

全部话题 - 话题: pretending
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发帖数: 1204
【 以下文字转载自 Olympics 讨论区 】
发信人: WarCraft3 (沃山), 信区: Olympics
标 题: 看事情看本质,类似的言论只是关于Doping 吗?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 10 10:47:28 2016, 美东)
看事情看本质,类似的言论只是关于Doping 吗?
这个问题上就直截了当, 一阵见血,:
It was not a surprise to see such words coming up again, whenever an athlete
from China, from Asia, or from some 3rd world countries excels in so-called
private territories of certain advanced countries, there is outcry about
Howe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4400
I still believe this guy is pretending to be a homeless to teach people a
I do not believe there are someone on earth that are as stupid as him or the
person he pretends to be
发帖数: 4834

: I still believe this guy is pretending to be a homeless to teach
people a

: lesson

: I do not believe there are someone on earth that are as stupid as him
or the

: person he pretends to be

发帖数: 12553
Two things.
Pretend to be cool, and love erotica.
Pretend to love erotica, but actually very cool.
Turned out that there is only a very thin line between those two. Sometimes
you are practicing one, and you are actually the other one.
发帖数: 498
来自主题: Military版 - 黄牛对白男果然能忍
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: cnmitbbs (newtiger), 信区: Joke
标 题: 黄牛对白男果然能忍
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 22 23:04:04 2018, 美东)
Hi, all. It's been a year since I made this post. Obviously, as the title
states, he is now my ex. I am thankful for all the straightforward comments
that most of you made on that thread because it really catapulted me into
action. This is gonna be a long post, so... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
That's why we have to pretend all the middle-class jobs left America because
US corporations were "tricked" by Mexico and China. Because the fact is,
no US corporation can afford to increase their labor cost by 600%, which is
what it would take to bring back the manufacturing jobs. Those jobs left
America so US corporations could cut their labor costs some 85%. Those jobs
will come back when US workers can support their families on the same $5,
000 a year income their Mexican and Chinese coun... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - yahoo finance也开始支持trump 了?
pretending that China is pretending like the trade war isn't happening.
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 天天发碾压美华的是个什么心态
There is nothing left to salvage, nothing to hope for. The dreams of our
forefathers are long gone, only replaced with a fixation on money and making
this quarter's targets. People are only measured by their productivity and
no longer by their standard of living or their ability to reach any form of
Governments will still prioritize foreigners over citizens, taxes will
remain high, rights will continue to be stripped, the cost of living will
only increase, wages will still stagnate, a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4283
they say that "China pretends to be socialism, whereas US pretends to be

