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发帖数: 1
华裔赌徒邸千(45岁东北人)借钱不还 在美国华人社区流窜诈骗
姓名:邸千 性别:男 出生年月:1971年2月21日
邮政编码:116001 电话:15322033666
1983年----1986年大连市辽宁师范大学附属中学 中学
1986年----1989年大连市辽宁师范大学附属中学 高中
2009年---... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2568
8颗Tripath TA2022 class-T stereo amp chips. class-T 是 class-D 变种, 号称具
胆机韵味, 且达到90%的效率。 IEEE Spectrum 杂志评其为有史以来最震惊世界的25
发帖数: 8927
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 【转】My Interview at Google
I sat in the waiting room with one other applicant. He was older than me by
about ten years. Judging by our clothes, it was clear that we were taking
different approaches to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
He dressed professionally. Black suit, white shirt, striped tie. His dress
shoes were polished, and their shine matched well with that of his belt
I dressed casually. Blue jeans. Sneakers. A brown collared sweater that hid
the geeky maroon “Computer Wizard” t-shirt that I was usin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 808
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 如何用hadoop 析取各种数据?
MapReduce Design Patterns by Donald Miner and Adam Shook
发帖数: 41
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Leetcode的系统真是弱爆了
楼主 看到 你 isDiffByOne 函数就知道你必然要超时
Leetcode免费给你用 就别挑剔了。凡事要先从自身找问题
start = "nanny";
end = "aloud";
String[] d = {"ricky","grind","cubic","panic","lover","farce","gofer
wares","wom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7881
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 求neflix mobile面经 大包子
再说说几个有趣的。 比如面试前一夜, 我有点想大便。 但也懒, 没下床去大便。
。 第二天早上, 一早就去面试。 可想而知, 有几轮面试的时候, fart了一下。
doesn't know if it hurts the interview, but can't imagine it helps...
然后最后和manager say goodbye, 憋的问他bathroom在那里, 要去pee, 然后pee
完, 洗了洗手, 以为就我一个人就走了。 没想到那个manager还等在门外, 竟然
shook my hand。。。 然后我的手洗完, 稍微擦了一下, 没有完全擦干。。 还有一
然后我就看着那个manager, 和我喔完手后, 在他自己的衣服上擦了擦。。。
发帖数: 191
来自主题: Living版 - Housing Shakes Off Winter Weather
New Single-Family Home Sales Jump 9.4 Percent In February
March 24, 2005 - Sales of new single-family homes shook off a weather-related
downturn in January as the February sales pace increased 9.4 percent to a
seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.226 million units, the U.S. Commerce
Department reported today.
“Builders expected single-family home sales to remain strong,” said David
Wilson president of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and a
custom home builder from Ketchum, Idaho.
发帖数: 15794
The train to the Statue of Liberty
On a peaceful morning, I was walking to the train station on Broadway.  
;Blocks away, swift current flows in the Hudson river.  At the end of
the Hudson River,  stands the Statue of Liberty.
On 125st Station, several teachers with tons of children boarded the train.
During chaotic scene, several words could be heard over and over again, "
kill "and ,"Jimmy Kimmel".
When the racket started to dissipate, A black boy who sat beside a
white pas... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15794
The train to the Statue of Liberty
On a peaceful morning, I was walking to the train station on Broadway.  
;Blocks away, swift current flows in the Hudson river.  At the end of
the Hudson River,  stands the Statue of Liberty.
On 125st Station, several teachers with tons of children boarded the train.
During chaotic scene, several words could be heard over and over again, "
kill "and ,"Jimmy Kimmel".
When the racket started to dissipate, A black boy who sat beside a
white pas... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 120
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 今天给娃去办旅行证,被气哭了
It is really ridiculous stupid policy! I had similar expereince as you.
Maybe we met the same funking girl sitting on the far left window, through
the whole talk, she didn't smile at all. She keeps telling me this is not
right, that is not right, everything is not in the way she thinks it should
be, i was wondering 'are you the funking making the policy'? I shook my head
after I am out of the shit embassy.
But pat pat, try to get what you need, maybe try to go to another window
avoiding the her
发帖数: 9094
Let me give an example of kid's joke/prank:
In China a baby boy was raised by his grandma. Grandma took good care of
the grandson and they were very close. One day the grandson was in the mood
of having fun. So he lay on the bed and covered his body with a white bed
sheet. A few minutes later, the grandmom came back to the room and was
shocked to see her beloved grandson lying on the bed motionless. Fearing the
worst, she sat down on the bed, shook the tiny body, and called his name
发帖数: 9094
来自主题: Parenting版 - 情商难教啊
This is partially in the gene and partial in the way a kid learns the trick.
