d******r 发帖数: 5008 | 1
感谢上帝给反基们送来了杨解神,慕道友能直接学到很多东西。 |
E**********n 发帖数: 789 | 2 今儿又翻出法国大革命的资料看了一遍,依然觉得madame roland的遗言很是震撼 oh
liberté, que de crimes on commet en ton nom!(翻成中文大致就是感叹那些借自
由为名而犯下的种种罪恶)这是风华绝代的madame roland在上绞刑架之前留下的对雅
在The Go-between的开篇里写的那样, "the past is a foreign country: they do
things differently there." |
n*****g 发帖数: 626 | 3 Whether Goodwill Scholarship really works? Best answers
can be found in testimony from past awardees --
朱征林 2006/3/15
I am Liang, Shun, from USTC 0011, now in University of Illinois at
Chicago, Department of Computer Science fo |
a*******e 发帖数: 12169 | 4 全部截屏就按Print Screen,或者只接某个application,就点他,然后Alt+print
然后去Ctrl+V paste出来 |
a*******e 发帖数: 12169 | 5 有的照片,你就右键点击,然后copy,再去paste就可以了 |
c********n 发帖数: 4762 | 6 WP7准备从IPHONE G1走起。MS大智若愚啊, 单任务系统要COPY/PASTE干吗? 还有两星
期到愚人节, MS已经笑料一堆。
曾经看到PALM OS慢慢的毫无作为的死去,现在MS正在走一样的路。 |
g******z 发帖数: 5809 | 8 symbian 6不就支持copy paste文字了? |
z****g 发帖数: 3340 | 10 每次运行一个考试程序,copy/paste 就失灵,即使在其他文件也不行,造成极大不方
便。怎么改一下设置? |
x**x 发帖数: 92 | 11 Cut: Command+C (same as copy)
Paste: Command+Option+V |
z*****e 发帖数: 74 | 12 一直用windows,刚开始用mac,搞不定copy/paste from Mac term to X11 xterm.
Can someone please
help with it? I googled it and tried some posted methods, none of them
worked for me. Seems to me
it should not be too hard to get it work. I am using Mac OS X, 10.6.8.
Thanks |
z*****e 发帖数: 74 | 13 Can you try following and let me know if it works for you?
1: Open Mac terminal
2: Run: /usr/bin/X11/xterm &
3: In Mac terminal, copy some text in clipperboard
4: Go to X11 terminal to paste it.
Please let me know what key combination to get step 4 working. |
c********t 发帖数: 5706 | 14 问一下OSX mountain lion 里怎么能把copy/paste设成control+c/v, 而不是系统默认
多谢! |
A*******e 发帖数: 2419 | 16 你外接pc键盘有什么用?习惯动作是ctrl+c/v,但在mac里你必须cmd+c/v。做了键盘映
射,只能解决部分问题。当然也可以说是Google doc太笨。
么机器? |
t***o 发帖数: 1353 | 17 如何把sqlserver中run出来的结过存起来,或者paste到Excel中? |
j*****n 发帖数: 1781 | 18 bcp query out
copy & paste
save as... |
p***u 发帖数: 22 | 19 请问象ebay list description 哪个窗口得功能是怎么样实现得, 就是你从一个网页
copy, 再paste 过来, 就能保持格式,而且你还能view html code
Thanks! |
q**j 发帖数: 10612 | 20 能不能直接把这次新的thermo paste放上去?如果必须要清除,擦干净就好了么? |
N********n 发帖数: 13236 | 21 联想的笔记本风扇坏了,从ebay上买了个part,看youtube录像,好像要两样东西:
1)Thermal Paste Grease
请问local哪些店能找到这两样东西,都是必需的么?谢谢! |
c******n 发帖数: 16666 | 22 空气不是热的良传导体 所以用这个paste填补微小空隙加强传热
话说当年手缺个3m的导热垫就直接用了双面胶 居然效果也不错 |
F****n 发帖数: 3271 | 24 Java Tip 77: Enable copy and paste functionality between
Swing's JTables and Excel
This adapter makes it easy to transfer data from one type of
spreadsheet to the other
JTables and Excel charts are commonly used to display data
in a grid or table. Often, the data that the user wishes to
enter into a JTable already exists in Excel spreadsheets.
The Excel format is used for export-import functionality by
software other than Excel. Because of this, it is important
that Java software also pr |
h***u 发帖数: 214 | 25 怎末copy
this is a test
paste 成
谢谢 |
w*********t 发帖数: 928 | 26 是个bug吧。
一开virtualbox, host就不能paste了。
3.0.2 |
c**t 发帖数: 2744 | 27 why are there missing lines in merged file?
[proc]:/path/to/data> wc -l In1.csv
201100 In1.csv
[proc]:/path/to/data> wc -l In2.csv
201100 In2.csv
[proc]:/path/to/data> wc -l In3.csv
201100 In3.csv
[proc]:/path/to/data> paste -d "," In1.csv In2.csv In3.csv > Invoices_
[proc]:/path/to/data> wc -l Invoices_201011291354.csv
179558 Invoices_201011291354.csv |
c**t 发帖数: 2744 | 28 it's not the issue of paste command but IO direction, I guess |
r****n 发帖数: 1088 | 29 这很简单,鄙视一下自己。换个问题,在bash shell command line里如何 copy/paste? |
E*V 发帖数: 17544 | 30 中建,或者按滚轮、
paste? |
L***a 发帖数: 108 | 32 How to copy/paste between two vim terminals? |
a9 发帖数: 21638 | 34 有些人连google都不会。你让他copy+paste? |
e*******o 发帖数: 4654 | 35 多数时候copy,paste都不用,直接用别人的库得了。
尼玛写paper,明明copy 别人的(当然不是全抄),你还得不能重样,改词换句。太蛋
疼了。 |
w****6 发帖数: 796 | 36 The presentation is more like:
Java past and Java SE 8 features tutorial |
q****p 发帖数: 4536 | 37 maybe a stupid question, but asked several people, no answer. i have too
many columns, so need to paste it vertically into word.
thanks in advance! |
q****p 发帖数: 4536 | 38 Thanks. I used paste special and check the Transpose box in excel. It did
not work in my way because my intention is not converting the rows into
columns or columns into rows in excel.
What I want is still the original table (say 5 rows and 10 columns), but in
a vertical display in word (still 5 rows and 10 cloumns). In other words you
have to flip over the table using 90 degree to the right. |
a***c 发帖数: 960 | 39 只要一有copy/paste就崩溃,显示错误信息:
Microsoft Word/Excl has stopped working.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: WINWORD.EXE
Application Version: 11.0.8326.0
Application Timestamp: 4c1c23b8
Fault Module Name: unknown
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00430067
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the pro |
M*B 发帖数: 491 | 40 很奇怪,原来没问题,我可以在vnc(on linux)和windows之间自由的copy/paste. 但
是渐渐的就不行了。我试了试不同的vnc都一样。现在用的是vnc viewer,setting里面
都是allow sharing of clipboard。我也试过windows reboot, vnc reset.
是在想不出原因,大家有没有什么建议?谢谢了县! |
M*B 发帖数: 491 | 41 oh, i fixed it myself... by killing the old vnc session and restart a new
one. I don't know how I did the first time, but this time the new session
went through the linux initialization step and then copy/paste works... |
z****g 发帖数: 1 | 42 Can I copy a table and paste it in latex input file without changing the
layout of the table?
Thank you. The table is created using notepad. |