

全部话题 - 话题: orbit
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发帖数: 1047
来自主题: Chemistry版 - 量子化学已经接近完全死亡了
你丫就是想说tight binding是a very simple linear combination of atomic
orbitals molecular orbitals?
The Hückel method or Hückel molecular orbital method (HMO) proposed by
Erich Hückel in 1930, is a very simple linear combination of atomic
orbitals molecular orbitals (LCAO MO) method for the determination of
energies of molecular orbitals of pi electrons in conjugated hydrocarbon
systems, such as ethene, benzene and butadiene.[1][2] It is the theoretical
basis for the Hückel's rule; the extended Hückel m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 901
A rocket carrying NASA's newest climate satellite failed to reach orbit
today (March 4) and likely crashed into the southern Pacific Ocean after its
nose cone failed to separate on time, space agency officials said.
The rocket, a four-stage Taurus XL booster, launched from a seaside pad at
California's Vandenberg Air Force Base at about 2:10 a.m. PST (1010 GMT)
carrying NASA's $424 million Glory satellite to study Earth's climate.
"We failed to make orbit," NASA launch director Omar Baez told re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6643
没听说过是你自己无知。这只能说明你是个很容易被骗的无知之徒, 你又要凭你自己的无知骂人,你又无耻了。
揭露 BIG-BANG 是披着科学外衣的宗教,这在10年前就有很多文章了。
by Michael Rivero
Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was this guy named Aristotle.
Pretty sharp fellow; he thought up a lot of good things. But, occasionally
he made a mistake.
One mistake he made was to toss an orange up in the air and watch it come
straight back down to his hand. Aristotle reasoned that if he was moving,
the orange would have flown... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4877
来自主题: Military版 - 三哥得火星探测器什么状况了?
欧空局的。 不知道测控全是NASA来做。
Time to romance the red planet
Ch Sushil Rao, TNN | Nov 12, 2013, 04.22 PM IST
HYDERABAD: And now, it's time to romance the red planet Mars. Such is the
interest that has been generated on the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) of the
Indian Space Research Agency (Isro) launched on November 5 that a primary
school student Aditya has dashed off a letter to the agency on how happy he
was at the launch of the mars orbiter. Naturally quite happy with... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 35437
Satellites in geostationary orbit must all occupy a single ring above the
Equator. The requirement to space these satellites apart to avoid harmful
radio-frequency interference during operations means that there are a
limited number of orbital "slots" available, thus only a limited number of
satellites can be operated in geostationary orbit. This has led to conflict
between different countries wishing access to the same orbital slots (
countries near the same longitude but differing latitudes) a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7594
Now we know how Elon Musk plans to get 1 million people to Mars.
At a conference in Mexico today (Sept. 27), the SpaceX founder and CEO
unveiled the company's Interplanetary Transport System (ITS), which will
combine the most powerful rocket ever built with a spaceship designed to
carry at least 100 people to the Red Planet per flight.
If all goes according to plan, the reusable ITS will help humanity establish
a permanent, self-sustaining colony on the Red Planet within the next 50 to
100 years... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2469
来自主题: Military版 - 为什么国际空间站不邀请中国
中国怕啥 是美国怕好不好
The Silly Reason the Chinese Aren't Allowed on the Space Station
Welcome home: Nie Haisheng is helped out of his Shenzhou 10 spacecraft
after a 15-day mission in 2013.
Welcome home: Nie Haisheng is helped out of his Shenzhou 10 spacecraft after
a 15-day mission in 2013. AFP/Getty Images
MAY 29, 2015
