S**********s 发帖数: 4534 | 2 Since i can't CCW here in california I never thought about pocket guns or
even compact guns. Maybe one day I can, so I began to look for something
easy to conceal and easy to shoot.
My dream pocket gun would be a Chiappa Rhino 20DS in 357 magnum.
Why? there is no muzzle flip. The grip and the frame are exactly the same as
the full size model's. This snub nose simply does not compromise
controlability for concealability. And the fact that all .357 mag revolvers
can chamber the cheap .38 spl is an... 阅读全帖 |
S**********s 发帖数: 4534 | 4 我看好的是chiappa rhino 20ds. 两寸枪管配上手装的短管弹药,动能仍然不比9mm +p
我承认这枪比较重,也比那些.380口袋枪大, 但这是357 magnum, 不是pea shooter |
S**********s 发帖数: 4534 | 9 Traditionally, a revolver barrel is lined up with the top cylinder (12 o'
clock position, and fires the chambered round from said position. Because
the bore line is above the shooter's hand, the gun will flip upwards during
Chiappa Rhino and a few other revolvers utilize the bottom cylinder (6 o'
position) as a chamber, lowering the bore axis to the palm of the shooter
and directing recoil straight back into the shooter's arm, thus eliminating
most of the muzzle flip.
https://www.y... 阅读全帖 |
S**********s 发帖数: 4534 | 10 Chiappa Rhino是2.5磅, 比一般1911还重一点。 能handle compact .45, 打这个绝
对没问题。 |
s**********1 发帖数: 497 | 11 Chiappa Rhino理念很好,不过$775-$980,有点贵了. |
a***a 发帖数: 8941 | 12 查了一下rhino的网站,感觉他们标错了。
不过这个重量对于口袋枪也是太重了,都超过glock19了 |
H****r 发帖数: 16240 | 13 手机上复习floor plan不容易,凭印象写。
早上跑去三楼的气枪靶场…上当了,无托那支半自动,和棒子.50都是show only,能打
的的全是.177口径。玩了air force两支pcp,和IZH-46M。air force有支铁瞄的,真不
扳机太舒服了,最后我 基本全是单手无依托在玩。可惜场上两支握把都 是最厚、待修
配那种,握起来不舒服。总之我现在气枪就是对46M最长草。 那个无托半自动,里面送
colt 901的确重。
MPX很有意思,人机完全和ar一致,上手很快。但托太短了,基本是要chicken wing那
玩了刚出来的VCOG!光学质量很好,看起来很皮实, 筒体有镀塑料层的感觉?也的确
是接近真1x。但亮度和下面的比不如,eye box等等都差。
Leup... 阅读全帖 |
h*********r 发帖数: 1943 | 14 Rhino左轮木头握把偏方,后座的时候个人感觉没啥上跳但是震手
较舒服,不过光学上真没太大区别,而且到底多耐操也是问题 |
q********1 发帖数: 1480 | 15 我喜欢枪。 多年来“苦心经营”之下, 家里颇也存了几条“烧火棍”。 但我最爱的
枪之一, 却是十多年前买的雷明顿870 Express (26寸枪管的泵动霰弹枪)。那是我刚
到美国几个月,以F1的身份,在一家叫'Fin and Feather "的户外用品店, 花275刀买
的人生第一支枪。 记得刚买了枪的欣喜若狂:拍照, 分发亲友;如同热恋中的初恋
情人,时时刻刻记挂在心上, 看电视 坐在沙发里, 怀里还抱着枪。
多年来这枝枪随我打野鸡, 打鸭子,打飞碟, 一直任劳任怨, 从来没有出过岔子。
但随着家里武库的充实, 870越来越没有用武之地, 打猎打碟, 都轮不上她。 26寸
的枪管太长, 家防也不合适。 看着她一天天在角落里蒙上灰尘, 衰老着红颜, 我存
了个帮她整容改造, 重新派上用场的念头。整容的预算定在600刀左右。
我手拙, 大的改动做不来, 最容易的办法, 是把870改成家防枪。 家里已有一枝值
班枪,也是雷明顿, 这个就做值班枪2罢。 “家防" 是一个方面, 毕竟机率微乎其微
, 更重要的是”玩”---- 我是一直想要个"Bad Assess"霰弹枪的。
研究一下, ... 阅读全帖 |
S**********s 发帖数: 4534 | 16 Chiappa Rhino 200ds
后座最容易控制的左轮,而且是.357 magnum. |
S**********s 发帖数: 4534 | 17 调查了下, chiappa rhino最好买20D, 2寸枪管dao版本。da/sa的扳机不好。另外一定
要rubber grip.
现在找不到太好的deal |
n****e 发帖数: 6292 | 18 首选LCR 357
如果愿意尝鲜,可以试试chiappa rhino 20,轴线低,6发子弹,但是蛋巢宽度跟5发子
弹的差不多 |
k***n 发帖数: 1682 | 19 有一把2”的左轮 RHINO 200DS
想卖掉换 一个4或者6”的左轮,一般是去哪里卖? |
i**e 发帖数: 6810 | 20 手枪用起来好像复杂一点。
用过这个的说说? |
n****e 发帖数: 6292 | 21 左轮也是手枪。。。
设计很独特,小熊老板娘有一把你可以问问她 |
i**e 发帖数: 6810 | 22 小熊老板娘在版上不?
