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发帖数: 4083
Squirrels and toxic mushrooms; aspens and leaf miners
By Ned Rozell
Amanita muscaria
Source: Wikipedia Commons
This column is provided as a public service by the Geophysical Institute,
University of Alaska Fairbanks, in cooperation with the UAF research
community. Ned Rozell is a science writer at the institute.
Fairbanks reader Darleen Masiak recently saw a red squirrel carrying an
Amanita mushroom across her deck, presumably to st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4825
The emerging-market slowdown is not the beginning of a bust. But it is a
turning-point for the world economy
Jul 27th 2013 |From the print edition
WHEN a champion sprinter falls short of his best speeds, it takes a while to
determine whether he is temporarily on poor form or has permanently lost
his edge. The same is true with emerging markets, the world economy’s 21st-
century sprinters. After a decade of surging growth, in which t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7594
The United States and Russia announced an ambitious plan to transfer Syria's
massive chemical weapons stockpile to international control by the middle
of next year, at which point they would be destroyed.
Under the agreement, Syria only has one week to declare the size and
location of its chemical weapons stashes. The disarmament would also be
expedited, with inspectors arriving by November. Some weapons would be
destroyed within Syria, while others may be transferred abroad for
发帖数: 2318
来自主题: Military版 - 习近平温家宝在海外都隐藏资产
A newly-published report by the International Consortium of Investigative
Journalists reveals some 22,000 clients from mainland China and Hong Kong
who are stashing their money away in offshore acounts in the British Virgin
Islands and other locales. The clients include family members of many
preeminent CCP elites, including Xi Jinping and Wen Jiabao.
Many of the holdings are managed by top international banks, including UBS,
Credit Suisse, and Deutsche Bank, which have topnotch reputations for
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12955

