w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 1 Charter internet $19.99/12mpbs.up to 12months bundle. or 6 months. internet
Charter just runs this pomotion recently
$19.99/12mpbs speed
$29.99/18mpbs speed.
Call 1-888-438-2427 ask this pomoation
i have Charter interent service onlyl for almost 1 year, i pay $29.99/
12mpbs, i called Charter today regarding this pomotion i saw on their web,
The Rep decrease my monthly bill from $29.99 to $19.99. or you can increase
the speed from 12mpbs to 18mpbs.
http://charter.com/internet/ove... 阅读全帖 |
M*****t 发帖数: 1842 | 2 when 制造业 comes back to US, labor cost is not the main reason. Higher prod
uction efficiency is pomoting this return.
况美国政府对这类回归还有tax credit之类subsidy。 |
f*******e 发帖数: 1300 | 3 请问现在有没有什么pomotion/incentive? |
f****g 发帖数: 4248 | 4 日,没注意,shared Prime的那个host估计买kindle被block了。我的prime不行了。给
We regret to inform you that an error caused an incorrect promotional code to be accepted on our website. We are not offering the promotion at this time.
In accordance with our posted policies on pricing, we are unable to offer the item(s) you ordered for the incorrectly posted pomotional price. Therefore, we have cancelled the item(s) from your order.
At any given time, despite our best efforts, a smal... 阅读全帖 |
r******s 发帖数: 3662 | 5 晕,那估计shipping soon的也没戏了
to be accepted
on our website. We are not offering the promotion at this time.
the item(s) you
ordered for the incorrectly posted pomotional price. Therefore, we have
cancelled the item(s)
from your order.
millions of items on our
site may be mispriced. We do, however,
item's correct price is
higher than our stated price, we will, at our discretion, either contact you
for instructions
before shipping or cancel your order and notify you of such cancellation.
This pol... 阅读全帖 |
f*******l 发帖数: 1231 | 6 all in 的精神值得敬佩
to be accepted on our website. We are not offering the promotion at this
the item(s) you ordered for the incorrectly posted pomotional price.
Therefore, we have cancelled the item(s) from your order.
millions of items on our site may be mispriced. We do, however,
item's correct price is higher than our stated price, we will, at our
discretion, either contact you for instructions before shipping or cancel
your order and notify you of such cancellation. This policy is po... 阅读全帖 |
b****g 发帖数: 1204 | 7 最好小于100刀。Pomotional的$75 GC,还有一两个星期就过期了。似乎买个Planar的27
寸LCD还可以,但是我家里已经有一个26寸的了。 |
s*o 发帖数: 710 | 8 前段时间好像还有这个Pomotion,现在没有了? |
g**********2 发帖数: 4881 | 9 it is possible if 2月初从北京出发,3月初回北京, AA may offer pomotion fare
around $900, then he can purchase discount AA gift (about 10-15% off) card
to low his fare to around $800 |
发帖数: 1 | 10 test case 太少就以偏盖全 图样图森破
1。 没遇到过三哥店面时 说半截话,然后莫名就说你没clarify
4。没在一群咖喱味重独自的吃西红柿炒鸡蛋。然后默默地看着他们各种pomote 你自己
被客客气气地表扬着great job
5。没遇到老中突然老大莫名其妙地pip, 自己立马开始刷题
老中95% 还是力挺自己人地 |
z****l 发帖数: 5282 | 11 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
iamskyy (SKY) 于 (Tue Dec 11 17:32:03 2007) 提到:
They told me that i opened accounts because of pomotion. I can't have any
account with fidelity now. shoot!
iamskyy (SKY) 于 (Tue Dec 11 17:52:12 2007) 提到:
isn't it ridiculous?
they told me it's fraud
smallfatcat (小胖猫) 于 (Tue Dec 11 17:57:12 2007) 提到:
BBB it
iiippp123 (iiippp |
i***W 发帖数: 1259 | 12 感觉挺鸡肋的,
一来这个卡的reward是AA mile,几乎不大可能积累到能再买一次机票了。除了不让
reward mile过期这个好处而已。
二来keep这个卡的话,下一次pomotion的时候,又不能申请了。 |
c*****l 发帖数: 888 | 14 目前自己的情况是
freedom 7500cl
amex costco的 6500cl
citi 6000cl
还有个citi primium什么的2000
discover 只给了1000cl
最近申了chase的saf 悲剧
信用卡pomotion balance transfer从freedom转了5000,citi转了5000.