One data point:
In first grade, James' math skill was at the top of his class. One game they
played in math class is called "Circle the World", in which a student
stands up, walks with the teacher to another student; the teacher raises a
card with math questions written thereon; whoever answers with the correct
answer quicker is the winner and walk to the next student. If a student
stands up and walks back to his or he... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2567
儿子说summer camp,大家跳舞,有个女孩跑到儿子跟前,shook her booty,才9
发帖数: 8
Sunday in the Park
Bel Kaufman
It was still warm in the late-afternoon sun, and the city noises came
muffled through the trees in the park. She put her book down on the bench,
removed her sunglasses, and sighed contentedly. Morton was reading the
Times Magazine section, one arm flung around her shoulder; their three-year-
old son, Larry, was playing in the sandbox: a faint breeze fanned her hair
softly against her cheek. It was five-thirty of a Sunday afternoon, and the
small playground, tuck... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 422
来自主题: Parenting版 - 三岁的娃被老师写信批评了
"He was playing with toys on the carpet with another student. He grabbed the
child by their hair, using both hands and started pulling. I took him to
the library area and talk about using gentle, kind hands and that we don't
pull friends' hair. I asked if he understood multiple times, he shook his
head "no" each time..."
发帖数: 15794
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: thymeee (节俭灌水种地养娃), 信区: Military
标 题: The train to the Statue of Liberty(based on the real story from cartier2000)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 3 23:05:50 2013, 美东)
The train to the Statue of Liberty
On a peaceful morning, I was walking to the train station on Broadway.  
;Blocks away, swift current flows in the Hudson river.  At the end of
the Hudson River,  stands the Statue of Liberty.
On 125st Station, several teachers with tons of children boarded th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15794
On 125st Station, several teachers with tons of children boarded the train.
During chaotic scene, several words could be heard over and over again, "
kill "and ,"Jimmy Kimmel".
When the racket started to dissipate, A black boy who sat beside a
white passenger told his friend in front of him, " after I grow up, I will
kill all the people! But first, the rich people." 
The white man sat beside him asked fearfully , " will you kill me too?" 
" no. " , the black boy said.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6276
shook her head or shakes her head, but not shock her head . . .
发帖数: 6276
Three-year-old Sally was playing happily in the kitchen while her mother
cleaned up the dinner dishes. As Sally's mom turned to collect another plate
from the table, she noticed a puddle on the floor under Sally's feet. "
Sally, honey, did you wet your pants?" Sally shook her head and said, "My
shoes did it."
Clearly, Sally has told her mother a lie. Like most parents, you might feel
shocked — angry, hurt, or even betrayed — when you first discover your
child has lied. But if you can step back a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 780
The Shaklee Story - Hardcover (July 1982) by Robert L. Shook
发帖数: 1807
来自主题: Stock版 - 重回50万
market seems to shook it off like dirt on the shoulder......BUY BUY BUY
发帖数: 3337
TOKYO (AP) -- Japan's nuclear regulators raised the severity level of the
crisis at a stricken nuclear plant Tuesday to rank it on par with the 1986
Chernobyl disaster.
An official with the Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan, speaking on
national television, said the rating was being raised from 5 to 7 -- the
highest level on the international scale.
The official, who was not named, said the amount of radiation leaking from
the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant was around 10 percent of the Cherno... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17722
来自主题: Stock版 - Is It 1937 All Over Again?
Is It 1937 All Over Again?
Have global events begun to look and sound too familiar in 2011 to a
previous era in the 1930s? In 1937, economic conditions were surprisingly
similar to those at present. Commodity prices were rising, people worried
about inflation and deficits, and so they acted -- and paid the price. Many
who remember history ask: how does the recent stall in major economies
compare to 1937? At that time, the US economy had been growing rapidly for
three years, thanks in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1805
发信人: rcols (Big Big Bear), 信区: Military
标 题: 三锅说我们(亲客) has lost mind!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 20 14:01:48 2012, 美东)
Oh well! 红头阿三说脏话了!
Gaurav (Delhi)
17 mins ago (11:07 PM)
Yesterday they said that India should not overestimate its strength .And now
they are saying that this missile has a range of 8k kms and not 5k kms as
claimed by India .what the hell ! China seems to be frustrated nothing else
.They don't know what they are speaking and why are they speaking .
AP (india) replies to Gaurav
3 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2310
来自主题: Stock版 - V shook me headache!
发帖数: 6632
来自主题: Stock版 - 无聊的我居然烧了AAPL 555扑
I am more faint
675 put was shook out this morning. fuck
发帖数: 2408
来自主题: Stock版 - 跟台湾人做生意一定要小心
WASHINGTON -- In an extraordinary breach of congressional decorum, a
Republican lawmaker shouted "You lie" at President Barack Obama during his
speech to Congress Wednesday.
The incident came directly after Obama said, "There are also those who claim
that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false.
