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发帖数: 5245
宋美龄1943年2月18日对美国参众两院的演说 完全原始录音
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives of the United States:
At any time it would be a privilege for me to address Congress, more
especially this present august body which will have so much to do in shaping
the destiny of the world. In speaking to Congress I am literally speaking
to the American people. The Seventy-seve... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7039
来自主题: Military版 - 新书: 911乃以色列所为
调处理后、爆料网页和内容(如RT纪录片9.11 and Operation Gladio)在网络突然“
被消失”后,美国退休空姐儿Rebekah Roth的新书《Methodical Illusion》在2015年
其它内容包括飞机上安装的“航行终端系统”(Flight Termination System),此系
员简单的常识是,在被真的劫匪劫持时,机长会切换紧急开关发出飞... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1957
Nutrients in Cheese
nutrients in Cheese quesadilla
Cheese is produced throughout the world; it is an ancient food with origins
that predate recorded history. It is a dairy product made from pressed milk
curds. Different varieties are made from unripened (fresh) cheese or ripened
(aged) cheese.
Cheese is a delicious and nutritious food that is very versatile. You can
add it to other dishes or eat it by itself. It’s convenient and portable.
There are more than 300 varieties of cheese—including Ame... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1459
This guy is literally the worst human being ever to run for office, it's
almost cartoonish how evil and stupid and horrible he is. How can anyone
still support this guy after Washington Post and New York Times totally
exposed him?
Trump is the first candidate that if I found out someone supported him, I
would try everything to distance myself personally from that person and
would view them as a lesser person. Nobody with any self respect or shred of
decency should vote Trump, we have to stop thi... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Trump actually just refused to answer the question of whether he would
accept the outcome of the election.
Wow. That is without a shred of a doubt the most insane answer in American
political history.
Our democracy is under assault.

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 我的早餐最简单
weekday 几乎两种。两片面包 toast 然后抹上 花生酱 和半个牛油果。或者whole
wheat tortillas 放上shredded cheese 对折 放到平锅热半分钟。 都不错。还不浪费
pancake 只有周末做。的确费时间。pancake 诀窍要买对预先调配好的面粉。还有不粘
锅一定不要放油。一锅最好多放几个。上面撒上巧克力豆 还是不错的。
发帖数: 1854
In seven years covering China for The Wall Street Journal, Pottinger got a
sense of how American liberties are a rarity in the world ... "I was
standing over a toilet," he recalled, "with a bunch of Chinese policemen
standing around me shredding my notebook, page by page, and flushing it down
a toilet."
From afar he could assess America's strengths and its weaknes... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4192
来自主题: Military版 - 八卦一下新大法官的妈
她叫Anne Gorsuch。这个妈太有名气了。为什么呢,她是第一个被cited for contempt
of Congress部长级官员。
无数文件,被cited for contempt of Congress,然后辞职。辞职后,里根白宫和国会
她62岁死于cancer,不知道会不会和环境污染有关... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 120
来自主题: Military版 - 八卦一下新大法官的妈
[在 steve888 (Steve曾经曰过) 的大作中提到:]
:她叫Anne Gorsuch。这个妈太有名气了。为什么呢,她是第一个被cited for
contempt of Congress部长级官员。
:无数文件,被cited for contempt of Congress,然后辞职。辞职后,里根白宫和国
:她62岁死于cance... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16484
发帖数: 8227
Our own fight for the West does not begin on the battlefield -- it begins
with our minds, our wills, and our souls. Today, the ties that unite our
civilization are no less vital, and demand no less defense, than that bare
shred of land on which the hope of Poland once totally rested. Our freedom,
our civilization, and our survival depend on these bonds of history,
culture, and memory.
...... I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever
be ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16335
来自主题: Military版 - 乐山的甜皮鸭怎么样
Jing Jiang Rou Si, Sauteed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce, is a
traditional dish in Beijing. Its main ingredient is pork tenderloin. Stir-
fry the ingredient with soya paste or sweet soya paste to season the flavour.
-- from wiki
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 绝对没问题。 入侵伊拉克
We've got to understand that North Korea is holding onto these nuclear
weapons because they think it is their only protection from the United
States coming in and doing to them what the United States has done to so
many countries throughout history.
发帖数: 17722

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia
were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians.
Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of
Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution
was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.”
It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of
my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands
than any people or nation ever suffered in the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4421
容我引用一个well-said point
“I've never trusted skeptics, for the very reason that they are willing to
accept the official version of things without a shred of proof but require
unrealistic amounts of evidence to accept any other possibility.”