下个月准备开个小店。可以申请什么卡,business account 推荐在那个银行开? |
L******e 发帖数: 756 | 15 今天收到50K的pomotion。。。。不过貌似去年版上一片75K? |
g******e 发帖数: 1710 | 16 劳模店,巨便宜,常有pomotion的
我们这里常常是1刀4把 |
a*********e 发帖数: 697 | 17 说的湖不是快到101了吧,有点远的说。
是700多,靠近10号,感觉不错,就是基本住满了,没什么选择余地。 |
w***y 发帖数: 192 | 18 新搬的apartment,原来是学校的网
问了local的comcast,special offer只有29。99 for six month,之后60多一个月
installing fee 50块钱也不能免,再加上租cable和tax,半年后一个月快80块钱了。
半年后cancel重装也得再来50初装费。搜comcast offer,出来的网站上也没啥好deal
楼里的manager自己用的是clear,但是看大家好像都是用clear 4G,不知道clear有没
在网上搜了一下rcn reviews,好像大部分都比较差,所以有点不太明白,来这里问问
10M,upload 800k... 阅读全帖 |
l*******9 发帖数: 76 | 19 前几年,我买过60块最前面第一排,最中间的位置,网上买的,也不是什么pomotion,
网站名忘记了,多找找吧. |
s**********u 发帖数: 48 | 20 Downtown 有一家Morton,据说现在有Pomotion,2个人99刀的Package。 |
m**********2 发帖数: 2252 | 21 不是。我们刚搬进来的时候,那时候租金普遍都贵的。现在租金便宜了,但是housing
一想到搬家,就头疼,她有一个儿子,一个女儿,家里一堆东西。估计housing office
我跟她说我们俩都到对方的housing office去,要求我住他的那个apartment,她住我
地apartment,拿到pomotion的价,然后实际上还是自己住自己的apartment。。。哈哈。 |
p****0 发帖数: 25 | 22 sephora, macys, bloomingdales, saks fifth ave...
try those dept stores.. they sometimes have pomotion |
S*********y 发帖数: 210 | 23 是不是不能和它家15off 100一起用? 还是这个15off 100不能用在化妆品上?
两个POMOTION CODE我都用不了。。。 |
i***W 发帖数: 1259 | 24 想买对戒,怎么买便宜?
cartier和tiffany会有pomotion吗? coupon呢?
谢谢 |
m*******o 发帖数: 4236 | 25 犹太商人聪明啊,这样隐藏POMOTIONAL PRICE最安全了。我刚把LINK发给AMAZON了。估
计也没戏。 |
w********r 发帖数: 1842 | 26 我原来的Internet Performance Plan 29.99每月,Pomotion是六个月的,不需要电话
的Blast(20M/s Download),一年,又给了$5的Discount,半年。暗示我过半年我可以
Discount(也要50,60一个月),很快就70多一个月了,就换了Comcast,便宜多了,速度也可接受 |
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 27 你想敲掉的基因的exon 两端先knockin flox element
然后和已经knockin 由某个特异pomoter 驱动的cre基因的老鼠杂交
杂交后代的老鼠,在某些组织里会表达cre蛋白,就把flox element 镶嵌的基因序列
剪掉了。 |
r******s 发帖数: 2155 | 28 Every student of social sciences should read the following articles. The first
one is John's presidential address in SPSP in 1995. These articles go into
details about the nature of
attitude and how can we gain from a more complex conceptualization of
attitude. This is
completely in line with my current mission of pomoting the two-dimensional
model of
trust/distrust. Not many people are open to things like this in our field.
Cacioppo, J. T., Gardner, W. L., & Berntson, G. G. (1997). Beyon |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 30 Coldwater Creek 50% off everything on line
50% off Everything Online [Exp. 12/27]
Use Coldwater Creek Coupon Code SAVE50 or WZH1736
Pomotional Detail Fine Print
Promotion is valid in stores and online through 12/27/11 and applies to in-
stock items only, exclusive of tax and shipping. Use Offer Code SAVE50. One
offer per transaction. Not valid: on previous purchases, for Coldwater Creek
gift cards or catalog orders, in Coldwater Creek Outlet stores or Coldwater
Creek, The Spa. Sale Prices availa... 阅读全帖 |