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发帖数: 222
来自主题: Science版 - a limit question
Hi, I have a question about the limit. Would anyone dicuss
with me? Thanks a lot!
function a=a(t). when t -> -infinity, a -> a_0 >0 (a
Also, \dot{a(t)}>0.
Question: when t -> -infinity, does \dot{a(t)} have limit?
Is it zero?
I think that the limit is zero. But I can not find a solid
proof. My argument is:
define a function g(t,x)= (a(t)-a(t-x))/x;
when x -> 0, g(t,x) -> \dot{a(t)}.
I can prove that, for any x>0, when t-> -infinity,
Then, is it right to say that,
发帖数: 1
来自主题: Statistics版 - Questions on 4 SAS Base Exam Questions
I have 4 SAS base exam quesitons with followed answers. I do not know how
SAS comes up with these answers. Is there anybody who wants to tell me why
the following 4 questions have such answers. Thanks!
The contents of the raw data file EMPLOYEE are listed below:
发帖数: 5352
来自主题: Statistics版 - SAS Technical Interview Questions
SAS Technical Interview Questions
You can go into a SAS interview with more confidence if you know that you
are prepared to respond to the kind of technical questions that an
interviewer might ask you. I do not provide the specific answers here, both
because these questions can be asked in a variety of ways and because it is
not my objective to help those who have little actual interest in SAS to
bluff their way through a SAS technical interview. The discussion here,
though, may give you an idea
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Statistics版 - Two statistic questions!!

Well, in the question "Ten genotypes are investigated in this study", so isn
't it a variable? I agree height is response. Question also asks about
whether genotype is fix or random. If it is block, should be random. But in
this way, the rest question "is it important? and Describe scenarios for
both cases" will not work.....
发帖数: 3
来自主题: Neuroscience版 - 23+ questions in systems neuroscience
As suggested by a few friends here, it would be really useful to compile a
list of interesting neuroscience questions rather than arguing which one is
the most important. We can then elaborate on each specific problem, perhaps
once a week, so that people from different backgrounds could benefit from
the discussion.
Like others, I feel Terry's book entitled 23 questions in systems
neuroscience is a good starting point (of course, we can add more to the
list). To start, I am quite interested in t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3979
来自主题: DataSciences版 - question about using Hive parameter
question about Hive parameter
Support we have some parameters as:
set nyear = '2014';
set nmonth = '10';
set nday = '17';
We generate a new parameter as:
set newdatestring = concat('/foldername/', ${hiveconf:nyear}, '/', ${
hiveconf:nmonth}, '/', ${hiveconf:nday},'/');
Comparing 2 queries
select ${hiveconf:newdatestring};
q1 output:
select "${hiveconf:newdatestring}";
q2 output:
concat('/foldername/', '2014', '/', '10', '/', '17','/')
The question: is there any se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1205
来自主题: _Engineering_sciencejob2010版 - (转载)How to Answer 10 Tricky Interview Questions (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: smileineyes (微风山谷), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: (转载)How to Answer 10 Tricky Interview Questions
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 16 11:45:02 2010, 美东)
Does it seem as though some job interview questions are designed to trip
you up?
It should, because they are. Here are 10 of the trickiest tricky questions
you might be asked at a job interview, with ideas on how to handle them:
1. “Tell me about yourself.”
* DO: Talk about the ways that what you know and what you can do are
发帖数: 3205
【 以下文字转载自 Basketball 讨论区 】
发信人: meiguohuaren (唐骏博士), 信区: Basketball
标 题: Lin dodges China, Taiwan nationality question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 6 13:55:03 2012, 美东)
Jeremy Lin on Sunday sidestepped questions about whether he considered
himself Taiwanese or Chinese, as the issue of the basketball star's true
ancestral homeland came into focus on a visit to Taipei.
发帖数: 9932
来自主题: Military版 - 【征集】10 questions to ask Dalai Lama
【 以下文字转载自 ChinaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: agostic (2008年起,暂停使用本ID数个月), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: 【征集】10 questions to ask Dalai Lama
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 1 01:14:00 2008)
1、宣传海报:简洁直白,graphic design
2、展板: 展现真实的西藏 (04/06,材料收集;04/13,材料遴选编排;04/17,打印
3、传单:10 questions you may ask to Dalai Lama +introduction
4、横幅: The Truth of Tibet
发帖数: 27535
【 以下文字转载自 Basketball 讨论区 】
发信人: meiguohuaren (唐骏博士), 信区: Basketball
标 题: Lin dodges China, Taiwan nationality question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 6 13:55:03 2012, 美东)
Jeremy Lin on Sunday sidestepped questions about whether he considered
himself Taiwanese or Chinese, as the issue of the basketball star's true
ancestral homeland came into focus on a visit to Taipei.
