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发帖数: 2273
来自主题: USANews版 - GOP has last debate before Iowa
Sioux City, Iowa (CNN) -- A Republican presidential race that has lately
been defined by its negative tone took a sunnier turn Thursday, as the field
of GOP candidates presented closing arguments to voters in the final debate
before January's pivotal Iowa caucuses.
The sharp attacks between the GOP frontrunners that have played out in media
interviews and television ads largely took a backseat in the Sioux City
debate, which was sponsored by the Iowa Republican Party and Fox News.
Who won the de... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2273
来自主题: USANews版 - Buyout Profits Keep Flowing to Romney
Almost 13 years ago, Mitt Romney left Bain Capital, the successful private
equity firm he had helped start, and moved to Utah to rescue the Salt Lake
City Olympic Games and begin a second career in public life.
Yet when it came to his considerable personal wealth, Mr. Romney never
really left Bain.
In what would be the final deal of his private equity career, he negotiated
a retirement agreement with his former partners that has paid him a share of
Bain’s profits ever since, bringing the Romney ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2273
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama's approval on the rise
Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama's approval rating, a crucial
indicator of his reelection chances, is on the rise, according to a new
national survey.
A CNN/ORC International Poll out Tuesday also indicates that the partisan
battle over extending the payroll tax cut may be partially responsible for
the jump in the president's numbers.
Full results (pdf)
According to the survey, 49% of Americans approve of the job Obama's doing
in the White House, up five points from last month, with 48%... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2273
来自主题: USANews版 - The Middle-Class Agenda
NYT Editorial
The Middle-Class Agenda
Earlier this month, President Obama delivered his first unabashed 2012
campaign speech. Unlike his opponents, Mr. Obama acknowledged the ravages of
income equality, the hollowing out of the American middle class. There is
no hyperbole in the urgency he conveyed about “a make-or-break moment for
the middle class, and for all those who are fighting to get into the middle
The challenge for Mr. Obama is to translate the plight of the middle class
into an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2273
Rick Perry paints Mitt Romney as job killer
By James Oliphant
December 20, 2011, 1:07 p.m.
Mitt Romney believes his background in the private sector is an asset. Rick
Perry sees it as a liability—and in a new ad tries to portray Romney’s
venture capital work as a job destroyer.
It’s the most aggressive ad, which also paints Newt Gingrich as an
influence peddler for hire, that Perry has unleashed against Romney yet.
The ad, titled “Three Streets,” plays off a Los Angeles Times article last
month ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3833
来自主题: USANews版 - Santorum Attacks Romney
Santorum Attacks Romney
By Russell Goldman | ABC News - 4 hrs ago
MANCHESTER, N.H. -Santorum jabbed Romney, portraying him as a coldly
calculating "C.E.O" and not the inspirational leader he said the country
needed. He further slammed Romney, accusing his health care plan of imposing
higher taxes on New Hampshire residents who work in Massachusetts to pay
for the legislation.
"I just don't think it's a skill set for what a president needs. We don't
need a manager," Santorum said at an event host... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 海军陆战队的清白
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The U.S. Marine sergeant accused of leading a
massacre of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha pleaded guilty on Monday to
dereliction of duty, ending the final prosecution stemming from a 2005
incident that brought international condemnation of U.S. troops.
Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich, 31, entered his plea at Camp Pendleton Marine
Corps base north of San Diego as part of a deal with military prosecutors
in which more serious... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Hollywood Bows to China Soft Power
Hollywood actress Meryl Streep recently hitched a ride on a Chinese
businessman’s private jet to Beijing. Once there, she met up with
idiosyncratic writer-director Joel Coen and Raise the Red Lantern director
Zhang Yimou to promote “China’s exploding film industry.”
Zhang, who served as the artistic director for both the 2008 Beijing Olympic
Games and the lavish 60th anniversary celebrations of the Chinese Communist
Party, also unveiled his remake of Coen’s influential first film – Blood
Simple.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 62%德国人反对进一步救助希腊
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germans overwhelmingly oppose further aid for Greece,
according to opinion poll released on Sunday, one day ahead of a vote in
parliament on a new Greek bailout package where Chancellor Angela Merkel may
be forced to rely on opposition support.
The poll by the Emnid Institute in Bild am Sonntag newspaper found 62
percent oppose a new 130 billion ($175 billion) rescue package while 33
percent are in favor. A similar Emnid poll in September found 53 percent
opposed and 43 percen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by The Political Palaver
Selwyn Duke at American Thinker offers a startling and absolutely dreadful
glimpse inside this Kansas City school where a white child was doused with
gasoline and immolated last week. The two assailants were black, and were
reported to have been saying, "That's what you deserve, white boy!"
