l****z 发帖数: 11519 | 1 本来是照了给闲云看的,看到有征文就改改题目了,一石双鸟了。
去年年底版上南加同学刮了一阵文竹风,几乎人人一盆文竹。 无奈在大农村生活方圆
百里都没有中国苗圃, 只好跑遍了周围的hd,lowes也没有寻到石竹的踪影。 有一天
无意中在Walmart看到一盆小小的植物,很有点竹子的感觉, 决定用它来代替石竹了。
这盆植物叫Neanthe Bella, 是Exiote Angel Plants的一种。 常年墨绿色, 属棕榈类
。 这个据说是世界上最流行的室内棕榈植物。 最最最难能可贵的是太好养了, 尤其
适合像我这样的懒人。 我是想起来就几天浇点水,想不起来就几个星期浇次水,可这
盆小棕榈永远是郁郁葱葱,连一片黄叶子也没有。 实在是太喜欢它了,今年在Walmart
又买了一盆放在办公室了。 强烈推荐给像我一样的懒人。 |
g*********o 发帖数: 20357 | 3 heart leaf ice plant, also called baby sunrose, 穿心莲,好看还可以吃 |
m*****p 发帖数: 483 | 4 I plan to grow cucumbers in the coming spring. Could anyone recommend
something that cucumber plants can climb onto? I hope to buy them at Home
Depot. Thanks! |
g****r 发帖数: 306 | 5 果树用那种肥比较好。这是网上的一段:
Most people don't know that fruit trees need different fertilizer than other
types of trees. Most trees get a fertilizer with a 4-1-1 ratio of nitrogen,
phosphorus, potash. But giving that much nitrogen to a fruit tree will
encourage it to put out a tremendous flush of vegetative growth with very
few flowers and not much fruit.
A low nitrogen 1-1-1 or 1-2-1 ratio is better. Ideally, the nitrogen
component should be half water insoluble, or slow release, and half water
soluble.... 阅读全帖 |
a******4 发帖数: 34 | 6 请问在入冬前(Sep, Oct, Nov)可以在院子里种些什么perennial flower plants? 希
望它们好活,省力, 开漂亮的花, 花期较长. 现在zone 6. Thanks. |
w*******n 发帖数: 469 | 7 I bought this plant a month ago, but know little about it. Right now it's
dying! Any one know it's name and how to take care it?
in advance! |
h***9 发帖数: 45 | 9 looks like a type of "mose in the cradle plant" |
T*******4 发帖数: 13143 | 12 我家目前还活着的有绿萝,这个非常好养,怎么都不死,发得也快,新人容易有成就感
有zee zee plant,有文竹
还有一盆绿叶带红边的叶子,还有个peace lily,其他都翘了
啊啊 |
h******e 发帖数: 3949 | 13 种那个植物跟你住哪里也有关吧, 感觉很多house plant都是来自于热带,冷的地方不
啊啊 |
y*****c 发帖数: 414 | 15 想在自己后院里种橙子,石榴,枇杷,无花果,枣树,桂花和香椿。但是对本地不大熟
悉,大家能不能推荐一下在休斯顿可以买到这几样,又有比较好品种的plant nursery?
谢谢大家! |
s******8 发帖数: 611 | 16 plant food(micro-gro) 是不是就是化肥啊?
Thanks. |
w*******e 发帖数: 2405 | 17 我一直以为all purpose plant food就是10-10-10的
今天把我以前买的大包拿出来一看,24-8-16,这个适合啥呢? |
l*****f 发帖数: 252 | 18 在hp买的 tomatoes plant food plus calcium,昨天打开用看起来好多沙子啊,想着应
该不是,然后我试着泡了一点,到今天都很多没有融化,一看就是沙子,这是为啥? |
l*****u 发帖数: 12114 | 19 有2个很大的雪人型的plant pot, 就是花盆做成雪人的样子,肚子那儿是开的,然后上
面有眼睛,鼻子和嘴,都是通的。 堆墙角很久,现在琢磨里面种些甚么才比较有创意
。大家说说? |
l********5 发帖数: 413 | 20 New guy wants to check if it is a good time to build a raised bed and plant
some veggies now in South Bay?
Really appreciate your suggestions! |
i****o 发帖数: 2052 | 21 各种青菜都可以种,豌豆可以种,如果你看得懂中文的话
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.6 |
y****n 发帖数: 3697 | 22 请问用Miracle-Gro Plant Food水溶颗粒追肥能替代鸡粪水之类的有机肥吗?