发帖数: 481
【 以下文字转载自 PDA 讨论区 】
发信人: Ag (东北银), 信区: PDA
标 题: A question about usb cable charing Nexus and Kindle
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 28 16:16:30 2013, 美东)
sorry for this xiao3 bai2 question.
I found the usb cable for my kindle also fits Nexus 4.
So can I use this cable to charge my phone ?
Is there any defect this may lead to ?
xie xie
发帖数: 18403
Original video clip
Note his show was on "US government shutdown". Yet the question he asks
the kids is how should we pay back the Chinese's 1.3 trillion US debt (total
obligation >$30 trillion which he doesn't mention). Is this race-
scapegoating the Chinese or not? What next is he going to blame on the
Chinese, 911, terrorism, or what?
This question manipulated the young kid into the genocidal comment. He's
now blaming the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17544
October 29, 2012, 3:52 pm1 Comment
David Barboza Answers Reader Questions on Reporting in China
The Times’s Shanghai bureau chief, David Barboza, reported last week that
close relatives of Wen Jiabao, the prime minister of China, hold billions of
dollars in hidden riches. Here are his answers to questions from readers
prompted by the article.
发帖数: 29846
First female NYT editor fired for being bossy and questioning pay gap
May 16, 2014 by Michael Laprarie
UPDATE (5-18-14): Pinch Sulzberger denies that sexism had anything to do
with his decision to sack Jill Abramson. According to Sulzberger, a number
of negative issues surrounded Abramson’s tenure as editor including, “
arbitrary decision-making, a failure to consult and bring colleagues with
her, inadequate communication and the public mistreatment of colleagues.”
Perhaps Abramson was the wro... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4283
这是麻省州里的选票问题:Question 2 would authorize the approval of up to 12
new charter schools or enrollment expansions in existing charter schools by
the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education per year.
简单得说就是要不要增设charter school, 公立学校的老师都是反对的。我们镇是左逼
里的战斗机,也是铺天盖地得写标语说要no to question 2.

发帖数: 17
来自主题: Automobile版 - Two questions about buying car with loans
Just bought a new car today. In the contract, it is just me and the dealer,
with no bank information. How should I pay the loan? Pay to the dealer? If
pay to the bank, but there is no info about the bank in the contract.
Another question is, who keeps the title? the dealer or the bank?
When I was signing the contract, I only checked the amount I should pay, but
forgot to ask the above questions.
发帖数: 1605
letitbe (随遇而安) 于 (Sat Jul 7 17:28:05 2007) 提到:
Best offer questions
I\'m selling a camera for 130 BIN with best offer. I got a offer of 110 and
made a counteroffer of 125. I then received another offer of $125. I\'m
willing to sell to the second buyer, but not sure if it is ok. What if the
first buyer accept my counter offer?
I searched but didn\'t find answer to this particular question
发帖数: 20742
来自主题: ebiz版 - ebay改question subject了
以前是you received a question ....
现在是xxxx sent you a question...
发帖数: 1140
来自主题: ebiz版 - Satples PM question
Thanks in advance for answering the question.
How the Staples PM work? A or B? What is the difference between A and B and
why? Is there any risk to get rejected (both PM credit and 25 off q)?
1. Order online with 25 off q
2. Call to price match
3. Get credit
1. Order online (not use 25 off q)
2. Call to price match
3. Call again to use 25 off q
4. Get credit and 25 off
One question a day, keep doctor away!!!
发帖数: 302
How to answer this phone interview question: How do you contribute to our
university and local services?
When I was asked about this question, my head was just blank.
Anybody can give a hint? Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 633
来自主题: Faculty版 - 研究生答辩:good question
昨天参加研究生答辩,提问阶段有好几个问题该生是以good question开答辩的。俺听
敏感? 俺的学生答辩前,俺就再三提醒,不可用good question, ok? Do you follow
发帖数: 39
来自主题: Faculty版 - 研究生答辩:good question
我怎么听美国人说 good question=I'm not sure.
和question quality没有任何关系
发帖数: 59
来自主题: Faculty版 - 也发个phone interview questions
下午面了一个one-on-one的phone interview, engineering专业,大概问的问题如下,
1.Please briefly introduce yourself.
2.Why are you interested in this position?
