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发帖数: 3433
来自主题: USANews版 - Murkowski 可能会vote no.
Murkowski meets with Alaskan sexual assault survivors
Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a key swing vote in Kavanaugh's confirmation
, met with dozens of sexual assault survivors from her home state of Alaska
The American Civil Liberties Union had flown down 130 women to speak with
Murkowski. They met with the senator in groups of 18 women.
According to CBS News' Nicole Sgangas, the women have been invited to watch
the procedural vote in the Senate Friday morning.
"Why would she invite us t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
来自主题: USANews版 - Murkowski 可能会vote no.
可能本来想投no, 所以邀请了100多女的,见了女的后才飞DC去看FBI report.
明天邀请了那些人观看procedural vote, 如果明天改YES,还不被那100个女的骂啊。
According to CBS News' Nicole Sgangas, the women have been invited to watch
the procedural vote in the Senate Friday morning.
"Why would she invite us to watch the vote if she planned on voting yes?"
one woman told Sgangas.