Selwyn Duke reports, based upon documented interviews:
While this crime is making headlines, Coon [mother of child that was
attacked] states that it was merely the horrible culmin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
65 Percent of Union Members Say Obama is More Liberal Than They Are
(CNSNews.com) - President Barack Obama has tried to portray himself as a
champion of the average American against a wealthy elite. However, a new
Rasmussen poll found that 65 percent of union members say they believe Obama
is more liberal than they are.
The poll also found that 59 percent of likely voters think Obama is more
liberal than they are, an increase of 7 points from last month.
When asked if in political terms Presiden... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2047
What everyone is afraid to say is, and what will not be a needed part of the
dialogue over this incident is this.... the black community as a whole
bares a lot of weight for the way others view them, especially young black
men. It is a fact that every major city in this country is plagued by out-of
-control black gang/thug violence, drugs, crime, and general anti-society
lifestyles. If the black community would stand up to this type of behavior
and take it upon itself to fight as hard to change ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Michael Filozof
What would happen if a black man armed with a handgun confronted "suspicious
persons" in his neighborhood? What would happen if the "suspicious persons"
were unarmed white teens, one of them was shot dead, and the shooter
claimed self-defense?
This is not an exercise in mere speculation. We know what would happen in
such a case. There would be no white mobs in the street chanting "No justice
, no peace!" There would be no whites holding a "million hoodie march" in
New York Cit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2047
What everyone is afraid to say is, and what will not be a needed part of the
dialogue over this incident is this.... the black community as a whole
bares a lot of weight for the way others view them, especially young black
men. It is a fact that every major city in this country is plagued by out-of
-control black gang/thug violence, drugs, crime, and general anti-society
lifestyles. If the black community would stand up to this type of behavior
and take it upon itself to fight as hard to change ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - No, Hasan and Bales Are Not Equivalent
By Winfield Myers
Earlier this week, Omid Safi, a professor of Islamic studies at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, used his blog "What Would
Muhammad Do" at the Religion News Service to claim a moral equivalency
between Ft. Hood jihadist Major Nidal Malik Hasan and U.S. Army Staff
Sergeant Robert Bales. "When Americans Kill vs. When Muslims Kill" is a
morally repugnant attempt to claim a double standard in the way Americans
react to mass murder. In this, Safi echoes the party l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Supreme irony?
Supreme irony? Top court poised to throw out Obamacare in echo of case Obama
made against Hillary Clinton
It is a tad unfortunate that just days after the White House embraced the
term "Obamacare" - previously regarded on the Left as a pejorative label - a
majority of the nine Supreme Court justices have given strong indications
they will rule it unconstitutional.
Even more ironic is that the justices, or five of them at least, look like
they might force President Barack Obama back to the drawin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10182
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: hydralistor (hydralistor), 信区: Military
标 题: Martin funeral director: No signs of fight on body
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 29 20:36:18 2012, 美东)
(CBS News) SANFORD, Florida - The defense of George Zimmerman rests on a
violent fight that he said occurred before he fired the shot that killed
Trayvon Martin.
Zimmerman is neighborhood watch volunteer at the center of the case. It was
almost five weeks that Martin, the unarmed 17-year-old, was killed after
Zimmerman found ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Jamie M. Fly — April 2012
Following the killing of American soldiers and the recent protests sparked
by the accidental burning of Korans by coalition forces, Republican
presidential candidate Newt Gingrich went so far as to suggest that the
United States should abandon Afghanistan unless the Afghans apologize,
adding that we should tell them, “figure out how to live your own miserable
life.” This is the increasingly frequent refrain of war-weary
conservatives who question President Barack Obama’... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Recession hits young workers hardest
The number of adults in their 20s without jobs is the highest since record-
keeping began.
Philadelphia Daily News
PHILADELPHIA — Chris Cocchi is nearly 27 years old, unemployed, living at
home in the Philadelphia exurbs with his dad, and spending a good chunk of
his day on the computer.
But he isn't playing video games.
Instead, the West Chester, Pa., resident – who has worked most recently as
a line cook – spends most of his time on Craigslist, hoping to fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Stephen Schwartz
The Hartford Seminary has occupied a leading position among theological
faculties around the nation in accommodating Islam, particularly in its
radical forms, since appointing its first Muslim faculty member more than
twenty years ago. Today, that accommodation extends to the murderous regime
of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad.