Not necessarily a professional killer, but definitely people who are used to
Also, you don't know if the family has a cash stash in the house that few
people knew about. And you would be surprised at how little money some
people kills over.
发帖数: 22064
来自主题: Military版 - 中国的“贪官经济学”
New York Times ChinaFollow the Money, China-Style
By YU HUA May 12, 2014
余华 2014年05月12日
BEIJING — Since China introduced a floating exchange rate on July 21, 2005,
the Chinese yuan has consistently risen in value against the United States
dollar, from a low of 8.28 yuan to the dollar in July 2005 to a high of 6.06
in January of this year. But the appreciation of the yuan has failed to
convince ordinary Chinese people that their money buys more; on th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 579
Ürümqui| A group of coal miners from the western province of Xinjiang,
had an unbelievable surprise when the gallery they were excavating opened
up on a section of an old mine, that was abandoned 17 years ago after an
earthquake that caused some large sections of the tunnels to collapse. While
they were exploring the galleries, they stumbled upon Cheung Wai, a 59-year
old survivor from the 1997 a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 美国黑人真多
"Welcome To My Hood (Remix)"
(feat. Ludacris, T-Pain, Busta Rhymes, Mavado, Twista, Birdman, Ace Hood,
Fat Joe, Jadakiss, Bun B, Game, Waka Flocka Flame)
[DJ Khaled & T-Pain talking:]
I'm foreal about this shit, this the remix (welcome to my hood), let's go,
remix, remix, remix
(Where ya hood at, where ya hood at, where ya hood at)
Welcome to my hood, everybody know everybody and if I got it everybody got
Welcome to my hood, look at all these old school chevys, 24's so you know
we r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7594
Over the past few years, there's been an influx of Chinese money into the U.
S., increasing from about $58 million in 2000 to $14 billion in 2013.
The Chinese are interested in acquiring everything from American companies
to commercial and residential real estate. Their motivation is
straightforward: They feel their assets are much better protected in the
United States. Just this week, Beijing-based studio Huayi Brothers Media
Corp. said it planned to spend $130 million in the U.S. to create a
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 全球去美元化正在形成趋势?
12 Numbers About The Global Financial Ponzi Scheme That Should Be Burned
Into Your Brain
-$1,280,000,000,000 – Most people are really surprised when they hear this
number. Right now, there is only 1.28 trillion dollars worth of U.S.
currency floating around out there.
-$17,555,165,805,212.27 – This is the size of the U.S. national debt. It
has grown by more than 10 trillion dollars over the past ten years.
-$32,000,000,000,000 – T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 全球去美元化正在形成趋势?
12 Numbers About The Global Financial Ponzi Scheme That Should Be Burned
Into Your Brain
-$1,280,000,000,000 – Most people are really surprised when they hear this
number. Right now, there is only 1.28 trillion dollars worth of U.S.
currency floating around out there.
-$17,555,165,805,212.27 – This is the size of the U.S. national debt. It
has grown by more than 10 trillion dollars over the past ten years.
-$32,000,000,000,000 – T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2394
Once Over $12 Trillion, the World’s Currency Reserves Are Now Shrinking
Bloomberg Business
The decade-long surge in foreign-currency reserves held by the world’s
central banks is coming to an end.
Global reserves declined to $11.6 trillion in March from a record $12.03
trillion in August 2014, halting a five-fold increase that began in 2004,
according to data compiled by Bloomberg. While the drop may be overstated
becaus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Chinese Side of Story, Told in Silences: 请随便转:
It seems that the Chinese people live in a bubble that is completely
different from American people's bubble. Here are my thoughts about 2
recent events:
1. World's animal lovers are understandably outraged by the Yulin Dog Meat
Event. Note however, this "tradition" was a recent addition and its
introduction coincided with Mongolian invasion/occupation, when the Chinese
cultur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Chinese Side of Story, Told in Silences: 请随便转:
It seems that the Chinese people live in a bubble that is completely
different from American people's bubble. Here are my thoughts about 2
recent events:
1. World's animal lovers are understandably outraged by the Yulin Dog Meat
