h*i 发帖数: 3446 | 1 和我没关系。
当然你可以说这个作者也是怪物。那我没啥可说了。呵呵。 Suit yourself. |
C**R 发帖数: 1047 | 2 1. tell us which program u are using
2. what type of psuedo potential are you using (I assume it is a psuedo
potential code)
3. what elements are involved?
你什么都不说,就直接一个密度泛函,没把你骂死就不错了。 |
C**R 发帖数: 1047 | 3 操,你找死呢?再不回答下面问题,没有人会再理你这个帖子。
1. tell us which program u are using
2. what type of psuedo potential are you using (I assume it is a psuedo
potential code)
3. what elements are involved? |
k*****r 发帖数: 21039 | 4 yeah, i fully agree.
for problems in science and engineering, we can always have arguments,
present facts and logic, then the truth will speak for itself.
but for religion and other psuedo science, there is no truth, just opinions.
that is why 阶级立场 will decide. |
c*****e 发帖数: 210 | 5 In telephone interview, you will be asked to write 1~2 short programs in a
shared document. Usually, there are not complicated algorithms involved, but
you do need to write correct code (not psuedo code) fast.
In onsite interview (after you pass 2 telephone interview), you will be 4
people in 3 hours, and they will ask you algorithm and design questions and
you will need to write code on a white board. |
o**********t 发帖数: 406 | 7 循环一次得到 n 个区?
循环开始的时候,n 是未知。第一次循环结束,开始针对每个区进行移位,每次移位操
作是 O(n),总共需要 n * n。
如果 1, -2, 3, -4, 5, -6,7,-8 需要四个区,四次移位
如果 1, -2, 3, -4, 5, -6, 7, 8 需要三个区,三次移位
如果 1,-2,3,-4,5,+6, 7, 8 需要两个区,两次移位
你的误区是以为 swap (移位)不用循环?试试这个:
[ 10 unique positive] , -1, [ another 10 unique positive], -2, [another 10]
clear as crystal ...take 10 min and write psuedo code u will know |
d**e 发帖数: 6098 | 8 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
gezwenti (gezwenti) 于 (Sun Feb 28 12:23:17 2010, 美东) 提到:
( 版主能给几个包子吗? 我从没得过包子, 说的也都是个人真实体验)
真的。 本人在墙街做IT已经六年多了, 拿的也是很普通的薪水, 我现在的Total是135K + 10-25% Bonus (奖金时好时坏, 大致在10% 到 25% 之间)
我只会Java/J2EE。 不会C++, 一点都不会。
现在的Project是做Post-Trading的Changing P&L, Position Calulation.整个
Department是Support Equity Trading的, 公司也是大家都知道的大投行。
我以前的面试经验, 包括我周围IT朋友的面试经验 从来没被问过本版这么难的问题,
1) B-Tree, Graph 这些都太难了, 从没被问过。 最多就问个Binary Tree, 遍历二叉
树。 红黑树都没问道过, 面试官自己都不知道。
2) 数据结构, 最多就问问... 阅读全帖 |
h*********3 发帖数: 111 | 9
这个图的DFS或者BFS遍历该怎么写?是写psuedo code还是要写成编译能过得code ?
