h********o 发帖数: 3320 | 1 SPX OPTION对一般人没有限制,根本就不是机构专用,你不要在这里误导。另外,SPX
premium和SPY都是一样的,根本不存在SPY premium更多这一说,请你不要误导。cash
settled european style option是优势。SPX option一周至少三次,多于SPY。SPY
是SPX的十分之一,操作SPX option对资金是有点要求,但是要求也不是太高。你自己
愿意操作哪个是你的自由,但是最好不要误导别人。 |
h********o 发帖数: 3320 | 2 举个例子,比如TWTR,在上周季报之后TWTR大涨,一下子涨到了16块多。我认为TWTR短
期内还会再涨,所以就买了一些TWTR的call option。上周TWTR当天涨到了16块多,我
准备long TWTR。我买了5/5到期的TWTR 15的call,属于ITM call。买15块钱的call是
因为发现当时15块钱的CALL extrinsic value只有0.1 - 0.2之间,而我认为TWTR要涨
肯定不会只涨这么一点0.1 - 0.2基本上处于在日内波动范围之内,所以我花1.4买了5/
5到期的TWTR 15的call,大部分都是intrinsic value,基本上等同于我只用1.4美元一
股买了16块多一股的TWTR股票。几天TWTR涨到了18.3一股,而我买的5/5到期的TWTR 15
long TWTR股票。同时最大损失也不过就1.4美元一股。其实就是相当于long TWTR with
protective put。
当然也可以选择买OTM option,价格更便宜。... 阅读全帖 |
x*********n 发帖数: 28013 | 3 其实特别简单。
option定价原则基本就是time + 各种parameter,date to expiration是一个基本原则
1. 如果是单边行情,比如一直涨,一直跌,这个30天就搞挂你。
2. 如果是earning date靠近,越靠近earning date,option越贵,那么short premium
large volume,是趋势! |
x*********n 发帖数: 28013 | 4 其实特别简单。
option定价原则基本就是time + 各种parameter,date to expiration是一个基本原则
1. 如果是单边行情,比如一直涨,一直跌,这个30天就搞挂你。
2. 如果是earning date靠近,越靠近earning date,option越贵,那么short premium
large volume,是趋势! |
E***r 发帖数: 1037 | 5 “IV固定的情况下,options定价太高” 这个说法不正确。
IV (implied volatility) 实际是 volatility implied by option prices...
供不应求、买方把某个 strike 的 option price 给 bid 高了,
该 strike 的 IV 就升高了。IV 就是 option price 的反映。 |
x********i 发帖数: 599 | 6 我有twtr的股票仓位,从16块hold到现在,因为觉得股票还有上涨的可能,但是觉得$
option来保护,我的心里卖价是$25,所以strike price就是定的$25,OE是1月19日,
真心请教各位大牛是否合理。谢谢!🙏 |
h********e 发帖数: 1972 | 7 我操option有7年了。这两年赚了大概几十万吧,没数过。最早5年一开始总是买put赌
来开始long 权重股3-6个月的期权。这种策略遇到牛市基本50%胜率是有的,如果熊市
这都是吓人的,其实是洗盘,每天5%常有的事儿,庄家太狠。但是真的你说... 阅读全帖 |
m*****a 发帖数: 2609 | 8 针对大牛说的,我也说下自己的感觉。菜鸟也罢,大牛也罢,权且看看。
//can't agree more。菜鸟们,你们不是牛人,别碰那些penny stock,少碰high
短期trading,你的入点重要性会下降。不过这种情况下... 阅读全帖 |
p******e 发帖数: 528 | 9 请问如果去买一个SPY的put option,这个option在6/1过期。我在它过期的同一天又买了
一个过期日期更长的put。那么我在第一个put上的capital loss能用来claim loss吗?
对于stock,这肯定是不行的,但是对于put option,我的这2个put有不同的时间价值
其实是不同的option。那么在这种情况下会引发wash sale吗?谢谢! |
w******g 发帖数: 2047 | 10 新手不碰option怎么能成长?注意做好Hedge,慢慢就好了
:抄底就买正股就好了 |
l***y 发帖数: 74 | 11 We had about $20K gain from exercising stock options. That gain shows in our
W-2 as both included in wage and an item marking it as stock option
exercise. We also have about $16K losses in selling stocks. We use Turbotax.