Kluger is Editor at Large for TIME.
Geopolitics can be child’s play—literally. How else would you describe the
did-not! did-too! brawl that can result when one co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8422
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: snowfish888 ($Player$), 信区: Military
标 题: NASA's satellite fell into Ocean, costing more than $N00M
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 4 15:43:00 2011, 美东)
A rocket carrying NASA's newest climate satellite failed to reach orbit
today (March 4) and likely crashed into the southern Pacific Ocean after its
nose cone failed to separate on time, space agency officials said.
The rocket, a four-stage Taurus XL booster, launched from a seaside pad at
California's Vandenberg Air Forc... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
31,487 U.S. Scientists Reject Global Warming Hoax
A growing list of 31,487 U.S. scientists (and counting) has signed a
petition strongly rejecting as unproven the hypothesis of man-made global
warming or climate change. These signers include four NASA astronauts, at
least two Nobel Prize winning physicists, 9,029 Ph.D.s and some of the
nation’s top climatologists. Only U.S. scientists are included in this
particular petition. Only relevant scientific fields are included.
Ball-and-stick model of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: ddsd (ddsd), 信区: USANews
标 题: 31,487 U.S. Scientists Reject Global Warming Hoax
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 4 18:29:02 2017, 美东)
31,487 U.S. Scientists Reject Global Warming Hoax
A growing list of 31,487 U.S. scientists (and counting) has signed a
petition strongly rejecting as unproven the hypothesis of man-made global
warming or climate change. These signers include four NASA astronauts, at
least two Nobel Prize winning physicists, 9,029 Ph.D.s and some of the
natio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
Principal Composite Structure Analysis Engineer Job
Orbital ATK 163 reviews - Irvine, CA
Job ID: TS20160405-35223
With annual revenues in of nearly $4.5 billion, over 12,000 employees, and
operations in about 20 states, Orbital ATK is a company on the move. Our
mission is to ensure that our customers accomplish their mission — whether
it’s a technological breakthrough, a satellite launch, or protecting our
nation. The company is the world’s leading supplier of solid rocket motors,
a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27968
like PH1b? this is a double binary system where 2 close binary pairs orbit
each other
while PH1b orbits one of the pairs.
or the famous Gliese 667 C sysstem, which is a triple, where a pairs of
close binary orbiting far away while up to 7 planets only orbiting the C
so far, none of the planets found so orbits a triple as whole.
发帖数: 43471
来自主题: Joke版 - 牛顿力学才出来四百年呀
Einstein's Relativity and Everyday Life
By Clifford M. Will
Earth viewed from space
What good is fundamental physics to the person on the street?
This is the perennial question posed to physicists by their non-science
friends, by students in the humanities and social sciences, and by
politicians looking to justify spending tax dollars on basic science. One of
the problems is that it is hard to predict definitely what the payback of
basic physics will be, though few dispute that physics is someho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6612
You messed up the whole MRCISD space and the active space (reference)
space. The number of active orbitals I used is THREE (like HOMO-1, HOMO,
LUMO). I used TWO virtual orbitals for demonstrating the external space
MRCI. Usually there are more virtual orbitals. Virtual orbitals do not
have any occupancy in reference configurations.
I changed previous post and removed the two virtual orbitals from the
reference configurations.

