

全部话题 - 话题: newdow
发帖数: 20965
来自主题: Military版 - 美国人从来不强迫我去爱国
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the
Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with
liberty and justice for all."
1998 - Michael Newdow files suit against the school board of Broward County,
Florida to get the phrase "under God" removed from the pledge. Newdow
argues this is a violation of the First Amendment and that that his daughter
should not be subjected to the pledge at school. The suit is dismissed for
lack of standin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 594
这位教授似乎佷有道理,我不懂法律,不知道 Elk Grove Unified School District v
. Newdow 可否作为此案的前例。无神论者Newdow 代表其女起诉 Elk Grove Unified
School District, 认为 Pledge of Allegiance 中“Under God” 违宪。U.S.
Magistrate Judge 认为 Pledge of Allegiance不违宪,The US District Court 同意
,case dismissed. Newdow 上诉到第九巡回法庭。法庭判定 Newdow had the
standing, 並且认为 Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause,
违宪,判决引发社会强烈反弹。最后案子打到最高法院,Justice Kennedy 又一次左右
全局,连同四位自由派大法官一起形成Majority,以 Michael Newdow, as a non-
custodial parent, did not have
发帖数: 594
我不懂法律,想请教polyester, 不知道Elk Grove Unified School District v.
Newdow 可否作为此案的前例。
无神论者Newdow 代表其女儿起诉Elk Grove Unified School District, 认为 Pledge
of Allegiance 中“Under God” 违宪。U.S. Magistrate Judge 则认为不违宪,The
US District Court 也同意其诠释, case dismissed. Newdow上诉到第九巡回法庭。
法庭判定 Newdow had the standing, 並且认为Pledge of Allegiance 中“Under
God” violated the Establishment Clause, 所以违宪,判决引发社会强烈反弹。最
后案子打到最高法院,Justice Kennedy又一次左右全局,连同四位自由派大法官一起
形成 Majority,以Michael Newdow, as a non-custodial parent, did not have