

全部话题 - 话题: saddened
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发帖数: 3557
来自主题: Programming版 - ajax小问题
You're welcome, but I'm sadden that I typed all these in vain, that you
don't seem understand more than you did before my post.
There is nothing unusual about a callback function. It just execute at
a different time than it is defined. But this should be expected -- you
don't really want to deleteRow immediately inside the loop, do you?
And your callback function does not have a parameter -- 'name' is
not a parameter as you implied. If it were, and you pass the
corresponding argument, then yes i
发帖数: 86
Lilly goes to court over acts of former employee
• An employee of our Lilly China Research and Development facility
violated Lilly policy by downloading confidential business records to a non-
company storage device (example: an unencrypted USB thumb drive).
• The employee, who has since left the company, refused to return
the confidential information. That prompted Lilly to file legal action in
the Chinese courts to recover the company’s confidential business records
and p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 886
Professor found dead after cash row: Cancer scientist said to have told
fellow academics that chiefs treated him 'like s***'
Professor Stefan Grimm killed himself after confiding in fellow
The toxicology scientist, 52, had been researching 'anti-cancer gene'
Imperial College bosses had told him he was not attracting enough grants
The institution is consistently ranked among the best in the world
A scientist... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2407
Vladimir Voevodsky, an exceptional mathematician with deep insight who
received the Fields Medal in 2002 for his development of a homotopy theory
for algebraic varieties and his formulation of motivic cohomology, died
September 30 at the age of 51. His work proved the Milnor conjecture, which
for decades had been the major unsolved problem in algebraic K-theory.
Voevodsky was a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. In 2009 he
proved the Bloch-Kato co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2407
Vladimir Voevodsky, an exceptional mathematician with deep insight who
received the Fields Medal in 2002 for his development of a homotopy theory
for algebraic varieties and his formulation of motivic cohomology, died
September 30 at the age of 51. His work proved the Milnor conjecture, which
for decades had been the major unsolved problem in algebraic K-theory.
Voevodsky was a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. In 2009 he
proved the Bloch-Kato co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - 这抄袭也太牛了!
Dear Friends and colleagues:
We all have heard about fraud and plagiarism, particularly from China, but
you have to see it to believe.
The past three days have been the most difficult and furious time for me in
the three years serving as the Editor-in-chief of XXX, and in my career as a
scientist. I wish to share this experience with you, and hope you will
never have to deal with this.
A manuscript was submitted to XXX three da... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 86
Lilly goes to court over acts of former employee
• An employee of our Lilly China Research and Development facility
violated Lilly policy by downloading confidential business records to a non-
company storage device (example: an unencrypted USB thumb drive).
• The employee, who has since left the company, refused to return
the confidential information. That prompted Lilly to file legal action in
the Chinese courts to recover the company’s confidential business records
and p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 695
大概2010年左右和一个lily level比较高的校友聊天

Lilly goes to court over acts of former employee
• An employee of our Lilly China Research and Development facility
violated Lilly policy by downloading confidential business records to a non-
company storage device (example: an unencrypted USB thumb drive).
• The employee, who has since left the company, refused to return
the confidential information. That prompted Lilly to file ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1425
来自主题: Pharmaceutical版 - biogen layoff 11%
The Cambridge-based drug company Biogen is shedding around 400 jobs in
Massachusetts, as part of a larger cost-cutting move.
Biogen announced on Wednesday that it will cut 11 percent of its global
workforce of nearly 8,000 employees as part of a restructuring designed to
focus the company on some of its more promising drugs.
CEO George Scangos said in an earnings call that the cuts are necessary.
“They’re good people, good employees,” he... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Stephen Hawking has died at the age of 76, his family has said.
The British theoretical physicist was known for his groundbreaking work with
black holes and relativity, and was the author of several popular science
books including A Brief History of Time.
His children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said: "We are deeply saddened that our
beloved father passed away today.
"He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy
will live on for many year... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1057
来自主题: Psychology版 - 赞UM
【 以下文字转载自 Michigan 讨论区 】
发信人: zirtek (过敏), 信区: Michigan
标 题: 赞UM
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 16 23:47:27 2007), 转信
To the Campus Community:
We are all saddened and horrified by today's shooting tragedy at Virginia
Tech. I hope you will join me in offering your support and condolences to
the Virginia Tech community.
If you feel the need to talk about this, campus resources are available to
* For students: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 764-8312
* If you l
发帖数: 618
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - [bssd] 一个简单但令我如梗在喉的病例
What saddens me most is that her anorexia is likely triggered by her parents
' diabetes and early death. 走不出上一辈人的阴影而死去,实在可怜. I doubt
her compliance with the psychiatrist. Sad.