发帖数: 320

Vortex radio waves could boost wireless capacity “infinitely”
After four years of incredulity and not-so-gentle mocking, Bo Thide of the
Swedish Institute of Space Physics and a team in Italy have finally proven
that it’s possible to simultaneously transmit multiple radio channels over
exactly the same wireless frequency. In theory, according to Thide, we could
potentially transmit an “infinite number” of TV, radio, WiFi, and
cellular channels at the same time over the same frequency, blasting ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1233
来自主题: Military版 - 【转】Akatsuki金星入轨失败
Japan's Akatsuki probe fails to enter Venus orbit
Japan's first space probe bound for Venus has failed to enter the planet's
orbit, the country's space agency says.
The space craft, Akatsuki, is believed to have passed Venus after it failed
to slow down sufficiently.
Akatsuki, launched about 200 days ago, fired its main engine just before
0000 GMT on Monday to allow the planet's gravity to capture the probe.
A previous interplanetary sp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12955

Now I know you are just plain stupid. I said YOU couldn't tell, not
EVERYONE couldn't tell. It pefectly explains why you have no logic in your
For other people who are curious, here's a very brief explaination to show
why people working at receiving stations would notice. If moon landing didn
't happen, haven't even left earth orbit as some say, the telemetry data and
TV signal would have to be sent from earth orbit. Then the people
orientating the receiving station antenna ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Military版 - Cosco
Cosco | Can Pay, Won’t; A big Chinese shipping firm takes shareholder value
to extremes. Economist,
Aug 27, 2011
(Cosco "signed numerous long-term contracts a couple of years ago, when
rates were around $50,000 a day for a 'Capesize' vessel, four to five times
their current levels" in price)
(a) capesize
(b) Neena Rai, Chinese Shipping Row Creates Wake: Cosco slammed on charges
it halted payments for charters; Moo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 42116
Kwangmyŏngsŏng-1, 31 August 1998
The United States initially claimed the launch was a test of a Taepodong-1
intercontinental ballistic missile,[9] however it later agreed that the
rocket's trajectory indicated an orbital launch attempt.
Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2, 5 April 2009
According to The Christian Science Monitor, South Korean experts asserted
that the satellite was a dummy. Myung Noh-hoon, director of the Space
Research Centre at KAIST was quoted as saying "They cannot have been... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 455
“If the United States loses the strategic high ground of high-earth orbit [
from a Chinese high-altitude ASAT missile], we are in real trouble,” said
one U.S. official.
U.S. Global Positioning System satellites, used for both navigation and
precision missile guidance, are located in mediu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
Secret Spaceplane, Mystery Mission
The Air Force’s secret space plane has been up in orbit for nearly 500 days
—a space endurance record. But nearly a year and a half into the mission,
the Pentagon still won’t say what the X-37B is doing up there, or when it
might come back.
The U.S. Air Force boosted the robotic X-37B atop the nose of an Atlas-5
rocket in December 2012. Since then it’s orbited the Earth thousands of
times, overflying such interesting places as No... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576

SpaceX plans to recover stages when customers allow
Encouraged by the soft landing of a Falcon 9 rocket's first stage in the
Atlantic Ocean after liftoff April 18, SpaceX plans a series of stage
retrieval tests over the next few months, but only on missions where the
launcher has enough leftover fuel to accomplish the complicated re-entry
maneuvers required to safely return a rocket to Earth.
SpaceX hopes the experiments will lead to returning a rocket i... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Data from USAF, Boeing, Air & Space Magazine,and PhysOrg.
General characteristics
Crew: none
Length: 29 ft 3 in (8.92 m)
Wingspan: 14 ft 11 in (4.55 m)
Height: 9 ft 6 in (2.90 m)
Max takeoff weight: 11,000 lb (4,990 kg)
Electrical power: Gallium arsenide solar cells with lithium-ion batteries
Payload bay: 7 × 4 ft (2.1 × 1.2 m)
Orbital speed: 28,044 km/h (17,426 mph)
Orbit: Low Earth orbit
Orbital time: 270 days (design)
发帖数: 994
来自主题: Military版 - “particularly
Investigation into Zuma failure reportedly lays blame on Northrop Grumman
April 9, 2018 Stephen Clark SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket lifted off Jan. 7 from
Cape Canaveral with the Zuma mission. Credit: SpaceX Government
investigators have exonerated SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket in the loss of a top
secret space mission known as Zuma in January, blaming a malfunction in a
component modified by Northrop Grumman that connected the launcher with its
classified payload, according to the Wall Street Journal. Ci... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1881
Test: Ocular MRI without and with contrast (under 20kg)
Right space-occupy... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2093
那个orbit baby也可以不用做公共的high chair的。 笑死, 我也不知道为啥我先生这
么说, 他就是不太喜欢那个设计可能, 当场就给否定了。 其实我觉的orbit baby更
stokke推起来感觉很不错的, 我觉的比orbit baby要好推, orbit baby那个重心,
实在让我搞不明白, 很容易就把车给翘起来了。
另外, stokke的颜色都很好看的, 我看了喜欢的不得了。

