J**K 发帖数: 1407 | 1 括号中为xxxxx的原文,后面是我的解释。
太多了,stella 20000的drag现在降为55磅,saltiga 6500是66磅,重量在30盎司左右
第一段中的line twist,是因为横向切线通过line roller时候,因为mono切面是圆形
,造成力矩不均衡,线通过line roller时候有个转向力,shimano和daiwa都有部分解
决mono线的twist buster等设计,现在的轮子这个部分要好很多。
布线/即pe/braided线,因为不是一体线,拉力下通过line roller是平贴通过,不会造
我所说的CRANK力量是指WINCH的力量,非DRAG而言。相同大小conventional的DRAG如需要也可以做得很大,大大地超过相同大小的SPINNING,因为conventional可取的DRAG截面积有更大的潜力。试问#66的DRAG你怎... 阅读全帖 |
s*******n 发帖数: 4748 | 2
最近刚接触钓鱼,结果开始先是稀里糊涂的去参加了一个fly fishing的program,有人
教。现在感觉对fly fishing有一点了解,但是有点糊涂了,有若干问题请教:
1. spin fishing和fly fishing的区别
方法当然区别大大。但是想问为啥要区别啊?感觉版上spin fishing的也哗哗的上鱼,
那何苦还要fly fishing呢?感觉fly fishing装备贵,还得买wader,下水。
钓法对鱼和以及饵有更高的理解,对fishing过程有更高的参与度。fly fishing在特定
的情况下可以有超高的效率,在特定的情况下fly fishing更有乐趣。
》》》 spin fishing主要指用spin reel扔饵(真饵,假饵甚至fly)以及呈现饵的一
》》》就新手而言,spin fishing的... 阅读全帖 |
p*********l 发帖数: 26270 | 3 1 - spin究竟锻炼什么
heart rate monitor,但是其实真用的人不多,我就懒得带。不管怎么说,spin的强度
再说core:spin需要依靠core来保持上身平稳,强大的cor... 阅读全帖 |
D****B 发帖数: 212 | 4 作为spin class的fan,我也来补充一下自己的体会吧。自行车一直是我最喜欢也最有自
信的运动,跑步和游泳都差得很远(悲催的三项计划。。。)。Spin class是我group
Spin class的强度确实是可以自控的,就像紫苏说的,属于HIIT和有氧结合,心率低时
表基本上就是170-180的区间。Spin class风格因老师而异,有人喜欢sprint,有人喜欢
climbing,有人喜欢high resistance sprint,有人喜欢isolation,有人喜欢rotation,
确的得到自己的calorie burn。自行车上虽然有显示,但是不是很准,一般一节spin课
(45分钟)车上给出的都是500卡左右... 阅读全帖 |
J**K 发帖数: 1407 | 5 这是个争论不休的话题。
spinning的最大亮点是cast,特别是对于新手,用conventional reel进行casting的时候容易产生“鸟巢“。缺点也很多:线容量小;crank力量不足;天然的设计缺陷,crank时容易摆动;线容易拧转,特别是mono,超过#20以上的mono用在spinning reel那是自己为难自己,虽然有编织线,其实也存在拧线,只不过编织线没有”记忆“,不显示出来,但是容易伤线,反复多次应用积累到一定程度,在fight大鱼拉紧线的时候,可能会莫明其妙地断线。
conventional reel对于有一定经验的渔民来说,casting可能不是问题。在我看来,几乎没有太大的缺点。尤其是lever drag 的conventional reel,可以预设strike 时的drag力量,在fight的时候,任意调节drag的力量,结束后返回到预设的strike,drag可以保持不变,不用反复较验,这在spinning reel上是作不到的。还有一个spinning reel没有办法做到的东西-----双速。 双速极大... 阅读全帖 |
c*c 发帖数: 2397 | 6 赞!
