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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AA slow play is a bad idea
if slow play AND can lay down, then it's ok. too many ppl like slow playing
AA and get stubborn later, basically trap themselves.
it's ok to slow play AA WITH a plan ahead, such as limping in from UTG,
knowing table is aggressive and sb. will for sure raise from LP, then plan
to jump on top to cut off the field (as in the book "kill everyone"). or try
to let some hands catch up a little on flop and win more, but again, with a
plan to re-evaluate if things turn ugly.
hold'em is a 7 card game. if
发帖数: 1682
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - PLAY SMART OR PLAY DONKEY
that is the way called playing smart. but some donks keep killing you, like
with KJ calling my AA reraise-all-in before flop and win, even my chips is a
little more than his.
Yesterday I was ko with AJ by A10s in fifty-fifty. i have 5x,xxx, he has 6x,
he raise 3.5x (17,500) befor flop and I reraise all in. In the same game i fold my
Ac10c because AA, AK all in before flop. at flop there were 3 c. faint.
Sometimes have to play donk and wish for luck.
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Question about one of the hands that i played
You didn't play wrong but that is not the point.
It seems you were still unsure how to play in this situation.
Either check or bet on turn would be fine and probably get the same result.
It was you opponent who play too conservatively.
If I was him I would bet on turn since when you check on turn I know you
didn't have AK, nor two pairs, so I would bet on turn and river.
And you would still call.

发帖数: 213
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How do you play monster hand?
bet size is a big problem
do you usually open UTG with 5bb? if you only do this with big hand this
will make you too easy to play with. I recommend for 3bb or less constantly
for your UTG open range (you don't want play a big pot oop) unless you only
open with {55+,AJ+} again this make you too easy to play with. and you
should bet more on the flop/turn. in no limit game bet size is always
depende on the current pot size and stake size. if you bet for value, you
should bet enough so villain won't
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How should I played this hand
I think the decision comes at preflop. Do you want to play for stacks at
this spot with A 10 out of position? Your 3 bets gets called and you hit A
and lead betting. you are pretty much committed. Flat preflop and play small
pot with this hand.
why not play small hand with this marginal hand and commit yourself only when you have a big hand.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - advanced play
It was a good play on the flop and turn. If you don't hit your set on the
turn, it is very tough to call his pot size bet with your pair 3s.
I will do the same thing on the turn. Once you called on the turn, it is
over for me to continue bluffing, because whatever I bet, you will probably
still call. And what you could have to call my big bet with on the turn?
Obviously a good hand that I can't bluff with.
So the rive shove was abviously a donkey play. I am fine with his play until
发帖数: 7793
yes. bank roll management. if you feel this bad beat hurts more than others, you are playing over your rolls... But good luck to you anyway. play smart, play it well, don't let the $$ change your game. Make the testing water worthwhile...
发帖数: 2063
depend on how good your opponent are.
If you are good, play such spot, it is breakeven play.
So, general, muck right away.
If MP is nits(10/5), then you can play.