Fomenko及其剽窃者何新 非常尴尬 他们自己并无任何考古发现 也没有任何基本的作为
发帖数: 4796
The death of former US president George H.W. Bush stirred bitter memories
for Iraqis Saturday of "Mr Embargo" -- the man behind crushing
sanctions they blame for ravaging their country.
Under Bush's command, US soldiers in 1991 drove invading Iraqi troops
from Kuwait, which strongman Saddam Hussein had infamously dubbed his nation
's 19th province.
Iraq was slammed with crippling global sanctions and an oil embargo that
left many relying on ration cards and slim salaries for over a decad... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
It is disgusting, money talks, all those who posted $10 mil beg to lose it
as she is smuggled abroad with the help of security firm she pays for, as by
that they gain $100+ mil payable by grateful Dad worth at least $2billions .
it is gangsterism and kidnaping for ransom, under illegal extraterritorial
US sanctions with no shred of evidence of Meng involvement so far, as money
are changing hands as I write, Chinese ruling oligarchy budged under US
banksters pressure to steal from the money dir... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
Last shred of Government/Fed credibility gone in 3...2...1...
发帖数: 24887
White supremacist executed for Texas dragging
By MICHAEL GRACZYK - Associated Press
HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) — A white supremacist gang member was executed
Wednesday evening for the infamous dragging death slaying of a black man.
James Byrd Jr., 49, was chained to the back of a pickup truck and pulled
whip-like to his death along a bumpy asphalt road in one of the most grisly
hate crime murders in recent Texas history.
Lawrence Russel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3620
1) 8 "non-white" kids were killed in a shoot-out related to crack cocaine
this past weekend but no one puts that shit on the front pages.
Oh look, another 15 "non-white" kids were killed in another shoot-out
related to prostitiution and crack cocaine.
Where the fuck is the crack reporting on that shit?
2)how many kids got shredded by drones this week? oh wait, that's just '
collateral damage' in the banker wars.
3)178 Children Murdered.. but the Zionist Owned Media is NOT! telling the
Sheep to b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Stella Paul
Conventional wisdom has it that Bill Clinton was a flawed man, but a good
president. Let's blast that claptrap to smithereens with a Fast and Furious
AK-47, because Bill Clinton was an unadorned calamity for our national
security, and, in all probability, remains one to this day.
In the last week, we learned some piquant facts about Clinton's associates:
First, his wife's most intimate aide, Huma Abedin, has a Saudi mother and
brother who are both prominent members of the Muslim ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by n*****[email protected] (The blogprof)
It's not good enough enough for the liberal ruling class to simply import
the poor (aka - undocumented Democrats) from other countries to overwhelm
the entitlement system and implode the economy so they can shred the US
Constitution and rebuild the country in their own image. They have to do
that while simultaneously subverting the education system as well:
George Whittell High School principal Crespin Esquivel delivered his
graduation address to the cla... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Beating the Racism Card
By J.R. Dunn
Obama is finished. It's not so much the past six weeks, rough as they were,
as his own actions and responses that have finished him. His showdown with
Congress over the debt limit, which he then ran away from. His
bewilderment at the fact that markets responded to that level of stress with
a serious slump. The lousy job numbers, which anybody but Obama and his
kept economists could have predicted. His insistence on his precious
vacation at a time when the country was deeply sha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1094
To all Occupy Wall Street participants, here is the key to your victory... (
for serious) (self.politics)
submitted 3 days ago by HotKarlMarx
Guys, listen. Here's the deal.
I love you guys with every shred of my hard-left leaning heart. But I think
you might be doing something wrong. Here is one thing that can help you.
Tomorrow, wear a polo and khakis
Seriously. polos and khakis. Every time you guys DO finally get some fucking
press, it's a scrawny dude with dreads in a ratty t-shirt. You're go... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Democrat supports Voter ID law
by Rossputin
Sorry I’m getting this to you a bit late, but my expectation is that most
readers have nevertheless not heard this story yet.
Last month, former Congressman Artur Davis (D-AL) wrote a refreshingly
honest mea culpa when it comes to the issue of Voter ID laws and voter fraud
. His basic point is contained in his first sentence: “I’ve changed my
mind on voter ID laws – I think Alabama did the right thing in passing one
– and I wish I had gotten it right when I was in political office.”... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
December 24, 2011 | Filed under 2012 Presidential Race,Barack
by Michael Laprarie
So writes Timothy Dalrymple, who explores the interesting phenomenon of how
liberals are handling the stunning reversals in policies enacted by
President Obama, compared to the idealism of Candidate Obama:
[T]here’s no question that the Obama administration has been far less
different from the Bush administration than was promised during the campaign.