We thought that the $16K loss can offset the $20K gain, but it seems that
Turbox tax only allows us to take $3000 loss, and not let the remaining
offset the gain from stock option. Can somebody tell us whether the gain
from exercising stock option is treated as normal income or |
t********n 发帖数: 253 | 12 可能问题比较菜。 2012年有卖股票 和 公司option,股票亏钱 option有赚。 option
的收入算入当年w2. 1099 有20的手续费loss。 2013 卖股票有gain。 请问我可以把
2012的loss + 20 作为loss carry forward 吗?不清楚2012的option 有gain 是不是
已经抵消loss了。 多谢! |
j*****0 发帖数: 629 | 13 我现在是H4签证,已经在读书,无奖学金,州内学费。
OPTION 1 - 现在申请F1
CONCERN :1)F1后,是不是就只能付州外学费?贵好多。
OPTION 2 - 毕业前转F1
OPTION 3 - 不转
纠结啊,恳请大侠指点!!不胜感激!! |
j***n 发帖数: 1471 | 14 在job版精华区考古了半天,还是没有搞清楚。麻烦帮我看看这个条款应该怎么理解:
Stock Option Program Subject to the approval of our Board of Directors, you
will be granted an incentive stock option under our 2009 Stock Incentive
Plan (the “Plan”) for the purchase of an aggregate of xxxx shares of our
common stock, subject to adjustment for stock splits, combinations or other
recapitalizations (the “Initial Stock Option Grant”). The per-share
exercise price will be equal to the per-share fair market value of the
common stock on the dat... 阅读全帖 |
N****g 发帖数: 2829 | 15 最近跳槽去一家pre-IPO 的startup,offer里说给了5万股Stock Option(不是RSU),
Stock option。问了HR,HR说最近正在进行新一轮的venture capital funding,要再
说4年vesting time从我进公司那天开始算。
但我还是感觉很奇怪,为啥要等新的股票价格定了才能给我stock option agreement,
如果股价比现在涨了,我不是亏了?不是很懂Stock Option运作方式,还请大侠指教。 |
i*****a 发帖数: 572 | 16 已经在startup工作一年了,公司当初的offer letter上说会给5000股的common stock
。但是没有说stock options的价格。我查了一下,这个stock options应该是公司免费
送给我的,所以没有购买stock options这一说。
公司短期内没有上市的打算。如果我下个月走人,我可以卖这些stock options吗?如
果可以,卖价怎么定?在哪里卖? |
T******g 发帖数: 21328 | 17 http://venturehacks.com/articles/option-pool-shuffle
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The Option Pool Shuffle
April 10th, 2007
“Follow the money card!”
– The Inside Man, Three-Card Shuffle
Summary: Don’t let your investors determine the size of the option pool for
you. Use a hiring plan to justify a small option pool, increase your share
price, and increase your effect |
D**0 发帖数: 2048 | 18 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
neoflash (neoflash) 于 (Wed Dec 22 01:31:55 2010, 美东) 提到:
bellybutton (bellybutton) 于 (Wed Dec 22 01:36:22 2010, 美东) 提到:
弄个starbucks的iphone app,有所有drink的options
neoflash (neoflas... 阅读全帖 |
N****g 发帖数: 2829 | 19 最近跳槽去一家pre-IPO 的startup,offer里说给了5万股Stock Option(不是RSU),
Stock option。问了HR,HR说最近正在进行新一轮的venture capital funding,要再
说4年vesting time从我进公司那天开始算。
但我还是感觉很奇怪,为啥要等新的股票价格定了才能给我stock option agreement,
如果股价比现在涨了,我不是亏了?不是很懂Stock Option运作方式,还请大侠指教。 |
v******r 发帖数: 69 | 20
3) option exercise price is usually 一般 much lower than the valuation price
, even when there is a valuation before you start date; e.g., 40 cents vs 3
dollars. Your options are usually from an option pool set aside much earlier
, for well managed startups. Even new option pool commonly have price set
lower than valuation.