发帖数: 1
Stone Cold Word
Longboat Key, Florida4m ago
AG Barr investigating a missing Twinkie is a joke.
So I am reading all these comments laughing and calling out "conspiracy
theories". It's easy to "throw shade"..... getting "shade to stick" is
another story.
I know this. A high profile prisoner, who supposedly tried to kill
himself just two weeks ago, this guy could not get near a 6 inch piece of
thread. Now that's not a "conspiracy theory".
The "shade slingers" want us to believe that this ego ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1204
看事情看本质,类似的言论只是关于Doping 吗?
这个问题上就直截了当, 一阵见血,:
It was not a surprise to see such words coming up again, whenever an athlete
from China, from Asia, or from some 3rd world countries excels in so-called
private territories of certain advanced countries, there is outcry about
However it pretends to be about doping, let's ask, is it?
Can we all just be frank about it, it is racism!
We had it in London, and now we ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1524
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 我的观点:同性恋就是不能献血
To be a person, one should have some moral sense,
if do not have moral sense, one should have some logic,
if do not have logic, one should have some brain,
if do not have brain, one should have politeness,
if do not have politeness, at least one should pretend to have politeness,
if do not pretend to have politeness, one do have greate chance to be ***
hi, majia111,
just curious, how many "stupid" allowed in one post/day/month/year?
发帖数: 19713
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: ye88 (ye88), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 转一个American Born Chinese写的关于Jimmy kimmel 事件的看法
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 3 23:44:40 2013, 美东)
今天一个朋友转过来的, 很长的英文, 不知道大家有没有兴趣看看。
Jimmy Kimmel - kill everyone in China
All of Jimmy Kimmel’s lines transcribed from the video by me
“kill everyone in China? okay that’s an interesting idea…again.”
“you’re saying build a wall in China? a huge big great kind of a wall?”... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1085
If you are not Gates, Buffet, you are a robber by default. So stop
screaming for bloody murder.
LZ's chart tells all.
The top 5% pays 60% of the taxes. If you are not one of the top 5%, you are
a robber.
Just following your logic, everyone is robbing someone up on the ladder.
The poor robs 1000 out of you. You are robbing 10000 from the rich.
Who is the bigger robber here?
So stop pretending you are innocent and stop pretending to be a victim.
Of course, if you are one of the 5%. More taxes
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Ben Bernanke's Inflation Deception --
Ben Bernanke's Inflation Deception --
and What to Do About It
Ann Coulter
Dear Fellow Conservative,
Prices are soaring. From milk to gasoline, the things you buy every day are
Yet when '60 Minutes' asked Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke what "
degree of confidence" he had in his ability to prevent inflation from
getting out of control, he responded with a jaw-dropping "100 percent"!
Even Diane Sawyer's expression changed, and that hasn't happened since the
late 70's.
Even Andy... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 897
来自主题: USANews版 - Wis governor get call from his master
MADISON, Wis. – A prank caller pretending to be billionaire conservative
businessman David Koch was able to have a lengthy conversation with
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker about his strategy to cripple public employee
unions, the governor's office confirmed Wednesday.
On the call, Walker joked about bringing a baseball bat to a meeting with
Democratic leaders, said it would "be outstanding" to be flown out to
California by Koch for a good time after the battle is over, and said he
expected the anti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Geoffrey P. Hunt
It was Dorothy's dog Toto, a standard bred cairn terrier, in the 1939 movie
classic "The Wizard of Oz," tugging at the black curtain, who revealed the
Great and Powerful Oz to be nothing more than a humbug,
"Why, you're not a wizard at all, you're just a man! And you're a very bad
man for pretending to be a wizard," exclaims Dorothy. Professor Marvel,
chagrined after having been defrocked, and exhausted, unable to sustain the
charade, replies apologetically, " Oh no my dear... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
January 17, 2012
Is Nancy Pelosi trying to use reverse psychology on Republican voters?
Suspend disbelief for a moment, and pretend that Pelosi knows how to use
reverse psychology.
If that is difficult for you to do, then pretend that Pelosi read about
reverse psychology in Psychology Today while waiting for a botox treatment.
Now keep that thought in mind as you read the following excerpt from
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday launched political
grenades at Mitt Rom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
October 4, 2012 Posted by Paul
Before the high fiving from last night ends, enjoy a minute of pure
Schadenfreude. Imagine the poor slob who wrote this; trying -desperately- to
avoid the fact Obama proved himself to be clueless and incompetent last
night. You can see them at the keyboard, the partisan rage oozing from every
Normally the Times tries to pretend they walk the highroad… on this one
they gave up, going into full hate mode, even admitting in the headline that
the debate wasn’t ‘h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
VOTE FRAUD: Vir. Dem’s Field Director Conspires to Commit Voter Fraud,
Forge Docs
October 24, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
Jim Moran is an extremist, liberal Congressman from the state of Virginia
and it appears that his campaign office thinks perpetrating vote fraud is a
very good idea. So good that Moran’s campaign field director, his son
Patrick, conspired with the undercover camera of James O’Keefe to commit
vote fraud through forged documents and other violations of the law.
This is pretty ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
"If you are a liberal – as I am – you should be the most offended"
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
Kirsten Powers is a rare breed... an honest liberal:
Recently, the White House has kept Fox News off of conference calls
dealing with the Benghazi attack, despite Fox News being the only outlet
that was regularly reporting on it and despite Fox having top notch foreign
policy reporters.
They have left Chris Wallace’s "Fox News Sunday" out of a round of
interviews that included CNN, NBC, ABC... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
'Any race except Caucasian'
Thomas Lifson
Oops! A casting call for a new host of a children's program on the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation, the taxpayer supported, government-owned
television and radio network of Canada, accidentally told the truth, when
it specified "any race except Caucasian." See for yourself:
Adrain Humphries of the National Post reports:
A casting call to hire a new CBC host that specifically said white
people ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Zimmerman Trial Day 6 – Analysis & Video – State’s witness Chris Serino
seriously undermines charge
Posted by Andrew Branca Monday, July 1, 2013 at 7:13pm
If you didn’t listen to the live streaming of the Zimmerman case, you
missed the most astonishing cross-examination of a trial that has been hip-
deep in astonishing cross-examinations. (Fortunately for you, we provide the
video, below, if you need to catch up–it’s worth it.)
Chris Serino, Investigator, Sanford PD, Cross-Examination by O’Ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24893
“I have great respect for the East Asian races. Even if we were to go
extinct they could carry something on. They are by nature very racist and
could be great allies of the White race. I am not opposed at all to allies
with the Northeast Asian races. ”