我喜欢conventional reel,便宜,耐用。船钓我用conventional reel。岸钓用spin。
spinning reel那是自己为难自己,虽然有编织线,其实也存在拧线,只不过编织线没
drag 的conventional reel,可以预设strike 时的drag力量,在fight的时候,任意调
strike,drag可以保持不变,不用反复较验,这在spinning reel上是作不到的。还有一
个spinning reel没有办法做到的东
西-----双速。 双速极大地扩展了一个单一的conventional reel的应有范围,做到一
50#以上的,一般都用mono, 因为编
织线... 阅读全帖 |
p*********l 发帖数: 26270 | 7 她自己没胆加阻力,怪谁呢?:)
想平就平想陡就陡?所以不少bike trainer用spin来训练学生,他们可以完全掌握运动
是in saddle,就算out of saddle也是jogging而已,不是为了速度而是为了换个姿势
休息一下,真正路骑用standing sprint或者climbing sprint的非常少,那是超车和反
两样都几乎是必有内容,1/4-1/3时间要用到,而且sprint interval最短30秒起,我最
长climbing sprint过2分钟... 阅读全帖 |
p*u 发帖数: 2454 | 8 It started:"
Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL), (NASDAQ:GOOG) has restructured to become Alphabet
and Google Search is now a segment under the new parent firm. Google’s
change to Alphabet has been touted as a smart move to court Wall Street as
the firm puts an end to a habit of burning cash on stupid projects. The
first hacking-away of non-core projects hits the news as Google announced
the spin-off of its Niantic Labs (Ingress).
Niantic Labs is a startup within Google that launched Ingree, an augmented... 阅读全帖 |
R*****s 发帖数: 41236 | 9 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
againstwind (逆风而行) 于 (Mon Jul 9 23:25:38 2012, 美东) 提到:
今天偶尔参加了gym里的spin class,开着大空调,放着鼓舞人心的音乐,老师也很有鼓
cookiejar (饼干桶) 于 (Tue Jul 10 00:57:07 2012, 美东) 提到:
It's very effective but I just can't bear the boredom. I only spin when I am
nuturing injuries.
Rodimus (变叔- 6:52) 于 (Tue Jul 10 11:54:4... 阅读全帖 |
t******u 发帖数: 352 | 10 最近刚接触钓鱼,结果开始先是稀里糊涂的去参加了一个fly fishing的program,有人
教。现在感觉对fly fishing有一点了解,但是有点糊涂了,有若干问题请教:
1. spin fishing和fly fishing的区别
方法当然区别大大。但是想问为啥要区别啊?感觉版上spin fishing的也哗哗的上鱼,
那何苦还要fly fishing呢?感觉fly fishing装备贵,还得买wader,下水。
2. spin fishing的装备要多少钱啊?对于新手
现在在考虑装备,看了一圈,fly fishing加wader,至少得400刀。感觉fly fishing没
法不用wader。相反,spin fishing貌似就简单多了。入门的设备也便宜,wader也不需要
fly fishing需要找方便下河的地方(木有船),还不能太深,感觉很麻烦啊。spin
现在苦恼在已经对fly fishing开头了,但是感觉前期投入太大。要是能慢慢投入也好
,毕竟有了一... 阅读全帖 |
p*********l 发帖数: 26270 | 11 今天是休息日,分享一下spin class的体会
是我就下课以后问她,除了练FLUIDITY,她还练别的什么。她回答: spin! 而且她说,
和运动。结果问来问去,跳出来最多的那一项就是 -- spin! FLUIDITY老师如此,yoga
老师如此,pilates老师如此,ballet barre老师也如此。。。于是我决心去试一试。
决定盖个... 阅读全帖 |
J********9 发帖数: 36508 | 12 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
hpzd (横拍直打) 于 (Thu Jul 8 10:46:41 2010, 美东) 提到:
用了一下Spin Art,总体感觉不错,但是也不是我理想的胶皮。
最大的优点就是转。发球,搓球都很转,能拉出极转的加转弧圈 (以前用狂飙时才有
这种感觉)。旋转上应该比T05 还强一些。
相比狂飙类胶皮,Spin Art 明显速度快一些。前冲弧圈速度快(比T64稍慢)。弧圈球
弧线比Tenergy 低,对于能控制好的人来说是优点,因为能打出高质量的弧圈。对我来
我感觉最大的缺点是防弧。Tenergy 尤其是05,防弧的能力非常强,基本上是稍微调整
拍形和力度就能控制很好的落点。Spin Art 防弧不加力容易下网。同时对来球的旋转
bitworse (绣衣直指使者) 于 (Thu Jul 8 ... 阅读全帖 |
v*******e 发帖数: 11604 | 13
界产生相干,去相干的过程不发生,那么B光子spin不受影响。 |
s*********s 发帖数: 18 | 14 为什么理论预测graphene spin diffusion length 可达到100 um,但实际测量还不到
10um, 室温只有1-2 um 在single layer graphene. 另外:Spin life time is 50-
200ps, the order of magnitude shorter than expected from the intrinsic spin-
orbit coupling(-us).The results indicates that the presence of the extrinsic
spin relaxation mechanism.
why graphene for spintronics?
