D******D 发帖数: 1022 | 1 not any more, multiple people are doing that right now, and HE's execution
in the prelim is even worse than those people |
S*****e 发帖数: 425 | 2 OMG, the last dive is terrible. really mistake. hope it wont stop at
prelim |
D******D 发帖数: 1022 | 3 Prelim is already a bad sign for HE,
He has tons of work to do |
A****0 发帖数: 1367 | 4 要是过prelim都和老板有这么多问题,我觉得最好就quit. 拿个 master 找工作,或者
转校读 ph.d. 现在回头还来得及,等你再读个两三年,真的是进退两难。
到现 |
s***k 发帖数: 705 | 5 赶紧走吧,我也想quit了,读个双学位。
我也是第一年,prelim没过 |
a*****1 发帖数: 162 | 6 为什么Quit,Prelim第二次没过?农业类的很少有这么长的 |
M*P 发帖数: 6456 | 7 为什么不换人
:事情是这样的,我最近准备参加prelim,然后大概程序是,交了written proposal,
12.7,program要求12.8必须完成。如果推迟到12.8以后需要program同意。 |
t********9 发帖数: 536 | 8 我觉得你的态度非常端正,很虚心,听的进去意见,你肯定能顺利通过Prelim的!看好
你! |
E**********e 发帖数: 1736 | 9 为是么有的broker说给材料(指给broker材料, 不是给银行)的当天就可以锁定, 有的需
要等到prelim 后,交给银行后才可以锁定?
盼知道的人解答. 谢谢. |
H*H 发帖数: 1465 | 10 我,1月初生娃,11月底考prelim. 体力脑子什么都没问题。就是如果跟due date只差
刚有娃的时候不一定累但是事情多没法工作,除非你不喂母乳而且还有人帮着带。 |
s******e 发帖数: 3910 | 11 我不算后期,27周过的oral test,老板给准备了个椅子但是我一直没坐。之前考了2门
前一两个月。 |
I*****y 发帖数: 6402 | 12 没有 prelim test怎么给你phd candidacy?
最快的方法就是work your butt off |
k**********a 发帖数: 255 | 13 兩個考试都有吗 prelim 和 qualify exam? |
I*****y 发帖数: 6402 | 14 有的专业就只有一个大考,或者叫qualify或者叫prelim |
y*******5 发帖数: 5023 | 15 考C之前,前4门都是一次通过,而且满分。
等有时间,写写考试心得。 |
M***e 发帖数: 836 | 16 牛人,我老当年考prelim的时候曾经因为考了一次7分后悔不迭 |
O**R 发帖数: 44 | 17 俺单位小孩,国内的本科 prelim最多看6周,全是10分过
5月第一次考FSA考试 也是看了不到三个月就pass
26 |
e****p 发帖数: 354 | 18 prelim 上老板问 毕业后打算,大家一般怎么回答a? |
K**R 发帖数: 193 | 19 我月底就要prelim exam了。 问一个member,他说普通生理学任何问题都会问,没有范
还有统计学。 不知道除了ppt里的内容,他们还会问什么? 大家有什么经验吗? |
d**p 发帖数: 149 | 20 I was asked to write down the chemical structure of ATP when I was taking
the prelim exam. I wrote it out and then I got a full pass finally. LOL |
h********g 发帖数: 145 | 21 Thanks hahaha for bring up this topic.
I just noticed in the NRMP program results (2005-2009), that many programs
have many unfilled positions. e.g. uc davis have 11 and only 2 filled last
year, and similar for previous 5 years. Maybe the PD or chair just does not
care whether prelim positions are filled or not? If that's so, why they keep
opening that many positions? |
e*****a 发帖数: 1334 | 22 Those positions were pretty much filled during scramble.
have many unfilled positions. e.g. uc davis have 11 and only 2 filled last
year, and similar for previous 5 years. Maybe the PD or chair just does not
care whether prelim positions are filled or not? If that's so, why they keep
opening that many positions? |
h****a 发帖数: 234 | 23 no problem. 你还想申PRELIM IM吗?
keep |
h****a 发帖数: 234 | 24 anesthesia的internship year是不是prelim surg/IM, transitional year都可以啊?
还是不同的PROGRAM会有不同的规定,要一个个问? |
M****9 发帖数: 240 | 25 anesthesiology have advanced and categorical programs. for the categorical
programs, you do not need to apply for the prelim year separately. |
e*****a 发帖数: 1334 | 26 There are very few Designated Surg-Prelim/Anesthesiology positions. Contact
the program(s) first so you won't waste the money. |
h*******n 发帖数: 95 | 27 因为还想申请Neuro,所以想把目前的内科program分成一些申请categorical,然后留
谢谢 |
h*******n 发帖数: 95 | 28 还有个问题,申请neurology可不可以申请外科的prelim?如果可以,PS怎么adress呢?