Only when closer to IPO, the exercise price rises as fast as valuation. It
is fair.
Usually don't worry, they will give you a low striking price. Of course,
there are always a... 阅读全帖 |
s******n 发帖数: 158 | 21 如果你看到近来,GOOG, AMZN, AAPL options, 潜力有多大!
You can have 5~20 times, 500~2000% profits in a day, or a month, if U bet
right. 就是错80%, 你也会够本。 如果正确80%, making 200~500%.
本人有多年Option trading experience, 支付的commision 很多了。也被别人称为高
手、 专家,甚至还有崇拜者。有经验也有教训。本人认为, 天外有天。股市没有专家
本人认为成功秘籍是, 4-3-2-1
40% Option Strategy
30% Technical
20% Fundamental
10% Pure Luck
For GOOG AMZN, AAPL in the month of Jan, 一直买call, 或一直买Put 都有赚大钱
好的strategy让人减少压力, 增加利润。比如, AMZN出earnings以后, 即使买 2
Call/ 1 Put (bullish bet, 后... 阅读全帖 |
s*****n 发帖数: 2174 | 22 那个$1是指strike price. 就是你以后可以在一定时间内(比如十年)以$1/股的价格认
这个具体说来有些复杂, 不是一句两句能说清, 简单来说:
一种是按照fund raising的价格来估计每一股多少钱, 比如说某一轮融资, 某投资方投
30万获得10万股, 那么每股就是$3(注意这一般是preferred share价格, 不是common
shares, preferred share更值钱, 但是这里不细说这个区别).
另一种是409A valuation, 也就是一定意义上的客观估价. 员工拿option, strike
price好像都是按照409A的估价, 也就$1/一股.
假若若干年后, 你的option全部释放了, 当时股票是$10块钱一股, 那么你的option就
5万股 x ($10 - $1) = $45万
这些option现在而言, 简单的价值计算就是
5万股 x ($3 - $1) = $10万. 当然这里还是忽略preferred share和common share的区别 |
k********1 发帖数: 244 | 23 buyer在同时递offer的时候就应该想到会有这样的可能。你的agent没有提醒你吗?
offer的合同上清楚地写着option fee的金额和时间,如果选择了option fee, buyer
,那就option period里中止合约,你只损失一两百的option fee, 否则理论上seller
可以诉你违约, 要求补偿。 |
k********1 发帖数: 244 | 24 buyer在同时递offer的时候就应该想到会有这样的可能。你的agent没有提醒你吗?
offer的合同上清楚地写着option fee的金额和时间,如果选择了option fee, buyer
,那就option period里中止合约,你只损失一两百的option fee, 否则理论上seller
可以诉你违约, 要求补偿。 |
M****o 发帖数: 4860 | 25 http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1683518-5-point-guard-option
The Houston Rockets' two biggest problems last year were back-to-the-basket
scoring and their overall subpar point guard play. When it comes to finding
a back-to-the-basket scorer, the team is looking into solving that as soon
as possible, with free-agent centers Dwight Howard and Andrew Bynum on the
When it comes to addressing point guards of the future, the options won’t
be laid out so plainly.
With a boatload of... 阅读全帖 |
v*******c 发帖数: 13 | 26 This is an article for california.scout.com:
Understanding the spread option offense Premium Story
cleaner spread option offense image
By Ted Lee
Staff Writer
Posted Aug 16, 2006
When Cal head coach Jeff Tedford announced plans to use the spread option
offense, many Bear fans were restrained in their enthusiasm. Some feared
that Cal would adopt a Texas Tech-like offense with five receivers and wide
splits. To others, the spread option brought back nightmares of the ill-
fated dalliance w |
S*******r 发帖数: 11017 | 27 今天下午跟一个公司里一个牛TRADER套磁,看能不能有机会跟他混。吹了自己一通以后
牛Trader想了想对我说,那你懂Spread Option吗?
