x********o 发帖数: 3 | 1 毕业了,已经买好回国的机票,剩下的一个月打算好好在美国玩一玩,我把这一年多在
两年前自费出来读 Master,其实就是为了在国外镀个金。家里不算富有,跟大部分出
聊天,让我发现了这个... 阅读全帖 |
k**********a 发帖数: 255 | 2 毕业了 要卖书 大家有兴趣就看看 当初都是从国内海运过来的 所以希望把这部分cost
算进去 有兴趣的站内信
1. Phillip Allen 的 CMOS ANALOG CIRCUIT DESIGN (2ND E) ENGLISH softcover
2. Thomas Lee Cmos 射频集成电路设计 (2e) english softcover
3. Razavi 模拟CMOS集成电路设计 书旧了 softcover 中文
4. Paul Gray 模拟集成电路的设计与分析 中文 第四版
5 Alan Hastings 模拟电路版图的艺术 第二版 中文
6. Michael D clietti verilog HDL 高级数字设计 中文
7 1。的中文翻译版
8 开关电源的原理与设计 张占松 蔡宣三 中文
9 Roland E best 锁相环设计 仿真与应用 第五版 中文
10 射频微电子 Razavi English
11 电磁波理论 Jin Au Kong 中文翻译
12 超高频多速开关电容设计 |
t******7 发帖数: 396 | 3 前段时间卖了本国际版书,今天收到人说Wrong item。我卖的时候说了This textbook
is SOFTCOVER INTERNATIONAL EDITION. Since it is international edition so
ISBN and Cover picture will difference from US edition. BUT Contents are the
same as its U.S. edition!
这SB还说:I ordered a NEW HARDCOVER Cost Accounting Book for $150 plus
shipping. The CORRECT ISBN numbers are as follows:
ISBN-10: 0132109174
ISBN-13: 978-0132109178
I received a SOFTCOVER Cost Accounting Book that is valued around $43 and
has the following ISBN numbers:
ISBN-... 阅读全帖 |
c****e 发帖数: 37 | 4 都很新,no writing/highlights.
1. International Financial Management 2nd. paper back
Author: Bruce G. Resnick, Cheol S. Eun
2.Management Control Systems Softcover 10th edition.
Author: Robert Newton Anthony, Vijay Govindarajan
3.Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment
Include CD. This book is the International Edition in softcover
4.Financial Accounting 2002 Hardcover
Author: Rick Antle, Stanley J. Garstka
Author:Bodie ,Kane and MArcus
6.Sta |
f****a 发帖数: 4708 | 5 http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?t=158086
First, the good stuff:
Lyman "49th Edition Reloading Handbook" Reloading Manual Softcover 19.99
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Redding Competition Shellholder Set #1 (308 Winchester) 42.99
Product #: 525874
Redding Type S Match Bushing 2-Die Set 308 Winchester 129.99
Product #: 271533
RCBS Precision Mic 308 Winchester $39.99
Product #: 574297
Imperial Case Sizing Wax 2 oz 6.49
Prod... 阅读全帖 |
c*****e 发帖数: 119 | 6 I took the California Civil PE exam for the first time and I passed all
three exams. I didn't take any exam related classes/lectures, I just read
the books below and did the excises in the books.
Quick Reference for the Civil Engineering PE Exam FIFTH EDITION (CEQR5) $40.00
Civil PE Sample Examination 2ND EDITION (CESX2) $45.00
Practice Problems for the Civil Engineering PE Exam: A Companion to the
Civil Engineering Reference Manual (CEPP11) $40.00
Six-Minute Solutions for Civil PE Exam Water Re... 阅读全帖 |
C***l 发帖数: 2625 | 7
HCB: China in Transition 1955
SS: Uncommon Places (softcover) 1982
SS: American Surface (Softcover) 1999
Sally Mann: Immediate Family 1992
Still Time 1994
Deep South 2005
Garry Winogrand: The Animals 2004
Robert Frank: The Americans 2005
JS: American Prospects 2006
HCB: The Image, The People, The World 2003 |
l****y 发帖数: 4773 | 8 价格就能看出来,gtm白菜化了,Grundlehren, Ergebnisse就是不降价,连softcover
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Good condition. Works great. Remote available. $30 for delivery in Oak park,
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1. New Oriental新东方TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法, 45天突破版; 俞敏洪; Brand New
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7. ISPN: 9780470135136; Wiley G... 阅读全帖 |
L**********1 发帖数: 797 | 16 International edition.
有意的站内联系。 |
s***j 发帖数: 26 | 17 Value Village的旧书有时很新。另外,西雅图的图书馆每年都会举行几次甩卖图书活
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pippylu (pippylu) 于 (Mon Oct 1 16:16:54 2012, 美东) 提到:
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图书馆门口有( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!
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☆────... 阅读全帖 |
j***n 发帖数: 3786 | 19 You can get all from midwayusa.com
Let's do this~~~
Lyman "49th Edition Reloading Handbook" Reloading Manual Softcover 19.99
Product #: 217655
RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Single Stage Press 122.99
Product #: 513567
Redding Competition Shellholder Set #1 (308 Winchester) 42.99
Product #: 525874
Redding Type S Match Bushing 2-Die Set 308 Winchester 129.99
Product #: 271533
RCBS Precision Mic 308 Winchester $39.99
Product #: 574297
Imperial Case Sizing Wax 2 oz 6.49
Product #: 519525
Frankford Arsena |
j***n 发帖数: 3786 | 20 Here is the list for .308 Match Ammo Reloading:
Lyman "49th Edition Reloading Handbook" Reloading Manual Softcover 19.99
Product #: 217655
RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Single Stage Press 122.99
Product #: 513567
Redding Competition Shellholder Set #1 (308 Winchester) 42.99
Product #: 525874
Redding Type S Match Bushing 2-Die Set 308 Winchester 129.99
Product #: 271533
RCBS Precision Mic 308 Winchester $39.99
Product #: 574297
Imperial Case Sizing Wax 2 oz 6.49
Product #: 519525
Frankford Arsenal Qu... 阅读全帖 |
f****a 发帖数: 4708 | 21 Lyman "49th Edition Reloading Handbook" Reloading Manual Softcover 19.99
除了receipt,这本reloading manual里还写了啥? |
a******1 发帖数: 1519 | 22 The Fighting Kukri
Illustrated Lessons on the Gurkha Combat Knife
by Dwight C. McLemore
Paladin Press
302 pages
8.5" x 11"
The kukri is one of the oldest combat/utility knives in existence today.
