

全部话题 - 话题: shollow
发帖数: 8
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 请教大家一道关于c++的面试题
What is wrong with the below code?
class A
char *p;
A(const char* str)
p=new char[strlen(str)+1];
delete p;
int main()
A s("Object s");
A t=s;
A u("Object u");
return 0;
1, 用delete[] p 而不是 delete p
2. A t=s, 用了默认的拷贝构造函数,而它用得是shollow copy
3, s.~A(), 显示调用了析构函数
4. u = s ,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3914
来自主题: Fishing版 - All caught on home made humdinger.
it 's just like to fish with any spinner lure: steady retrive. This lure has
its limitations: not suitable to be used on small creeks, shollow water,
rocky bottom, or areas with lot of structures. You can control the depth by
retriving it slow or faster. You just have to develop a "feel" for it. You
can also change out the weight ( 3/4oz, 5/8oz, 1/2oz or 3/8oz ) if needed.
We use 20#, up to 30# braided line. My friend Brian uses 30# braid with 20#
leader. I am lazy, just tie the lure to my 20# b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1006
来自主题: Travel版 - 加勒比海cruise的onshore excursion
the beach in grand tunk is just off the ship dock,not much corals in the
main beach area but other said it's better if you will to walk to the other
end of the beach.
HMC is a beautiful powder white sand beach, didn't snokling there but the
water is shollow, you might see more fish if you go out a bit.
if you will go to st. john while in st. thomas, i would recommend hawsnest
beach. it's a beautiful beach mainly used by the locals, it's free and
clean, not much ppl there compare to other beache... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 944
来自主题: PhotoGear版 - 俺的85L II到了(ND filter必买!)
低亮度?我以前也是这么奇怪,但后来才意识到是,用不用ND filter要分场合:
1. 放ND的情形是外界光线过亮,为了增加宽容度,而又想保留f1.2的其他优点,如
bokeh,shollow DOF等;(我第一贴的目的不就说明了ND的必要性吗?)
2. 在弱光的情况下,需要亮度时候,ND filter当然是不放的,我那几张夜晚的照片,你不会以为我傻到ND还在上面吧。。。

发帖数: 607
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - 感谢信
Year 2000.
I had been an Internal Medicine physician in China since 1988. My mother was
dead of acute pericardial tamponade caused by the lung cancer in 1992, and
my father was dead of heart attack in 1995. These two family tragedy events
changed my path to pursue the higher Medical Eduation. I have been balmed on
myself for many years, even today, because I couldn't save my loved parents
' life as an cardiologist.
I recieved Master degree in 1996 and Ph.D degree in 2000.
By the way, I don't lik... 阅读全帖