The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally."
"Yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7930
Greenspan: No irrational exuberance, stocks undervalued
Alan Greenspan said investors don't have to worry about irrational
exuberance driving the current stock runup
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said that even with record-
high stock prices, investors don't need to worry about "irrational
exuberance" this time.
In fact, his current view is that stocks are still "significantly
The Dow Jones industrial average's 10-session winning streak heading ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8363
来自主题: Stock版 - 金子跌破1160爷爷我就爆仓了

2011年5月到8月 was a bit of black swan. Gold was supposed to correct
back then but S&P came out downgrading US, which shook the confidence
and shot gold price up 20%.
Part of the current hard correction is paying back for that 2011
overshoot. If it overshoots in one direction it tends to overshoot
in the other when it oscillates back.
发帖数: 529
Should You Trust Your Instincts on Gold?
Recent events in San Francisco and at La Guardia Airport made me recall a
terrifying experience years ago. It was my last flight of the year, and I
was headed home for Christmas. The plane was speeding down the runway to
take off, when the pilot suddenly reversed thrust and slammed on the brakes;
the plane shook like I have never experienced before as the pilot aborted
the takeoff. As we stopped mere feet from the end of the runway and caught
our breath, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 734
来自主题: Stock版 - KNDI breakout or what
I was in KNDI at $7.7 on 12/09, expecting a breakout, but it did not happen
right way.
it shook twice in last 9 days. now it closes to end of triangle pattern.
There is not enough time left for another shake. It will break out next week
? which direction.
what are your thoughts?
发帖数: 4593
来自主题: Stock版 - Playforever, 说说对PWE的看法。

Hopefully, you were not shook out by the computer program panic sale
yesterday. It was scary yesterday, went as low as $8.59.
Today it came back quite strongly with slightly above average volume.
A couple of thing I notice.
Its Q2 estimate is raised to $0.15 from $0.09(I remember it was this number
a couple weeks back on yahoo street estimates).
Another thing, Q2 dividend DRIP price for the dividend shares is $8.87.
The low price of last few trading days did some contribution for the price.
发帖数: 14194
Federal Reserve raises key interest rate for first time in nearly a decade
Federal Reserve raises key interest rate for first time in nearly a decade
Resize Text Print Article Comments 0
By Ylan Q. Mui December 16 at 2:00 PM
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen (Photo by Matt McClain/ The Washington
The Federal Reserve voted Wednesday to raise in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 373
来自主题: Stock版 - WTI我的交易记录 8/1/16-8/5/16
MMs are black as always, we small traders are much easier to do bottom
fishing than them, so take advantage is our mission. hard part is riding
along without being shook out
发帖数: 11530
Enron Scandal: The Fall of a Wall Street Darling
Enron Corp. is a company that reached dramatic heights, only to face a
dizzying collapse. The story ends with the bankruptcy of one of America's
largest corporations. Enron's collapse affected the lives of thousands of
employees and shook Wall Street to its core. At Enron's peak, its shares
were worth $90.75, but after the company declared bankruptcy on December 2,
2001, they plummeted to $0.67 by January 2002. To this day, many wonder how
such a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4462
来自主题: Stock版 - 终于把特斯拉都出了
哈哈哈weak hands shook off!
发帖数: 4110
【 以下文字转载自 PDA 讨论区 】
发信人: ThetaWave (Theta), 信区: PDA
标 题: The Land That Failed to Fail - The New York Times
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 18 23:13:40 2018, 美东)
A "good" piece from NYT...
China now leads the world in the number of homeowners, internet users,
college graduates and, by some counts, billionaires. Extreme poverty has
fallen to less than 1 percent. An isolated, impoverished backwater has
evolved into the most significant rival to the United States since the fall
of the Soviet Union.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 126
Boehner dances between GOP, Dems on immigration
Boehner won raves and caucus members emerged predicting the bill would win a
majority of both parties and become law by the end of the year.
"The meeting was wonderful," exclaimed Democratic Rep. Luis Guiterrez of
"We are ready," said Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif. "The speaker made it very
clear that he'd like the House to be ready as well."
"It was a meeting that gives us a lot of hope," said Rep. Ruben Hinojosa, D-
Texas, the Hispanic C... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 381
我今天其实也call in了,我的感觉是uscis director他自己也很想把H4 ead赶紧弄出
twitter啊,email啊摇旗呐喊h4 ead,这样他就能push这股势力来尽快执行h4 ead。
Hi all,
Long day but I finally got to sit down to write down the details. Yes, it
was me who got to ask second. You all have heard what it was, so no point in
repeating. Before the meeting, they had asked us to limit to 1 question but
I still sque... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1162
来自主题: Arizona版 - Earthquake?
