a*t 发帖数: 2596 | 1 来自主题: MusicPlayer版 - 奔新吉他 sniff,
Jackson, Ibenez是狂野不羁
这个还是炮老最有经验。 |
a********l 发帖数: 39524 | 6 me: what's that perfume you are wearing today? subtle yet distinctly
soothing. love it!
her: you like it really? let me take my top off and you can take a good
sniff up close..
end of conversation/start of action. |
a********l 发帖数: 39524 | 8 took a good sniff of his scent? |
m**h 发帖数: 618 | 10 I am hooked on audio books!
They are like recreations of the original work. Role playing and performing
amidst faith recital of the text. Purist might sniff as this stole some
space for imagination, but I like it. I still remember the voice of Raul
Duke in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Couldn't have done it better with my
(challenged) imagination.
Some of them audio books are read by the author, which I think is overrated.
We all know writers can't perform.
especially |
n*****w 发帖数: 1325 | 12 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
frada (微风轻哨) 于 (Tue Feb 28 15:39:09 2012, 美东) 提到:
frada (微风轻哨) 于 (Tue Feb 28 15:39:23 2012... 阅读全帖 |
x******k 发帖数: 847 | 15 http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol30_No2_KatesMa
Harvard Study: Gun Control Is Counterproductive
The study, which just appeared in Volume 30, Number 2 of the Harvard Journal
of Law & Public Policy (pp. 649-694), set out to answer the question in its
title: "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of
International and Some Domestic Evidence." Contrary to conventional wisdom,
and the sniffs of our more sophisticated and generally anti-gun counterparts
across the p... 阅读全帖 |
x******k 发帖数: 847 | 16 http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol30_No2_KatesMa
Harvard Study: Gun Control Is Counterproductive
The study, which just appeared in Volume 30, Number 2 of the Harvard Journal
of Law & Public Policy (pp. 649-694), set out to answer the question in its
title: "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of
International and Some Domestic Evidence." Contrary to conventional wisdom,
and the sniffs of our more sophisticated and generally anti-gun counterparts
across the p... 阅读全帖 |
x******k 发帖数: 847 | 17 http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol30_No2_KatesMa
Harvard Study: Gun Control Is Counterproductive
The study, which just appeared in Volume 30, Number 2 of the Harvard Journal
of Law & Public Policy (pp. 649-694), set out to answer the question in its
title: "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of
International and Some Domestic Evidence." Contrary to conventional wisdom,
and the sniffs of our more sophisticated and generally anti-gun counterparts
across the p... 阅读全帖 |
a******4 发帖数: 209 | 18 The Strict diets I have tried before:
1.ALL bread with water for 2 weeks, no obvious improvement.
2.All apples and peaches with water for three weeks, some improvement, but
it change my odor to another one to make people around me cough and sneeze...
3.All egg white and lettuce, celery with water, some improvements,but I
found people around me sniff and cough more often ...
So it is not just a unpleasant odor, it is some chemical that irritates one'
s throat, nose and even eyes... |
发帖数: 1 | 19 英国当代诗人西格里夫·萨松曾说过:“In me the tiger sniffs the rose。”余光
明雅典娜机关被袭击的真相;同时,他也是至情的化身,与队友互... 阅读全帖 |
r*f 发帖数: 731 | 21 sniff and kick him...
hehe |
d***k 发帖数: 9 | 22 sniff...
l is the real killer. pf is far from good enough. |
n****n 发帖数: 492 | 23
why do you sniff?
who are you? why should i care what you say? //grin |
n***h 发帖数: 429 | 24 sniff. oregongirl's idea is better
p*x 发帖数: 533 | 25 谁能帮忙找一下<谁动了我的奶酪>里的4个RESPONSES:
中文官译是什么呀? 谢谢. |
O******e 发帖数: 734 | 26 Here's my anagram that includes the word "photos":
"My dear God, alas! Don't these beefcake photos show smelliness?"
