w*s 发帖数: 7227 | 1 粗粗看了下,angular 2有MFC的影子,大家怎么看?
1.用extend c++ style script写web
2.Antlr把它转换成angular 1/angualr 2/react/...
有这个可能性吗? |
w***g 发帖数: 5958 | 2 你这个评价很靠谱, 多谢! 我去学react了. |
s***o 发帖数: 2191 | 3 plain react很简单,一晚上就能上手,基本上不用学。
不过webpack, babel等等辅助工具的配置可能会让你头大一下,如果你以前没接触过这
另外关于data flow architecture, 建议你用mobx,而不是现在最流行的redux。 |
w***g 发帖数: 5958 | 4 看到 return { ... } 基本上就可以做决定了吧.
react还是java那套, 没法separate data & representation.
我觉得不适应时代了. vue还是比较超前的.
大公司的东西其实也就那样, 四平八稳, 但是没有surprise.
这两天想用一个torch7的model, 就研究了一阵facebook的
想转成caffe的直接用. 结果依赖一大堆, 功能还不行.
最后还是学了下lua, 把lua直接整合进C++了, 速度也还可以. |
c******n 发帖数: 16666 | 5 我上周捏着鼻子修一个外包出去写得wordpress网站,然后突然意识到,
react有很多php初期的味道啊。。。毕竟fb本身当年就是php shop把 |
d********g 发帖数: 10550 | 7 在美国也还不错
Vue直接裸用就和jQuery一样方便,都不需要webpack那一套。这点上比React灵活 |
S*******s 发帖数: 13043 | 8 看到一个网站做得挺好,想看看是怎么实现的。view source只能看到几行链接,
inspect element看到一堆打包后的js, 有没有类似于反编译的东西看到 react层的代
码? |
S*******s 发帖数: 13043 | 9 开始随便找了个react-datagrid先做起来,功能基本都实现后发现这个有很多不满意的
久没有更新过。现在最流行的是什么?facebook的用了下不太喜欢。 |
N*****m 发帖数: 42603 | 10 赶脚vue,react的生态还是不如ng,这就是一个例子。 |
c******n 发帖数: 16666 | 11 ng毕竟年代久 之前不少大公司用 需要的轮子都有了
vue现在赶超得挺快 而且有国内几个大startup在用 拿他们的轮子 一般的活儿也足够
了 真的要定制 最后还是得自己搞 |
发帖数: 1 | 12 从backbone jquery转过来,觉得react+redux好别扭,有人有同感么? |
C********g 发帖数: 1548 | 13 I used it for a handful of small web applications. React/Redux is not a good
choice for small enterprise applications, as I can tell. |
p*****2 发帖数: 21240 | 14
我觉得react不错,redux开发小应用大幅降低开发效率 |
e*******s 发帖数: 1979 | 15 不别扭 其实挺好的设计 其实就是把mvc的m分了两层 一层丢到前端去了
前端的model对应render view的状态 更新react或者redux的state的时候有算法自动
update view render. |
w********m 发帖数: 1137 | 16 Dan自己都说,不要用redux了。
react自带状态机。 |
w********m 发帖数: 1137 | 17 前端变的快。去年redux还是当红明星。
只能说明搞前端的精力实在太旺盛了。 |
d*******r 发帖数: 3299 | 18 那redux就成了legacy以后, react 的趋势是啥? |
h***n 发帖数: 1600 | 20 问一下,你们觉得react/redux test framework是用jest好还是mocha好? |
S*******s 发帖数: 13043 | 21 前段react,后端node.js+express。前端按个按钮,会发出一个rest请求到后端,后端
载入输入数据...”,“生成模拟结果200/10000...”,“汇总结果 35%...”,“计算完
甚至有没有可能把后端正在运行的请求取消掉? |
c******n 发帖数: 16666 | 22 软家office貌似还是用react 反正这个产品其他家都不会做 fb更加不会产生专利上的
纠纷 |
d*******r 发帖数: 3299 | 24 前端框架有点像时尚行业, 明星要保持热度, 得靠后台大佬的钱捧着, 一直在一线活跃.
