

全部话题 - 话题: phyics
发帖数: 1229
I switched from chemistry to physics in china. I got MS in physics in china and
took GRE physics, and then got 4 offers in phyics although I don't have any
phyisics course except general phyics in undergraduate transcripts. So
if you really want to study physics, try to get a MS china, and then come here
or at least spend one year studying graduate level physics in China and then
come here. BTW my GRE physics is 990.
发帖数: 16947
chinese 120
math 120
phyics 100
chemistry 100
politics 100
english 100
biology 70
total 710
by 1992 national version exam lol
发帖数: 5754

Thanks. does this related to the anthropic principle?
BTW, aside from belief, if you are phyics major, do you think all other
science subjects can be reduced to laws of physics eventually?
发帖数: 5754
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 两个字证明基督教是骗人的:恐龙
sorry no. I thought my parody reply was obvious. I'll make the correction in
my previous post.
The parody is based on arguments on whether & how to each "evolution theory"
in public school -- the controversials surrounding the theory is unlikely
to be addressed -- most likely the theory will be taken (believed) as "truth
" by kids - as true as theories in genetics/chemistry/phyics.