自己定义图的存储结构吗? |
g**e 发帖数: 6127 | 10 大美女 冷若冰霜 当年招我进来的,面试的时候把我贬的一文不值
一个10+ yr java developer白板上写hashmap.set, arraylist.length这样的错误在她
不过psuedo code是肯定没offer的
我倒不是说她不对,只是说我们公司跟所谓tier 1的那几家面试的差别 |
y**x 发帖数: 67 | 12 official offer 出来了,实在一般。可能我的级别很低吧,entry level,“associate
” SE。有牛人指点一下怎么negotiate啊,是不是太少了?78k + 6280/year bonus +
1000share/4years。不知道这种转正式的software engineer要多久呢?好了,以下面
第一次onsite screen。不知为何没有phone screen,可能因为我住的近,他们直接叫
我过去了。一个小时一个白哥。问了how to delete a node from binary search tree
。CLRS上直接有解法。白哥答案要求的很笼统,写个psuedo code就pass了。连找
successor node的具体实现都不用写出来。后来又问不用mutex怎么实现share data
between threads。我说GPU里面有一个东西叫thread synchronizer (我master学位做
了些CUDA编程),白哥没理解,说他会用个queue把thread都qu... 阅读全帖 |
x****z 发帖数: 327 | 13 我以前好多面试只用psuedo code
想到一个好的model,算法比会用个什么quick sort重要多了
说的不好听一点,要是真的数据量达到 sort的方法能有明显影响的
基本上solver没个3,4天是算不出来的 |
a*****s 发帖数: 1121 | 14 回来查了一下没签NDA,应该没问题了。说是今天给通知,没收到说明是黄了。就是不
给我稍微改了位置,结果就TMD charge了俺的信用卡。faint。
1. 国人哥们,典型的问了问以前以前做的什么,然后上题目,说一个未排序的整数数
9, 10, 1, 4, 100
要排序,然后被提示说先试试merge sort,忘记了,想了一会,现自己动手写一个,没
2. 国人老板问了问behavior... 阅读全帖 |
n*******y 发帖数: 3337 | 15 Today, 12:32 pm #16
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 50
If it was a psuedo FR (i.e. just a phone call to verify that it was the
cardholder who actually bought it), then saying it's for drugs is no problem.
But if it were to escalate to a real FR from Amex, wouldn't they look
closely at the line-item receipts and see that the charge wasn't for Anti-
If you lie at first then it may just go away and everyone is happy. But if
you lie at first and it somehow gets escalated... 阅读全帖 |
z****l 发帖数: 5282 | 16 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
newjersey (NJ furniture dealer) 于 (Mon Jan 28 13:07:10 2013, 美东) 提到:
Today, 11:22 am #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 13
Financial Review with CVS 1K purchases
Searched for a master FR thread but couldn't find it, or this question
If asked by amex about multiple CVS purchases of 1007 what's the best course
of action?
newjersey (NJ furniture dealer) 于 (Mon Jan 28 13:07:46 2013... 阅读全帖 |
M*****8 发帖数: 17722 | 17
It is more than noise.
However, if it goes up more,
I expect the -ve percent to increase.
Eventually, when the -ve percent is high enough,
(typically -2% or more) direction will reverse .
Markets are psuedo-random,
fixed by insiders to appear random to outsiders,
and pretexted by "news plants", "ER", "upgrades",
"downgrades" for plausible denials and "reasons".
Financial Illusions are popularly accepted as
"Truth", allowing the big "Game" to continue. |
S*******s 发帖数: 10098 | 18 不好了,我大概年纪太大开始色盲,怎么这些照片里头水面的blue颜色如此Psuedo-
realistic hyper-intesive abstractively BLUE? |
B*****s 发帖数: 3463 | 19 找神经内的看看吧,女的有色盲么?
realistic hyper-intesive abstractively BLUE? |
S*******s 发帖数: 10098 | 20 不好了,我大概年纪太大开始色盲,怎么这些照片里头水面的blue颜色如此Psuedo-
realistic hyper-intesive abstractively BLUE? |
B*****s 发帖数: 3463 | 21 找神经内的看看吧,女的有色盲么?
realistic hyper-intesive abstractively BLUE? |
c*******r 发帖数: 13580 | 22 That's totally unfounded psuedo science. |
w**7 发帖数: 5258 | 23 Has the bubble burst? Is that why camera sales in N. America are down by 43%?
DSLR sales are down this year, worldwide, by 18.5% according to CIPA. The
total decline in the entire dedicated camera market is closer to 43.5% and
mirrorless cameras are seeing about the same year to year decline as
traditional DSLRs. Why?