发帖数: 839
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - ANYONE plays RAZZ
Wow, you play this high?
I used to play razz. I read all the info I can find. A few chapters here and
there. I also have the book "play razz poker to win" if you are interested.
发帖数: 1394
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - good read or bad play?
Thanks! generally i should bet turn and lose more on river.
i thought he may call flop with sth like 99,TT, or even AK on flop, which
are almost dead.
so i wanted him to bluff on turn or probably river.
but, if i hope him to bluff on turn or river, i should've played slow on
min raise flop blocks him of bluffing, probably.
so,可以这么说: flop play and turn play contradict, right?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - good read or bad play?
similar to one hand i posted the other day, my 22 vs. AQ on 2QQ flop.
pre-flop, same play.
flop, i donk bet out 2/3 pot:
1) could get value from a wide range of hands for at least this street,
since few ppl would expect me to have Qx or even 22 here AND bet like this
out of position (many ppl love to slow play or check raise here);
2) against a preflop raiser, if indeed he got a decent hand, or even Qx (AQ
or KQs), this donk bet may piss him off and start the action right away if
he's too straih... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1394
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - good read or bad play?
Thank you both!
I thought that min raise flop can make him think that I had a missed pair
and reraise with Qx. but he didn't. I thought he would bet any Q on turn but
he didn't. guess we both played too cautiously and confused ourselves.
played another hand later. I got AA, raise to 3bb pre, sb called.
flop QQ3, he check, i bet 2/3 pot, he big raised.
I tanked for a while, thinking that he would not raise so big with trips or
boat (or maybe i was on tilt?). so i called. turn nth, he all in (i
ge... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - My KK play
like one hand i played yesterday.
i got AQo at SB, MP limps, BTN (with a high steal rate) raises to $2.5 (i
have waited long enough to give him one back), so i pop up to $8. to my
surprise, MP calls and BTN folds (as i expected).
flop: all low rainbow craps. i lead out small and he immediately raises to $
6.5, for his pre-flop action, i guess i have a chance to kill him here, so i
re-pop to $13.5 with air, he calls.
turn is another low blank, i block bet small and he calls again. still, no
appar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How will you play this hand? A live cash game
Not surprised with that statement at all. However, we can't just play the
same way live and on-line and expect to crush both. Proper adjustment is
definitely needed. Adjustment does not mean deviating from poker
fundamentals. Your odds of winning does not change playing live or on-line.
The adjustment mainly should be in the range of hand you play and continue
on every street.

ed miller has a very good series of articles on card player lately, "25
levels of aggression", in one of them, he said... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - LOL SB slow play AA same me 300+$.

spazz out. Raise sb with AA always and wait for bb to spazz 3 bet and shove
over your 4 bet with air... On the other hand, why check that turn? I
would bet turn almost always here. 看来NL400 现在是nitfest 啊.
yeah. should always play big hand fast in SB vs BB , or SB/BB vs
button case. I loose my range a little big on SB vs BB. shove/call shove
with QQ and AK with 100BB.
checking behind with KK is standard play. both for pot control and
deception. have to think what h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Sharing the starting hands I play at 1/2 NL
Here is my thought,
(1) If you are not comfortable to play AK/AQ post flop, you probably need to
re-think whether to play mid pair (88-TT and even JJ) at all. More often
than not you will find yourself holding a mid pair on the flop, which I
think is even harder to continue than holding two overs. Does a over pair
make you feel better on the flop? Sort of, but you still need to continue
cautiously. IMO a overpair and a TP have relatively same strength on most
flops against a normal player. How t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Play against LAGs
Don't me afraid of playing for stack. Can slow play or trap with even just
semi strong hand like top pair good kicker. Fast play even with semi-
strong draws like nut flush draws and try to put in the last raise. They
like to raise for information so we always put in the last raise using draws
with good equity. They like to raise with any draws, we push back with
tpgk type hand when they commit. Endure the variance. I love it when there
are lags on the table. Only when they are willing ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A hand I played well last night
Local casino. 2-3NL. I just lost 160 dollars on a triple barrel bluff and I
showed my hand. There was another hand that I raised with a pair and a gut
shot straight draw on the flop of 3 4 7. The other guy flopped the straight.
I got lucky on the turn and we went all in. We ended up chopping the pot,
but everyone knew that I was capable of bluffing with anything. No one on
the table believed me at that time.I was very aware of that. So I decided to
stop bluffing and just wait for a big hand to g... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How to play flopped flush
I like how you played first hand. When we are OOP with marignal
situation, nothing wrong to play a little bit passive. We do not mind
protecting our stack by losing some value.
I like a fold on second hand. When we play deep stack, think more about
money and risk reward factor other than pot odds, reads etc. Do not feel
ashamed to fold winning hand once a while, especially when we are OOP with
marignal situation against tricky villian.

发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How to play flopped flush
+1 . Even the 10-20 NL in commerce is pretty soft a lot times as well. At
least it used to be. I played a few times there, lots of loose passive non
pro players.. That is why ppl got richer a lot faster in Commerce than Vegas.