I hope those photos are not printed with a new Scratch N' Sniff scent!
http://www.promobrands.com/scratchnsniff.htm |
c*******o 发帖数: 27734 | 27 发信人: ReadAll (Muziek Ziel), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 站史回顾系列 - 站务
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 5 16:02:38 2007), 转信
look: 本站创始人,当年在mit的实验室靠一台烂机器架起这个bbs,甚至为了
写几天都写不完。以后有精神再慢慢八卦。look当年鄙视new cop的一句经典
口头禅: 知道未名空间这个名字的来历么。然后冷笑一声下线。唬的刚来没多久
的new cop一愣一愣的。当然,对这个问题老虫子们也是冷笑一声(言外之意,
yuhj: 对这个站务不熟,他当年也是水木的站务。不过"ai |
f**********r 发帖数: 3774 | 28 你开玩笑吧,所谓大批摇滚巨星,里面还有已经过世的人呢,那就真成僵尸了
我觉得蛙人说得挺好,没看懂的别着急sniff, 这台晚会可能不适合你,但不能说明大
家都看不懂。 |
d********9 发帖数: 3927 | 29 为啥不能sniff?伦敦比北京好的一个关键原因难道不是它的民主?freedom of speech
只能听好话,差的说都不能说,跟土共还真是一个级别的。 |
w********e 发帖数: 8594 | 30 http://www.rd.com/funny-stuff/clever-jokes/
1. René Descartes walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Would you like
a beer?” Descartes replies, “I think not,” and promptly disappears.
2. A pun, a play on words, and a limerick walk into a bar. No joke.
3. This sentence contains exactly threeee erors.
4. Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers
? He will stop at nothing to avoid them.
5. A recent finding by statisticians shows the average human has one
b... 阅读全帖 |
y********k 发帖数: 677 | 31 Olivia在尽力不笑出声。She is ticklish. At last, she can not hold it no
more. She bursts into a low guffaw. She tries to pull her foot back.
Sierra grabs it tighter. She tickles it more. Olivia is laughing
hysterically now. She cries "stop, stop, I'll do anything!" "Hmmm...did
you say ANYTHING?" Sierra simpers. She finally let go of Olivia's foot.
She climbs back and relaxes herself on top of Olivia. She buries her
face in Olivia's soft hair. She smells the fresh scent of shampoo and
sniffs harder, "Deal |
p********d 发帖数: 27 | 32 in me the tiger sniffs the rose.
----by nei xiang nv sheng |
o******t 发帖数: 4384 | 33 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
reinhard2010 (我只是一个大叔) 于 (Fri Mar 23 15:40:00 2012, 美东) 提到:
ppxwwtaking ( 苒苒) 于 (Fri Mar 23 15:56:08 2012, 美东) 提到:
reinhard2010 (我只是一个大叔) 于 (Fri Mar 23 15:58:48 2012, 美东) 提到:
☆────────────────────... 阅读全帖 |
b*******a 发帖数: 1 | 34 【 以下文字转载自 Girl 讨论区 】
【 原文由 optimist 所发表 】
大家就或气愤或sniff地表示自己 |
g*******d 发帖数: 1467 | 35 【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: ReadAll (Muziek Ziel), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 站史回顾系列 - 站务
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 5 16:02:38 2007), 转信
look: 本站创始人,当年在mit的实验室靠一台烂机器架起这个bbs,甚至为了
写几天都写不完。以后有精神再慢慢八卦。look当年鄙视new cop的一句经典
口头禅: 知道未名空间这个名字的来历么。然后冷笑一声下线。唬的刚来没多久
的new cop一愣一愣的。当然,对这个问题老虫子们也是冷笑一声(言外之意,
yuhj: |
s***e 发帖数: 911 | 36 偶们作弊, 纯粹为好玩, 倒不是为成绩. 偶这个人学习虽然差, 但是比社会上的同志
好些. 他们要考招工考试才能得到一些工作, 就来联系. 偶帮"秦二"考.
考前秦二叮嘱: 千万不要考太好, 否则人家不信. 偶心里sniff, 想自己从来没有
考好过, 居然在此人眼中偶很牛.
