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发帖数: 2152
来自主题: Military版 - On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543
by Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Translated by Martin H. Bertram
copyright © 1971 Fortress Press & Augsburg Fortress - On the Jews and
Their Lies is from Luther’s Works Volume 47. Augsburg Fortress is the
publishing ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Funded through sales revenue, Augsburg Fortress is called to provide
products and services that communicate the Gospel, enhance faith, and
enrich the life of the Christian community from a Lutheran perspective.
Part I
I had mad... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
如果这个教练是穆斯林的话, 学校会shut up了吧.
Published on CNS News http://www.cnsnews.com
Defying Orders to Stop, Praying Football Coach Will Take Legal Action
Against School District
Joe Kennedy, the Bremerton, Washington assistant football coach who has been
told by his school district to stop praying on the field after games,
announced Monday that he will take legal action against the Bremerton school
Kennedy is claiming that the district is violating his rights under Title
VII of the 1964 Civil R... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Obama provides some information on his Islamic background in his two books,
Dreams and The Audacity of Hope (2006). In 2007, when Hillary Clinton was
still the favored Democratic candidate for president, a number of reporters
dug up information about Obama's time in Indonesia. Obama's statements as
president have provided important insights into his mentality. The major
biographies of Obama devote little attention to this topic, both the
friendly ones (such as those by David Maraniss, David Mend... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1124
The small town of Purdon, Texas has been quarantined after a family of five
tested positive for the Ebola virus.
Purdon is located just 70 miles from Dallas, Texas, and the hospital that
has cared for both American Ebola patients, Thomas Eric Duncan, and Texas
nurse, Nina Pham.
It has been verified that Jack Phillips returned from Dallas last week while
on business. Shortly after arriving home, Mr. Phillips began exhibiting flu
-like symptoms, but did not immediately go to the hospital. At this ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
If You Don’t Like Either Candidate, Then Vote for Trump’s Policie
Wayne Grudem
Posted: Oct 19, 2016 12:14 AM
After I saw the shocking 2005 video with Trump talking about his sexual
aggression against women, I wrote, “There is no morally good presidential
candidate in this election.” I condemned Trump’s immoral conduct and said
I did not know how I would vote. I asked Townhall.com to remove my earlier
article, “Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice.” I urged
Trump to withdraw, ho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 356
来自主题: Running版 - seven dirty words
Big fan of George Carlin. Here is some good piece from his "You're All
Diseased" special series
I've often thought people treat God rather rudely, don't you? Asking
trillions and trillions of prayers every day. Asking and pleading and
begging for favors. Do this, gimme that, I need a new car, I want a better
job. And most of this praying takes place on Sunday His day off. It's not
nice. And it's no way to treat a friend. But people do pray, and they pray
for a lot of different things, you know, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1076
来自主题: Music版 - 【翻唱】baichichi -- Only Hope
ID: baichichi
歌名:Only Hope
觉得很美好。第三,我的research终于有了点idea,虽然不知道能不能work out,但至
曲作者:Jonathan Foreman
词作者:Jonathan Foreman
原唱:Mandy Moore
There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3781
what's problem with you?
My comments are here:
发信人: Reo ( 神 愛 世 人), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: John 17 The High Priestly Prayer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 13 10:22:01 2011, 美东)
*Jesus Prays for His Disciples
John 17: 9 I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those y
ou have given me, for they are yours.
*Jesus Prays for All Believers
John17:20 "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will b
elieve in me through their message,
We need to pay attention to what Jesus ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 996
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - A very old Jewish man
In Jerusalem, a female journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had
been going to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, everyday, for a long,
long time. So she went to check it out. She went to the Western Wall and
there he was! She watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he
turned to leave, she approached him for an interview.
"I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. Sir, how long have you been coming to the
Western Wall and praying?"
"For about 60 years."
"60 years! That's amazing! What... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6791
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - Mark Twain:Letters from the earth
Letters from the Earth
When the Creator had finished thinking, He said, "I have thought. Behold!"
He lifted His hand, and from it burst a fountain-spray of fire, a million
stupendous suns, which clove the blackness and soared, away and away and
away, diminishing in magnitude and intensity as they pierced the far
frontiers of Space, until at last they were but as diamond nailheads
sparkling under the domed vast roof of the universe.
At the end of an hour the Grand Council was dismissed.