I heard a Chinese guy made more than 1 millian last few years playing
cash game at commerce, but he lost most of them within a few days at
Bellagio Balwin room. hehe. At least, he had glory for playing at Balwin
room. hehe.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How to play flopped flush
in the old days, i played for fun or getting high (imagine the feeling when
you hold trash suited and flop comes as ...). if someone came on top, even
better, like nobody was putting me on a made flush. or, i lost more not
because playing them like nuts, but because of chasing big/missing.
now i play for stability, hehe.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One of the worst NL hands that I played.
yeah. it was still a tough spot. flopped nuts straight OOP against a draw
heavy board is hard to play. But you are right, tilting is the major factor
that force me to make the bad desicion.
This hand was played quite a while ago. I remembered cleary since I
played so bad and lost a big stack(170BB) in a limped pot.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One of the worst NL hands that I played.
that is how lots of ppl play when they play 200BB+ deep. I like the play
with that set though. He got paid mainly coz he did not raise on the flop.
If he raised on the flop and I shipped, he would face a touch decision for
发帖数: 817
I think most sites have a 40BB min buyin requirement. So 20BB might not work
. They do have shallow tables that allow 20BB min buyin, but then there are
many short stacks there that try to do the same thing.
For a live 5/10 player like you, it will be a huge waste of your skills to
play 20BB buyin games. Yes, you can play the optimal strategy. But even with
that your upside is limited and the variance is high, since even the
optimal strategy your edge is small. I think for a good player it is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
Nah. She played for >$100,000 per year at pokerstar but sonly played for several hundred bucks at FTP, so the
FTP result does not really matter.
However, she did admit that she only played regular tourneys at FTP and she got no edge at
them -- there are so many good regular tourney players. So she gave up.
Then in 2010, she tried to switch to PLO and she crashed again. So in 2011,
she decided to stick to what she is best at. Rich Zhu once commented that
she is one of the best satellite players i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 528

I do like to sleep but I like to play games more :)
I live relatively close to casinos and because LP getting the poker bug too
we have been spending more weekends at the casino which increases the hours.
I think we're at about 30 hrs/week right now. At the beginning of this
year I was trying to target 20-25 hrs/week.
We both have a very flexible work schedule, so we are able to avoid traffic
so that's a plus and allows us to be very efficient with time.
I come from a semi-serious gamer ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
Good for you guys to play less.
Just learned my co-woker in Toronto had a stroke last week. He is the same
age as I am. Less than 40.
He just worked hard and had a lot of long working hours. I never worked long
hours but I play poker for a lot of long hours, sometimes deep into the
He has one housewife and two childs, one was just born last year. Imagine
what his life will look like in the future.
Health is not a joking business. I am out of shape and carry a lot of weight
, is dangrous c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 528
The 体力 is one of the strengths I talked about which diminishes online.
Online if people get tired, they can always sleep. Easier for them to stop.
Live they usually feel they have to get the most out of a trip, so if we're
deep into a session at 3-4 AM and they are stuck / tilt / tired, that's a
huge edge for me.
It's happened a lot the same people play a game starting from 7 or 8 pm, by
4 AM they look like zombies but I'm still very energetic.
从小到大I do get tired, but never to the point where ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
I played my longest session for 28 hours. I remember I arrived at noon and
played until next day at night around 8pm.
On the bus back to home, I felt my body was totally numb and heart beat so
hard. I felt like I can't make it. After that I just told myself, I never
play long hours again.
Unfortunately I didn't keep my promise.
But then I was around 30-33. Now I simply can't do it. This year I only have
a couple overnight session.
After learned my co-worker experince, I won't dare to strech my l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
I agree with you. I don't care about contributing to the whole human
society either. But poker is a little different from many other professions
. Winning poker is by taking advantage of other people, some of whom maybe
even have an addiction in gambling. Because when you win, someone has to
lose and some of them might even go broke. There is no decency in playing
poker at all for living compared to many other profession that are not
contributing to the whole human society either. I play for m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 528

