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发帖数: 11621
【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 女生怎样找到好BF(本文同样也适合gg找mm……)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 21 18:14:26 2013, 美东)
女生都想找到高富帅、性格合得来、又体贴的好gg,这就是一个Optimization Process
。每个女生肯定都会给自己心仪的男生打分,这个分数就是Objective Function f(x)
。找合适gg的过程就是去找 max f(x)。由于现实社会的复杂性,没有一种
Optimization Algorithm能够保证找到最优解,因此各位mm在找gg的时候,心里要有个
那么之前大家讨论的广撒网的方法,其实类似于Genetic Algorithm,mating pool都是
随机选取的,通过广泛的选择,并且通过交往过程中的随机... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14401
【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 女生怎样找到好BF(本文同样也适合gg找mm……)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 21 18:14:26 2013, 美东)
女生都想找到高富帅、性格合得来、又体贴的好gg,这就是一个Optimization Process
。每个女生肯定都会给自己心仪的男生打分,这个分数就是Objective Function f(x)
。找合适gg的过程就是去找 max f(x)。由于现实社会的复杂性,没有一种
Optimization Algorithm能够保证找到最优解,因此各位mm在找gg的时候,心里要有个
那么之前大家讨论的广撒网的方法,其实类似于Genetic Algorithm,mating pool都是
随机选取的,通过广泛的选择,并且通过交往过程中的随机... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 91
【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 女生怎样找到好BF(本文同样也适合gg找mm……)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 21 18:14:26 2013, 美东)
女生都想找到高富帅、性格合得来、又体贴的好gg,这就是一个Optimization Process
。每个女生肯定都会给自己心仪的男生打分,这个分数就是Objective Function f(x)
。找合适gg的过程就是去找 max f(x)。由于现实社会的复杂性,没有一种
Optimization Algorithm能够保证找到最优解,因此各位mm在找gg的时候,心里要有个
那么之前大家讨论的广撒网的方法,其实类似于Genetic Algorithm,mating pool都是
随机选取的,通过广泛的选择,并且通过交往过程中的随机... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 260
来自主题: SciFiction版 - 三体1,2中的bug
explore the neighborhood没问题,但是不可能观测银河系所有恒星。所以黑暗森林。

the direction, but it's also stated that there's thousands of stars in that
direction, so they cannot determine which one with out a reply. With a reply
, they will know the distance (number of years passed divided by speed of
t dare to send "Zhi Zi"? What's the logic behind that?
world is so advanced that it can destroy another world, then they surely
will explore the neighborhood, and there will be no "dark forest". On the
other ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 42
import org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.common.TasteException;
import org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.eval.DataModelBuilder;
import org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.eval.RecommenderBuilder;
import org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.eval.RecommenderEvaluator;
import org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.common.FastByIDMap;
import org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.eval.
import org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.model.GenericBooleanPrefDataModel;
import org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.mo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19398
By Stephanie Simon

Getting in can be grueling.
Students may be asked to submit a 15-page typed research paper, an original
short story, or a handwritten essay on the historical figure they would most
like to meet. There are interviews. Exams. And pages of questions for
parents to answer, including: How do you intend to help this school if we
admit your son or daughter?
These aren't college applications. They're applications for seats at charter
Charters ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19398
By Stephanie Simon

Getting in can be grueling.
Students may be asked to submit a 15-page typed research paper, an original
short story, or a handwritten essay on the historical figure they would most
like to meet. There are interviews. Exams. And pages of questions for
parents to answer, including: How do you intend to help this school if we
admit your son or daughter?
These aren't college applications. They're applications for seats at charter
Charters ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19398
Seven New York City schools are participating in a pilot program aimed at
making the schools more diverse. The schools will retain a portion of their
available seats for low-income students and English-language learners.
NEW YORK (AP) — Gentrification has been coming fast to Brooklyn's Crown
Heights neighborhood. The influx of wealthier, white residents is being
reflected in the hallways of Public School 705.
The elementary school is still half black and more than a quarter Hispanic,
but Princip... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18873
来自主题: Animals版 - 城市里也有郊狼
Coyote's deadly attack on cat spurs concern in Torrance neighborhood
Awakened at 4 a.m. Thursday by the family dogs barking, Steven Rime figured
it was one of the usual triggers -- a skunk or opossum or raccoon passing
through the neighborhood on the border of Torrance and Redondo Beach.