Event. Note however, this "tradition" was a recent addition and its
introduction coincided with Mongolian invasion/occupation, when the Chinese
cultur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 赶快把美元换成人民币吧
Today may well be the day that ushers in the demise of the US dollar as the
Reserve Currency for the World. China has long been aligning itself to
become a major player at the IMF and now it looks like all is going as
With the coming review by the IMF of the SDR, (Special Drawing Rights),
China is uniquely poised to become the new title holder of Reserve Currency
for the World.
None of this should come as any surprise, China, among others have already
launched the group of nation invest... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Chinese Side of Story, Told in Silences:
It seems that the Chinese people live in a bubble that is completely
different from American people's bubble. Here are my thoughts about 2
recent events:
1. World's animal lovers are understandably outraged by the Yulin Dog Meat
Event. Note however, this "tradition" was a recent addition and its
introduction coincided with Mongolian invasion/occupation, when the Chinese
culture was nearly massacred and starved into stone age. Yulin itsel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 玉林,黑客事件:建议华裔自辨
Chinese Side of Story, Told in Silences: 请随便转:
It seems that the Chinese people live in a bubble that is completely
different from American people's bubble. Here are my thoughts about 2
recent events:
1. World's animal lovers are understandably outraged by the Yulin Dog Meat
Event. Note however, this "tradition" was a recent addition and its
introduction coincided with Mongolian invasion/occupation, when the Chinese
culture was nearly massacred and starved into stone age. Yulin itself is a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
East Baltimore anti-violence group work suspended after guns, drugs found in
City officials have suspended operations of the Safe Streets anti-violence
program in East Baltimore after police officers found seven guns and drugs
stashed inside the Monument Street office.
Police said a robbery investigation led them to the office, and two
employees were among those arrested. The suspension sidelines the program's
work in ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4776
Fear-mongering politicians and writers love to wave around the idea that
China's government could one day wage war on the American economy by simply
selling off its massive stockpile of U.S. Treasury debt. Sometimes, their
message is a little more nebulous than that—the famous Chinese professor ad
from the 2010 midterm elections merely hinted that we'd end up being
enslaved to Beijing thanks to our borrowing habits while eliding over the
details of exactly how that might ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4120
锁男搞竞猜不如搞个实蛋演习,搞个fund,taken 3里的secret stash安达repsond code
发帖数: 9770
来自主题: Military版 - 中国“私募一哥”的覆灭
The Fall of China’s Hedge Fund King
By ALEX W. PALMER March 30, 2016
ALEX W. PALMER 2016年3月30日
At 10:33 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 1 of last year, the highway police in Ningbo,
an industrial city on China’s eastern coast, posted a seemingly innocuous
message to their official microblog. “Due to sudden traffic control,” the
message read, “all the entrances and exits of the G15 Expressway at
Hangzhou Bay Bridge have been closed.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16484
中文总结:一个老黑老师找了自己学校的一个学生drug dealer(应该也是老黑),给了
Teacher beats up student who owed him money for weed
A Bronx charter-school teacher recruited a student to help him score $4,000
worth of marijuana — and he beat the teen senseless when he found out the
kid pocketed the cash, police sources said Friday.
Kevin Pope, 48, also stole the teen’s iPhone and wallet and threatened to
sexually assault his mother if he didn’t get his money back, t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16484
The collateral damage in Modi’s fight against black money: Indian
On the evening of Nov. 08, social media in India exploded with gifs on
Narendra Modi’s decision to scrap Rs500 and Rs1,000 notes overnight. A
WhatsApp joke in Hindi, too, began making the rounds. It read: “Tomorrow, a
lot of married men in India are going to find out how much black money
their wives have.” This hit too close to reality.
The ruling government has withdrawn the country’s highest denomination
notes to figh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2680
来自主题: Military版 - 印度人民效率很高