Chiappa质量名声不太好啊 |
i**e 发帖数: 6810 | 23 我看到Chiappa Rhino 20DS和200DS,左轮,简单易用好看,
貌似牌子小,用的人不多。我还没用过 |
m***y 发帖数: 14763 | 24 喔,要是试的话,搞支Chiappa Rhino试试,都说,看视频也是,枪口上跳的轻多了。
可惜,麻省不让卖。老汉嚼的在NH肯定没有问题,可是木有据点。 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 25
除了楼上推荐的,还可考虑gp100, Chiappa rhino等等。
1. Remington versa max tactical $1000+
2. Benelli montefeltro, m2 or other inertia shotguns $900+ |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 27 The design is interesting. I think its advantage becomes more apparent
when the barrel is short, say 2", in which a traditional design has too
moment of inertia. So I believe their claim to be more accurate
than a traditional 2". As the barrel gets longer, their advantage becomes
smaller, other considerations take more weight. |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 28 网上看了一下,它的2“, 4”管CCW确实是左轮革命性凶器,凶在打执法手枪弹停止力
最猛(96%)的125gr 。357mag比一般转轮snubby要好控制多了,没有折腕的力矩。连
。 要是想打
群狼就在腰上别上双枪,一个2“,一个4”,哈哈。 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 29 我的gp100 6寸打125gr 38+p 根本没觉得有后坐力,枪口也不怎么跳。枪管的转动惯量
另外Chiappa rhino 不妨考虑一下,威力大,上跳小,就算是2”的都很好控制。 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 30
4寸的gp100或686打38+p都是后坐很小的,打357mag的话网上看到过有人说4” 与6”的
家防的话400+ ft lbs 的低能量357mag比较合适,所以4”也不会后坐的不舒服。
如果真想偶尔拿到外面去打550+ ft lbs的357mag,6” 或者rhino会舒服不少。 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 31 I think it uses a moon clip, very fast to reload.
There is a published test saying that its muzzle energy is on par or even
higher than some compact 9mm pistols.
I definitely prefer it to the .38 due to the 50% higher energy of 9mm, and
moon clip.
Regarding reliability, it is a Ruger, a revolver.
To look for much higher power (357mag) with good controllability, conceal
ability and reliability, take a look at the 2" Chiappa Rhino. |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 32 俺也推荐左轮,安全可靠。
除了楼上的,还可考虑chiappa rhino 2"
枪管低,对手腕没要求。 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 33 俺也推荐左轮,安全可靠。
除了楼上的,还可考虑chiappa rhino 2"
枪管低,对手腕没要求。 |
m*****d 发帖数: 13718 | 34 你到底买了chiappa rhino没有?
希望有第一手评价 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 35 sp 101, gp 100, s&w 686, Chiappa Rhino etc |
n****e 发帖数: 6292 | 37 我觉得rhino很难算口袋枪,主要是因为太重,1.5磅多 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 38
.44mag 短管的不好打,长管的又不好带。盼望Rhino出一款
44mag的4寸低轴线防熊枪。 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 39
.44mag 短管的不好打,长管的又不好带。盼望Rhino出一款
44mag的4寸低轴线防熊枪。 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 40 Remington Versa Max semi-auto shotgun
Remington 7600 pump rifle
Chiappa Rhino .44mag revolver, 4" barrel (not in the market yet). |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 41 新手练枪,没啥太多诀窍,唯有扳机扣得越慢越好(例如,10秒)。
建议买一只低轴线左轮, Chiappa Rhino 2" 0r 4". 你就会发现, 25码也能打上A4靶
纸,大威力357mag弹的后坐还没有9mm大,随身枪也有了。 |
e*f 发帖数: 1709 | 42 Chiappa Rhino 2" .357mag ------ 便携,易控,大威力(150gr 以上弹头)
Ruger GP100 .357mag(4"以上)-------- 家防,打猎,打靶, 防熊
Ruger Super Redhawk 9.5" .44mag -------打猎,打靶,防熊 |
s*****e 发帖数: 32 | 44
次底火才响,这概率有点儿高啊。 |
e*******n 发帖数: 192 | 45 Chiappa Rhino 40/50/60DS
Joker老婆的转轮手枪,颜值没得说。转轮底部击发,轴线低,不上跳。 |
l******u 发帖数: 707 | 46 perfect shot by Rhino~~~~ |
l******u 发帖数: 707 | 47 From Joe and Rhino, perfect setup by Joe!! |
l******u 发帖数: 707 | 48 go ahead goal~~~~~~~~~~~ |
h***8 发帖数: 884 | 49 I will buy kiffin a lap dance in spearmint rhino if he want,
for 1: he leave vols in deep shit,
2: he send us to rematch
3: his wife is hot, I might get some sugar if she found out. |
w****1 发帖数: 4931 | 50 Born to Run also talked about that.:) Lions aren't always that aggressive --
that is, when they are not in the
mood for hunting. Rhinos are worse. |