"Living in the (Hollywood) Riviera we end up with varmints of all kinds,"
Rimes said. "But my wife looks outside and on our front lawn we have a gray
coyote of about 80 to 100 pounds -- big ears -- eati... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2314
来自主题: _GoldenrainClub版 - San Francisco Bay Area Rent/Buy Ratios
San Francisco Bay Area Rent/Buy Ratios
By Patrick on Mon, Mar 22nd, 2010 at 3:09 pm | 7293 views | rss | email this
| add comment
San Francisco Bay Area rent/buy ratios from the Landlord’s Bargain Finder
at patrick.net show that housing is still greatly overpriced in most zip
The following average rent vs buy ratios were calculated by considering 97,
537 rents and 58,171 asking prices throughout the Bay Area from January to
March 2010, comparing properties with the same number of bedrooms... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10197
刚LD打电话回来说, 我们这里的电台正在讨论应不应该去别人的Neighborhood trick
or treat, 据LD说反对的人还不少,有的说, 自己Neighborhood的小朋友还没拿到糖
,糖就被外面来的给拿光了, 还有的说外面的开车来要糖,在neighborhood里开很不
安全, 也有赞同的, 反正吵得满热闹。
发帖数: 92
来自主题: History版 - 3年前的恐怖袭击
Arab Terrorist Attacks Jerusalem's Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva: 8 Dead
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz and Hillel Fendel
Follow Israel news on Twitter and Facebook.
Warning: this article includes graphic content. Click here for the no-photos version.
An Arab terrorist infiltrated Jerusalem's Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva at around 8:30 Thursday night and murdered eight Jews. At least 10 students were wounded, including five in serious to critical condition.
Five of the dead were high school students in Merkaz Harav's Ye... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12853
Mom Fights to Air Her Family's Clean Laundry
Neighborhood association threatening to fine woman for hanging her laundry
out to dry
Updated 5:45 AM EST, Wed, Mar 17, 2010
Print Share Buzz up!
A Montgomery County woman is fighting her housing development for the right
to air out her clean laundry.
Patty Pozeynot says she's forbidden to hang laundry out to dry in her
Skippack Township, Pa. backyard because her neighbors fear it ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3343
格蕾丝梦(Grace Meng),果然都是格蕾丝啊,一个格蕾丝高,一个格蕾丝梦,不愧是华
Assemblywoman Grace Meng said she's heard many of those complaints. She
started a task force on the issue last year and supports the council
"The heart of the issue is not just about an English sign," Meng said. "They
don't feel like they can communicate in their own neighborhoods."
Meng said the bill was part of a wider strategy to encourage interaction
between different groups in her d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8175
COPLEY, Ohio (AP) — A man apparently angry with his girlfriend gunned down
two people outside an Ohio home and two more in a car Sunday morning, then
shot the girlfriend in a rampage that left eight dead including the gunman,
who was shot by police, authorities and witnesses said.
Two others were wounded, police said. A child was among those shot,
witnesses said, though police wouldn't confirm that. Investigators were
trying to piece together what happened at four crime scenes, Copley police
Chi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30882
来源: nWAY 于 2011-12-31 15:47:04 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话
] 本文已被阅读:185次 字体:调大/调小/重置 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加
跟贴 | 查看当前最热讨论主题 http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/30-statistics-that-show-that-the-middle-class-is-dying-right-in-front-of-our-eyes-as-we-enter-2012
The Middle Class Is Dying Right In The US
The Economic Collapse, 31 December 2011
Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most vibrant middle
class that the world has ever seen. Unfortunately, t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4933
来自主题: Military版 - chinatown的末日zt
Does China’s rise mean the end of one of America’s most storied ethnic
原题:The End of Chinatown
原址:http://www.theatlantic.com/magaz ... -of-chinatown/8732/
By Bonnie Tsui
David Leventi
As the manager of a Chinatown career center on Kearny Street in San
Francisco, Winnie Yu has watched working-class clients come and go. Most of
them, like Shen Ming Fa, have the makings of the quintessential Chinese
American immigrant success story. Shen, who is 39, moved to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17667
(Reuters) - Police acting on a tip arrested two white men on Sunday for a
shooting spree in Tulsa that left three dead, two wounded and rattled the
predominantly black neighborhood.
Tulsa police spokesman Jason Willingham said police were not prepared to
label the shootings racially motivated hate crimes after the arrest of Jake
England, 19, and Alvin Watts, 32, on murder charges just before 2 a.m. (0600
GMT) Sunday.