1 held with fake Rs 2000 notes, over Rs 4 lakh seized in raid:
In two separate incidents, Odisha Police arrested a youth on charge of
circulating fake Rs 2,000 notes and recovered Rs 4.8 lakh stocked in the
newly-introduced denomination post the Centre's demonetisation move.
Madhusudan Meher of Jharsuguda was arrested while he was trying to use the
fake currency at petrol pump in Sunarimunda, a senior police officer said.
The petrol outlet staff handed him over to the cops.
"The note is a colou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 40亿美元新战舰 Zumwalt 再次抛锚
It's the floating F35! Out military industrial complex has just turned into
a trillion dollar a year "no bid: money giveaway! Elite insiders given
billions for their companies to churn out a product. When the product turns
out to be a piece of shit? No problem? We'll just throw a few Billion more
at the problem. No heads roll. No one gets fired? In fact these morons
continue up the ladder to big bonus heaven. They farm out the work to the
cheapest workers and they buy the absolute cheapest sh... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Do I go for the vault? No. I go for the chandelier; it's priceless. As I'm
taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's
business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning
the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me
in Mexico but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I love the cold.
Thirty years later I get a postcard. I have a son. And he's the Chief of
Police. T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4185
Just as some have speculated that the experience of slavery lingers in the
psyche of the descendants of slaves, the Irish Famine, the result of the
British genocidal policy against the Irish, has affected the generations of
the Irish that followed, and Jews are suffering from post-traumatic stress
as a result of the Holocaust. Dissolving into Whiteness has provided both
with an escape chute. It was when James Baldwin wrote in Dan Watt’s The
Liberator that Jews had become White Christians that h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3183
来自主题: Military版 - 无标题
China is cutting its huge stash of US debt
America's biggest foreign creditor is tightening its belt. China's holdings
of US government debt fell to a six-month low of $1.17 trillion in January,
according to Treasury Department data published Thursday.
发帖数: 38600
You look like you are 18.
You like to eat chicken feet.
You suck on fish heads and fish fins.
You have a Chinese knick-knack hanging on your rear view mirror.
You sing Karaoke.
Your house is covered with tile.
Your kitchen is covered by a sticky film of grease.
Your stove is covered with aluminum foil.
You leave the plastic covers on your remote control.
You've never kissed your mom or dad.
You've never hugged your mom or dad.
Your unassisted vision is worse than 20/500.
You wear contacts, to av... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 叫uber安全吗
除了porn stash没啥值钱的
发帖数: 17016
来自主题: Military版 - 加拿大远比美国更仇华
Daryl McMurphy:
This is easy enough to fix, start seizing Chinese assets and bank accounts
in Vancouver. Guaranteed half of the ruling parties have interests or money
stashed here.
John Van Dyk:
From the same country that gave us Fentanyl, we now have hostage taking.
Great friends we got!
Daryl McMurphy:
Cut the chinese out of what they want most, our natural resources. No more
lumber, Iron, Oil or coal. Let's see how they like them apples.
Jim McI... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
This is easy enough to fix, start seizing Chinese assets and bank accounts
in Vancouver. Guaranteed half of the ruling parties have interests or money
stashed here.
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - cbc 头条,加拿大网友炸锅了
This is easy enough to fix, start seizing Chinese assets and bank accounts
in Vancouver. Guaranteed half of the ruling parties have interests or money
stashed here.
发帖数: 38600
This is easy enough to fix, start seizing Chinese assets and bank accounts
in Vancouver. Guaranteed half of the ruling parties have interests or money
stashed here.
发帖数: 38600
Apples only innovation since Jobs passed is higher prices. The hangers-on
inherited a company with a huge cash stash. They have no clue how to run
Apple, but it will take a while to burn through all the cash and resources.
Until that happens, Apple "strategy" is to pray that some users will still
pay outrageous prices, party while the company circles the drain, and blame
China, tariffs, Trump, etc for the demise.