1. Extraordinary high mobility
>200000cm2v-1s-1 (suspended , low temperature)
>40000cm2v-1s-1 (on sio2 , room temperature)
-------Future high-speed transistor... 阅读全帖 |
s*********s 发帖数: 18 | 15 为什么理论预测graphene spin diffusion length 可达到100 um,但实际测量还不到
10um, 室温只有1-2 um 在single layer graphene. 另外:Spin life time is 50-
200ps, the order of magnitude shorter than expected from the intrinsic spin-
orbit coupling(-us).The results indicates that the presence of the extrinsic
spin relaxation mechanism.
why graphene for spintronics?
1. Extraordinary high mobility
>200000cm2v-1s-1 (suspended , low temperature)
>40000cm2v-1s-1 (on sio2 , room temperature)
-------Future high-speed transistor... 阅读全帖 |
f*******d 发帖数: 339 | 16 I think you have some misconception of spin. Spin HAS
DO WITH magnetic field. The only connection between spin and
field is that for some particles (such as electron, proton,
it is easier to measure spin using Stern-Gerlach experiment
because they
have magnetic moment. However, there are also particles
which have
spin but no (or very small) magnetic moment, for example
neutrino, etc. The spin of these particles could be
measured, but not
using SG type experim |
V**3 发帖数: 12756 | 17 首先,Trump的任何行动他们都在spin
从travel ban,到fire 扣米,到现在这个新的spin,你要是跟着起舞,累死你
这个子虚乌有的“泄密” 也是如此, 对付这些吃一锅拉一路的玩意,就一棍子打沟里
且不说到底有没有“泄密” ,退一万步讲,
事实上, 正如Trump合法合理的有绝对权力fire 扣米一样,Trump合法合理地有绝对权
力share information with other country
面对ISIS这个现代文明的共同敌人,和俄罗斯中国甚至叙利亚政府军share 一些“
classified information” 完全是总统的权力范围内的事情
这些classified information 就是拿来让最高决策者使用的
别国(你不disclose怎么威胁? 比如我们知道你搞到了1128台离心机,你再不停止我们
就轰炸你--- 操,这是绝对的顶级绝密!)
所以说sp... 阅读全帖 |
i*********5 发帖数: 19210 | 18 【 以下文字转载自 Tri 讨论区 】
发信人: ironman2015 (1/2 ironman x3), 信区: Tri
标 题: Should Triathletes Use Spin Bikes?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 10 22:12:59 2013, 美东)
Spinning vs. Cycling Summary:
You’re going to get a great workout with both spinning and cycling. But if
you’re a triathlete, you’re going to want to be primarily training the
muscles you’ll be using during the race, and also getting used to handling
your triathlon or road bike. Especi... 阅读全帖 |
N*******r 发帖数: 62 | 19 小白来请教
Quantum Accurist Spin Reel 10SZ
Quantum Accurist Spin Reel 20SZ
Quantum Accurist Spin Reel 30SZ
Quantum Accurist Spin Reel 40SZ
正在gandermountain做促销,加上一根Gander Mountain Vortex Spinning Rod, 6'6"
谢谢了 |
p*********l 发帖数: 26270 | 20 2 - 第一次进课堂应该注意什么
不可少。如果你有那种吸汗的head band能把头发箍住让汗不迷眼睛,也尽管带上。女
女,强烈建议穿padded shorts,不然座椅会硌得很难受的。男生的问题很明显了,有
男生奇怪女生为什么也要padded shorts,还有男人以为女生会骑着骑着就high起来。
我作为女生很负责的说:他们都tmd扯淡!!!新手一定要穿padded shorts, 如果你不
spin课很热门,单车数量有限,很多gym有个signing sheet,first come first serve
,这样才方便不断比较自己和老师的form,从而不断纠正错误。我的form就... 阅读全帖 |
p*********l 发帖数: 26270 | 21 3 - spin的form问题
我没有骑过road bike,听说spin和骑road bike非常相似,唯一的区别是spin的bike是
不能动的,而road bike可以在climbing/running的时候两边rock,从而更好的利用身
体重量。spin多的人上路以后得学怎么rock the bike,其他的都一样。
很多人都跟我一样小时候是骑车上学的吧?于是自然的认为spin/road bike根我们小时
(明天继续。。。) |
u***t 发帖数: 3986 | 22 SPIN ART
集合了高级粘套和内能蛋糕海绵的优点, 正手拉球不管远近, 旋转十分强烈, 尤其是近
台和台内的拉球快带, 成功率很高.
