p*l 发帖数: 1359 | 1 每次在那种学生老师混杂还有外系人参加的活动时候,总被不认识人问类似的
问题。which group are you work in? what professor do you work for? etc.
从来没人问我是不是这个系的professor。我都上任两年了,实在太悲剧了。 |
p*l 发帖数: 1359 | 2 我也觉得我自己在人前show off的欲望很低。人家问我which professor do you work
for 的时候,我总是好像没勇气说,我自己是professor。只好答非所问,说我们组做
这个那个,搞得别人很疑惑。 |
h*****n 发帖数: 924 | 3 我觉得吧,应该回答的理直气壮,回答出一种“你看不出是你瞎了眼”的气势。
,如果觉得你是学生或post doc,还是外国人,屁大的事情能拖很久,踢无数皮球。
我也觉得我自己在人前show off的欲望很低。人家问我which professor do you work
for 的时候,我总是好像没勇气说,我自己是professor。只好答非所问,说我们组做
这个那个,搞得别人很疑惑。 |
f******h 发帖数: 609 | 4 请教大家一个问题,现有两个推荐人候选:
一个 top 20 学校的系主任,只是一般认识,帮他测试过几个样品.
另一个是top 80 学校的 associate professor,相对很熟悉,一起发表过 >5 篇的文章.
请问大家哪一个的分量大? 强力推荐的associate professor 还是一般积极推荐的系主任?
申请的是理科 research university.
Thanks a lot and any input is highly appreciated!! |
x*b 发帖数: 253 | 5 一般来说,从Assistant Professor到Associate Professor工资能长多少? |
j*****t 发帖数: 83 | 6 如题。
明年暑假毕业,如果希望2到3年内找tenure track faculty职位。毕业后,Postdoc和
Research Professor,哪个选择更好?
Research Professor是不是不会积攒teaching experience啊?
谢谢! |
w******t 发帖数: 1422 | 7 Research Professor is better - you can write your own proposal, can
supervise postdoc, etc.
Many good scientists are research professors. |
C***s 发帖数: 642 | 8 research professor 不是tenure了吗? 我的一个同学,原来是assistant prof,今年
title多了个research professor。 |
m******g 发帖数: 3924 | 9 一般如果是 University Research Professor 都是distinguished professor了。 |
l********r 发帖数: 175 | 10 A friend of mine found such kind of job title in the job searching:
assistant research professor, in a university. Is that similar to a postdoc
but with higher salary? or more like a research professor? Thanks a lot. |
b*********d 发帖数: 2105 | 11 research professor 也分等级的,可以理解为junior research professor。这个
title应该是可以做PI的。一般来说postdoc title是不可以做PI的。 |
s**s 发帖数: 122 | 12 offer letter里有这么一句话:
I am delighted to recommend to the dean of....your appointment as Assistant
professor of ...on the tenure track. This is a renewable appointment.
Renewal of this appointment will be determined annually and if renewal is
not possible, you will be given appropriate notice.
Assistant professor职位也要年年renew?什么情况下不能renew呢? |
k*******p 发帖数: 8821 | 13 有给J1给tenure-track assistant professor的。 |
l*******s 发帖数: 3562 | 14 哪个学校的生物AP起薪有100k?
Professor |
f********l 发帖数: 81 | 15 是不是跟Research Associate差不多,都是主要搞研究的非tenure faculty。
Professor |
f********l 发帖数: 81 | 16 多谢各位,请问Research Assistant Professor的Salary range大概是多少? |
h*****w 发帖数: 8561 | 17 Research Assistant Professor曾经做过5年,就是Postdoc,因为之前已经3年薄厚了
不是Hard Money,所有的都看Research,合同一年一签,做不好就走人。 |
a*****h 发帖数: 484 | 18 如果在一个Prestigious Fellowship(比如UC Berkeley Miller Fellow或者Society in
Science Branco Weiss Fellow)和排名(专业,综合)五六十学校的assistant
professor之间选择,作为一个Fresh PhD,大家会怎么选?怎么规划career比较好?谢谢~~
professor名字好听,薪水高些,但是fellow不用上课,不用愁funding。。。 |
b*********d 发帖数: 2105 | 19 不是,我们这个跟生物一点不沾边的也这么讲,主要是研究机构里(science或者
engineer title的)。在学校一般还是叫professor,research professor之类的。 |
a***f 发帖数: 32 | 21 Dear Bro and Sis,
I have a dilemma and would like to hear from you.