They left... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38403
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 笑话一则:与墙对话
A female CNN journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going
to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long time.
So she went to check it out. She went to the Western Wall and there he was,
walking slowly up to the holy site.
She watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave,
using a cane and moving very slowly, she approached him for an interview.
“Pardon me, sir, I’m Rebecca Smith from CNN. What’s your name?
“Morris Feinberg,” he re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1574
来自主题: _Dashengjiao版 - 大圣 VS. “手机之神”
这封邮件来自Bridge International。大家可以通过邮件,看到这个组织是怎样通过各所大学疯狂向国际学生传教。另外感慨一下,我曾经帮助Bridges International某年的冬令会做过一些筹备工作。如果我没有被大圣选中,我大概就会是那个在train other internationals in ministry skills的基督徒~~~~~两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山~~~~~~
Subject: PRAYER: Jesus and Cell Phones
Dear Sparty,
“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers.” (Act... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 371
来自主题: _BibleStudy版 - word for this week Oct 7th-Oct 15th 2011
【全年讀經進度】民數記 Numbers 20
【今日默想禱讀經文】民 20:11-13
【今日信息】人生必經的三項考驗    By Rev. Andrew Tsai
(1) 尊榮的考驗:Dishonor
摩西拿著杖,但是要用口來吩咐盤石出水。但是摩西卻拿著杖,用力擊打盤... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 6/21 读书笔记Islam
1. The Profession of Faith—The Shahada
The Profession of Faith, the shahada, is the most fundamental expression of
Islamic beliefs. It simply states that “There is no God but God and
Muhammad is his prophet.” It underscores the monotheistic nature of Islam.
It is an extremely popular phrase in Arabic calligraphy and appears in
numerous manuscripts and religious buildings.
2. Daily Prayers—Salat
Muslims are expected to pray five times a day. This does not mean that they
need to attend a mosque to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
Chapter 3.1 Our Death With Christ A Historic Fact
Romans 6:1-11 is the passage before us now. In these verses it is made clear
that the death of the Lord Jesus is representative and inclusive. In His
death we all died. None of us can progress spiritually without seeing this.
Just as we cannot have justification if we have not seen Him bearing our
sins on the Cross, so we cannot have sanctification if we have not seen Him
bearing us on the Cross. Not only have our sins been laid on Him but we
our... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
Chapter 3.1 Our Death With Christ A Historic Fact
Romans 6:1-11 is the passage before us now. In these verses it is made clear
that the death of the Lord Jesus is representative and inclusive. In His
death we all died. None of us can progress spiritually without seeing this.
Just as we cannot have justification if we have not seen Him bearing our
sins on the Cross, so we cannot have sanctification if we have not seen Him
bearing us on the Cross. Not only have our sins been laid on Him but we
our... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6300
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - Why Doesn’t God Answer All My Prayers?
Why Doesn’t God Answer All My Prayers?
You don’t have to be a Christian long to recognize you don’t always get
what you pray for. Why doesn’t God seem to answer all our prayers? Is it
because we aren’t praying properly, or have we simply failed to recognize
God’s answer? Our ideas about prayer and God’s ideas about prayer are
sometimes very different. Look at Jesus’ model supplication in the Gospel
of Luke:
Luke 11:2-4
And He said to them, “When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be Your name.
You... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 490
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 基和穆的神应该是同一个吧?
The Quran, Allah and Plurality Issues (Sam Shamoun)
The Quran, much like the Holy Bible, uses plural pronouns for God even more
so than what we find in God’s true Word. Here are several examples:
This is part of the tidings of the things unseen, which We reveal unto thee
(O Apostle!) by inspiration: Thou wast not with them when they cast lots
with arrows, as to which of them should be charged with the care of Mary:
Nor wast thou with them when they disputed (the point). S... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12988
来自主题: Wisdom版 - 新年祷文 - by Yogi Bhajan
Prayer for a Happy New Year (新年祷文)
In God’s love for you alone, life unfolds
Like a silken cone unwinds.
And we are all woven, one with God.
Strands of silk,
Sacred and divine.
The drums of war are loud and clear,
But hope of peace is also near.