我用的是INNERFORCE ZLC, 是把硬度形变比较均衡的拍子. 我估计SPIN ART在木拍和碳
SPIN ART的硬度我不确定, 但是绝对没有世上谣传的48度那么硬 (以DHS的度数为准).
击打时候有清脆的劈啪声, 速度快, 象狂飙. 但是弹性又比狂飙好, 控制更好.
中远台拉打上乘. 但亮点还是台内近台的抢拉! 现代打法讲究台内先上手, 这样看SPIN
ART是正手不错的胶皮. 我本人多数打中台对拉, 成功率也极其高, 出球低平, 有狂飙
的味道, 却又不用那么用劲地打 - 用 SPIN ART 轻松地就打出狂飙那种低低贼贼的球
我的评价: 反手神胶.
透板! 真他M的容易透板!
反撕或发手发力拉, 只听乓乓地响得很, 板板打透, 出球有数, 控制比T64好, 速度稍
逊(我自己的感觉). 海绵比T64软. 但却又是蛋糕海绵, 所以裹球比NITTAKU的一系列反 |
a*o 发帖数: 19981 | 23 哥刚买了个TP-Link的HS110监控耗电,实测平均每块硬盘spin down能省下6w电,整机
所有6块HDD转着时idle耗电70w出头一点点,spin down 5块HDD降到40w出头,还是相当
不过spin down硬盘一定要把系统调试好千万不能胡乱spin up,不然确实应该很折寿,
还不如不spin down。坑爹的windows 10要关掉好多东西还要apply我另一篇提到的
registry tweak才能消停,不然硬盘每半小时就要起床一次。 |
T**********t 发帖数: 1604 | 24 看了一下Qiagen网上的faq,好像不行,虽然没提MinElute,可是估计道理一样的:
Are QIAprep and QIAquick Spin columns interchangeable?
No. While columns from the QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit and the QIAquick PCR
Purification- and Gel Extraction Kits are based on silica-gel-membrane
technology, each is designed to work optimally within its own kit format. In
addition, the binding capacity and DNA recovery size cut-offs of the
QIAprep and QIAquick Spin columns are different. QIAprep Spin columns bind
up to 20 ug of plasmid DNA up to |
b******k 发帖数: 1874 | 25 I am writing to ask for help.
I am using Miltenyi anti-NKp46-biotin-bead- MS column kit. The first step is
to get splenocyte from spleen by gentlMACS without enzyme treatment. A very
simple protocol, just put spleen into the PEB buffer and let gentleMACS run
m_spleen_01 program once, and filter, spin, aspirate, resuspend the pellet.
The problem comes from the resuspending process. The small tight pellet will
produce(or contain) big clump that is almost impossible to break when 10 ml
PEB buffer i... 阅读全帖 |
w***8 发帖数: 465 | 26 【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区 】
发信人: win98 (@v@), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: spin -coating和spin-casting是同种技术么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 20 15:17:24 2009, 美东)
spin coating是长膜的方法,在一些化学类杂志上会见到用spin-casting张纳米颗粒膜
3x |
c**********9 发帖数: 33 | 27 Theoretical predictions:
curvature, localized magnetic moments, hydrogen doping, etc.
D. Huertas-Hernando, F. Guinea and A. Brataas, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 148
(2007), p. 177.
C. Ertler, S. Konschuh, M. Gmitra and J. Fabian, Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009), p.
A.H. Castro Neto and F. Guinea, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009), p. 026804.
D. Huertas-Hernando, F. Guinea and A. Brataas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009),
p. 146801.
Other possible reasons: The short spin life is measured by Hanle effect.
Thi... 阅读全帖 |
n**********6 发帖数: 558 | 28 【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: niumowang986 (功夫牛), 信区: Stock
标 题: 请教:spin off 是什么意思?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 2 00:14:27 2010, 美东)
Global Online Television Corporation Spin Off information page.
On June 18th, 2010 the Board of Directors had a meeting and approved the
spin off of subsidiary Global Online Television Corporation (GOTV).
The Board of Directors has approved the record date for the spin off to be
July 16th, 2010, a proposed ex dividend pay date of July 19th, 2010, ... 阅读全帖 |
T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 29 Yahoo announced Wednesday that it would spin-off its core business into a
separate, publicly traded company, a move that could make its popular but
tired Web properties more attractive to suitors.