发帖数: 445
When Nokia CEO Stephen Elop announced that Nokia was abandoning its
development of its own smartphone platforms and APIs, and betting the farm
on somebody else's, many people asked why it was necessary.
Nokia had spent 15 years trying to develop and maintain its own software,
which it regarded as strategic to maintaining its independence. Elop's
decisions have ensured that Nokia didn't just get another option to run
alongside its own, but it would abandon these, writing off the investments
it ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1118
来自主题: Pics版 - 质子-M火箭发射
On 12nd of July 2011 the heaviest space mission vehicle “Proton-M” was
taken to the launching site. It can be launched only from “Baikonur”. Only
here exists the required infrastructure for its maintenance. The producer
of the vehicle guarantees it will serve not less than 12 years. The launch
was delayed three times and the vehicle was each time updated.
It took 3 hours to deliver the vehicle with power service and thermostatic
systems on. The speed of the special consist was 5-7 km/h. Special... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27968
you apparently have no idea what you are talking about
Do you have a link to discribe a triple system that is not young and chaotic?
"Most known planets orbit single stars, but some orbit one member of a
binary star system,[98] and several circumbinary planets have been
discovered which orbit around both members of binary star. A few planets in
triple star systems are known[99] and one in the quadruple system Kepler 64.
" from recent planet survey.
for all the planets in a triple system found, n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 43926
At the shorter extreme, Encke's Comet has an orbit that does not reach the
orbit of Jupiter, and is known as an Encke-type comet. Short-period comets
with orbital periods shorter than 20 years and low inclinations (up to 30
degrees) are called "Jupiter-family comets".[69][70] Those like Halley, with
orbital periods of between 20 and 200 years and inclinations extending from
zero to more than 90 degrees, are called "Halley-type comets".[71][72]
发帖数: 298
来自主题: Astronomy版 - CONTOUR Launched[zz]
By Jonathan McDowell
July 3, 2002 | At 2:47 a.m. EDT this morning, the Applied Physics Laboratory's
Contour comet probe launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, aboard a Delta 7425
rocket en route to its elliptical, 109,000-kilometer apogee orbit around
Earth. Contour (a contraction for Comet Nucleus Tour) will spend until August
15th in this parking orbit. On that date a solid-fuel rocket will put Contour
in its intended solar orbit. This new path will range between the orbits of
Venus and Mars,
发帖数: 1285
来自主题: Astronomy版 - questions
in http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/RealTime/JTrack/3D/JTrack3D.html
I saw that there are a lot of satellites in the geostationary orbit.
But there are also some points very close to the geostationary orbit
yet not exactly on it. Won't those satellites move around at high orbits?
why ppl do that?
ps, how can each satellite avoid each other? Are all the orbits of the
sattelites known to everyone? What about those military ones?
发帖数: 6612
I was talking about the external spaces of single reference method and
multi-reference method. In the multi-reference example, I used THREE
active orbitals and TWO virtual orbitals. That is why there are FIVE
orbitals. Also I chose only two configurations as reference
configurations, not a CAS.
MCSCF (CASSCF) are the references. The active space (or configurations)
of MCSCF is used as reference space (or configurations) for multi-
reference method.
MCSCF optimizes the molecular orbitals, whic
发帖数: 60932
Those of us who love our iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads love to find good
apps for them.
And those of us who love good Deals want to get them for good prices--
ideally, free.
I've found numerous sites listing various free apps for these Apple tech
toys, but so far the best site is this one:
Unlike other sites, this one doesn't waste time with the maybe dozens or
hundreds of free but low-rated or very-limited-appeal applications, but
seems to be focused... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 298
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - CONTOUR Launched[zz]
By Jonathan McDowell
July 3, 2002 | At 2:47 a.m. EDT this morning, the Applied Physics Laboratory's
Contour comet probe launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, aboard a Delta 7425
rocket en route to its elliptical, 109,000-kilometer apogee orbit around
Earth. Contour (a contraction for Comet Nucleus Tour) will spend until August
15th in this parking orbit. On that date a solid-fuel rocket will put Contour
in its intended solar orbit. This new path will range between the orbits of
Venus and Mars,
发帖数: 1285
来自主题: _Astronomy版 - questions
in http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/RealTime/JTrack/3D/JTrack3D.html
I saw that there are a lot of satellites in the geostationary orbit.
But there are also some points very close to the geostationary orbit
yet not exactly on it. Won't those satellites move around at high orbits?
why ppl do that?
ps, how can each satellite avoid each other? Are all the orbits of the
sattelites known to everyone? What about those military ones?
发帖数: 80
A Chinese satellite helped define the energy level of a newly discovered
gravitational wave — tiny ripples ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1846
Will China Launch an Anti-Satellite Test Soon?
Associated Press, By SPACE.com Staff | SPACE.com – 7 hrs ago..
China may be gearing up to perform a controversial anti-satellite test this
month, perhaps in the next week or two, some experts say.
For several months, rumors have been circulating within the United States
defense and intelligence communities that a Chinese anti-satellite test is
imminent, says Gregory Kulacki of the Union of Concerned Scientists. It
could even be ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1616
来自主题: Military版 - 北斗的静止轨道都发完了?
CNSS Regional and Global Capacity
? Regional Capacity(2011-2012)
Will cover China and adjacent areas with 12 satellites:
? 5 in geostationary orbits (GEOs)
? 3 inclined geosynchronous orbit s(IGSO)
? 4 in middle earth orbits (MEO)
? Global Capacity(2015-2020)
CNSS will comprise the full operational capability (FOC)
? 27 MEOs
? 5 GEOs
? 3 IGSOs
发帖数: 6858
来自主题: Military版 - 帝国的陨落
来源: ognc 于 2010-12-12 05:58:18 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话
] 本文已被阅读:254次 字体:调大/调小/重置 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加
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The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
By Alfred W. McCoy
December 11, 2010 "The Nation" - - A soft landing for America 40 years from
now? Don’t bet on it. The demise of the United States as the global
superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines. If Washington
is dreaming of 2040 or 2050 as the end of the American Century, a more
realistic asses... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10904
Did I say apollo hasn't even left earth orbit? I am actually ok with that
claim. If apollo actually does everything perfectly near the earth and on
moon orbit, how many would notice? 100? 1000? 10,000? Does your argument
still flies if that was what happened? The credibility comes from NASA, you
know how large it is. That doesn't mean the live videos are from the earth or moon orbit, though.
You bear some respect from me recently. By calling out me plain stupid you
lost it completely.