谢谢。 |
E*******9 发帖数: 152 | 29 如果向同一个program申请both prelim and categorical IM,如果PS用同一个(IM)
I just wonder whether by doing so, the IM program will NOT think we use
categorical IM as backup?
欢迎砸砖! |
o*****2 发帖数: 11 | 30 Same as Emily2009. Can we apply for both prelim and categorical, then
indicate our PGY-2 Specialty interest(s) as IM? |
a********a 发帖数: 57 | 31 Can we apply for both prelim and categorical, then
indicate our PGY-2 Specialty interest(s) as IM?
-This does not make any sense, it is much much tougher to get preliminary
year IM interviews compared to categorical IM at the same institution. Your
chances of getting an interview is not going to be increased by applying to
preliminary year. |
E*******9 发帖数: 152 | 32 Thanks, alohaahola, for your comment.
So for prelim IM, we should just try to look for small community hospitals?
I would appreciate any suggestions or opinions!
Thanks! |
E*******9 发帖数: 152 | 33 I'm NOT against community hospitals, as many of us will go there for
I just want to figure out how to decide which programs for prelim while
others for categorical IM.
Any more opinions or comments, please.
Thanks. |
L********8 发帖数: 248 | 34 To those who have finished Prelim Surgery PGY1 and are frustrating for next
position, this is may be a chance!
September 2009--The Department of Surgery, at SUNY Downstate Medical Center,
at Brooklyn has preliminary PGY 2 position to be filled immediately.
The position will commence on October 1, 2009. Interested applicants’
should forward e-mail or fax the following documents:
ERAS Application
USMLE Scores
Curriculum Vitae
Operative Case Log Report
Letters of Recommendations (3)
M |
c*********r 发帖数: 541 | 35 什么科的?
我的prelim iv在前两天我发的帖子里都有 |
a*********e 发帖数: 23 | 36 谢谢~ very informative post! 看来还是珍爱生命,远离prelim GS的好。
fill% |
L********8 发帖数: 248 | 37 To those who want to try scramble prelim surgery. You can send group email
based on the list. Please reply, because
it's illegal to post these Emails directly here. |
K******2 发帖数: 52 | 39 Hello Dear Lancet,
I am aiming at surgical residency and will be applying prelim surgery this
May I have your list please? Thank you very much!
Kate |
l**j 发帖数: 101 | 40 我当时有mount sina at elmhurst, Brookdale的prelim IV. |
l*****t 发帖数: 190 | 41 觉得申请的categorical IM 太少了,想要把几个从prelim IM 改为 Categorical IM。
知道行不行。 看到好多program都已经下载了,要是改来改去的话,这些人是不是能知
谢了! |
e*****a 发帖数: 1334 | 42 Two specialties at the same place - the risk is low.
Prelim medicine + categorical IM at the same place - if you can convince the
program that you only like internal medicine and you are willing to take
any positions. |
l*******8 发帖数: 1745 | 43 Forget about transitional year! 怎么着也要申请30-60 prelim IM,能拿到3-6个面
试就算你运气好的了。 |
a*****o 发帖数: 174 | 44 I replied a post couple of wks ago saying these are basically the same thing
w/ 2 different names.
I have to correct this now. Just read about the description of these 2
within a same program, the differences are:
Trans-yr will have only one block of ICU/CCU module, and one of general
Prelim-yr will have two ICU/CCU but none in surgery.
So, it seems like these 2 do have some degree of difference. Just don't know
what that is.
Any input? |
p*****3 发帖数: 52 | 45 Prelim Surg is a practical but also a tough choice. I recommend many of CMGs
to apply as a backup. |
S******Q 发帖数: 475 | 46 非常辛苦,虽然上面说的那些科室都接受Prelim Surgery为可行的INSTERNSHIP但是几
选择 |
z**********4 发帖数: 467 | 47 Yes, you can. What if you match into advanced programs without a preliminary
one? This question is very complex. You are unmatched. But the programs
usually do not set themselves in such dilemmas. If one advanced program such
as neuro or rad really likes you and you are an IMG at the same time, PD or
chair usually advises you to apply TYP or preliminary int med in the same
university. They usually give a phone call to int med PD and ask him/her to
rank you high simultaneously. Other advanced pro... 阅读全帖 |
y*******o 发帖数: 131 | 48 我apply了categorical的,但是offer我一个prelim的,时间只给几天。我想来想去也
内科的。想问问前辈们,应该该怎么打算?PGY-2的位子好找么? |
l*******8 发帖数: 1745 | 49 干的好,program留你。版上有前辈是从prelim 转成categorical的。
residentswap, freida时不时有IM, neurology, PM&R的pgy2 opening.
NJ有家program每年都招两个从别的地方过来的pgy2 |
S**********e 发帖数: 1325 | 50 你那个prelim到底签了没有?签了就什么都别想啦 |