"At this point we don't have a motive," Willin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 662
来自主题: Military版 - Fake palm tree makes residents scared
Fake palm tree makes residents scared
Cell Towers Near Homes? Battle in Mesa, Ariz., Typifies Fears Nationwide
By Krisanne Alcantara | Posted Nov 16th 2012 7:05PM
Share on Tumblr
Though palm trees evoke an idyllic desert oasis, that's hardly the case for
frustrated residents of Mesa, Ariz. That's because a "palm tree" set to be
planted in the Phoenix suburb isn't what it seems: It's a camouflaged
cellular tow... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 37081
来自主题: Military版 - 平安夜死亡陷阱
WEBSTER, N.Y. (AP) — The ex-con who lured firefighters to their deaths in a
blaze of gunfire left a rambling typewritten note saying he wanted to burn
down the neighborhood and "do what I like doing best, killing people,"
police said Tuesday.
Police Chief Gerald Pickering said 62-year-old William Spengler, who served
17 years in prison for the 1980 hammer slaying of his grandmother, armed
himself with a revolver, a shotgun and a mil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8414
googlel了 一下public housing
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, government involvement in
housing for the poor was chiefly in the introduction of buildings standards.
New York City's First Houses, dedicated in 1935, were the nation's first
public housing project.[17] Most housing communities were developed from the
1930s onward and initial public housing was largely slum clearance, with
the requirement insisted upon by private builders that for every unit of
public housing constructed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 458
From: Christopher Jordan Dorner /7648
To: America
Subj: Last resort
Regarding CF# 07-004281
I know most of you who personally know me are in disbelief to hear from
media reports that I am suspected of committing such horrendous murders and
have taken drastic and shocking actions in the last couple of days. You are
saying to yourself ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24893
From: Christopher Jordan Dorner /7648
To: America
Subj: Last resort
Regarding CF# 07-004281
I know most of you who personally know me are in disbelief to hear from
media reports that I am suspected of committing such horrendous murders and
have taken drastic and shocking actions in the last couple of days. You are
saying to yourself that this is completely out of character of the man you
knew who always wore a smile wherever he was seen. I know I will be vilified
by the LAPD and the media. Unfor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: aple (凸-_-凸), 信区: USANews
标 题: Chicago,爸爸给宝宝换尿布, both 被shooting
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 12 22:34:46 2013, 美东)
Baby dies after being shot five times as dad changes diaper
A 6-month-old baby has died after she was shot Monday while her father was
changing her diaper.
Follow @NBCNewsUS
After several surgeries, Jonylah Watkins passed away Tuesday morning,
Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks confirmed.
Jonylah's father, identified by family members as 28-year-old Jonat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - Holy crap, 共产啦
HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every
Neighborhood in U.S.
(CNSNews.com) - To ensure that "every American is able to choose to live in
a community they feel proud of," HUD has published a new fair-housing
regulation intended to give people access to better neighborhoods than the
ones they currently live in. The goal is to help communities understand "
fair housing barriers" and "establish clear goals" fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
List of murdered is from 'We Stay Together, Or We Leave This World Together'
By Samer Badawi, July 13, 2014
Tuesday, July 8:
1. Mohammed Sha’aban, 24, was killed in a bombing of his car in Gaza City.
2. Ahmad Sha’aban, 30, died in the same bombing.
3. Khadir al-Bashiliki, 45, died in the same bombing.
4. Rashad Yaseen, 27, was killed in a bombing of the Nusseirat refugee camp
in central Gaza.
5. Riad Mohammed Kawareh, 50, was killed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2883
Black on Chinese Killings Rare, Crime Stats Show
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- The killing in Oakland of Tian Sheng Yu, 59, by two
18-year-old African-American men two weeks ago has inflamed tensions
between the Bay Area's black and Chinese communities.
Coming after a series of attacks on and around the T streetcar line in San
Francisco's Bay View-Hunters Point neighborhood, it's also raised fears in
the Chinese community... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
Mount Vernon是巴尔的摩JHU附近著名的基佬居住区,充满各种gay bar。三个老白夜里
Trial begins in 2012 Mount Vernon double killing
Three years after a double killing rocked the Mount Vernon neighborhood, the
trial of the defendant has begun in Baltimore Circuit Court.