I know a professor in a hospital of a top US university personally. He was
the ex-department chair, a PI has about 7 postdoc in the lab. He offered
me an assistant professorship in his lab. I will be paid from his grant (
around 65k). No money as start-up fund. He agreed that it is actually a
sort of senior postdoc. However, he mentioned that there are very few people
are tenured in the hospital. Even he himself, he said... 阅读全帖 |
z*x 发帖数: 895 | 22 You should................stay in KongKong.
What the professor offered is just a research assistant professor, if not a
tenure track, could be terminated anytime.
He is honest and the the position just depends on himself, funding, emotion
and other issues |
l****i 发帖数: 394 | 23 在申请funding 时,有区别吗? 我知道都是non-tenure. 一般都没什么竞争力。但是
听说过有几个research track 的faculty申到过NSF 和NIH grant的。Visiting
assistant professor 是不是更会被 panel look down? |
Z******t 发帖数: 206 | 24 想请教生物学的老师们,postdoc后转成research assistant professor 或者
instructor 对以后申请 tenure track assistant professor 有没有不利的因素,会
多谢。 |
h*******1 发帖数: 1648 | 25 【紧急咨询】有个Visiting Professor的offer,但是目前还没答辩,咨询关于OPT的问题
今天收到一个Visiting Professor的offer,从今年秋季开始,个人非常喜欢。但是目
万分感谢! |
w*********8 发帖数: 132 | 26 请问没有自己独立实验室的research assistant professor可以作为PI申请自己的NIH
R01吗?如果可以的话,是不是会被人歧视,成功率要比assistant professor 低很多?
谢谢! |
A******y 发帖数: 2041 | 27 Professor in teaching schools and liberal art professors are good job. |
d******r 发帖数: 1247 | 28 虽然这个基本上成立,但也有少数tenure track的教授职位是100%做research的,没有
教学任务,title就是research professor |
l*******h 发帖数: 455 | 29 赶是赶不走,但可能沦为靠research professor的project 吃饭 |
l*******h 发帖数: 455 | 30 资深的research professor还真不用担心被赶走,人家一拍桌子,老子拉了多少钱
谁能说啥 |
w******e 发帖数: 953 | 31 Hoho, many many professors, APs and APs in Medicine schools and others also
do not teach any courses since they do not have so many students. If there
is any teaching, a couple of hours are their teaching loading per year.
Only those in so called reseach universities with thousands under, the
tenures need to teach 2 or 3 course per half year. So most of these tenures
do not have much fundings or research.
This is the world where the money talks. No money, no voice. |
v*****a 发帖数: 1332 | 32 肯定是新鲜的PHD,
然后呢?不够AP就上Visiting Assistant Professor?
Adjunct Professor哪个跟容易一点?
还是说Visiting要先找个烂地方挂靠,然后再找个好地方Visiting阿 |
a*****k 发帖数: 974 | 33 要个 tenure-track associate professor,或许有可能。
你这个是 move up or down? |
L***s 发帖数: 9258 | 34 那我就不明白所谓的counter offer是怎么给的,尤其是那种tenured professor。
the |
a***r 发帖数: 981 | 35 真正的 counteroffer 应该是本校拿到对方院校的 offer后, 尽量逐条 match,
工资, teaching release, research fund 都好说, 如果原先没 tenured的,
即使拿到 tenured associate professor 的职位, 在对方院校也还是要走程序的.
只不过程序要简单些, 比如正常情况要六个outside reviewers, 他们可能只另找三个,
把你申请工作时候用的推荐信也用上. 本人和系主任也还是要为这个case准备材料,
也还是要经过院级,学校级的APT委员会的批准, 也还是要等好几个月才有最终的消息.
所以如果想走, 不等到几个月之后tenure review 的最终消息, 在本校依然要 keep it
confidential, P&T消息通知之后,才能给 letter of resignation. 毕竟什么都还有
可能发生. |
a***r 发帖数: 981 | 36 不是没可能, 只是可能极小而已. 比如半路杀出个很 negative 的outside reviewer.