突然想起来,在金融里 spread option是option on spread between 2 assets
看了多么年college football,学了这么多年金融工程,居然没有发现spread option
是个跨学科名词。。。 |
w********2 发帖数: 16371 | 28 By Brendan Conway
For once, the contrarian Apple (AAPL) trade is to be bullish. With hours to
go until the iPad maker’s quarterly earnings report, the stock is down 2.1%
at $559.72. But here’s an even more vivid sign. The PowerShares QQQ‘s (
QQQ) equity options are the most bearish-looking in nearly six years, says
Dow Jones Newswires’ Kaitlyn Kiernan:
Worries about a postearnings Apple (AAPL) slump is spreading. Options
activity in the PowerShares QQQ (QQQ) ETF, which tracks the Nasdaq 100,... 阅读全帖 |
S***k 发帖数: 370 | 29 I guess the simplest way is count the number of options using javascript
when the number needs to be shown.
A tracing variable may be helpful too. It might depend on how the buttons
add/remove options. If the option is added/removed by javascript, a counter
may be declared to trace the change. If the option is added/removed in code-
behind, a hidden field may be used to keep tracing. |
yb 发帖数: 171 | 30 After I change my options for XEmacs (I mean color,
size....) and save them in the menu Options-->Save Options,
when I open another XEmacs window it will automatically
change all options back for the new window. How can I save
Thanks |
a******l 发帖数: 702 | 31 谢谢
问题比较复杂,其实是CEO拿到这个option但是在expire date时忘记exercise了,公司
讨论要不要再次issue他这个option,如果issue的话,是否要recognize 1 百万的
expense, 这个1百万是option的worth(market price-stick price的)
the |
r*****t 发帖数: 286 | 32 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
acar (心中的阳光) 于 (Sun Feb 4 03:57:47 2007) 提到:
如果已知一个european call在同一种stock, 同一个时间起始点,
同一个到期时间,不同strike price的价格,能否用买卖不同strike
price的call option实现与digital option相同的payoff?谢谢!
andyleee (pp) 于 (Sun Feb 4 04:05:18 2007) 提到:
halo (凭栏谁忆旧江东) 于 (Sun Feb 4 10:07:31 2007) 提到:
digital option是等同于binary option 还是只指其中的cash-or-nothing? Thanks!
☆─────────── |
B*********h 发帖数: 800 | 33 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
dArtagnan (达达尼昂) 于 (Sat Jun 30 21:53:39 2007) 提到:
Icare (土豆自风流) 于 (Sat Jun 30 23:01:09 2007) 提到:
Holder of the option typically means the one who has a long position in the
If you are short an option you are called the writer of the option.
dArtagnan (达达尼昂) 于 (Sun Jul 1 15:06:58 2007) 提到:
为什么我会产生关于holder到底是long还是 |
k***a 发帖数: 22 | 34 LongWayTooGo:
#2 question can be decomposed into a spread option (on two options, which has analytic solution) + an underlying option (which is plain vanilla).
PDE is a bit complicated (because of the correlation between two underlying
options, is differrent from the correlation between two underlying prices themselves). If strike 1 <> strike 2, I think no analytic solution (but I am not so sure). |
p********0 发帖数: 186 | 35 I am reading "Option Future and Derivatives" John Hull's book chapter 11
the no-arbitrage one -step binomal model,
Assume current price $20, future 22, 18 the call option for $21 is 0.633
I used the same formula but adjust the future price to be $24 and $20, the
call option for $21 is 0.443.
So the potential of high return on call option $3 vs $1 actually cost less? |
p********0 发帖数: 186 | 36 Intuitively, people should be able to get an idea of the public opinion
about stock price in a month.
Assume at the money option, call option price is far expensive than put
option. which means everyone think the stock will go up so call at the money
cost more than sell at the money.
So the expected return should be positive.
But I heard prof. mentioned that option price only related to the volatility
, not depend on future return, so what's the rational behind it? |
s*******r 发帖数: 63 | 37 thanks a lot.
what about the first question:
how do you synthetically create binary put options from binary call
from wiki, it says "CBOE only offers calls, as binary put options are
trivial to create synthetically from binary call options."