Quinton Decarlo Bass, 28, whom police have described as a drifter from... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9770
来自主题: Military版 - 中国“私募一哥”的覆灭
The Fall of China’s Hedge Fund King
By ALEX W. PALMER March 30, 2016
ALEX W. PALMER 2016年3月30日
At 10:33 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 1 of last year, the highway police in Ningbo,
an industrial city on China’s eastern coast, posted a seemingly innocuous
message to their official microblog. “Due to sudden traffic control,” the
message read, “all the entrances and exits of the G15 Expressway at
Hangzhou Bay Bridge have been closed.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
Suspect in Spring couple's murder served only three years of 30-year
PAROLE SHOCKER: A victim's advocate said he was shocked when he learned
Khari Ty Kendrick was released three years into a 30-year prison sentence.
By Marla Carter
Updated 46 mins ago
SPRING, Texas (KTRK) -- Khari Kendrick is one of three suspects charged with
murdering Bao and Jenny Lam.
Investigators say the suspects ambushed the Lam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20965
来自主题: Military版 - “Blue Line”
From: Christopher Jordan Dorner /7648
To: America
Subj: Last resort
Regarding CF# 07-004281
I know most of you who personally know me are in disbelief to hear from
media reports that I am suspected of committing such horrendous murders and
have taken drastic and shocking actions in the last couple of days. You are
saying to yourself that this is completely out of character of the man you
knew who always wore a smile wherever he was seen. I know I will be vilified
by the LAPD and the media. Unfor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1823
Here are the victims of the Pittsburgh shooting:
• Joyce Fienberg, 75, of Oakland neighborhood, Pittsburgh
• Richard Gottfried, 65, of Ross Township, Pennsylvania
• Rose Mallinger, 97, of Squirrel Hill neighborhood, Pittsburgh
• Jerry Rabinowitz, 66, of Edgewood Borough, Pennsylvania
• Brothers Cecil and David Rosenthal, 59 and 54, of Squirrel Hill,
• Bernice and Sylvan Simon, 84 and 86, a married couple from
Wilkinsburg, Pennsylva... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 擦,Boystown, Chicago
Gay Chicago, Boystown neighborhood - Chicago Pride
The first officially recognized gay village in the United States, Boystown
in Chicago, Illinois is the commonly accepted nickname for the eclectic East
Lakeview neighborhood that is home to Chicago's visible and active gay and
lesbian community. Boystown Chicago is situated just ...
发帖数: 361
WAMU | JUL 11, 2019
Three Dead, Others Hospitalized In Virus Outbreak At Fairfax Retirement
This story was updated at 6 p.m. on July 16.
The Fairfax County Health Department is now reporting that three people have
died following a respiratory virus outbreak at the Greenspring retirement
community in Springfield, Va., and at least 63 people have become ill.
The health ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 2019年7月的疑似新冠
Three Dead, Others Hospitalized In Virus Outbreak At Fairfax Retirement
Robert Geiger / Flickr
This story was updated at 6 p.m. on July 16.
The Fairfax County Health Department is now reporting that three people have
died following a respiratory virus outbreak at the Greenspring retirement
community in Springfield, Va., and at least 63 people have become ill.
The health... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 美国大兵从哪来?
The Truth About Who Fights for Us
In 2007, only 11% of enlisted military recruits came from the poorest U.S.
It should no more be necessary to write this article than to prove that
there were Jews killed in the World Trade Center on 9/11. And yet the
mythology refuses to die. Just last week, two well-educated and well-known
writer acquaintances of mine remarked in passing on the "fact"... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Fathers disappear from households across America
Big increase in single mothers
By Luke Rosiak
The Washington Times
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Nicole Hawkins' three daughters have matching glittery boots, but none has
the same father. Each has uniquely colored ties in her hair, but none has a
dad present in her life.
As another single mother on Sumner Road decked her row-house stoop with
Christmas lights and a plastic Santa, Ms. Hawkins recalled that her middle
child's father has never spent a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24893
From: Christopher Jordan Dorner /7648
To: America
Subj: Last resort
Regarding CF# 07-004281
I know most of you who personally know me are in disbelief to hear from
media reports that I am suspected of committing such horrendous murders and
have taken drastic and shocking actions in the last couple of days. You are
saying to yourself that this is completely out of character of the man you
knew who always wore a smile wherever he was seen. I know I will be vilified
by the LAPD and the media. Unfor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8800
Baby dies after being shot five times as dad changes diaper
A 6-month-old baby has died after she was shot Monday while her father was
changing her diaper.
Follow @NBCNewsUS
After several surgeries, Jonylah Watkins passed away Tuesday morning,
Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks confirmed.
Jonylah's father, identified by family members as 28-year-old Jonathan
Watkins, is in stable condition. He was changing the little girl's diaper on
the front passenger seat of the family van when the shootin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27
来自主题: USANews版 - 芝麻男无罪是美国之福
Martin was killed around 7:17PM on 2012 NBA all-star Sunday evening.