但offer letter上标明tenured associate professor, 就说明系主任,院长,provost
都同意了, APT committiees 会酌情考虑. |
M*G 发帖数: 309 | 37 在 associaate 和 professor 之间
这边一般是 lecturer, senior lecturer, (reader), professor |
l****x 发帖数: 13 | 38 香港reader都翻译成教授的, 香港professor 翻译成是讲座教授chaired professor,
一个方向只能有一个, 你再牛逼也之能等上面个退休了才能顶上 |
m**********7 发帖数: 355 | 39 我理解reader 职位上还是比senior lecturer /senior research fellow 略高一点的
,工资也走SRF/SL的scale,但是拿Discretionary Points。
在英国除了教授可以用Prof.的头衔,其他所有人(包括reader)都是Dr.; 如果没有博
士学位就更惨点, 称 Mr. or Mz. 嗯嗯,所以在其他地方谁谁都是professor (
assistent/associate professor),守旧的英国人素不以为然的。
在英国拿教授也称`offered a personal chair`,因为在古老时代的牛津建桥,只有
教授有chair坐,其他人一律站着。 |
s********y 发帖数: 200 | 40 请教各位senior faculty,非常感谢您的建议!
I just got tenure in a university in the midwest early this year in the
field of engineering. I am thinking of moving to elsewhere (east or west
coast, preferably big cities). The main reason for moving is for my husband,
who has a PhD degree in engineering but hasn't been able to find a decent
job in the college town.
I actually like my current university, which ranks high in the field of
engineering. The students, especially graduate students, are quite good.
Most ... 阅读全帖 |
g*******g 发帖数: 21 | 41 我知道adjunct professor主要是教书,其实有几个我看到CV的,也都是博士,有自己
的研究方向,至于为什么做adjunct professor我也不太清楚,教职不好找吧。所以有
的条件呢? |
m********n 发帖数: 3558 | 42 我觉得可以;当然你也可以考虑哪个senior professor 人品究竟怎样。可能他也就是
问问试试看,没有让他教fall semester 也未必见得他就怀恨在心了。另外如果你没有
什么特别的弱点,都达到tenure 要求的话,一个senior professor 也不能随便说你什
。。 |
h*********y 发帖数: 360 | 43 sigh 没tenure的人不敢硬啊!tenure之后当然不会任人欺负了。
其他的professor一般不涉及自己利益的事情,都不会跟他争。 |
p****d 发帖数: 28 | 44 最近面试了一个Research Assistant Professor的职位,学校不错,专业算是top 20.
不过职位不是tenure track。之前也看过其他学校有这样的职位,一般都是promotion
到Research Associate Professor。学校在大学城。
还有一所学校是tenure track 的AP,但是学校排名和专业排名都远远靠后,100+。学
请问到底那个职位对将来的职业发展比较好呢? |
f****e 发帖数: 923 | 45 http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2013/01/03/the-least-str
Unless they teach summer school, they are off between May and September and
they enjoy long breaks during the school year, including a month over
Christmas and New Year’s and another chunk of time in the spring. Even when
school is in session they don’t spend too many hours in the classroom. For
tenure-track professors, there is some pressure to publish books and
articles, but deadlines are few. Working conditions tend to be cozy an... 阅读全帖 |
r**i 发帖数: 28 | 46 请教下各位faculty关于offer的选择。小弟今年找tenure track AP失败,最后可能只
1. 同校另外一个大项目下的postdoc。 本校排名大概60左右
2. 某150名学校的 visiting assistant professor
2的话更有接近assistant professor的工作经验。需要每学期教一门课,增加teaching
experience。我现在还没有teaching过,对自己能否handle好teaching 信心不是很足
1给拒了。2有可能有转tenure track的机会,但目前来看可以基本忽略。
所以恳求各位前辈给点经验,评价下2对找... 阅读全帖 |
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 47 You mean research assistant professor?
That is dependent on funding.
Really tenure track assistant professor is usually independent PI already. |
A*******8 发帖数: 1453 | 48 第一个比较常见 但是容易让人想到research assistant,然后才看到professor。第二
个不常见 听起来比第一个稍好。 |
s********0 发帖数: 100 | 49 SDSU Computer Science Department 2015 Faculty Position Advertisement
San Diego State University
College of Sciences
Department of Computer Science
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
(Full Time, Tenure Track)
The Department of Computer Science is seeking a tenure-track Assistant
Professor, beginning fall 2015. Only candidates in either high-end computing
(HEC) or computer vision, graphics and animation (VGA) will be considered.
Sub-areas of HEC include operating systems, programming models a... 阅读全帖 |
x**********6 发帖数: 1240 | 50 tenure year 上job market,申请business school faculty。 是申请assistant还是
associate professor?我本校应该可以拿到tenure,chair和dean已经口头promise了
。但是想借这个机会看看有没有更好的offer? 如果有,就不想一棵树上吊死。
但是比较尴尬的是,是申请assistant还是associate professor?新学校能直接给
并且要求tenure transfer?
太烦恼了, 请提意见! |