

全部话题 - 话题: robidoux
发帖数: 901
TORONTO (AP) — Canada has ordered the deportation of a female soldier who
fled the U.S. military in order to avoid the war in Iraq, officials said
War Resisters Support Campaign spokeswoman Michelle Robidoux said that
Citizenship and Immigration Canada has ordered Kimberly Rivera to leave the
country by Sept. 20.
Rivera is meeting with her lawyers to determine her next step and was
unavailable to comment, said Robidoux.
"We are very upset about this decision," said Robidoux. "The cases... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1846
TORONTO (AP) — Canada has ordered the deportation of a female soldier who
fled the U.S. military in order to avoid the war in Iraq, officials said
War Resisters Support Campaign spokeswoman Michelle Robidoux said that
Citizenship and Immigration Canada has ordered Kimberly Rivera to leave the
country by Sept. 20.
Rivera is meeting with her lawyers to determine her next step and was
unavailable to comment, said Robidoux.
"We are very upset about this decision," said Robidoux. "The cases... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 148
来自主题: _BibleStudy版 - Cult couple accused of starving baby
Real tragedy.
Mass. v. Karin Robidoux: Cult couple accused of starving baby to death

(Court TV) — Karin and Jacques Robidoux claimed they were following the word
of God when they took their 10-month-old son off of solid food and placed him
on rigid diet consisting of only the pregnant defendant's breast milk.
For 51 days, the Massachusetts couple allowed their son, Samuel, to slowly and
painfully starve to death right in front of their eyes. The Robidoux's were
part of a small religious sect c
发帖数: 148
【 以下文字转载自 BibleStudy 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: euphy (四月), 信区: BibleStudy
标 题: Cult couple accused of starving baby
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Thu Jul 1 13:43:29 2004) WWW-POST
Real tragedy.
Mass. v. Karin Robidoux: Cult couple accused of starving baby to death

(Court TV) — Karin and Jacques Robidoux claimed they were following the word
of God when they took their 10-month-old son off of solid food and placed him
on rigid diet consisting of only the pregnant defendant's breast milk.
For 51 days, the M