Members of Yahoo's board said in a statement that they were abandoning a
previous plan to spin-off Yahoo's massive and valuable stake in Alibaba, the
Chinese e-commerce company, amid concerns that the deal would incur steep
taxes on Yahoo. Those shares are estimated to be worth $35 billion.
Instead, co... 阅读全帖 |
n**********6 发帖数: 558 | 30 见这则新闻,貌似是说我持有的母股生出个子股?
Global Online Television Corporation Spin Off information page.
On June 18th, 2010 the Board of Directors had a meeting and approved the
spin off of subsidiary Global Online Television Corporation (GOTV).
The Board of Directors has approved the record date for the spin off to be
July 16th, 2010, a proposed ex dividend pay date of July 19th, 2010, and the
conversion of the spin off to be three hundred shares of Atlantis
Technology Group for one share of Global Online Televi |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 31 baitcasting and spinning are both used for casting.
advantages of spinning include
1) cheap, if compared with baitcasting
2) light lure
advantages of baitcasting include
1) strong feeling when fighting with fish, which can make you more excited.
2) it works well with heavy lure
they are both easy to learn.
they have the same probability to catch fish. most fo time, spinning can
catch more.
they can cast the same distance. Most of time, spinning can cast further.
if you prefer the stronger feelin |
h******1 发帖数: 1930 | 32 赞! you got the point !
钓鲈的所有的moving bait我都不会用spinning.
spinning 不能玩crankbait? 绝对可以。
同样适用于spinnerbait, lipless crankbait.
tube, |
y***n 发帖数: 2806 | 33 我个人感觉岸钓屌丝直接上spinning,别BC了。
1. spinning不炒粉,适合各种天气。
2. spinning适合人多,拥挤地方作战。
3. spinning适合狭窄地方抛竿。钓鱼要钓结构,有很多地方树枝横生,你用BC在船上
来了。 |
D****B 发帖数: 212 | 34 相当同意,贴张lance armstrong的profile,超级fit.上spin课的instructor一直强调
的是spin sculpts beautiful legs,spin本身是很好的,就看个人能不能把它和其他锻
另外,我个人觉得紫苏mm对spin的总结是相当到位的,尽管有时语气比较犀利,哈哈 |
Z*******n 发帖数: 694 | 35 Dojo的Hung最近在用Spin Art(正手,黑色)。因为我常跟他打球,所以我可以提供一
Hung以前用的是T05。他第一次换Spin Art的时候,我可以感觉到他拉过来的球比以前
昨天我又跟他打球,他还是用Spin Art,但我没有觉得他的球跟以前有什么不一样,可
能是我适应了的原因,所以我的第一感觉是比较可靠的--即,Spin Art 较转。 |
b*******e 发帖数: 724 | 36 I hit flat balls usually, the ball has very little arc and lands deep down. I
no trouble controlling the ball, but more spin will definitely reduce the
chance of
hitting into the net. Do you guys think that imparting more top spins is very
important? That will slow down the ball and make it more consistant.
Which one do you think is harder to return, flat or spin? I always try to
myself that Corners hits very flat winning so many championships, so I don't
to play spin to be a |
e***y 发帖数: 1443 | 37 今儿比赛,完全靠发球把对手干掉了。赛后人夸我,说我的kick很难适应
其实我一直想发top spin来着,但是现在怎么发都会带side spin
而且感觉由于挥拍的轨迹,怎么都会带一点从左往右,难道纯top spin的击球点要比其
我觉得top spin和kick都是稍微抛的后一点,FYB好像也是这么说的,各位老大指教指
教 |
s*********s 发帖数: 18 | 38 小弟正在做spin hall effect in graphene.
1.如何控制graphene边缘态edgy state(zigzag、 armchair )
2.结构如何设计spin hall effect configuration(big spin diffusion length)
3.如何提高graphene spin-orbit interaction(graphene weak SOL) |
p**n 发帖数: 10 | 39 What is the meaning of spin when no magnetic field is
applied or no equivalent
magnetic field exists. We know the spin is always related to
the magnetic field
in order to have some observalbe physical effect. Some cases
in point are
Stern-Gerlach experiment and spin-orbit interaction.