Angular跟React抢人气的关键时候, 说要淡出娱乐圈, 去升级演员的自我修养和演技..
.... |
s***o 发帖数: 2191 | 25 我觉得ng很难再活过来了。其实ng还有react在js生态圈里算是很长寿的了。也该有更
好更新的出世了 |
发帖数: 1 | 26 react native现在火得要死。看来还要火很久 |
l**********n 发帖数: 8443 | 27 Facebook 又把React放在MIT授权了 |
b*****t 发帖数: 1276 | 29 个人看好react。最起码引入了这个virtual dom这个idea。很好。我认为是前端的一个
agular就是以前server side component概念的前端的重实现。毫无新意。堆砌一堆东
西,想靠量取胜。没啥创造性的东西 |
f*********e 发帖数: 8453 | 31 不会nodejs和react的生手。有没有详细点的能尽快上手?多谢。 |
m******i 发帖数: 834 | 32 UCSB researcher reacts to report on nanotechnology sunscreen threat
【纳米科技世界快讯】In light of Friends of the Earth’s report yesterday on
sunscreens’ potential to cause harm to human health and the lack of
industry oversight by the government, CNS-UCSB Researcher and UC Santa
Barbara Professor of Political Science Bruce Bimber today issued the
following statement:
“Friends of the Earth is correct that governments do not require disclosure
of manufactured nanoparticles in sunscreens, or other consumer |
m*****O 发帖数: 3558 | 33 http://www.parade.com/features/pet-quiz/cat-quiz.html
1) Watch your cat's ears for a couple of minutes. Do they move?
a. Almost never.
b. Sometimes, but only in reaction to sounds.
c. Constantly, even when the room is quiet and he’s resting.
2) How does your cat react when something moves in the same room?
a. Not at all, unless it’s very close or very interesting.
b. She goes to investigate—or leaves the room.
c. She tracks the movement with eyes and ears first, and then determines
wh... 阅读全帖 |
c*****r 发帖数: 529 | 35 http://truthcdm.com/this-could-be-the-end-for-big-oil/
This Could be the End for Big Oil
stunning breakthrough in chemical engineering has unleashed a massive supply
of fuel…
Enough fuel, in fact, to power the entire globe for over 36,000 years.
It’s poised to decimate Big Oil’s obscene profits, make OPEC obsolete, and
hand the United States 100% energy independence.
In fact, the U.S. Department of Defense just invested $7 billion in a single
Apple, Google, and Facebook are spending billion... 阅读全帖 |
p****r 发帖数: 9164 | 37 More content from that thread that I think helpful:
This is about donking:
" I think leading into the pfr is will become a much more common practice
in the future of poker. I think it's the next 3betting light, c/c lead turn,
fastplaying sets, or c/r rivers. Each goes in style at one point and then
people figure out more about it.
The reason I think I can't figure it out yet is that so much of the value of
the play has to do with how your opponent will react to it. I don't reall... 阅读全帖 |
t*****0 发帖数: 264 | 39 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
fjcruiser (FJ) 于 (Fri Jan 21 01:47:10 2011, 美东) 提到:
AWD类型: 适时(on-demand) / 全时 (full-time)
中差: 无/ 开放 / 限滑
后差: 开放 / 限滑 / 其它(SH-AWD)
前差: 开放 / 限滑
越野驾驶指标(4WD, 4x4)
低速档: 无/有
中差锁(分动箱锁): 无/有
后差锁: 无/有
前差锁: 无/有
fjcruiser (FJ) 于 (Fri Jan 21 01:57:46 2011, 美东) 提到:
四驱系统案例:Gra... 阅读全帖 |
b*******t 发帖数: 33714 | 40 ppt直接导出来的,格式有点乱,不过有耐心的话看看还挺有意思的。
Part 3: Arts and Methods of Kitchen Arts
Cooking meat
Cooking meat is all about producing the right texture and flavours.