If the Word of God will lead the people
And compassion will flow with the beat of the heart,
Th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 311
家貓 Bluey 往生記
July 16-17, 2014
2000年, 我家老二新婚, 小夫妻買了兩隻喜馬拉亞種出生才14天的小貓. 一隻取名"
Bluey", 一隻"Joey". 姐妹倆, 可愛極了. 沒幾年, 老二的兩個孩子相繼出世. 夫妻倆
為了孩子們, 忙得不可開交. 沒時間去照顧兩隻貓. 長得滿滿的長毛沒人剪. 只見一團
毛, 不見貓. 我看她們太可憐了. 就領了回家. 我細心照顧它們. 她們都懂我說的. 和
我生活了六年. 現在快十五歲了. 按人壽來算, 7x15, 她們相當一百零五歲了. 我一直
叫她們, little girl, pretty girl.
我現在稱她"貓菩薩Bluey". 她非常聰明. 眼睛明亮, 舉止高貴, 很有靈性. 我常跟她
說, 你是位仙女. 到這人間來做什麼? 我小念佛堂裡的念佛機, 24小時開著. 她常常... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 293
来自主题: _BibleStudy版 - not completely spt Re: Prayer Request
Do you really believe the pray will change anything? Surely I hope SARS could
be eliminated as soon as possible,but I never prayed for that. Because I just
do not believe our pray will make things different. The lord said, what ever
you prayed, if you believed you would get it THEN your pray would be
answered,otherwise, it is just like junk. I think the key point here is not
SARS itself,it is our attitude to this disease, namely we need to pray
for our faith to Lord at this point, not ask lord t
发帖数: 3875
Chinese Students Pushed to Find Jesus at U.S. Christian Schools
2011-12-20 21:00:01.0 GMT
By Daniel Golden
Dec. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Haiying Wu’s family in Shandong
Province wasn’t religious. After a born-again Texan teaching
English in China advised her that Christian schools in the U.S.
are safe and academically strong, she enrolled at Ben Lippen
High School in Columbia, South Carolina.
Ben Lippen required her to attend church and chapel, take
Bible class, and join a Bible study group. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice
Wayne Grudem
Some of my Christian friends tell me they can’t in good conscience vote for
Donald Trump because, when faced with a choice between “the lesser of two
evils,” the morally right thing is to choose neither one. They recommend
voting for a third-party or write-in candidate.
As a professor who has taught Christian ethics for 39 years, I think their
analysis is incorrect. Now that Trump has won the GOP nomination, I think
voting for Tru... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12899
PandaCub (godblessmybaby) 于 (Sat Jan 7 01:31:40 2012, 美东) 提到:
难劬ΓΡΨ纯沟煤芾骱Γ永疵挥斜簧苏庋源V灰锌赡埽颐且院笤僖膊换岫滤桓鋈俗鋈魏渭觳椤N颐谴蛩阆轮茉偃ジ歉鲅劭埔缴幌拢蛔鰀rum test, 看是否真的造成了精神以外的创伤。
关于宝宝的病我们也在拼命看资料。宝宝的眼睛没有大家说起的那种典型的快速水平或垂直运动,否则我们也能够早察觉到。宝宝的眼睛有时似乎正常,只是眼神有些游移,有时有些微微晃动, 像是在找什么。Nystagmus确实只是一种symptom,但是被认为是眼睛的病变或神经系统的问
穑蟾欧殖蒻otor和sensory两类,因果关系不同。如果眼睛本身没有问题... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 869
Posted by alkingson (16) 16 Jan 2012
I think retrogression will happen for sure..I want it to happen as I am not
married yet and filed my 485 I need some window to go back to India have a
vacation for 3-4 months look for a girl and get married..whole process will
take 6-7 months..Praying to GOD for dates move back..
Posted by AllFair3012 (147) 1 hour 45 minutes ago
to alkingson:
Ok instead of praying to retrogress the PDs You can pray following things.