Josephine Levy
Tempe, AZ
April 4th, 2010
7:36 pm
We felt it here in metro Phoenix--pretty rare for us to feel that.
Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers
West Hollywood, CA
April 4th, 2010
7:36 pm
What happened to the time of day of earthquake?
Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers
Tucson, Arizona
April 4th, 2010
7:37 pm
It shook here in Tucson, Arizona too
Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers
George Brennan
Phoenix, AZ
April 4th, 2010
7:37 pm
Felt it here in Phoenix; pool
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: Arizona版 - Maine's New Governor很牛逼 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: Maine's New Governor很牛逼
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 13 17:07:14 2014, 美东)
Meet Maine 's New Governor --- In case you haven't heard about this guy
before, his name will stick in your mind!
The new Maine Governor, Paul LePage is making New Jersey 's Chris Christie
look timid. He isn't afraid to say what he thinks. Judging by the comments,
every time he opens his mouth, his popularity goes up.
He brought down the house at his inauguration whe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 691
来自主题: Boston版 - Do you believe it?
From Internet:
Recently, when I went to McDonald's I saw on the menu that you could have an
order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. "
We don't have half dozen nuggets," said the teenager at the counter. "You
don't?" I replied. "We only have six, nine, or twelve," was the r eply. "So
I can't order a half dozen nuggets, but I can order six?" "That's right." So
I shook my head and ordered six McNuggets.
发帖数: 3652
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: Cannaa (Canna), 信区: USANews
标 题: 医院诽谤王立山医生,“用手指”变成“笔戳眼"
关键字: 王立山医生
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 30 21:31:15 2014, 美东)
作者:Cannaa 于 2012-7-8 09:36 发表于村
处理建议。在这个建议中,第一次出现“笔 戳眼”的词汇。这是一个诽谤证据,因为
pointed finger in to my eyes")。见下图,图尔医生的报告黄线处。还有王立山的批
之所以被医院开除,是因为他试图用"笔戳"图尔医生的眼睛( "using a pen and
poking him in the eye")。似乎只有“笔戳眼”才能够格开除一个人,而“手指眼”
是不达标的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6053
来自主题: Connecticut版 - Hartford Area Shelter Information
A shelter opened by the town at Farmington High School is warm and by 8 p.m.
Sunday night more than 250 cots were in use.
The town opened the shelter at 7 p.m. Saturday night to provide a warm place
for residents who had lost power or been forced from their homes by the
October snowstorm. Hot showers are available in the locker rooms and
residents are being provided with military-style cots, which they can set up
in individual classrooms for more privacy.
Nancy Parent, Farmington's social servic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5776
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 到底7.9还是7.2?差不老少倍那
7.9 magnitude quake hits Japan; tsunami warning
TOKYO – Japan was struck by a magnitude 7.9 earthquake off its northeastern
coast Friday, shaking buildings in Tokyo for several minutes and prompting
a tsunami warning.
Japan's meteorological agency warned that a tsunami as high as 20 feet (6
meters) could strike the coast near Miyagi prefecture, closest to the
epicenter. Smaller tsunamis of up to 50 centimeters reached some coastal
c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5776
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 到底7.9还是7.2?差不老少倍那
In downtown Tokyo, large buildings shook violently and workers poured into
the street for safety. TV footage showed a large building on fire and
bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo.
发帖数: 1346
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – California will experience unthinkable damage
when the next powerful quake strikes, probably within 30 years, even though
the state prides itself on being on the leading edge of earthquake science.
Modern skyscrapers built to the state's now-rigorous building codes might
ride out the big jolt that experts say is all but inevitable, but the
surviving buildings will tower over a carpet of rubble from older structures
that have collapsed.
Hot desert winds could fan fires t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6102
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - GIVE-UP
I used to be an enthusiastic gardener. I fixed sprinkler, re-laid
irrigation pipes, set up auto-control system, built a flower bed, plant
fruit trees, grew ice flowers to cover bald dirt areas, led vines crawling
over walls...
Gardening used to be a fun to me then, as much as hiking to me now. After a
full day work in the back yard, sitting in a swing chair in the patio shade
, soaked in sweat, I was really high in mood with a glass of chilled Beck’s
Since I started hiking 3 years ago, I have... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 521
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 快地震了?

Deep 7.1 quake rattles Colombia
The Associated Press
Published: Sunday, Sep. 30, 2012 - 10:15 am
Last Modified: Sunday, Sep. 30, 2012 - 1:27 pm
BOGOTA, Colombia -- A powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake centered nearly 100
miles underground rattled southwestern Colombia on Sunday but no damage or
injuries were reported.
The quake struck at 11:31 a.m. local time 30 miles (48 kilometers) from the
regional capital of Popayan and was felt in Bogota as well as 10 of Colombia
's 32 states. The U.S. Geol... 阅读全帖
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