3.Can you elaborate on your research interests? What sorts of research
projects/topics you would like to pursue in the future?
4.Do you have experience writing grant proposals? Are you a PI or co-PI on
any grant?
5.Who would you like to collaborate here in this department? Any outside
6.What kinds of instruments/equipment you woul... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 141
来自主题: Faculty版 - Good Interview Questions for Faculty
Good Interview Questions for Faculty
n Tell us a little more about your professional
experiences, particularly those not metioned
on your resume/application.
n Why are you interested in leaving your
current assignment and why do you feel that
this assignment would be better for you?
n How does this position fit into your overall
career goals?
n How do you define good teaching?
n Describe your teaching style.
n Describe your teaching philosophy.
n What do you think are the most important attribut... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 153
请教一下,job talk里的future work怎么讲?
2,是讲的比较高屋建翎(跟research statement里一样,只讲要干嘛),还是讲的比
4,作为系里的老师,最想从future work里看到什么?
另外很多人提到tough question,能不能给一些具体的例子?我能想到的:
Why is your work important/fits our job description?
Isn't this the same as what AAA and BBB from our department are doing?
It is hard to get funding. How should we trust you can get funding?
发帖数: 353
Just finished phone interview, not feeling good, although all the questions
are expected. finished the answer and questions in 20 minutes but allotted
30 mins. :(((((
1) why are you interested in this position
2) what sorts of research project could you pursue here?
3)teaching experience
4) teaching philosophy
5) challenge in class, example
6) how to contribute to the apartment
发帖数: 9825
来自主题: FleaMarket版 - please answer my question
why should people answer your questions?
any reward by answering your questions?

发帖数: 2265
please read the original link at
ask-before-you-buy.aspx (please copy the link and pasted it into your
browse. )
By Harry Domash
Value and growth investors seldom agree on what's important for
evaluating a stock. But here are seven questions every investor,
regardless of persuasion, should ask before plunking down money:
What does the company do?
Do you know what your company actually does for a living? Is it in a hot
发帖数: 126
A better question to ask is "why is someone willing to sell this stock to
you"? the answer, in most cases, is because that person believes that the
stock price is going down, or that it will be going down very soon.
Otherwise, that person is willingly walking away from free money. How likely
or rational would that be?
The next logical question to ask is then "who is right?", or more
importantly, "who is right more frequently"? If you can beat the 50% mark (
do better than a coin toss), you can m
发帖数: 4414
来自主题: Investment版 - Help! Tax Question
“We'll the following income for 2013 (married file jointly): and $35K is
salary and $10K is qualified dividends; $5K is ordinary dividends; $60K is
capital gains ($20K is short term capital gain and $40K is long term). Say
the 10% tax bracket is at $17,850 and the 15% bracket is at $72,500, what is
the best way to estimate our taxes?”
I tried to answer this question as the following. Am I correct?
Salary + ST capital gain + Ordinary Div first. Then subtract our deductions
(itemized or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 81
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Goldman Sachs Sec DB question list
For those guys who are interested in Goldman Sachs !
I was interviewed by Sec DB group of GS in Nov. 2004.
and got kicked out in the 1st round,
Interestingly, I did the same test again in
July, 2005 for the same group.
I posted the interview questions as follows.
BTW, I am a Master in CS.
Don't know if it is applicable to Ph.D.s
Good luck.

Goldman Sachs Sec DB interview questions :
Written test :
发帖数: 699
来自主题: JobHunting版 - The Best Questions to Ask in the Interview
It's a good paper for all of us. Enjoy.
The Best Questions to Ask in the Interview
By Laura Morsch
An interview is meant to be a two-way street. The hiring manager is
interviewing you to determine whether you're the best fit for the job. At
the same time, you should be asking questions to determine whether you would
be happy in the position or with the company.
But once nerves take over, it's easy to forget your role. After all, you're
meeting on the employer's schedule in an unfamiliar office.
发帖数: 358
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Interview Question: System Crash (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
发信人: leileicats (Seeking a job in EDA industry), 信区: Programming
标 题: Interview Question: System Crash
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 1 13:21:26 2009, 美东)
I to answer this interview question in 15 minutes:
We have a program which never crash in one system, but it crashes
occasionally in another system?
Two systems are exactly the same.
What is the reason?
发帖数: 1247
来自主题: JobHunting版 - ask a question about Bloomberg's assignment
Logical questions are not hard.
Same type of questions repeat throughout the test (some to test your
learning curve I guess). If you didn't get the first one or several problems
of the same type, make sure you catch the pattern so that you will get the
rest correct.