Hartford maintains a highly questionable relationship with an Islamic
religious and Arabic-language school, the Al-Fatiha Islamic Academy in
Damascus, a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Send Out the Punter
Democratic Senate budget chairman reverses course, will not offer budget
this year
BY: Andrew Stiles - April 17, 2012 6:08 pm
Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad (D., N.D.) will not draft a
Democratic budget before the 2012 election, he announced Tuesday.
Instead of going through the traditional markup process in the committee,
Conrad said he would introduce the 2010 report drafted by the Bowles-Simpson
fiscal commission, and then indefinitely delay a vote in order to allow
time for ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
April 26, 2012   by Rick Rice
The race baiters and race pimps, the gullible and the easily led, and the
Obama administration in particular, aren’t going to be delighted by what
Reuters has found out about George Zimmerman:
ZimmermanOn February 26, George Zimmerman shot and killed unarmed black
teenager Trayvon Martin in what Zimmerman says was self-defense. The furor
that ensued has consumed the country and prompted a re-examination of guns,
race and self-defense laws enacted in nearly half ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Bo's Son Ticketed in Porsche
Boston-Area Traffic Stops Surface as Chinese 'Princeling' Seeks to Play Down
BOSTON—In an effort to dispel reports that he led a luxurious lifestyle, Bo
Guagua, the Chinese "princeling" at Harvard and son of a deposed Communist
leader, this week denied he ever drove a Ferrari. But Mr. Bo has racked up
three traffic citations in Massachusetts—and according to a person familiar
with the matter, he was driving a black Porsche.
Mr. Bo is the son of Bo Xila... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Look--nothin' up my sleeve, presto! In a typical exercise of Old Media "
ethics," Vogue erased from the Internet its embarrassing puff piece on the
wife of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.
In 2011, to much international derision, Vogue published "The Rose of the
Desert," a puff piece on Asma al-Assad, the wife of the dictator.
Unfortunately for Vogue, almost immediately after the piece was published
that February, the whole Assad facade began to crumble in a most precipitous
way as the revolts a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
May 7, 2012   by Michael Laprarie
One year after the killing of Osama Bin Laden by US Special Forces, the
President is eager to take credit for what many consider the high point of
his first term. But many questions about the mission still remain.
In an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal last week, former Attorney
General Michael Mukasey revealed several embarrassing details about the
executive operations of the mission:
A recently disclosed memorandum from then-CIA Director Leon Pa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
Keith Koffler at Politico is being quite perceptive:
Barack_obamaPresident Barack Obama seems to be governing in some
parallel universe — where the United States exists without mortal dangers
threatening its economy and the nation’s most pressing exigency is the
reelection of its president.
But when Obama swore to defend the Constitution, and therefore the
nation, he did it in the dimension where the rest of us exist, where the
economy appears to be headed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
Pretty much the sentiment coming from the alleged victim's family:
Ashley Parker of the New York Times has a statement from the family of
John Lauber, the man theWashington Post claimed Mitt Romney bullied in high
school. She tweets:
From John Lauber’s family, the bullied victim in WaPo story: “We
are aggrieved that John would be used to further a political agenda.”
Also from John Lauber’s family: “The portrayal of John is
factually incorrect,”... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - How TV Brought Gay People Into Our Homes
May 12, 2012
In one of the most talked-about moments from the hit TV show Glee, Blaine
declared his love for Kurt and then — they kissed.
Glee is just one of many popular shows on television right now that feature
gay characters. Those characters aren't just entertaining us, they're
changing Americans' attitudes toward homosexuality.
In five separate studies, professor Edward Schiappa and his colleagues at
the University of Minnesota have found that the presence of gay characters
on television p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama's Sons: They Are Real for Him
By Daren Jonescu
Much has been said, here at American Thinker and elsewhere, about Barack
Obama's recent pair of teleprompted references to his (presumably) non-
existent sons.
Thomas Lifson toys with the notion that Obama might in fact have secret sons
, as a way of making sense of the seeming insanity of it. Selwyn Duke
suggests it might indicate brain damage from Obama's (presumably) past drug
use. (Funny, isn't it, how often one is left no choice but merely to
presume about the Cipher-in-C... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Killing Them Softly
By Jed Babbin on 6.4.12 @ 6:08AM
Obama's "kill list" tactic is assuredly doing nothing to win the war on
Between December 7, 1941, and September 2, 1945, a clarity of thought and
purpose pervaded America. We understood who our enemies were and undertook
as a nation to bring about their utter defeat. After September 1945, that
clarity was dulled in Korea and by the midpoint of the Vietnam War it had
disappeared altogether.