My 2 cents...
.lots of intangibles
就让负面因数可能性变更高. 当输的还只是disposable income或者是输得起的看成娱
乐的代价,no problem.
可是因为是自我控制的一种竞争,you start seeing people get cash advance on
credit card, loan/steal to play, etc. These types of things are very rare
outside gambling-related competitions.
When I first read the article Windstormm re-posted, I thought the big
picture ideas were very much spot on. No need to nit pick deta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how bad did i play this hand?
You check-called every street until the river, showing you got a hand but
not super strong.
Assume he is a normal poker player, at the river, he could rule out you have
flush, since you just check call the turn and checked river, hardly imagine
if ppl who made flush playing this passive.
You can probably quite sure he is not bluffing by betting pre-flop and every
street after flop. So just a run down on what you can beat can tell us if
we need call the river. The hands he can value-bet but we ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
Havenot notice FTP has given me $500 bonus three times, I even do not pay
attention to my email. So, I miss the first two times of $500 bonus.
In order to clear bonus quickly, I choose to play super turbo SNGs, mainly
on $20 level, then something crazy happens, check my result pic.
These couple days, chinese internet is very un-statble(,some ppl say it is
because of 6.4 event), I keep disconnecting and disconnecting. Because of
that crap,
it costs me around 1800-2000 bucks in these two days.
Ver... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 611
1/2 game.
BTN: loose guy, sometimes play trick. has stack about $700.
UTG+1: young black guy. New face, had stack of $400ish. (Only reading on him
is my QQ PF raised to $100 on his $25 call of the original raiser. He pushed
all in with about 130. My QQ hold up.)
UGT+2: black guy. no reading. had stack of $300ish.
UTG+3: black guy. short stack of $26.
LP: hero, had stack about 400. Hero hold black AA.
Preflop, UTG+1 raised to $12. UTG+2 called. UTG+3 all in with $26.
fold to hero. Hero's ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5586
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Team Play Edge on Ultimate Texas Holdem Game
say have 2-3 people to play and both easily share the cards...
any chance to play optimally ... ?
another questions:
which is the best play to go close to bay area... any casino offer best
payout ..
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - another reason to play at MDL
he's a smoker too, lol.
i asked about his recent tournaments, he played one in Macau and one drop,
he was explaining to me this 1-3-5-7-x staking deal which to be honest i
still don't understand. basically it's like a group of ppl playing in a
series of tournaments, one gets 1% of you, in exchange, you get 3% of him,
and so on.
then he mentioned his college roommate, sounds like another pro but doesn't
ring a bell in my head right away. i asked him about jungleman, who is in
Europe still playing... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - another reason to play at MDL
he's a smoker too, lol.
i asked about his recent tournaments, he played one in Macau and one drop,
he was explaining to me this 1-3-5-7-x staking deal which to be honest i
still don't understand. basically it's like a group of ppl playing in a
series of tournaments, one gets 1% of you, in exchange, you get 3% of him,
and so on.
then he mentioned his college roommate, sounds like another pro but doesn't
ring a bell in my head right away. i asked him about jungleman, who is in
Europe still playing... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3281
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how to play this hand?
I thought u play for a living. Supprised u play at micro stake.
against unknown players, I would fold river for sure, maybe turn. Preflop
and flop play no problem at all.
发帖数: 3281
It is hard to say which play would be the best without read.
It is tough to play JJ oop facing 3-bet, you have 2 general choices:
1. 4-bet and call shove preflop. You get easy decisions by using this way,
but the cost is higher variance.
2. Call 3-bet, then take check-call or check-raise line based on board. It
is tough to play this way against a good aggressive player without position.
发帖数: 2063
Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - [url=http://www.handconverter.com/hands/2348556]View hand 2348556[/url]
[url=http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc]DeucesCracked Poker Videos[/url] [url=http://www.handconverter.com]Hand History Converter[/url]
BTN: $28.06
SB: $15.93
BB: $27.91
UTG: $28.72
[b]MP: $53.41[/b]
[b]Hero (CO): $40.33[/b]
[b]Pre Flop:[/b] ($0.35) Hero is CO with K :club: K :diamond:
[color=red]UTG raises to $0.75[/color], [color=red]MP raises to $2[/c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
usually the thinking level of 6max-25NL is still kind of low. Not many
players care about balancing. I even doubt how much % of players are aware
of it, which ended up playing ABC regardless your rival's style/level/table
dynamic and etc.
It does not mean most players in the pool are dumb tho. Actually the real
reason imo is the % of bad players is so high, which forces a good player to
adjust his play into a more straightforward/simple style.就像打live 1/2一样
,遭遇未知对手,你不是先假设他理解poker的常识,而是先把他当成初... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19317

