热乎Glassdoor.com 面经:senior software engineer position
1. how to improve our website
2. how to make browser faster
3. how to make the page loading faster
4. how many doctor in US
5. tell me many reasons that can make the server down
1. describe the structure of the object you are working on, draw the diagram
on white board
2. how to improve the current structure design
3. how to deal with memory leak
4. implement priority queue, which data structure, how ... 阅读全帖
I have tried that. Say if object1 in thread1 and objct2 in thread2, obje
ct1 fire an event and objct2 catch the event, the first problem is that
the event is catched in thread1 instead of thread2. The second problem i
s that the thread1 is then blocked until the event catching is finished.