But when we consider an ensemble of some kinf of
non-spinless particles, how
do we know the preferred direction of alignment of spins,
(which is called
polarization). This is a very intersting question. I and my
ac |
i*********5 发帖数: 19210 | 40 http://www.everymantri.com/everyman_triathlon/2012/08/should-tr
Spinning vs. Cycling Summary:
You’re going to get a great workout with both spinning and cycling. But if
you’re a triathlete, you’re going to want to be primarily training the
muscles you’ll be using during the race, and also getting used to handling
your triathlon or road bike. Especially if you’re a beginnertriathlete, a
spin class is going to give you great motivation and improve your fitness –
but unless you’re just doing spin c... 阅读全帖 |
h*d 发帖数: 19309 | 41 Austin's South by Southwest conference is happening March 16-20, but even if
you're not attending you can enjoy discovering great new acts among our 35
Must-Hear Artists list -- click here to check it out!
Better yet, we're offering a bonus gift: a free downloadable album of songs
by 33 of those can't-miss bands! Our 2011 edition of SPIN Presents AUSTIN
POWER features tracks from Okkervil River, the Pains of Being Pure at Heart,
J Mascis, Twin Shadow, Skrillex, and many more.
Download your free ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 42 Link:
***** Featured by Apple!! *****
- #1 of Games/Action & Sports(Free) in France
- "Staff Favorites" on Japan App Store
- "What's Hot" on Japan App Store (Games/Action & Sports)
"Spinning Air Hockey" is an air hockey game with the "spinning" and "curving
" pucks!!
Catch the new sensation of spinning the puck, and score with a beautiful
goal! You can really feel immersed in it!
Once you get used to it, you cannot return to com |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 43 Spin and Sparkle Blue Crystal Dora Doll $4.82 free shipping with Prime (FSSS
) from Amazon
$15.99 on sale for $4.82
Fisher Price
Spin and Sparkle Dora is themed after the popular Nick Jr. book "Dora save
the Crystal Kingdom"
Dressed in a pretty dress
Girls can magically change Dora's outfit with a simple spin of the crystal
on her crown
A beautiful aquamarine crystal skirt reveals itself
Doll has soft beautiful hair
http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Spin-Sparkle-Crystal/dp/B001W1WIGA/ref=... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 45 CrayolaColor Twister Spin Art - $4.90 at Staples- Free ship to store.
Here is the Link:
Wild spin art creations, no batteries needed!
Color Twister is totally "kid-powered!"
Simply pump, spin and drizzle on the color for amazing swirl designs
Easy cleanup
Recommended for ages 4 and up
What's in the Box
Spinner Base
Spinner Disc
3 Bottles of Washable Paint (Red / Blue / Yellow)
10 Paper Discs
I got this during chr... 阅读全帖 |
a*******1 发帖数: 1554 | 46 右逼spin来spin去,就是希望把良民逼成罪犯
罪记录根本不出奇。 |
g***c 发帖数: 11523 | 47 CNN spin了一天,也没说出个啥。
因为川普EO就是让ICE enforce law 而已
看明天的 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 48 Trump说了不把中国列为汇率操纵国是因为中国愿意在北韩问题上支持美国. 北韩问题
当初一直没解决, 到现在金三胖有了核弹当然不好处理了.
Trump一点没说错. 倒是你一直在spin Trump的话. 不过我一点不佩服你spin的功力.
因为你spin的水平太差. |
r****o 发帖数: 1950 | 49 【 以下文字转载自 InterviewHackers 俱乐部 】
发信人: roufoo (五经勤向窗前读), 信区: InterviewHackers
标 题: 问个OS里面spin lock的问题。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 20 01:18:51 2010, 美东)
spin lock的机制是一个进程A检测自己能否获得lock,如果不能就一直try,直到获得
给进程A,同时还运行其他进程B,C,D...? 还是说这个进程A就独霸CPU了?
不能用spin lock。所以很迷惑。
不知道我的问题说清楚没有。请大牛指教。 |
s**m 发帖数: 1564 | 50 I am posting here for help since lots of hardware experts visiting here.
Board Admin, please don't delete it for a few days. Thanks
【 以下文字转载自 Hardware 讨论区 】
发信人: slim (小时候胖), 信区: Hardware
标 题: Thinkpad T400s gets hot (fan not spinning?)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 12 23:59:11 2011, 美东)
I have this T400s for 1 year 4 months now. Recently I noticed it's getting
hotter than before. The hottest part is left-hand side and under fan vents.
Cooling fans seem not spinning. I found a utility to check system... 阅读全帖 |