Report: All PS3 Games Playable via Vita Remote Play
Special 480p versions will stream to the handheld.
November 28, 2011 November 29, 2011 November 28, 2011
User icon for garfepLevel 14
by Andrew Goldfarb
Back at TGS, President of Sony Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida demoed
Killzone 3 running on the Vita, suggesting that certain PS3 titles would be
playable on the handheld. A new rumor now suggests that all PlayStation 3
titles will support the feature, including those that have already been
r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3895
I know this mode. But I will never touch it.
First, casual gamers can hardly beat those professional or semi professional
gamers. I've played some other games with semi-pro gamers and had no even a
small chance to win. I believe there must be a lot of professional gamers
in that tournament. We play for fun, and they play for cash.That's my
experience from other games. I don't know if this is the case for FIFA as
Second, I just want to enjoy the game and the soccer. I don't want money to
be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60
If you do not care about win or lose, why do you play volleyball?
Why do you play any games at all? Winning a game is the motivation
to keep you continue to play the games.
发帖数: 285
来自主题: VolleyBall版 - wondering whether I could play Vball in NY
Hi everyone,
I has been the main outside hitter 2001~2004 in my college team. And it is
long time since I played it. do you know whether I still have the chance
play with you:)
I am studying in NY.
my status:
30 years old;
love volleyball, but play basketball usually;
foundation is not very good, but have good feeling near Volleyball net.
发帖数: 154
来自主题: ClassicalMusic版 - Ultimate romance: Radu Lupu plays Brahms
I have this CD that he played Brahms intermezzi opus 117 through opus 119. It
is just astonishingly beautiful. Somehow, he grasps the loneli soul of old
Brahms so well and the music sometimes is like a moutain spring so pure and
full of vivid reflectance of sunshines and sometimes like moonlight on the
corner of a village house.
It has all the spirits of romantic lyrics and perfect classical structure. His
playing is so classy and accurate. He plays out my heart!
And Opus 118! Can I define it on
发帖数: 582
来自主题: DVD版 - DVD player to play DVD from China
I bought some DVD from China. I can play these DVD on PC. However, my
SONY DVD player (connected to TV) cannot play some of them.
does someone have a recommendation of DVD player to play Chinese DVD?
发帖数: 276
【 以下文字转载自 Game 讨论区 】
发信人: Visame (Visame.Org), 信区: Game
标 题: [AMustWatch]Playing to Win: Inside The Video Game Industry
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 24 20:48:10 2010, 美东)
Playing to Win:
Inside The Video Game Industry
Aired: Thursday, May 29th, 2008
Are You A Player?
Take An Inside Look At The $18-Billion Industry
CNBC cameras capture a side of the video game industry most players never se
e, reve
发帖数: 724
【 以下文字转载自 Whisper 讨论区 】
【 原文由 mrdi 所发表 】
Ilsa: Play it once, Sam. For old time's sake.
Sam: I don't know what you mean, Miss Ilsa.
Ilsa: Play it, Sam. Play As Time Goes By.
发帖数: 1741
Richard Krajicek on WTA;
'Eighty per cent of the women playing at Wimbledon are lazy, fat pigs and
shouldn't be allowed on the show courts,' he raged on Dutch radio. To be
fair, when challenged the next day on this seemingly unprovoked attack
Krajicek relented. 'I said 80 per cent of the top 100 are fat pigs but I
just over-exaggerated a little bit. What I meant was only 75 per cent.'
Dul... 阅读全帖
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