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发帖数: 29846
February 17, 2015 - 12:16 PM
By Ali Meyer
(CNSNews.com) - 30.3 percent of 18- to 34-year-olds are living with a parent
, according to data from the Census Bureau.
The data comes from a Census release called “Young Adults: Then and Now,”
which “illustrates characteristics of the young adult population (age 18-34
) across the decades using data from the 1980, 1990 and 2000 Censuses and
the 2009-2013 American Community Survey.”
In 1980, according to the Census, 22.9 percent of the total population ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Mandatory Spending by a Broke Nation
By Jon N. Hall
Federal spending has two sides: mandatory spending and discretionary
spending. The biggest programs on the mandatory side are Social Security
and Medicare. These two programs are called "mandatory" because they are
not subject to the budget process; spending is said to be "on autopilot."
Until recently, the two programs were entirely funded with the payroll tax.
But with the advent of the Great Recession and the retirement of the Baby
Boom generation, the programs are also gett... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 53215