去考场一看, 简直就是小学题目嘛. 这可是偶可以拿高分的考试啊. 忍不住手痒, 想
试试拿满分的感觉. 于是奋勇答题, 稀哩化啦就作完了上午的.
下午再来就给揪住乐---原来上午的考试就偶的卷子是答满的, 引起考官警觉. 下午就
来细对相片, 暴露勒...
处分结果就是: 秦二永失招考资格. 真是很对不起他啊... |
x********u 发帖数: 15396 | 38 Proclamations of a Dog's Bill of Rights!!
1. Whereas it is normal and acceptable to briefly sniff the butt of a fellow
dog and the crotch of a human (who is receptive to bum sniffing)
2. Whereas it is normal to lick one's own nether regions to keep them clean-
-for best effect do this with an audience as they can tell you when you've
missed a spot
3. Whereas it's important to release excess gases from one's belly....
farting is totally acceptable and like proclamation two, best done in
crowded r |
a********a 发帖数: 3176 | 39 We now have some regular mealtime guests in the backyard. Our own indoor
cat is more used to them - he now seems to only hiss at the blue jay who
came to claim his share of the food...
The little gray cat comes most ofen, and lingers in the yard. He/she keeps
an arm's reach distance from me, and meows lound when I fills the plate, as
if he was compaining that I served late...
The little gray with spot and stripes seems to be the little grey one's
friend or sibling. The grey one sniffs his mou |
w***y 发帖数: 6251 | 40 黑皮非常能装:
如果是比较猛的譬如GSD husky BC bulldog之流,他就要么干脆装没看见不去打招呼
。。。。 |
w***y 发帖数: 6251 | 41 我很少会鼓励我的狗去跟其他狗打招呼,我就叫住他们sit然后给吃的, 这样好么?
我不清楚是让他们达到能pass狗的境界好,还是让他们自己决定去打个招呼。 黑皮一般就是sniff,阿彪会上去又蹦又跳,不知道怎么train一下好。 |
b*****n 发帖数: 2884 | 42 还好山现在都是虚咬……为了预防这种事情,是不是那个狗的主人应该从一开始就不许
他的狗sniff啊?我最近在考虑要不要这样要求山,可是对方是off leash的,肯定会过
he |
c*******z 发帖数: 604 | 43 Curly does that too. he barks at bigger dogs, not smaller dogs.
He likes to run with other dogs.
If I forbid him, he gets worse, If I allow him to sniff other dogs, he lost
interest soon and go away. |
A*********R 发帖数: 11847 | 44 my cats smell like new baby :) i like to sniff on them |
A*********R 发帖数: 11847 | 45 he's asking for tummy rubbing!
my cats even sniff on their own poopoo :(
i had to grab them out of the litter box sometimes |
s****z 发帖数: 328 | 46 I also notice that the more I try to keep Abby from the other dog the more
excited and loud she is. A lot of times, I just tell the other dog owner
that Abby is not aggressive (she is not, she just appears to be) and ask
whether Abby can say hi to his/her dog. As soon as Abby reach the other dog,
she continues to appear nervous but mostly just sniffs and becomes much
more relaxed. If the other dog makes a drastic turn or move, Abby can be a
little jumpy and she may start barking again with her |
A*********R 发帖数: 11847 | 47 hehe, i have to zan my cats on this.
I can leave the garage closet open, they go inside the closet sniff around
then leave |
l*****o 发帖数: 26631 | 48 刚才google到一篇文章, 大意就说被闻屁屁对狗狗来说不安全, 暗含有submissive的
意思, 有的狗会不喜欢被陌生狗闻屁屁。
但是文中说的不让对方狗闻自己的狗屁屁, 这个很难啊...
The butt sniff
I made many mistakes with my Shiba when I first got him, but one thing that
I did from the start was try to socialize him to other puppies and dogs.
Shiba Sephy seems to really like interacting with other dogs but greetings
do not always go well.
After carefully observing how Sephy meets dogs, I realized that he does not
like new dogs sniffing his butt.
Butt sniffing can actually be ta |