What’s so astonishing, though, is not that Obama has ext... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4050
Son, you brain is too limited to understand what is bigger -
Big Risk: $1.2 Quadrillion Derivatives Market Dwarfs World GDP
By Peter Cohan Posted 10:45AM 06/09/10 Economy, Investing, Investing Basics
Comments Text Size A A A
One of the biggest risks to the world's financial health is the $1.2
quadrillion derivatives market. It's complex, it's unregulated, and it ought
to be of concern to world leaders that its notional value is 20 times the
size of the world economy. But traders rule t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Janice Shaw Crouse
President Obama's policies and politics are focused like a laser on the so-
called "women's rights" vote -- the feminist and the single women's vote.
According to Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research (GQR), feminist voters in the
2008 presidential election created a "new American electorate." The data
support that conclusion. Unmarried women supported Barack Obama by a 70-to-
29 percent margin, and they voted for Democratic House candidates by a
similar margin, 64-to-29 per... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - No, Hasan and Bales Are Not Equivalent
By Winfield Myers
Earlier this week, Omid Safi, a professor of Islamic studies at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, used his blog "What Would
Muhammad Do" at the Religion News Service to claim a moral equivalency
between Ft. Hood jihadist Major Nidal Malik Hasan and U.S. Army Staff
Sergeant Robert Bales. "When Americans Kill vs. When Muslims Kill" is a
morally repugnant attempt to claim a double standard in the way Americans
react to mass murder. In this, Safi echoes the party l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
April 13, 2012 by Rick Rice
Mark Shea brings us to events taking place in Britain:
Whipped Christians, timid about appearing “judgmental”, often
capitulate to this sort of draconian post-Christian appeal to “judge not,
lest ye be judged” and back down. However, as this video demonstrates,
some Britons are beginning to get a little taste of what happens when watery
post-Christian secularism, accustomed to bullying meek Christians, meets
inflamed and diseased Islam:
Mark goes on:
Secular... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Obama on Skyrocketing Gas Prices: We’re ‘Saving People Money at the Pump’
by Jammie
Let’s overlook the fact gas prices have risen every single day since his
inauguration. Instead, believe the lies, you idiot, low-information voters.
Chard also spoke with President Obama about rising gas prices in
“Gas prices continue to be an ongoing problem,” said Obama. “I’m
proud of the fact that under my administration, oil production is higher
than it has been in a decade or more. We hav... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Two weeks into the investigation of the Boston Marathon bombings, here is
what we know – or at least what we think we know: The terrorist attack was
perpetrated by Chechen national Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother
Dhokhar. Tamerlan was killed during a gun battle with police, while Dhokhar
lies in a hospital bed recovering from wounds sustained during a dramatic
manhunt last week. Three people were killed during the blast and nearly 200
others wounded. Many victims are now without lim... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Why Some Scientists Embrace the ‘Multiverse’
Last week, in Nice, France, I was privileged to participate along with 30
scholars, mostly scientists and mathematicians, in a conference on the
question of whether the universe was designed, or at least fine-tuned, to
make life, especially intelligent life. Participants — from Yale, Princeton
, Harvard, Berkeley, and Columbia, among other American and European
universities — included believers in God, agonistics, and atheists.
It was clear that the s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Michael Snyder, on August 20th, 2013
Obama Follow MeBarack Obama has been running around the country taking
credit for an "economic recovery", but the truth is that things have not
gotten better under Obama. Compared to when he first took office, a smaller
percentage of the working age population is employed, the quality of our
jobs has declined substantially and the middle class has been absolutely
shredded. If we are really in the middle of an "economic recovery", why is
the homeownership... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Stop Lying to Me!
America's so-called news media have abandoned journalism for shameless left-
wing propaganda. Instead of reporting the news, they censor, lie, and
distort to advance their radical left-wing agenda. Check out these recent
The economy is a mess, but it's not Obama's fault. Despite the
chronically weak economy (high unemployment, rising gas prices, falling
incomes for the poor and middle class, 54 million Americans on food stamps,
and a shrinking middle class), the liberal media circl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - cruz和lee缺席gop的午餐会
Senate Republicans huddled Tuesday to discuss the latest on the fiscal
crisis engulfing the Capitol, but two key members of their conference were
missing from the lunch: Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah.