发帖数: 1
One person was arrested after Hong Kong police discovered a stash of
explosives and weapons, stored along with banners and clothes bearing an
emblem of the Hong Kong National Front (HKNF) party, in a raid on Friday

发帖数: 1
George Webb is an investigative journalist in the Washington, DC area that
discovered the DNC blackberries and hard drives used by DNC Chairwoman's IT
assistant, Biden Awan. Webb produced a fact witness, a Marine named Andre
Taggart, and Taggart confirmed the government marked blackberries and drives
stashed by Awan in his home. Webb also interviewed a Capitol Hill staffer
with a three decade relationship with Joe Biden that provided insider
information about Biden Awan that ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2791
骑自行头像 那个不见了.真的删了

: 视频的作者

: George Webb is an investigative journalist in the Washington, DC area

: discovered the DNC blackberries and hard drives used by DNC Chairwoman
's IT

: assistant, Biden Awan. Webb produced a fact witness, a Marine named

: Taggart, and Taggart confirmed the government marked blackberries and

: stashed by Awan in his home. Webb also interviewed a Capitol Hill

: with a three decade relationship with Joe Biden that p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 39

: 视频的作者比你有credit多了。

: George Webb is an investigative journalist in the Washington, DC area

: discovered the DNC blackberries and hard drives used by DNC Chairwoman
's IT

: assistant, Biden Awan. Webb produced a fact witness, a Marine named

: Taggart, and Taggart confirmed the government marked blackberries and

: stashed by Awan in his home. Webb also ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - In Case of Emergency
In the midst of a natural disaster (or zombie apocalypse), you don’t want
to be caught without the vital information needed to keep you and your
family safe. In addition to a standard emergency kit (water, food,
flashlights, first aid items), there are several documents that everyone
should have access to at all times. These documents are crucial for same-sex
couples and LGBT parents who might not have the same obvious protections
that their hetero counterparts do in a time of crisis. Experts re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3205
The emerging-market slowdown is not the beginning of a bust. But it is a
turning-point for the world economy
Jul 27th 2013 |From the print edition
WHEN a champion sprinter falls short of his best speeds, it takes a while to
determine whether he is temporarily on poor form or has permanently lost
his edge. The same is true with emerging markets, the world economy’s 21st-
century sprinters. After a decade of surging growth, in which t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2406
来自主题: USANews版 - 社会主义美国
Neverlearn, maybe you should show off a bit on how many times more you
make over the fake Drs and how much more you have stashed away so the ------
will shut up and learn form the Pro. Do them a favor.
发帖数: 29846
By Stella Paul
Conventional wisdom has it that Bill Clinton was a flawed man, but a good
president. Let's blast that claptrap to smithereens with a Fast and Furious
AK-47, because Bill Clinton was an unadorned calamity for our national
security, and, in all probability, remains one to this day.
In the last week, we learned some piquant facts about Clinton's associates:
First, his wife's most intimate aide, Huma Abedin, has a Saudi mother and
brother who are both prominent members of the Muslim ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10233
i have only one question for you.
from obama stash, how much do you get?
发帖数: 29846
By Andrew Higgins and Maureen Fan, Published: May 18 | Updated: Saturday,
May 19, 11:10 AM
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — When scholars gathered at Harvard last month to discuss
the political tumult convulsing China’s ruling Communist Party, a demure
female undergraduate with a direct stake in the outcome was listening
intently from the top row of the lecture hall. She was the daughter of Xi
Jinping, China’s vice president and heir apparent for the party’s top job.
Xi’s daughter, Xi Mingze, enrolled at Harv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4091
Dump Romney; Nominate Paul
August 07, 2012 AFP
Dump Romney; Nominate Ron Paul
By Michael Collins Piper
Because there are real doubts that presumed GOP nominee Mitt Romney has what
it takes to displace the current White House occupant in the general
election, there are some Republicans who have a message for the delegates to
the forthcoming GOP National Convention: Dump Romney and nominate Rep. Ron
Paul (R-Texas).
In stark contrast to outspoken populist Paul, whose integrity is undoubted,
whose... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Eric Holder and Barack Obama were unavailable for comment. You suppose a
Republican incumbent would have gotten such a media free pass on this and
A Mexican robber has admitted murdering a U.S. Border patrol agent whose
death revealed a failed federal gun smuggling operation.
Manuel Osorio-Arellanes pleaded guilty to killing agent Brian Terry in
2010 – the highest profiel conviction in the case which has embarrassed the
federal government and prompted a series of cong... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Hollande loses key ally as budget minister resigns
By FRANCE 24 the 20/03/2013 - 11:43
The resignation of France’s budget minister is a major blow to Franç
ois Hollande’s Socialist government, which is struggling to get the country
out of the red.
Jérôme Cahuzac’s resignation as the French budget minister made
headlines in France on Wednesday, shining a spotlight on an important but –
until now– little known member of President François Hollande’... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21627
来自主题: USANews版 - 疣太高盛迫害前员工
Michael Lewis: Did Goldman Sachs Overstep in Criminally Charging Its Ex-
A month after ace programmer Sergey Aleynikov left Goldman Sachs, he was
arrested. Exactly what he’d done neither the F.B.I., which interrogated him
, nor the jury, which convicted him a year later, seemed to understand. But
Goldman had accused him of stealing computer code, and the 41-year-old
father of three was sentenced to eight years in federal prison.
Investigating Aleynikov’s case, Michael Lewis holds a s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 旧金山一民主党人被FBI通缉
In a surprise move, Barack Obama has announced a pre-emptive pardon for this
mostly peaceful Democratic Party operative.
An FBI spokesman announced Sunday afternoon that 42-year-old San
Francisco resident Ryan Chamberlain is being sought in a federal
investigation for possession of explosive materials and should be considered
armed and dangerous.
FBI agent Peter Lee said that Ryan Kelly Chamberlain II is the man who
lives in the apartment building on Jackson Street in San Francisco’s
Rus... 阅读全帖
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