发帖数: 4817
来自主题: JobHunting版 - behavior interview question list
I hate behavior questions. Next time if I was asked behavior questions again
, I won't answer them and will talk about how useless they are.
发帖数: 49
来自主题: JobHunting版 - questions on two sigma onsite -- 救助
yes. i applied online.
phone interview are all behavior questions... the recruiter is very polite..
then followed by two hour code test.
their code test questions never change.....
发帖数: 299
【 以下文字转载自 Engineering_sciencejob2010 俱乐部 】
发信人: WSNWSN (本版第108号WSN), 信区: Engineering_sciencejob2010
标 题: Complete List of Behavioral Interview Questions
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 16 15:32:56 2010, 美东)
Complete List of Behavioral Interview Questions
Describe a major change that occurred in a job that you held. How did you
adapt to this change?
Tell us about a situation
发帖数: 1205
Does it seem as though some job interview questions are designed to trip
you up?
It should, because they are. Here are 10 of the trickiest tricky questions
you might be asked at a job interview, with ideas on how to handle them:
1. “Tell me about yourself.”
* DO: Talk about the ways that what you know and what you can do are
perfectly suited to this job.
* DON’T: Tell the interviewer your life story.
2. “Tell me something bad you’ve heard about our company.”
* DO: You wouldn’t apply
发帖数: 23
来自主题: JobHunting版 - where I can find some interview questions
Sorry for being not able to input Chinese.
I have a question where I can find some interview question threads on
JobHunting boards. I tried "Jinghua" area, but can't find some.
Thanks in advance
发帖数: 110
来自主题: JobHunting版 - please DIscuss Two similar alg questions
First Question can be achieved by O(n),
int LCC(int*a, int asize, int* b, int bsize){
int max=0;
int count=0;
int aindex=0;
int bindex=0;
while(aindex if(a[aindex]==b[bindex]){
if( count>max)max=count;
if(a[aindex] else bindex++;
return max;
Second Question:
let a
发帖数: 21
来自主题: JobHunting版 - One confusing question
Can you suggest a more appropriate name for this function? When might you
expect to see such a function?
bool f(double x)
return x == x;
I am kind of confused about this question. Any idea? Thx in advance!
发帖数: 363
Some interviewers don't ask right questions. As a result, they can not
make right judgement based on any answers to that question, but they think
they can.
How to handle such situations?
发帖数: 2024
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Two C++ questions from Bloomberg on-site
oops, i misread the question, the question is "not" be called. I though it
was "should be called".
hehe, even public virtual dtor can not be called if you copy it improperly.
发帖数: 693
The questions library includes more than 200 questions, and with correct
$40/each, no pass, full refund
I have recorded 98% of brainbench c++ online test, include base, expert.
Now, I can get almost 100% every time
发帖数: 693
I have C++ test questions library, around 250+ questions with answer and
comments. It covers 95%+ all c++ test from bloomberg, flextrade barclays
You will 100% pass the online C++ test, if no, I will fully refund.
$40/each, I will send you a pdf file, around 150 pages.
many people has bought this library, if any of you did not pass, please
contact with me about the refund.
发帖数: 693

my email: b***********[email protected]
I have C++ test questions library, around 250+ questions with answer and
comments. It covers 95%+ all c++ test from bloomberg, flextrade barclays
You will 100% pass the online C++ test, if no, I will fully refund.
$50/一套, I will send you a pdf file, around 150 pages.
you can pay to my paypal account,
Discount for student
if you use your edu mailbox, you can only pay me $40.
many people has bought this library, if any of you did not pass, please
contact with... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 57
来自主题: JobHunting版 - bloomberg question and programming questions
It's for both CS or non_CS.
they are different, the bloomberg test is the online test for bloomberg.
and the programming is another test, which you write code online and it will
assess your programming skills, the best thing is the questions are very
new, you must code it correctly, efficiently(low complexity), and no bug to
get high score.
发帖数: 57
来自主题: JobHunting版 - bloomberg question and programming questions
It does not cover all the questions, it will help you test your own
skills before bloomberg online test.
发帖数: 1280
来自主题: JobHunting版 - a brain teaser question
I remembered that someone post a brain teaster question, but cannot find it
now. Based on my memoery, here is it:
a dice with all black surfaces and white inside. cut the dice into 27 small
cubes with 6 cuts. and take one to roll, what is the probabability that a
black surface is on the top?
=> is the question correct?
=> 6/(12+6 ) = 1/3 is the correct answer?
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