I think there are two reasons driving this incredible decline. Two bubble
bursting phenomena occurring on top of eac... 阅读全帖 |
k*****e 发帖数: 1235 | 24 Rory Coker教授《如何分辨科學和偽科學》
1 引言
2 偽科學漠視事實的存在
3 偽科學“研究”水分很大
4 偽科學無視證據的評定標準
5 偽科學高度倚重於主觀判斷
6 偽科學依賴於人類文化的隨意性,而不是自然界不變的規律
7 偽科學總是避免將其主張付諸試驗
8 偽科學經常自相矛盾,即便是使用自己的術語
9 偽科學通過刪除關鍵信息和重要細節有意製造神秘感
10 偽科學從來沒有進展
11 偽科學試圖使用華麗的詞藻,廣告宣傳和誤導說服大眾,而不是通過可靠的證據(
12 偽科學以愚昧作為論點,而愚昧產生錯覺
13 偽科學的論據來自於例外情況,錯誤,異常,奇怪現象和懷疑聲明,而不是已經被
14 偽科學通常求助於虛假的權威,情緒,感情或對既定事實的不信任
15 偽科學經常發布驚人的言論和稀奇古怪的與已知自然規律相悖的理論
16 偽科學家發明自己的詞彙庫,其中有很多名詞沒有精確的定義,有些根本就沒有定義
17 偽科學也許會要求以真理為標準的科學方法,但同時否認其有效性
18 偽科學宣稱他所研究的現像是“令人嫉妒的”
19 偽科學的“解釋”... 阅读全帖 |
d********f 发帖数: 43471 | 25 python很多可以写的和psuedo code没啥区别吧 |
d****y 发帖数: 701 | 26 这位老兄火气很旺啊.
解决问题.可以允许用他最熟悉的语言来写,PSUEDO CODE 也可以.
牛人. |
a*****e 发帖数: 1700 | 27 你这段 psuedo code 正好说明 lock 机制不适合从小部件拼装组合大部件。比如这段
封装起来成一个函数 extract(x, A, B),看似没问题吧?结果用户在不同的两个线程里
用到了 extract(x, a, b) 和 extract(y, b, a),你就死锁啦!
而且 delete 和 insert 的具体实现也不一定非要 whole table lock 不可。
后面那个 atomic 的写法显然需要 global lock,正确性是有了,但是没效率。 |
h*i 发帖数: 3446 | 28 人和人的悟性不同,有的人刷了120多道题也没有翻过坎,有的人不刷题用FP也得心应
读懂,术语都能猜出意思来,而英文不行,学富五车还是读不懂医学书,必须上医学院。 |
S**b 发帖数: 1883 | 29 One of the most powerful slogans of pro-American and anti-China activists is
disgree with that statement. This post believes that the American society is
at most a psuedo law-based society.
What should a law-based society look like? Let me define certain
characteristics. First, it must have laws, or "stipulations". Then, anyone
who violates these laws will be punished. And the degree of punishment is
also stipulated. All laws are strictly enforced.
Then, why do I say that the American society is |
g*********n 发帖数: 808 | 30 1.The program I am using is Siesta
2. I am confused about the second question"what type of psuedo potential are
you using"
3. Only copper
Sorry for the late response. |
C**R 发帖数: 1047 | 31 50 ry is more than enough in most cases
siesta uses norm-conserving psuedo potentials and finite-range atomic basis
are |
e**********n 发帖数: 359 | 32 It is hard to draw any conclusion from estimating Tc for a finite 2D system.
First of all, how do you pin down Tc from the finite and smooth observables
? Whatever your choice is, it is rather arbitrary. I bet your boss is not
familiar with literature on this subject. The 'correct' approach is finite
size scaling analysis. In your model, the scaling formulas are predicted by
2D non-linear sigma model. If you look at the total magnetization, it will
asymptotically take the form
M(T,L) = f(T/Le^{c... 阅读全帖 |
m****g 发帖数: 530 | 34 they used lipid acid to comprise a veicle, which can mimic the cell membrane
to make the psuedo human cell. |
R****e 发帖数: 878 | 36 俺觉的美国的文化垃圾其实不算太多, sitcom算其中一个. |
d***e 发帖数: 710 | 37 nod, american junk food is not excess, either, but imagine
americans live without hamburgers. |
R****e 发帖数: 878 | 39 还要看哪的数条,Burger King的比麦当劳好吃多了,hehe |