发帖数: 8603
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 【周末放轻松】The Hospital Window(ZT)
原帖链接 http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/health/331819.html
Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was
allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the
fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window . The other
man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours
They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their
involvement in the military service, where they h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Interesting comparison. i don't see anything wrong with Shaohuogun though
...Between civilized peoples, violence and military are essentially
pointless. China and US have enough common interest and shared values, we
could work out any kinks in relationship.
Military is really useful to guard against the crazy devious sneaky axe-
murderer rapist robber denier right-wing hypocritical neighbor of China,
if you know who I am talking about . Even so, only as a last-ditch
defense and first-line... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1034
来自主题: MobileDevelopment版 - Google’s top searches of 2014
The company today released the fourteenth installment of its year-end
zeitgeist. Here are the top 10 global trending searches for 2014:
Robin Williams
World Cup
Malaysia Airlines
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Flappy Bird
Conchita Wurst
Sochi Olympics
The top 10 list in the U.S. is nearly identical. Just replace Conchita Wurst
with Ferguson and the Sochi Olympics with Ukraine. Even the ranking is very
Robin Williams
World Cup
Malaysia Airlines
Flappy Bird
ALS Ice Bucket ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7316
来自主题: CellularPlan版 - 4gc 死了
We are saddened to inform you that due to circumstances beyond the
organization’s control the Internet connectivity benefit of membership will
be ceasing no later than November 30, 2017. It may be sooner, so please
begin looking for other Internet connectivity options right away.
发帖数: 5337
来自主题: CellularPlan版 - 4gc 死了
Dear 4GCommunity.org Members,
We are saddened to inform you that due to circumstances beyond the
organization’s control the Internet connectivity benefit of membership will
be ceasing no later than November 30, 2017. It may be sooner, so please
begin looking for other Internet connectivity options right away.
The member online support center will remain a resource through this time
next year. Member and support team volunteers will be providing their
general assistance through the online suppor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5897
来自主题: CellularPlan版 - 4GC要关门了
Dear 4GCommunity.org Members,
We are saddened to inform you that due to circumstances beyond the
organization’s control the Internet connectivity benefit of membership will
be ceasing no later than November 30, 2017. It may be sooner, so please
begin looking for other Internet connectivity options right away.
The member online support center will remain a resource through this time
next year. Member and support team volunteers will be providing their
general a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5997
来自主题: _pennystock版 - HPQ
Monday up.
Gloria Allred Releases Statement by Former HP Contractor
Sunday 08/08/2010 6:28 PM ET - Pr Newswire
Attorney Gloria Allred released the following statement from her client,
Jodie Fisher, the former contractor who recently made a sexual harassment
claim against former Hewlett-Packard Chairman and CEO Mark Hurd:
"I was surprised and saddened that Mark Hurd lost his job over this. That
was never my intention."
"Mark and I never had an affair or intimate sexual relationship. I first met
M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4902
【 以下文字转载自 Movie 讨论区 】
发信人: scalper (scalper), 信区: Movie
标 题: Re: 《美国往事》里为什么……(剧透)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 22 23:00:11 2011, 美东)
Young Deborah was obviously pleased by Noodles' interest and fixation in her
as we could see from the spying dance scene in the storage room and she
certainly loves him But there is a barrier between them, Although also a
child of the same neighborhood, Deborah has an ambition to be of another
class. When he confronts her on the street, she calls him a "roach," . "Go
l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4902
【 以下文字转载自 Movie 讨论区 】
发信人: scalper (scalper), 信区: Movie
标 题: Re: 《美国往事》里为什么……(剧透)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 22 23:00:11 2011, 美东)
Young Deborah was obviously pleased by Noodles' interest and fixation in her
as we could see from the spying dance scene in the storage room and she
certainly loves him But there is a barrier between them, Although also a
child of the same neighborhood, Deborah has an ambition to be of another
class. When he confronts her on the street, she calls him a "roach," . "Go
l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 878
来自主题: _FilmArts版 - 最近看的电影
what u talking about? 艺术性?什么是艺术性?精美的镜头?电影表现方式?"站台"
超好,romantic, surreal, saddening.
发帖数: 1028
来自主题: _DC版 - 刚从TYSONS MALL 回来
Z Gallerie 倒啦!
Very sadden! It was there last week and appears to be normal. Today almost
everything is gone. Everything is 70% off, furniture 75% off.
Yet not much left.
发帖数: 979
来自主题: _FantaBaseball版 - 关于pavano
看到有人前几天在一个message board上贴的:
"I grew up in Southington, Connecticut, and played baseball with Carl Pavano
growing up. I am a Red Sox fan and I was bitterly disappointed when Carl sig
ned with New York; however, I continue to support him and his effort to get
healthy and pitch again. I can understand Yankee fans frustration with the l
itany of injuries the have beleagured Carl as a Yankee. It saddens me to see
some of the pejorative comments that are put in print regarding Carl. When
healthy, he's
发帖数: 970
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: mightylittle (梅瑰甜食), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: *******请你所在的公司,学校请求援助的样板信***********
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 30 20:25:52 2013, 美东)
这是我draft的给公司或学校HR 或 PR的信。斗争要讲究策略,要借力发力,让你所在
的公司学校为我们出头。 我英文水平有限,如果能有大拿帮忙改的更煽情和完善就太
好了。 具体操作我的想法如下:
。 Email的title一定要醒目,做一回标题党,确保你的邮件一定被读到。
3. 告知HR这件事情,向他们询问该如何进行下一步,当然要把... 阅读全帖
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