Zimmerman was self-appointed. He was not a member of any recognized
neighborhood watch program.
Neighborhood watch does not engage a suspicious person.
Zimmerman was too incompetent to follow neighborhood watch policies and
procedures. No wonder he couldn't become a cop no matter how hard he wanted
to be one and carried a gun all the time except going to work.
发帖数: 2039
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama speaks out
Zimmerman tries to get a job as a policeman. He volunteer as neighborhood
watchdog to "build resume" for later accept into police department. So he
is very eager to catch someone in order to have a better chance to get a
police job. And also in this sense, he is not totally "volunteer" for his
neighborhood, he has his own purpose to be a neighborhood watchdog.
Something is wrong or fishy here, can you feel it?

发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
This low-rated moron from MSNBC, who we wouldn’t know existed except for
Twitchy monitoring his idiocy, wants you all to know we really don’t care
about the daily carnage in Chicago. Even though we do and wonder why the
president, the race pimps and media don’t seem to care.
Well, add three more to the body count and you’ll probably never hear their
names, their families will grieve alone, and by tomorrow another handful
will be dead. We don’t know if they’re black or white. All we kno... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
It’s been a long winter. The gangbangers have a lot of time to make up for.
At least 36 people were shot in Chicago, four of them fatally, in as
many hours over the weekend, with more than half of the shootings occurring
over a half-day period stretching into early Sunday.
Officers responded to at least 27 incidents, starting at 3:30 p.m.
Friday in the West Woodlawn neighborhood on the South Side involving an
attack that left a 17-year-old girl dead and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Chicagoland: Woman Shot and Killed After Attending Anti-Violence Event, 26
Others Shot in Past Day
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
They’ve got serious problems in Mr. Obama’s Neighborhood.
Leonore Draper was minutes away from entering her West Pullman home
after an anti-violence charity event she attended Friday night when she was
shot and killed.
Police found Draper, 32, shot in the chest and arm in a parked car near
her home in the 11600 block of South Laflin Street in the West Pull... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1280
Queens Neighbors Protest Homeless Shelter
A group of residents in a Queens community is protesting a homeless shelter
being set up in the area, fearful it will bring an increase in crime and a
decrease in property value.
At a rally in Elmhurst Monday night, hundreds of neighbors complained that
they were never consulted about the shelter being built at the former Pan Am
"I believe there are a lot more neighborhoods they can f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3813
Albany County District Attorney David Soares, center, at the scene of a
quadruple homicide at 1846 Western Ave. on Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2012, in
Guilderland, N.Y. (Cindy Schultz / Times Union)
GUILDERLAND — Four people, believed to be two children and two adults, were
slain in a shocking quadruple homicide inside a small, pale green bungalow
at 1846 Western Ave. along a busy commercial stretch of the suburban town.
Guilderland police confirmed Wednesday afternoon that there were four
homicides. N... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 圣路易斯警察又一次为民除害
St. Louis police shoot, kill suspect during home search
ST. LOUIS (AP) — An armed man fleeing from officers serving a search
warrant at a home in a crime-troubled section of St. Louis was shot and
killed Wednesday by police after he pointed a gun at them, the city's police
chief said.
The shooting that left a black suspect dead drew protests, with many of the
roughly 150 people who gathered at the scene hurling obscene gestures and
expletives at investigators and questioning the police use of de... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 纽约市老鼠成灾
Published on CNS News http://www.cnsnews.com
Rat race: With complaints on rise, NYC redoubles efforts
NEW YORK (AP) — To many in New York City, the rats are winning.
The city's complaint hotline is on pace for a record year of rat calls,
exceeding the more than 24,000 over each of the last two years. Blistering
audits have faulted efforts to fight what one official called a "rat crisis.
" And even jaded New Yorkers were both disgusted and a little impressed by "
Pizza Rat," the plucky rodent i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16479
来自主题: USANews版 - 最危险的是Manhattan
From 2003-2013, the district was located entirely within Brooklyn and was
majority African-American. It included the neighborhoods of Bedford-
Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Heights, Brownsville, Canarsie, East New York and Ocean
Hill, as well as parts of Fort Greene, Prospect Heights and Williamsburg.
CD12-woodside西裔移民不少,lower east side有黑人housing ,唐人街,还是穷文青
From 2003-2013 it included parts of Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan. It
included the Queens neighborhoods of Mas... 阅读全帖
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