Recognized as the national weapon of Nepal, the kukri has been associated
with the British Army's fearsome Gurkha brigades since their creation. The
unique downward slope of the blade gives the kukr... 阅读全帖 |
w****1 发帖数: 24 | 23 1. New Oriental新东方TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法, 45天突破版; 俞敏洪; Brand New
; $5.00
2. 新东方托福考试全真模考题与精解; As New; $10
3. The Speaking Course for the TOEFL IBT新东方新托福考试口语胜经, 第一版; 翟
少成; Brand New; $6.00
4. The Official Guide to The New TOEFL IBT新托福考试官方指南(双语版)第一版;
Fine; $10.00
5. 跟美国总统早读; As New; $2.00
6. 孙子兵法-图解; Brank New; $2.00
7. ISPN: 9780470135136; Wiley GAAP 2008 Interpretation and Application of
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(Paperback); Barry J. Epstein, Ralph
Nach, Steven M. Bragg; Very Good; $15.00... 阅读全帖 |
B********s 发帖数: 1617 | 28 softcover keyboard哪里去买? |
t******g 发帖数: 17520 | 29 首先给译者和追根究底的人敬礼, 这也是学习的过程,这个世界是一个坑, 坑里还有
坑。 译本有“问题”挺正常, 坛经 也有挺多版本的,有的内容“差异”挺大的。。。
中文2013年的版本有以下注脚, 世不需要一定是一声一世的世, 也可以是时间段
比方说 伊丽莎白三世, 这里的世就是朝代是指时间段。
for exhibiting the causal structure of the round of existenc... 阅读全帖 |
L**********1 发帖数: 797 | 30 International edition.
3rd edtion.
(因为书太重,不想邮寄) |
l***s 发帖数: 1405 | 31 要便宜一半多,估计是印度版本,softcover
考虑要不要买本国际版的 |
w***h 发帖数: 415 | 32 手头有一本电子书(1.5M), 需要者留下收件的电邮.
手续费两个包子(20买卖提伪币), 以表示对鄙人的感谢, 呵呵.
Texts in Applied Mathematics 45
Stig Larsson · Vidar Thomée
"Partial Differential Equations with Numerical Methods"
First softcover printing 2009
ISBN 978-3-540-88705-8 e-ISBN 978-3-540-88706-5
DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-88706-5
Texts in Applied Mathematics ISSN 0939-2475
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008940064
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 35-01, 65-01
2009, 2003 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg |
w***h 发帖数: 415 | 33 手头有一本电子书(1.5M), 需要者留下收件的电邮.
手续费两个包子(20买卖提伪币), 以表示对鄙人的感谢, 呵呵.
Texts in Applied Mathematics 45
Stig Larsson · Vidar Thomée
"Partial Differential Equations with Numerical Methods"
First softcover printing 2009
ISBN 978-3-540-88705-8 e-ISBN 978-3-540-88706-5
DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-88706-5
Texts in Applied Mathematics ISSN 0939-2475
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008940064
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 35-01, 65-01
2009, 2003 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg |
w***h 发帖数: 415 | 34 手头有一本电子书(1.5M), 需要者留下收件的电邮.
手续费两个包子(20买卖提伪币), 以表示对鄙人的感谢, 呵呵.
Texts in Applied Mathematics 45
Stig Larsson · Vidar Thomée
"Partial Differential Equations with Numerical Methods"
First softcover printing 2009
ISBN 978-3-540-88705-8 e-ISBN 978-3-540-88706-5
DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-88706-5
Texts in Applied Mathematics ISSN 0939-2475
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008940064
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 35-01, 65-01
2009, 2003 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg |
c****r 发帖数: 39 | 35 先去addall.com看看, 这里有大部分购书网站的连接
去ebay.com可以买到/bid新书, 和旧书
一定要注意版本号, 这一点儿上建议查half.com, 它会给出某一课本的所有版本
记住买对老师指定的版本, 因为不同版本有时差的太远了
international edition没关系, 通常就是hardcover/softcover的区别
low price edition质量比较差, 如果经济允许的话建议不要买(宁愿买旧书) |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 36 Link:
http://store.scholastic.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDi Potter Hard Cover Boxed Set # 1-7_15007_-1_10052_10051
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The link goes to the hardcover set; for paperback, visit
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C***l 发帖数: 2625 | 37 1975第一版, softcover. $178.
看价钱好像还算deal,在图书馆翻翻觉得一般。如果光从升值潜力来说,值得买么? |
S******A 发帖数: 238 | 38 Name/Title: God Is Love (Deus Caritas Est)
Item #: 1011246
Author: Pope Benedict XVI
No. Pages: 64
Binding: Softcover
Price: $6.95
"We have come to believe in God's love: in these words the Christian can
express the fundamental decision of his life. Being Christian is not the
result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event,
a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction...In
acknowledging the centrality of love, Christian faith has retained the co |