s*********u 发帖数: 517 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 Shanghai 讨论区 】
发信人: stinkybimbu (stinkybimbu), 信区: Shanghai
标 题: 在上海的话,怎么找offordable的宾馆
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 7 09:59:48 2011, 美东)
比如200-300/天左右的,谢谢! |
k*****u 发帖数: 6 | 2 刚才跟Houston的代理商General Manager Kawai Piano Gallery的Evie Offord联系了
,她说现在手上有5个人有意向团购。如果你也感兴趣团购Kawai 300 ($6000, all
inclusive: piano, bench , delivery tax.)请直接和她联系。她email回复非常快。
Evie Offord.
[email protected]/* */
General Manager Kawai Piano Gallery |
h**********c 发帖数: 4120 | 3 probably your firms are better funded than CIA, FBI and NSA that could
offord such effort to screen people.
while returning back the society failed deadlines, horrible user experience
and angry applicants.
I don't think the applicants refused by US Army, Marine Corp complained that
What you guys are doing? |
r******i 发帖数: 2662 | 4 then there is no reason for you to be mad, : ) cuz obviously you can
offord that kind of money.
think of it this way, if he doesn't buy anything for himself, would you like
to give him some nice gifts on holidays and anniversaries? are you willing
to spend $$$ just to spoil him?
well, if you are still not happy...buy some fancy stuff for yourself and
treat urself good.
it is really no need to fight over such trivial things in the first month
lah...the wellbeing of your baby and urself is way m... 阅读全帖 |
I*M 发帖数: 1533 | 5 As one of the ppl who lived in Seattle and New York City
Before NM opened in Sep 2009, there was only one decent department store in
seattle-Nordstrom. Ppl who with basic shopping experience know that JCp<
the top lines, it is in fact a much more decent department store than
Bloomie in NYC.
The new mall where NM locates,I never go since I don't think I could offord
btw, I lived in Time Warner in the city. |
i**e 发帖数: 19242 | 6 恩,很有些道理
experience 是指学校之外的体验么?家庭生活方式吗?
什么样的Education,Environment 和Experience更有利于孩子的成长以致成功呢?
Can we offord it? |
s*****o 发帖数: 26 | 7 休斯顿地区想团购Kawai K300的姐妹,刚才Kawai的经理给我发email,说她手里有5个人
I have 5 more so tell your people to bring their money in or call store with
credit card payment and we can close group in a week.
请尽快和Evie Offord 联系,她的email是: [email protected]
/* */ ,手机:832-374-
6764 。你们可以说是Mei 让你们和她联系的,这样她就知道了。 |
k*****u 发帖数: 6 | 8 我有问Houston的代理商General Manager Kawai Piano Gallery的Evie Offord.她报的
Kawai K300的团购价格6000,all inclusive. piano, bench , delivery tax. 但她说
我还问了Dallas地区的两个dealers, 他们拒绝通过email或者电话透露价格,只能
Houston本地代理。 |
l******y 发帖数: 305 | 9 涨价了?记得以前不到6000的。这个价位和雅马哈U3比哪个更值?
[在 kekedou (kekedou) 的大作中提到:]
:我有问Houston的代理商General Manager Kawai Piano Gallery的Evie Offord.她报
的Kawai K300的团购价格6000,all inclusive. piano, bench , delivery tax. 但她
:我还问了Dallas地区的两个dealers, 他们拒绝通过email或者电话透露价格,只能
:........... |
w******t 发帖数: 471 | 10 here are the reasons they got to my final list:
1. Both are reliable
2. Both are relatively safe
3. Both have good off-road ability (actually, LX 470 is one of the best)
4. Both are around $30K, which I can still offord.
5. Both have the capacity of sitting 6 people.
6. Both have OK towing capcity. (Tundra is pretty good)
7. Both have VERY strong frame. |
f*******g 发帖数: 3304 | 11 所以说上珠峰也不是遥不可及 和全程SUB3 的道理一样 虽然都难 但也DOABLE
只是能 OFFORD SUB3 的人更多罢了 |
C******e 发帖数: 905 | 15 没事儿就叫Meryl,还咱俩咱俩的。哈哈。
还说她不能再offord被提名更多次了。 |
C******e 发帖数: 905 | 16 没事儿就叫Meryl,还咱俩咱俩的。哈哈。
还说她不能再offord被提名更多次了。 |
x**********3 发帖数: 1572 | 23 没有没有, 不是这意思。
二十年前我在上海做过宾馆前台, 那时的标准间就是$250。 可能是离家时间长了,
拎不清了。 |
t******n 发帖数: 6242 | 24 哪个宾馆 90年 的标准间 要 250美元? 好豪华高档。
, |
x**********3 发帖数: 1572 | 25 那时凡是外资的五星级都是这个 WALKING-IN 价钱. 有时还会出现超过100%的
U****6 发帖数: 2175 | 26 89年我进某外企, 工厂在闵行开发区, 太远, 公司给我们部门在衡山宾馆租了四套标间
做办公室, 记得每间房是25美金一天. 当年我最想不通的是, 我们外方老板在中国六
个城市(在北京, 上海, 广州等六城市有工厂)都有长包房, 上海是在波特曼, 有时候
他离开上海一两个月, 房间还是开着. |
x**********3 发帖数: 1572 | 27 原来是老阿哥, 寡乏的纲咸话路子噶正。
衡山宾馆我麽进起过, 衡山电影院倒是经常起额。
顺达便问一尚, 弄进哦外企阿是 BASF? |
C**********e 发帖数: 3957 | 28 哎,超过预算100的,但是景观超级嗲的
可以接受罚 |
t******n 发帖数: 6242 | 30 谁给科普一下,“号头”是日、星期、还是月?
//blush,虽然在上海念了7年半大学+研究生,讨了个上海老婆,上海话还是基本听不懂 |
a******n 发帖数: 11246 | 34 恩,估计walk-in价钱比网上定贵不少。
算下来$100左右。也不是很贵。 |
U****6 发帖数: 2175 | 36 侬老大, 侬20年前在上海做过宾馆前台. 我不在 BASF. |
p********i 发帖数: 12365 | 37 莫泰168 如家 汉庭什么的
比如200-300/天左右的,谢谢! |
p********i 发帖数: 12365 | 38 加个服务就贵了
算下来$100左右。也不是很贵。 |
I**R 发帖数: 1309 | 39 depends on ur expections/status.
if u r satisfied, why bother?(u cannot get 50% more anyway, if you can only
get 1000 more, does it really matter?)
if it will crash u totally in case they pull it back after u ask more,can u
offord it? |
c******o 发帖数: 528 | 40 nod nod..
and Gao Tie/Dong che ticket is expensive and 一般老百姓 cannot offord it.
From WX to Chong Qing, discount flight ticket is only 520 RMB( inclding gas
and airport fee) but Dong che is about 1000 RMB |