Texture concerns the structure of meat.
Flavours are all about chemistry –the Maillard reaction.
Components of muscle
Water: 75%
Protein: 18%
Fat: ~4-10%, varies among different types of meat
Carbohydrate: just over 1%
Vitamins, minerals, various organic compounds…
Sliding-filament model of muscle... 阅读全帖 |
n****8 发帖数: 4141 | 41 July 2003
From European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology
Women are more likely to suffer recurrent miscarriages if their first child
is a boy
Madrid, Spain: Women who give birth to a boy as their first child are more
likely to suffer subsequent miscarriages than women whose first baby is a
girl, an international conference of fertility experts heard today (Tuesday
1 July).
Dr Ole Christiansen, a consultant registrar at the Rigshospitalet Fertility
Clinic in Copenhagen, Denmark, told... 阅读全帖 |
S******6 发帖数: 3138 | 42 老美也是要孩子 fight back, 但是我个人建议也要让孩子在回击之前,想好如何保护
Teaching your Child to Fight Back Against Bullies
by Scott Flint
How do you know if your child is being bullied? What are the signs?
Here are some things that should key your attention:
1. An - A - student rapidly drops to a - C - student.
2. Bruises or cuts that your child blames on other things.
3. A general depres... 阅读全帖 |
m*********7 发帖数: 5207 | 43 "好好的, 凭什么把他们摆到这种喜欢OVER-REACT的又可怜又孤立的角色里?"
-- Yeah right. Jeremy Lin over-reacted when he talked about his experience
of being bullied and called "chink in an amour"; Students at UCSD over-
reacted when they protested against a professor who put degrading language
about Chinese people on his webpage. Iris Chang over-reacted when she tried
to educate the American public about the history related to the "Chinese
Exclusion Act".
We are all 好好的. In your opinion we have already enjoyed the same right... 阅读全帖 |
p********f 发帖数: 5148 | 44 He lacks the catnip gene. en.
"It's not known why the reaction to catnip seems to occur only among the feline species. What is known is that the ability to react to catnip is a genetic one. Cats that react to catnip possess a gene that programs them to react to catnip. The gene does not develop until after six months of age or so, and not ALL cats possess the gene. About 15 percent of the cat population does not possess the gene, so this may explain why your cat does not react." |
h*i 发帖数: 3446 | 45 mainline进展就是transducer,可以比reducer更近一步提速。
ClojureScript的immutable data structure可以让react.js这种类似3D图形渲染的办
equality, 这就让基于react.js的ClojureScript库比native的react.js还要快,比如
om, reagent等等。
ClojureScript搞Web UI可能会有大的突破。 |
T********i 发帖数: 2416 | 47 不懂为啥大家这么看重angular? 我angular和react都看了一下,还是更中意react。
云里雾里,出场人物有点多。 |
l**********n 发帖数: 8443 | 48 不是mobile, 是monitor size agnostic. 知道material吧。你是fb的吧。抄react?
side rendering 来的,angular更像是客户端的产品,它沿续了flash的思想,然后包
容了web component的潮流,fb什么时候主导过UI? 连fb都要狗家的UX design. 你听说
过fb的UX design吗? |
l**********n 发帖数: 8443 | 49 不是mobile, 是monitor size agnostic. 知道material吧。你是fb的吧。抄react?
side rendering 来的,angular更像是客户端的产品,它沿续了flash的思想,然后包
容了web component的潮流,fb什么时候主导过UI? 连fb都要狗家的UX design. 你听说
过fb的UX design吗? |
h*i 发帖数: 3446 | 50 react.js's immutable data structure are directly inspired by Clojure.
Basically, Clojurescript community (David Nolen's om) demonstrated that
Clojurescript's immutable data structure made clojurescript wrapper of react
.js faster than react.js itself. Then react.js people started copying the
Not sure about scala, but clojure's certainly the first language that turns
Bagwell's immutable data structure into a core language feature.
js |