1. Pray that USCIS i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1588
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - 日本大地震和92岁老房东的高兴
1,“why so many Chinese, so mean to other Chinese, are so kind and generous
to other countries' people. ”
kind and generous。
2,“For Japan, I don't know, why a country, whose people build a fucking
temple for criminals and never ever admit their crimes for 60 years, deserve
any prayer”
3.“If you wanna pray, why not pray for poors in China, why not do more good
things ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3675
We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most celebrated
scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in long line of
inquirers who have asked this historian about the mysterious origins of the
LoveNLust gang. Without her incitation, this piece would never have been
奉天承运,狼帝昭曰: 文豪,当世大儒,买卖体不二才女也。然于文情端倪,不尽熟
History of the LoveNLust Gang: Book of Genesis
In the beginning, there wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10965

We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most celebrated
scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in long line of
inquirers who have asked this historian about the mysterious origins of the
LoveNLust gang. Without her incitation, this piece would never have been
奉天承运,狼帝昭曰: 文豪,当世大儒,买卖体不二才女也。然于文情端倪,不尽熟
History of the LoveNLust Gang: Book of Genesis
In the beginning, ther... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 775
What would happen if we get down on our knees and pray to God in this way:
Dear God, almighty, all-powerful, all-loving creator of the universe, we
pray to you to cure every case of cancer on this planet tonight. We pray in
faith, knowing you will bless us as you describe in Matthew 7:7, Matthew 17:
20, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:24, John 14:12-14, Matthew 18:19 and James 5:15-
16. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
We pray sincerely, knowing that when God answers this completely heartfelt,
发帖数: 516
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 基督徒都信什么
Dear friend,
We actually will go to visit those who are ill, and pray for them in person,
and together with them as well. Putting oil on them is definitely not hard
to do, and our pastor sometimes does that to sick people. We consider pray
much more important than putting oil on him. because, praying, most of the
time, gives the patient strength from both inside and phycially very quick.
In Bible, especially in New Testament, you didn't see Jesus putting oil on
sick people all the time. But he d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 8.2 Faith Is Again The Key
As for forgiveness, so equally for the coming upon us of the Holy Spirit,
the whole question is one of faith. As soon as we see the Lord Jesus on the
Cross, we know our sins are forgiven; and as soon as we see the Lord Jesus
on the Throne, we know the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon us. The
basis upon which we receive the enduement of the Holy Spirit is not our
praying and fasting and waiting, but the exaltation of Christ. Those who
emphasize tarrying and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 8.6 The Absolute Lordship Of Christ
“Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
which ye have from God? and ye are not your own; for ye were bought with a
price: glorify God therefore in your body” (1 Cor. 6:19, 20).
This verse now takes us a stage further, for, when once we have made the
discovery of the fact that we are the dwelling place of God, then a full
surrender of ourselves to God must follow. When we see that we are the
temple of God we shall imm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 12.3
Natural Energy In The Work Of God
The power, the energy of the soul is present with us all. Those who have
been taught by the Lord repudiate that principle as a life principle; they
refuse to live by it; they will not let it reign, nor allow it to be the
power-spring of the work of God. But those who have not been taught of God
rely upon it; they utilize it; they think it is the power.
Let us take first an obvious illustration of this. Far too many of us in the
past have reasoned as... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 8.2 Faith Is Again The Key
As for forgiveness, so equally for the coming upon us of the Holy Spirit,
the whole question is one of faith. As soon as we see the Lord Jesus on the
Cross, we know our sins are forgiven; and as soon as we see the Lord Jesus
on the Throne, we know the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon us. The
basis upon which we receive the enduement of the Holy Spirit is not our
praying and fasting and waiting, but the exaltation of Christ. Those who
emphasize tarrying and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 8.6 The Absolute Lordship Of Christ
“Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
which ye have from God? and ye are not your own; for ye were bought with a
price: glorify God therefore in your body” (1 Cor. 6:19, 20).
This verse now takes us a stage further, for, when once we have made the
discovery of the fact that we are the dwelling place of God, then a full
surrender of ourselves to God must follow. When we see that we are the
temple of God we shall imm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 12.3
Natural Energy In The Work Of God
The power, the energy of the soul is present with us all. Those who have
been taught by the Lord repudiate that principle as a life principle; they
refuse to live by it; they will not let it reign, nor allow it to be the
power-spring of the work of God. But those who have not been taught of God
rely upon it; they utilize it; they think it is the power.
Let us take first an obvious illustration of this. Far too many of us in the
past have reasoned as... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38403
This is the first in a series of stories on losing faith.
Teresa MacBain has a secret, one she's terrified to reveal.
"I'm currently an active pastor and I'm also an atheist," she says. "I live
a double life. I feel pretty good on Monday, but by Thursday — when Sunday'
s right around the corner — I start having stomachaches, headaches, just
knowing that I got to stand up and say things that I no longer believe in
and portray myself in a way that's totally false."