I was not raised in a racist home or environment. Living in the South,
almost every White person has a small amount of racial awareness, simply
beause of the numbers of negroes in this part of the country. But it is a
superficial awar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27852
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: hsh (nidaye), 信区: Military
标 题: Why Can't Islam be Reformed? By Ali Sina
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 15 17:39:38 2016, 美东)
Why Can't Islam be Reformed?
By Ali Sina
Dear Mr. Sina,
I am a Muslim woman living in the USA I read some of your articles and
totally agree with you on many points.
I am still a Muslim but at the same time I hold rather peculiar positions on
many points.
There are five pillars of Islam and six pillars of faith that cannot be
modified. That... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - 最近几周黑人袭警案件综述
A brief magical mystery tour of black on cop violence over the last few
In Baltimore, one week ago, hundreds of black people took to the streets to
celebrate the life of the recently killed rapper Lor Scoota. He was best
known for celebrating guns, drugs, money and bitches in his videos and in
his life.
Eventually cops showed up: They were greeted with bottles and rocks and
threats and taunts when they suggested to the hundreds of black people that
destroying property and disobeying the l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24123
Let's all pretend evil not existing.
Let's all pretend people do say dirty will not go dirty.
Let's all bow to Muslims, gays and blacks and (here it comes...) Asian
men with small penis.
Is that the America you want to live in?
发帖数: 4124
Clinton supporters: Can you name a single thing Hillary has ever
State Senator Mike Doherty sent me an amusing message after I noted that
Hillary Clinton is a dangerous person because of her stated desire to
confront Russia militarily in Syria:
"Hillary Clinton was against the Cambodian incursion during the Vietnam War
but now wants to enter Syria and shoot down Russian planes? Isn't... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Media Invented Lie About Trump Mocking Disabled Reporter
Ann Coulter
Posted: Aug 31, 2016 6:27 PM
Just when you think the media could not possibly become more loathsome, the
Fourth Estate bullies prove you wrong again. The Washington Post's latest
ugliness was to exploit the disability of a newspaper reporter in order to
smear the Republican nominee for president. Then -- and this is the least
surprising part of the story -- the Post lied about it.
Other than the subject of that paragraph -- whi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2054
An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right
by Allum Bokhari & Milo Yiannopoulos29 Mar 20164584
A specter is haunting the dinner parties, fundraisers and think-tanks of the
Establishment: the specter of the “alternative right.” Young, creative
and eager to commit secular heresies, they have become public enemy number
one to beltway conservatives — more hated, even, than Democrats or loopy
The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 134
来自主题: USANews版 - 在reddit上骂台毒的文章
From the very beginning, there have been a large group of Chinese American
supporting Trump, we are talking about tens of thousands, if it was not
millions. They went a long way with Trump, gathering at the rallies,
donating money to the Trump campaign, buying roadside advertisements, flying
planes. We agree with Trump’s ideas, the common sense over political
correctness, legal immigrants instead il... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11198
After Berlin Christmas market attack that killed 12 people on Monday,
someone comments online that "mourners spoke of unity and strength" is "a
healing process"--time will heal the timid feeling and lets them choose to
forget, but it won't help and change anything--the coward will still take no
action and terrorists will launch one and after another attack to create
more victims for the coward to mourn and speak of unity and strength.
In reality, it isn't a h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1978
来自主题: USANews版 - Bannon写书了强力指控川叛国
Statement from the President of the United States
Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency. When he was fired,
he not only lost his job, he lost his mind. Steve was a staffer who worked
for me after I had already won the nomination by defeating seventeen
candidates, often described as the most talented field ever assembled in the
Republican party.
Now that he is on hi... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency. When he was fired,
he not only lost his job, he lost his mind. Steve was a staffer who worked
for me after I had already won the nomination by defeating seventeen
candidates, often described as the most talented field ever assembled in the
Republican party.
Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn't as easy as I
make it look. Steve had very little to do with our historic victory, which
was delivered by the forgotten me... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin, falls for phone prank
Republican is duped by a caller pretending to be one of the rightwing Koch
brothers, some of his wealthiest backers
The Republican governor at the centre of the union-busting protests in the
US has been embarrassed by a prank call that he believed was from one of his
billionaire backers.
On the recording of the call, which has been released online, the Republican
governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker tells a caller impersonating one of the
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4476
1. code to deceive irs, 嘘。。。
2. 同1, pretend to be used to deceive irs. used one is cheap and no need pay
hefty tax
3. 同2, pretend to be 新人, if got caught, claim 新人, not familia to the
laws here.
发帖数: 1403
发帖数: 2992
来自主题: Faculty版 - 我为尹希教授做的专访
Interview with Dr. Xi Yin