We never had that clarity after the war that was brought to our ho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
At a Capitol Hill press conference last Thursday, leaders from the two
unions representing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and
Border Patrol agents denounced the Obama Administration's immigration policy
. Flanked by Senators Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and
David Vitter (R-LA), these two union leaders painted a stark picture of the
state of immigration enforcement across the United States.
ICE union leader Chris Crane, who represents over 7,000 agents, decried ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
(CNSNews.com) - Sunni Muslim terrorists committed “about 70 percent” of
the 12,533 terrorist murders in the world last year, according to a report
by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).
The information comes from the 2011 NCTC Report on Terrorism, which is based
on information available as of March 12, 2012.
“Sunni extremists accounted for the greatest number of terrorist attacks
and fatalities for the third consecutive year,” the report says. “More
than 5,700 incidents were attributed ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - TARP's Goodfellas
by Joseph Lawler
Bailout: An Inside Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While
Rescuing Wall Street
By Neil Barofsky
Neil Barofsky can be forgiven a little posturing. Early on in his short
stint as Special Inspector General for TARP -- the bank bailouts -- he
realized that he had no choice but to set aside bureaucratic caution and
seize the mantle of whistleblower and reformer.
Barofsky, who before receiving an appointment from the Bush administration
had spent his career prosecuting ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - GM could be heading for bankruptcy again
By: John Hayward
8/16/2012 10:17 AM
President Obama loves to tout the General Motors bailout as the signature “
achievement” of his presidency, even though current taxpayer losses on the
deal are estimated at over $25 billion. The exact degree to which the rest
of us got soaked so Obama could give GM to his union allies changes
constantly as the value of the stock held by We the People fluctuates. You
don’t remember being asked if you would like to become a GM stockholder and
willingly acc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Sunday, 26 Aug 2012 08:50 AM
Undaunted by Mother Nature, Republicans are set to descend on Florida as
Mitt Romney's team works to cram four days of events into three after the
threat of Tropical Storm Isaac forced the soon-to-be nominee to cut short
his national convention.
Officials say they hope to begin laying out a revised schedule on Sunday.
As aides in Tampa scramble, Romney is taking a rare day off the campaign
trail at his lakeside vacation home in New Hampshire, receiving updates on
the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Elites Scorn Author Clancy's Greatness
When Naval Institute Press decided to publish "The Hunt for Red October" in
1983, few ever imagined the book would become a hit, much less create a
literary genre.
But it did, and as a result, author Tom Clancy took his place among the
American pantheon of authors – a place that many of the reviewers in the
elite media seem to ignore, at best.
I have been a Clancy fan since I was maybe eight years old. I read his books
constantly – to the annoyance of my eighth-grade English teacher. Of
course, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
CAIRO—Protesters breached the walls of the U.S. Embassy on Tuesday night,
pulling down and burning an American flag to protest a U.S.-produced film
they said was insulting to Islam.
Protesters destroyed an American flag pulled down from the U.S. embassy in
Cairo, Egypt, on Tuesday.
The demonstrators who climbed the walls were among about 2,000 mostly male
Islamists who converged outside the heavily guarded mission late Tuesday.
Several young men who scaled the embassy's concrete ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Thanks to the media and the Obama administration, they’ve now got their
target in the crosshairs.
Iran vowed to track down and punish the makers of a videp mocking the
Prophet Mohammad in the first state-sponsored threat to the people behind
the inflamatory footage.
The video made in California and posted on YouTube portrayed the Prophet
Mohammad as a womaniser and a fool. It has ignited a week of violent
protests across the Muslim world.
“The government of the Islamic Repu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20965
来自主题: USANews版 - The poor do have jobs
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Millions of poor Americans who don't pay federal
income taxes actually do have jobs. They just earn too little to pay taxes,
and in some cases, to escape poverty.
This is very different than the portrayal Mitt Romney offered in videotaped
remarks made public this week. The Republican presidential candidate said
that 47% of Americans pay no income tax and are dependent on the government.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
October 12, 2012 by Doug Johnson
In two debates President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have
collectively moved into first place in the all-time worst use of the medium
of television in a debates. Collectively they’ve frowned and smirked (Obama
) and creepily smiled and guffawed (Biden) in such inglorious fashion as to
historically portray themselves so poorly that they’ve move the needle
decidedly in their opponents favor. Obama’s debate loss is already historic.
