
全部话题 - 话题: note
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发帖数: 1311
来自主题: Accounting版 - 购买了MEGG's NOTE
haha~come on it's only 4.99
I bought REG too...taking it this Saturday
It's not that useful to me because
1. the order of the material is different from Becker
2. I guess the notes are mostly from Bisk, so some of them is not that clear
3. maggie put a stupid "thank you for using maggie's cpa note" on the top of
every page..
there's another set of free notes that's available online at cpanet which
basically are all the highlight of from becker. i think that's better. i use
it for BEC and AUD.
发帖数: 1311
来自主题: Accounting版 - Maggie notes= 葵花宝典?
yah. the order is different from becker. that's why I don't like it too. And
that's why i feel the cpacfa note is more useful, as least they are in the
same order and talk about similar kind of thing.
BUT I would suggest you look at maggie's note for final review so that you
may get a different perspective of what to expect.~
I usually bring my notes with me and read it anywhere instead of the book~
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