

全部话题 - 话题: pedogate
发帖数: 451
- He grew up in a poor messed up family.
- Wanted to get filthy rich because he thought money would bring him all he
needs in life.
- Was able to compartmentalize his conscience because of his poor view of
humanity, due to shitty upbringing.
- Was introduced to someone that told him he could make as much as he wanted
if he gave them a cut.
- Got involved in high level money manipulation, laundering to govts, secret
agencies, and terrorists.
- Was eventually invited to church of satan wh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
来自主题: USANews版 - wow 大料来了
Q. Thank you for talking with us. What do you think of Trump’s allegations
against Obama?
A. In the worlds of the Carpenters, “its only just begun”
Q. So was Trump wiretapped as our DHS insider and Robert Steele suggest
A. Yes.
Q. Why?
A. Wrong question
Q. Ok, by whom?
A. Trump tower was bugged by more than just our IC.
Q. WHAT????? Could you elaborate?
A. Brits, Israeli’s. In the fullness of time, much will be revealed
Q. Why the Brits?
A. The same reason as the Israeli’s. Trump is a threat ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
No health care reform for you!
No tax reform for you!
No Border Tax on Imports for you
No "Lock her up!"
No Pedogate arrests
No "Drain the swamp!"
No Russia reset
No Peace Dividend
Wait till you get more "Beautiful Babies" and their parents coming into
Europe and US, to help depopulate southern and eastern Syria.
Make who or what Great again?