Biden, while not ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
October 16, 2012 by Doug Johnson
Well isn’t this interesting…
Lima, Peru (CNN) — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday tried
to douse a political firestorm over the deadly assault on a U.S. diplomatic
mission in Libya, saying she’s responsible for the security of American
diplomatic outposts.
“I take responsibility,” Clinton said during a visit to Peru. “I’m
in charge of the State Department’s 60,000-plus people all over the world,
275 posts. The president and the vice president... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Poor ‘Senior’ in Dem Ad Bashing George Allen is Actually Democrat Trial
by Jammie
How sloppy. Can’t they just pay someone to read the talking points instead
of one of their own donors?
An elderly man in a widely seen Democratic TV ad who assails Virginia
Senate candidate George Allen for backing partial privatization of Social
Security, possibly threatening his fixed income, is a prominent Democratic
trial lawyer known for defending former Redskins owner Jack Kent Cooke in
his legal t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1637
来自主题: USANews版 - 为什么我开始倾向于奥巴马。
lz makes common sense. R cheated GOP by being "severely conservative" to get
nomination, then cheats voters by being gentle moderation. Had he been
elected, he would cheat all way through the end, the end of this country.
"Romney, as his campaign for the White House has made abundantly clear,
first in his servile courtship of the tea party in order to win the
nomination, and now as the party’s shape-shifting nominee. From his embrace
of the party’s radical right wing, to subsequent portrayals of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803
来自主题: USANews版 - Is Obama Stupid And Lazy?
Is Obama Stupid and Lazy?
Although that’s quite a provocative question, evidence is mounting that
Obama may not be as intelligent as his supporters and cheerleaders in the
media constantly assure us. The reality may be that Obama is mostly a
creation of the liberal media. Indeed, the more we dig into his past, the
more we find very little substance and discover how a network of liberal
professors, law firms, and others, gave him a pass on performance while he
pursued his political agenda.
Educat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Gaza Child Killed … By Hamas
by Jammie
This iconic image made its way around the world. Fighting back tears at
Gaza’s Shifa Hospital, Egyptian Prime Minister held 4-year old Mahmoud
Sadallah in his arms and called on Israel to end its military operations.
A PR gift for Hamas, eager to portray the IDF as vicious child killers.
While the boy was allegedly killed by an IDF airstrike, it occurred
during the time that a ceasefire was in effect for the visit of the Egyptian
PM. A ceasefire that Hamas broke, firing mor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
After his party’s devastating setback in the 2010 midterm elections, Barack
Obama was reelected earlier this month by painting his Republican opponents
as heartless in favoring lower taxes for the rich. They were portrayed as
nativists for opposing the DREAM Act amnesty for illegal immigrants, and as
callous in battling the federal takeover of health care.
Republicans countered with arguments that higher taxes on the employer class
hurt the economy in general. They assumed most voters knew that ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Freedom in Egypt, whatever it may eventually look like, isn’t going to
include the ability to speak negatively about Islam…
CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian court convicted in absentia Wednesday seven
Egyptian Coptic Christians and a Florida-based American pastor, sentencing
them to death on charges linked to an anti-Islam film that had sparked riots
in parts of the Muslim world.
The case was seen as largely symbolic because the defendants, most of
whom live in the United States, are all outside... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Dr. Sowell推荐Stephen Moore的《到底谁最公平?》;如果每个美国人都读了这本书
If everyone in America had read Stephen Moore’s new book, Who’s the
Fairest of Them All?, Barack Obama would have lost the election in a
The point here is not to say, “Where was Stephen Moore when we needed him?
” A more apt question might be, “Where was the whole economics profession
when we needed them?” Where were the media? For that matter, where were the
Since Who’s the Fairest of Them All? was published ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
I See England, I See France
by Matt Purple
The left and much of the center are launching a scorched-earth assault
against the right's position on taxes.
Republicans are being told they must hike taxes on top earners if they're
serious about paying down the debt. Grover Norquist is being portrayed as a
mad sorcerer, staggering around and misfiring spells in fits of pique while
his entranced minions slowly come to. Here in Washington, meaningless
buzzwords are fluttering through the air like dead ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
December 7, 2012 Posted by Doug Johnson
It looks like the courts will have the final say in the case of NBC’s
reporting on George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is suing NBC, NBC correspondents
Ron Allen and Lilia Rodriguez Luciano, and Jeff Burnside, a reporter for the
NBC-owned station in Miami, over their blatantly dishonest editing of
Zimmerman’s recorded conversation with police dispatchers. Luciano,
Burnside, and an unnamed producer were fired by NBC after the issue came to
light in the blogospher... 阅读全帖
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