I'm wondering how.
and |
d********t 发帖数: 9628 | 38 One option should be optimal:
1. Less transaction fees.
2. How the index is constructed is unknown here. The index might not be the
simple sum of the 30 stocks.
3. The index is likely to have higher liquidity than the individual stocks.
Thus, the option on the index is supposed to have higher liquidity than
options on individual stocks.
4. The relationship among 30 options could be very hard to explore. |
z****i 发帖数: 406 | 39 the price of a binary option is the risk-neutral probability that the option
will be exercised.
so generally speaking, as vol increases, in-the-money option prices decrease
, out-of-the-money option prices increase. |
l***e 发帖数: 108 | 40 equity要比option好吗? 最近拿到个offer,那边既做omm(包括option taking)也做
equity。有什么建议? |
z*g 发帖数: 110 | 41 these call/put options have in-symmetric pay-off. When in the money, option
pays, when out of money, option pay 0.
So when vol increase, underlying price move more, more chance to in the
money, pay off linearly increase, also more chance to out of money, but out
of money is 0 payoff anyway. So, overall, the option price increase.
this applies to both call or puts. |
r**a 发帖数: 536 | 42 I can understand your statement for the perpetual options. For the perpetual
calls, the price is equal to the price of stocks (see Steve's method of
mathematical finance). But this is really different with the non-perpetual
call whose price is definitly not equal to the price of stocks. What I am
challeging the initial statement is for the non-perpetual american call it
is not correct. You can't ignore the max. Further, I do not think \tau\in[0,
T]\cup{\infty} is equivalent to saying \tau\in[0,\... 阅读全帖 |
S*******s 发帖数: 13043 | 43 it is quite a straight forward question. vanilla option's price is
monotonous. its loss is its future price minus its current price, also
monotonous. so given same VaR percentile, say 95%, the underlying price to
that perntile is the same and less than current price. in that case, just
draft the chart of two option with different strike, easily to find that ITM
option has larger loss than th ATM option. |
l*******1 发帖数: 113 | 44 You hold an American call on company S that will expire in one year. The
stock is currently priced in the market at 100, and your exercise price is
75. In six months the company will spin-off one of its subsidiaries, B. Note
that the options will not be adjusted for the spin-off, and the shares you
can buy with your options will not receive shares in B. Your company will,
independent of your options position, own a 10% share in the new company B.
Your company paid $15 for that position a month a... 阅读全帖 |
l******i 发帖数: 1404 | 45 我胡诌两句:
就是说在无jump情况下,option价格=用来hedge option的portfolio A价格=C(S_0, 0),
现在有jump了,portfolio A不能完全hedge了,会亏钱。
所以要在portfolio A的价格C(S_0, 0)上面加上一定的premium,
at |
w******g 发帖数: 271 | 46 hi , Da Niu!!
I'm now working on pricing FX barrier option using Vanna Volga method.
This is a link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanna_Volga_pricing
My question is: it looks like V-V method is just adding an adjustment
to the BS price, then what is the implied vol of the option then? What will
be the vega/vanna/volga of the option then?
I have this question because in this paper : http://maint.ssrn.com/?abstract_id=1380063,
in the introduction it says the vanna volga method is to hedge out the... 阅读全帖 |
f**x 发帖数: 4325 | 47 risk-neutral的唯一原因,是银行每卖一个option,都要买等效的underlying(stock)
90 |
p**5 发帖数: 2544 | 49 http://stat.rutgers.edu/~kolassa/Graduate/msoptions.html
Optional Curricula for the MS in Statistics
Students may complete one of the three optional curricula as part of their
MS program. May also choose to do none of these options. The notes on the MS
degree also apply.
Option in Quality and Productivity Management
Eight required core courses in Statistics:
1. Regression Analysis (960:563)
2. Basic Probability (960:580) or Introduction to Methods and Theory of
Probability (960:582)
3. Metho |