didn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12955

If you are ignorant of the subject, be a little bit more humble doesn't hurt
Two object on similar orbit will have very similar speed. That's determined
by physics. So there's absolutely no difficulty in keeping the relative
speed very low. The return module only need to gradually raise its orbit to
match the command module, all while keep a very safe distance away. Then
once the orbit matches, fire a thruster for a few seconds to gain speed on
the command module and wait for the grad... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4825
BY ONE well-known (if fictitious) criterion, the purpose of a space
programme is to boldly go where no man has gone before. China, however, has
a different plan: to boldly go back where men have already been.
Specifically, with the release on December 29th of an official space-policy
paper, it has said it wants to send people to the moon.
The last earthling to leave a footprint on the lunar surface, Eugene Cernan,
did so in 1972. He was (and is) American. A... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 536
Will China Launch an Anti-Satellite Test Soon?
Associated Press, By SPACE.com Staff | SPACE.com – 7 hrs ago..
China may be gearing up to perform a controversial anti-satellite test this
month, perhaps in the next week or two, some experts say.
For several months, rumors have been circulating within the United States
defense and intelligence communities that a Chinese anti-satellite test is
imminent, says Gregory Kulacki of the Union of Concerned Scientists. It
could even be ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 314
China fires 'anti-satellite rocket'
by: Michael Evans From: The Times, May 18
CHINA has test-fired a new long-range rocket capable of destroying
orbiting satellites, according to US intelligence assessments.
The launch of the interceptor, which reached an altitude of 10,000km, could
pose a serious threat to the US's military communications in the Asia-
Pacific region.
Communications and the navigation of carrier strike groups, surveillance
aircraft and long-range bombers operating from Guam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17328
In 2009, NASA's robotic Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, while orbiting 50
kilometers (31 mi) above the Moon, photographed the remnants of the Apollo
program left on the lunar surface, and photographed each site where manned
Apollo flights landed.[78][79] All of the U. S. flags left on the Moon
during the Apollo missions were found to still be standing, with the
exception of the one left during the Apollo 11 mission, which was blown over
during that mission's lift-off from the lunar surfa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 503
发帖数: 30882
来自主题: Military版 - “玉兔”登月 美国人炸锅了
“玉兔”登月 美国人炸锅了 各种评论
来源: 天天喝茶 于 2013-12-02 16:05:34 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文
已被阅读:868次 字体:调大/调小/重置 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加跟贴 |
原创]“玉兔”登月 美国人炸锅了 各种评论
中华黑鹰 环球风云 2013/12/2 15:11:30 57 37305
China Launches Lunar Probe In Major Milestone For Its Space Program
BEIJING, Dec 2 (Reuters) - China launched its first ever extraterrestrial
landing craft into orbit en route for the moon in the small hours of Monday,
in a major milestone for its space programme.
Th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33885
来自主题: Military版 - 美国民谣
Bullshit. The Chinese stole Russian Technology for the Shenzhou Spacecraft.
It is a copy of the Russian Soyuz. They also stole Russian Technology for
their Space Station, Tiangong-1. It is a copy of the Russian MIR Space
Both Russian Spacecraft are EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL DESIGNS. (In fact MIR-II IS
the Service Module of the CURRENT International Space Station.)
The Chinese are NOT INNOVATIVE. They STEAL TECHNOLOGY. This is the true
reason that the Chinese have been EXCLUDED from the Inter... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9751

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