--- By Fiona Rawsontile, Sept 2015
This interview was inspired by an earlier interview of Dr. Yin I saw on the
Internet, which made me think that we can’t expect someone who normally
writes for entertainment to understand a physicist. To “provoke” a
scientist, we need another scientist. So I volunteered (to myself) and sent
an invitation to Dr. Yin, who was recently promoted to Professor in Physics
at Harvard Uni... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3956
来自主题: Faculty版 - 翻译:高妹对尹希教授的专访
,没错,这位女教授同时也是一个女文青,已经写了几本书,还都是英文,Amazon 就
Interview with Dr. Xi Yin

--- By Fiona Rawsontile, Sept 2015
Translated by Slow Rabbit
This interview was inspired by an earlier interview of Dr. Yin I saw on the
Internet, which made me think that we can’t expect some... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1352
来自主题: Family版 - 钻戒
gotta say you guyz are always pretending to know whites ...
why did I get the opposite opinion from my friends ...
most of them have decent jobs ...
no one is willing to be involved in debt......
do not pretend to know whites' culture if you don't have close white friends

发帖数: 34
来自主题: Family版 - 我该不该离婚
The husband is not quite right. He should keep the same with his wife. Even
though she is the step mother. But SHE is the wife. She must be respected.
The husband is too sensitive to the " step mother". He did wrong thing to
protect his oldest. This improper protection let his oldest feel he can lie
and he can do something wrong without any penalty(like putting his brother
on a piano). The husband over-reacts to the wife.
The wife can learn to pretend that she does not know the oldest is lying a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 636
来自主题: Family版 - [合集] 我该不该离婚
SmallXgg (Je souhaite) 于 (Tue Feb 15 00:47:19 2011, 美东) 提到:
这俩人当初为啥要结婚呀,大儿子是个不可调和的矛盾,要不搞点铊? just kidding

anywhere (Backstreet's Back) 于 (Tue Feb 15 00:52:46 2011, 美东) 提到:
wuliaoren (有时时光难熬) 于 (Tue Feb 15 00:55:00 2011, 美东) 提到:
就说是你自己得了,为啥以朋友口气呢? 离了找别人还是这样,况且有三个孩子了,找到
jfjf (慕容若) 于 (Tue Feb 15 0... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 909
you can comment on anything you want. Like I said, god help you, because I
will not.
you can pretend that you do not how to read and listen, and pretend that I
admitted anything. Enjoy it.

发帖数: 255
I'm not the one who pretends here, it is you the loser who can't support
your family but pretend to care while being away from it.
And this is sooooo funny, what is "god help you" doing here? A religious
person? LOL
BTW, I remember "ooo" totally hates religious people.
I don't hate you people like "ooo" does, but I don't respect you people.
发帖数: 1725
来自主题: FleaMarket版 - 神医12点发label让第二天去drop
FT, 本来就是9点收到的,没有必要pretend
just pretend that you receive the email at 9am in the next day
发帖数: 9452
来自主题: HiFi版 - HiFiMAN Re-262 for $99 + $7 shipping
head-fi review:
Details: Latest dynamic-driver offering from one of Head-Fi’s favourite
Current Price: $149 from Head-Direct.com (MSRP: $149)
Specs: Driver: Dynamic | Imp: 150Ω | Sens: 95 dB | Freq: N/A | Cable: 4’ L
Nozzle Size: 5mm | Preferred tips: Large stock bi-flange, Meelec ‘balanced
’ bi-flange
Wear Style: Straight down or over-the-ear
Accessories (4.5/5) – Single-flange (3 sizes) and bi-flange (2 sizes)
silicone tips, replacement filters (5 pairs), and shirt clip; latest v... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2829
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 问个反悔offer的事情,大家表鄙视
When people were misled to believe there would be an offer, but later found
that they were dumb backups,
those pretending mature would say, business is business.
When people got laid off after three weeks in a new job,
those pretending mature would say, that's life.
Now we are talking about RP?
发帖数: 6098
sodagreen (soda) 于 (Sun Jul 8 19:21:19 2012, 美东) 提到:
我同学里女生CS的,实力技术比男生差好几个档次的 都有不错的工作了。
IT公司对女生要求是很低的。能读懂代码,差不多会怎么用VISUAL STUDIO,会用MAKE
sodagreen (soda) 于 (Sun Jul 8 19:31:39 2012, 美东) 提到:
我说实力要求低 也是相对的。
比如男生,你C++要有 90分, 女生有75人家估计就要了。
但是PHONE INTERVIEW 写个二叉树 排序 字符处理什么的都过不了自然神也帮不了你了。
还有TX的很多石油公司... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6098
来自主题: JobHunting版 - [合集] 5个大offer,求比较
lvhemi (驴和咪) 于 (Mon Jul 16 20:09:00 2012, 美东) 提到:
hunt... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 271
I think it really depends...
If the question is "find cycle in linked list", better not pretend you haven
't seen it before.
However if you think the question is rather rare and you just happen to know
it. There would be no reason not to pretend.
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