Multiple senators confirmed the absence of the two senators, who have led
the crusade in the Senate to shred the president’s health care law.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/ted-cruz-mike-lee-gop-lunch-98342.html#ixzz2hpRch7Ze
发帖数: 29846
Maybe Pain Will Teach You Millenials Not To Vote For Your Own Serfdom
Kurt Schlichter | Nov 04, 2013
You Millenials voted for Obama by a margin of 28 percent, which will make it
a lot easier for me to accept the benefits you will be paying for. We
warned you that liberalism was a scam designed to take the fruits of your
labor and transfer it to us, the older, established generation. Oh, and also
to the couch-dwelling, Democrat-voting losers who live off of food stamps
and order junk from QVC wit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 523
来自主题: USANews版 - Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerless, and
hopeless by the American mass media and many Americans. The American mass
media have lost journalistic ethics and objectivity and have been blatantly... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Food Stamps for Weed in Colorado
Food Stamps for Weed? Yep, It's Happening in Colorado
by John Hayward 25 Feb 2014
This should not surprise anyone who has been paying attention to the growth
of Food Stamp Nation. According to National Review, EBT cards have been
used in Colorado to pull quite a bit of taxpayer cash at stores that sell
At least 64 times, public-assistance benefits were accessed at
businesses selling marijuana. A total of $5,475 in public benefits was
withdrawn at ATMs in establishments that sell ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Networks Refuse to Report Latest IRS Scandal Revelations
By Geoffrey Dickens | July 28, 2014 | 10:55
The saga of Lois Lerner’s missing emails took a bunch of twists and turns
this past week, but you wouldn’t know that if you only got your news from
the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks. On July 21, it was reported that
even more IRS officials had their hard drives crash on them, including
employees who “routinely corresponded” with Lerner. What a coincidence! On
that same day it was revealed th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3656
imagine you telling IRS you shredded some receipts. :)
发帖数: 29846
Everything You Need To Know About The Latest Clinton Foundation Scandals,
BY: Andrew Stiles
April 23, 2015 2:50 pm
A lot of new information has come to light since our last explanatory report
on scandals surrounding the Clinton Foundation. It’s time for an update.
Here’s everything you need to know about the latest Clinton Foundation
scandals, but were too afraid to ask.
Hey, what’s up?
Quite a bit, actually.
What did I mi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Watch Mike Huckabee SHRED the Idiotic Hosts of ‘The View’
Sela T
09 Dec, 2015 by Sela T
Mike Huckabee was a guest on “The View” recently…and he went prepared! As
the loud and proud liberal hosts of the show questioned him on the
important topics of gun control, Syrian refugees, and ISIS, Huckabee not
only came direct and clear with his answers, but he also SOMEHOW seemed to
be introducing ideas that the women were willing to think about…at least,
it certainly looked that way. See for yourself!
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - cruz好像又被抓到搞dirty trick了
Ted Cruz is firing back at accusations from Trey Gowdy that his campaign was
involved in creating a fake Facebook account that said the South Carolina
congressman had switched from Marco Rubio’s team to Cruz’s.
“Our campaign had absolutely nothing to do with this fraudulent Facebook
post,” Cruz tweeted Tuesday night.
“This kind of deception is deplorable and nothing like it would be
tolerated by this campaign,” he continued.
Brian Phillips, Cruz’s rapid response director, followed up with an ema... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - 专家急了:No, Not Trump, Not Ever
No, Not Trump, Not Ever
David Brooks
David Brooks MARCH 18, 2016
The voters have spoken.
In convincing fashion, Republican voters seem to be selecting Donald Trump
as their nominee. And in a democracy, victory has legitimacy to it. Voters
are rarely wise but are usually sensible. They understand their own problems
. And so deference is generally paid to the candidate who wins.
And deference is being paid. Gov. Rick Scott of Florida is urging
Republicans to coalesce around Trump. Pundits are comi... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - Lying Ted is Over
摘抄 Lying Ted FB 上留言。更多的前Lying Ted supporters are waking up.
You really don’t know when to stop do you Ted? You keep accusing Donald of
all this wrong doing without a shred of truth behind it about the Enquirer.
Why would he shame Katrina Pierson? She is his spokesperson, and damn good
on at that. Your attempt to paint Trump out to being a bad guy is failing
because every time you do more and more dirt seems to come out on you. You
have played dirty enough. Play nice or get out of the race.
Damag... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12932
来自主题: USANews版 - Ted is done
1. Possible criminal investigation. The 500k. Payout to Fiorina SuperPac is
unusual by itself, but if there is a motive, hush money for example, then
it's potentially criminal. Even 马脸 may be implicated, I doubt she will
want to sink along with Ted. She will be the first one was to flip on Ted if
any sign of Criminal investigation.
2. Campaign fund. With a dark cloud hanging on Ted's head. His campaign
donations will dwindle quickly. And the toughest stretch of campaign is
coming up aga... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
still not a singe shred of evidence that HIllary said that. too bad.
发帖数: 24733
2h2 hours ago
Donald J. Trumpa class="__cf_email__" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" data-cfemail="04354476616568406b6a6568605076716974">[email protected]/* */
"@FoxNews: .@JamesRosenFNC: "Never before has a president endorsed someone
under investigation by @TheJusticeDept."
发帖数: 7494
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