我用的是18-18-21的无机水溶颗粒肥,如果可以的话,干净方面又省事。 |
l*****v 发帖数: 26 | 25 1. Fission shmission, relax, I'll increase the water level after my
coffee break.
2. Was that "Open valve A and close valve B" or was it the other
way round?
3. This whole plant will be running under Win95 tomorrow.
4. HEY! Is smoke coming out of the core normal?
5. Who forgot to pay the water bill?
6. We got 12 seconds to WHAT????
7. Meet your new plan superintendent: Bozo the clown.
8. A leak? Can't you fix it with duct tape or something?
9. Oh yeah! 50 bucks says I can make it blow.
10. It's |
d********f 发帖数: 43471 | 26 good april fool joke
Terry Gou announced plans to open a sprawling Foxconn factory in Guthrie
Center, Iowa, essentially replacing the approximately 2,000 residents of
that small town with workers from in and around Iowa. The company will hire
300,000 employees for the new factory, about 10% of Iowa’s population.
and Internet cafes, and meal seating for 100,000 employees.
thousands of acres of farmland around the area. Experts expect further
economic growth as small parts manufacturers begin bui... 阅读全帖 |
d*********2 发帖数: 48111 | 27 美国保险公司们要破产了,
赶紧申请个特别条款吧, 高空坠落一概不予理赔
Terry Gou announced plans to open a sprawling Foxconn factory in Guthrie
Center, Iowa, essentially replacing the approximately 2,000 residents of
that small town with workers from in and around Iowa. The company will hire
300,000 employees for the new factory, about 10% of Iowa’s population.
and Internet cafes, and meal seating for 100,000 employees.
thousands of acres of farmland around the area. Experts expect further
economic growth as small parts manufact... 阅读全帖 |
b**L 发帖数: 646 | 30 Flowers, Plants and Trees
Symbolizes the soul's immortality because it is a durable wood.
A symbol of divine approval, based on Numbers 17:1-8:
"The LORD said to Moses, 'Speak to the Israelites and get twelve staffs fr
them, one from the leader of each of their ancestral
tribes. Write the name of each man on his staff. ... The staff belonging t
o the
man I choose will sprout, and I will rid myself of this
constant grumbling against you by the Israelit |
J********i 发帖数: 1 | 31 I'm interested in any book which discusses location selection for different
units, building, equipment, ... in a plant, logically. Any help is highly
appreciated |
d*********2 发帖数: 334 | 34 Plante Moran可以办签证?不是吧,我去年申请的时候记得他们的网页上还写着
candidates must be authorized to work in US without sponsorship啊,难道他们
改政策了? |
d*********2 发帖数: 334 | 35 Plante Moran可以办签证?不是吧,我去年申请的时候记得他们的网页上还写着
candidates must be authorized to work in US without sponsorship啊,难道他们
改政策了? |
l*****4 发帖数: 419 | 36 plant controller (这个还在进行时,不知道最后拿不拿不到)reports directly to
corporate. 有两个direct reports.
另一个 controller (这个已经收到offer) 有五到六个 direct reports. |
c*****5 发帖数: 13 | 38 如题,以前没接触过,我的专业是plant biology,在分子这一块,有熟悉该领域的同
学,谈一谈。十分感谢! |
j*****d 发帖数: 787 | 39 His lab should generate transgenic plants, as soon as possible, with RNAi
cassette, targeting oncogene, and feed animal models with tumor.
inhibit |
c********b 发帖数: 363 | 40 Plant biologists suffered from limited fundings for a long time, but that is
OK: they managed to survive already. However, their contributions to the
scientific community and the advancement of understanding the nature should
be respected, that is the bottom-line. |
a***y 发帖数: 19743 | 41 It is very true. Many things were first dicovered by plant biologist.
stripes |
K**4 发帖数: 1015 | 42 是一篇关于一个植物蛋白的功能预测和evolution的,请问有哪些 plant 方向的杂志发
看到American Journal of Botany 有个AJB Primer Notes
还有其他的类似的journal吗? |
c********b 发帖数: 363 | 44 New phytologist
Plant cell reports |
n****k 发帖数: 516 | 45 大家看了8月24号那期在Plant cell上Thomas Boller 一派 + Elliot M. Meyerowitz
与 Jen Sheen + Fred Ausubel的争论么?大家怎么看? |