MacBain glances nervously around... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3449
India urged to 'pray' for completion of Delhi Games
By Penny MacRae (AFP) – 4 hours ago
NEW DELHI — New Delhi's top official has urged Indians to "pray" for the
city's Commonwealth Games sporting venues to be completed on time, after
massive delays in construction threatened the October 3 start.
In remarks broadcast Saturday, Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit said: "I
can only pray and request the whole city and the country to pray."
Her comments came as the deadline for completion of construc
发帖数: 4978
Egypt is burning and most western pundits have no idea why
Cairo is burning. So is Egypt. Twitter is exploding. Everyone seems to have
an opinion—many who do have never even been to Egypt but feel a strong
sense of solidarity with the most remarkable revolution in a generation,
perhaps. A revolution which importantly is not really caused by Twitter or
by Facebook—as much as the self congratulatory social networking types in
the West would like to believe.
Full disclosur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 884
来自主题: Military版 - 习主席要想成为一代伟人的话
So what do you want? 毛主席, 邓小平 circling around...again and again? then
China is doomed.
I don't think 中国的老百姓现在都盼毛主席再世, maybe a part of people.
So we still need to educate those people,
stop praying for "bao qing tian",
stop praying for "great leader",
stop praying for "the one",
stop praying for "the savior".
Let's fight for a great system.
发帖数: 309
来自主题: Military版 - 法国人死了,我为什么不悲伤?
说的好!网上一堆傻逼瞎起哄还pray for paris,pray你麻痹。你们法国不派战机到中
枪子死人,你麻痹你不pray for iraq。巴黎人命就更精贵吗?别显得不说pray for
发帖数: 29846
The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights confirmed that it is
investigating allegations that Catholic University violated the human rights
of Muslim students by not allowing them to form a Muslim student group and
by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols for their daily
The investigation alleges that Muslim students “must perform their prayers
surrounded by symbols of Catholicism – e.g., a wooden crucifix, paintings
of Jesus, pictures of priests and theologians which man... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
As Obama continues to flood America with Muslim “refugees,” employers with
Muslim workers find themselves under increasing demands to adhere to Sharia
Law. And if they refuse, they could count on bad publicity or a fat lawsuit
from CAIR, sometimes with the Obama DOJ joining in – just for fun:
Last month we reported on how meat processor Cargill fired 150 Muslim
workers who walked off the job in a Colorado plant when their prayer demands
were not met.
Today, comes the report of a confrontation be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
因为那些穆斯林的爸妈不是白人,从小就在穆斯林环境长大,每天pray pray再pray。
刚生出来被美国人收养的穆斯林当然没问题. 就连过来的穆斯林学生考试期间都要求出
发帖数: 20965
来自主题: USANews版 - 新时代的house negro, 川粉
I’ll say one more thing and then I’ll sit down.
Back during slavery, when Black people like me talked to the slaves, they
didn't kill 'em, they sent some old house Negro along behind him to undo
what he said. You have to read the history of slavery to understand this.
There were two kinds of Negroes. There was that old house Negro and the
field Negro.
And the house Negro always looked out for his master. When the field Negroes
got too much out of line, he held them back in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5878
新一轮新股申购本周五... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 385
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 散尽家财为我的宝宝求祝福!
Tearing...as a Mom of two, really understand what this is to a Mom..
Just thinking, to all the JMs here who believe in God:can you all please
pray for her baby when you are talking to God?
My mom had been praying for me and even asked her church to pray for me for
many years as I didn't have a kid after being married for 12 years and
finally I got naturally pregnant and gave birth to my daughter when I was 38
and my son when I was 40...even if you don't believe in God, still praying
doesn't hurt... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17163
来自主题: Stock版 - i've gone all in
so nothing i can do now
except for praying for an imminent crash
i pray and pray and pray
发帖数: 66
来自主题: Immigration版 - Jesus and Green card
I prayed to Jesus for my Green card application.
Jesus said: Piss off! You are a chinese.
I prayed harder to Jesus.
Jesus said: Let me think about it. Go ahead and fight for your FBI name
I sued FBI and my name check was cleared.
I prayed to Jesus again.
Jesus said: sorry, nothing I can do for you at this point.
I prayed harder and harder to Jesus.
Jesus said: thanks for the great prayers. But... fuck off. You are a
发帖数: 5697
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - Tebow time and Giants time
When Tebow knees down to pray, he is praying to god
when Big Ben knees down to pray, he is praying the girl not to testify in
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