumb
发帖数: 1359
不管MVC算不算Gof DP,Gof的确是提到MVC了。时间太长,忘记了。
Well, no MVC is not one of the GoF patterns. They are not at the same level.
MVC is what is called an architectural pattern while GoF patterns are
design patterns.
However, when implementing MVC you can take advantage of existing patterns.
Take the Head First Design Patterns book they build MVC using Strategy,
Composite, and Observer pattern. And I'm sure that there exists other
im... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 758
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 报两个offer
PHD+5 years experience with this offer...
Obviously less than same level in FLAG, needless to say his miserable pay
these 5 years in Morgan Stanley...
发帖数: 7021
AUGUST 31, 2016 -
Thank you, Phoenix. I am so glad to be back in Arizona, a state that has a
very special place in my heart.
I love the people of Arizona and, together, we are going to win the White
House in November.
Tonight is not going to be a normal rally speech.
Instead, I am going to deliver a detailed policy address on one of the
greatest challenges facing our country today: immigration.
I have just landed having returned from a very important and s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1233
来自主题: Living版 - 也说说我的装修吧
nothing against Chinese contractors. they're usually cheaper and cheaper
must be for some reasons--most likely to compromise on 1. material; 2.
craftsmanship; 3. general professionalism
1. home owners aren't expert on remodeling. what to use and how much to use
can easily cut 25-30% on material costs w/o owner's notice;
2. remodeling in essence is an investment in the prop--if one's willing to
sink in $20k, is it worth to save that extra 20% to compromise on
3. making the whole... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1233
来自主题: Living版 - 请教:pre-approved home loan rate
rule of thumb--if something is too good to be true, then it's not true
simply, rates go up and down everyday. the advertised rate will definitely
be "gone" when you ask for it--there are many tricks, needless to say :(

发帖数: 8704
family of 3 might need 2-3 bedrooms, 1 guest room, 1 kid play room, 1-2
study rooms, 1 room for hifi/home theatre, needless to say family room,
living room, dining room, exercise room. 赚多少花多少,生命在于折腾.
发帖数: 187
来自主题: Living版 - 被costco拒绝了
another case:
At least eight families of beetles bore into wood, one of the most common
being (furniture beetles). Larvae of the furniture beetle are more commonly
known as woodworms. When holes in wood are first visible, infestation has
been present for at least two years and as long as five years. In many
instances, antiques are needlessly destroyed. Irreparable damage will not
occur for a long time and would need to be neglected for many years after
evidence of infestation is apparent.
The ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1978
来自主题: Living版 - 卖房顺利,我来做个redfin托吧
Needless to say, a more appropriate listing price recommended by a full
price agent could be much more than savings from a percentage of commission.
发帖数: 4967
求助一下大家美国这边有木有无针头胰岛素注射器,应该是叫needless insulin
发帖数: 222

The Best Uses For Your Bank of America WorldPoints
by Jason Steele
Among the major reward cards out there is the family of cards offered by
Bank of America that allow you to earn credits in their own proprietary
reward points system called WorldPoints.
Pro: Flexibility
The WorldPoints program seems to have been created for maximum
flexibility. Their website boasts of the many ways that WorldPoints can
be redeemed, such as for cash, travel, gift cards, and merchandise. With
all of these options,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3337
来自主题: Money版 - chase卡被关了
发信人: newjersey (NJ furniture dealer), 信区: EasyMoney
标 题: Re: chase关卡
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 25 12:34:59 2012, 美东)
I saw that thread and figured that I would post since I've directly hit by
Chase closing accounts.
I used to own 3 Chase credit cards including Freedom, Sapphire Preferred and
OnePass. I respectively owned these cards for 2 years, 1.5 year, and 0.5
year when Chase closed my accounts after I did a round of applications.
I checked my credit (it was good, 750-ish) and decided it was t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5282
来自主题: Money版 - [合集] chase卡被关了
chenjian (石头) 于 (Wed Apr 11 10:37:09 2012, 美东) 提到:
不知为什么? 是不是提前payment, 在statement出来前还钱,导
mcheng82 (battles) 于 (Wed Apr 11 10:37:51 2012, 美东) 提到:
zard (zard) 于 (Wed Apr 11 10:45:57 2012, 美东) 提到:
DBH110 (DBH110) 于 (Wed Apr 11 11:14:01 2012, 美东) 提到:
☆───... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5282
来自主题: Money版 - CITI aa visa 50000 mile link
even if buy FAR, it may need to pay tax and gas when cashing out staples gc,
needless to say the time spent on the road.
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