
全部话题 - 话题: steeps
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发帖数: 746
9/21: “每周一山”#4: Hiking Baldface Mountain
Here is the description from REI:
South and North Baldface Mountains
Arguably the best loop trip in New England, the rugged, spectacular
Baldface Circle Trip traverses a 4-mile exposed ridge and two barren
mountain summits with elevations of 3,570 and 3,610 feet. Views from the
ridge are continuous and include Mount Washington, Carter Range, Wild River
Valley, and peaks of Evans Notch. Expect substantial steep ledge and boulder
scrambling, particularly o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 746
9/21: “每周一山”#4: Hiking Baldface Mountain
Here is the description from REI:
South and North Baldface Mountains
Arguably the best loop trip in New England, the rugged, spectacular
Baldface Circle Trip traverses a 4-mile exposed ridge and two barren
mountain summits with elevations of 3,570 and 3,610 feet. Views from the
ridge are continuous and include Mount Washington, Carter Range, Wild River
Valley, and peaks of Evans Notch. Expect substantial steep ledge and boulder
scrambling, particularly o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 164
来自主题: Boston版 - 9/21: Hiking Baldface Mountain
9/21: Hiking Baldface Mountain
Here is the description from REI:
South and North Baldface Mountains
Arguably the best loop trip in New England, the rugged, spectacular
Baldface Circle Trip traverses a 4-mile exposed ridge and two barren
mountain summits with elevations of 3,570 and 3,610 feet. Views from the
ridge are continuous and include Mount Washington, Carter Range, Wild River
Valley, and peaks of Evans Notch. Expect substantial steep ledge and boulder
scrambling, particularly on the east ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 736
早晨起来,先折腾第一件事———租车。Enterprise的local office派了一人一车来朋
到了Enterprise,有两人在柜台后服务,一人负责公事公办地做paper work,另一人跟
俺们打岔聊天。看俺们两asian女,租一sedan就上山滑雪,不知他俩是否心理偷笑。 打
岔的家伙一听说俺俩要去Loveland, 立马google出全美top 10 steep slope之一在
loveland,叫Avalanche Bowl。 还一个劲地追问俺俩去不去滑那个top 10 steep
slope, 只好跟他打哈哈,第一次到科州滑雪,不知这里的double diamond有多陡,
发帖数: 2672
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - Triplet Rocks = failed attempt
Okay, this place is 'really' remote and 'really' inaccessible. I 'strongly' agree that this place is the most remote place and toughest day hike in San Gabriel.
Final stats: 14 miles, 7,500' ft elevation gain.
Some background on the hike. When Ze (organizer at Meetup) posted this hike
on Meetup, he named this hike "The Crown Jewel of the San Gabriels". You
must deal with rough, brushy, exposed cross-country and class 3 climbing,
basically you get everything on this hike that's why he named i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 732
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 写了个 SAC的抓deal code (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Outdoors 讨论区 】
发信人: motif (魔地佛), 信区: Outdoors
标 题: 写了个 SAC的抓deal code
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 3 17:01:39 2010, 美东)
段code修改后存为,然后运行python sac.py即可。在python 2.7下测试通过。
import re
import urllib
import smtplib
import time
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
target=[['trekking', 'poles'],['Napali', 'Backpack'],['north', 'face'],['
oakley','battalion']] #The items you want to monitor, in every set of [] AND
logical will be us... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2672
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 周六 1/22 South Mt Hawkins via Pigeon Ridge
1/22 周六 7 AM
GPS Coordinates: 34.280169, -117.839468
Miles: ~ 10 +
Gain: ~ 5000 +
Terrain: Cross country ridge route - steep & loose - brush shouldn't be too
much of an issue
Level: Advanced. Expect to gain 5000 ft in 3 hrs
Pigeon Ridge heads SW from the Hawkins-Rattlesnake ridge. We'll start off SR
39 a bit above West Fork, hike a mile on fireroad, then gain this steep
ridge and head up. Our goal is South Mt Hawkins (7783'), but may choose to
add more trave... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7994
来自主题: NewJersey版 - 1314跨年旅行之二Patagonia the ‘W’
12/20-12/30 Antarctica
12/30 back to Ushuaia then transfer to El Calafate
12/31 El Calafate to Torres Del Paine then start the W
12/31-1/3 The ‘W’ Backpacking
1/3 Back to El Calafate
1/4 Merino Glacier then transfer to El Chalten
1/5-1/6 Fitz Roy Backpacking
1/7 Transfer to El Calafate then to Buenos Aires
1/8 BA-Iguazu, Iguazu Argentna side
1/9 Iguazu Argentina Side
1/10 Iguazu Brazil Side then transfer to Buenos Aires
1/11 Buenos Aires City tour, back to reality
Patagonia the ‘W’
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4371
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 要爬MT WHITNEY 了 ! (转载)
You might be OK with the trail running shoes on the ascend. On your way down
, your toes might suffer. The hiking boots would prevent your feet slipping
forward on a steep slope.
If you have to use your running shoes, tie the laces as tight as possible.
Side walk on the steep slopes.
发帖数: 71
来自主题: Seattle版 - 西雅图人民没见过雪怎么着

Some people don't get it:
Seattle has some pretty steep hills, including Boren Ave. shown in the video
. Doesn't matter 1 or 10 inches, as long as it's slippery, if you don't
have AWD, or even if you do have AWD but with lousy or worn out all season
tires, forget about it. On some of the steep hills, 2WD vehicles with snow
tires would have some trouble.
Rule of thumb in the greater Seattle area: if your route has hills, and you
don't have AWD with good tires, stay home when it snows. Save yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2300
As gas-tax revenues decline, the state is exploring the idea of charging
drivers by the mile.
Facing steep declines in gas-tax revenues that pay for road repairs,
Washington is exploring a creative solution: charging drivers by the mile to
use state highways and roads.
A committee of transportation experts recently concluded it's feasible to
move the state away from gasoline taxes to a "pay as you go" road-fee system.
"Now we're questioning: Is it acceptable for Washington, and if so, in what
fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Cycling版 - The Best Bike Report on Mt Baldy
it depends on how steep your terrain is and how strong your legs are. I don'
t ride long steep hills too much so I don't really need the granny gear too
发帖数: 3290
来自主题: Cycling版 - Battenkill: a short report
I did not finish. But, it was better than what I would expect given so
little riding over the winter.
In short, my friend and I started out about 7 minutes late and I crashed
with 15 miles to go. We made a good effort to chase the field in the
beginning although in our mind we knew it was not going to happen. We were
caught up by the lead group of the next cat 4 field which started about 3
minutes behind us at mile 15. I was able to jump on the train and stayed
with this lead group for about 10 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Cycling版 - 骑车骑得膝盖疼
I ride a fixe at 48x19. My commute has a steep section (average >8%). I get
out of the saddle only for about a hundred yards where it's as steep as 10%.
On my geared bike, I don't get out at all.
发帖数: 5141
来自主题: Cycling版 - 骑车骑得膝盖疼
Beginner technique: Hill climbing made easy
53 comments By Phil Mosley, Triathlon Plus | Friday, Jul 24, 2009 2.00pm
It’s something we’ve all asked ourselves at the foot of yet another
seemingly endless climb – should we sit or should we stand-up? And yet
surprisingly few people know the answer.
You’ll have noticed that some riders prefer to keep their bottoms
diligently on their saddles, churnin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19210
来自主题: Cycling版 - Bicycling's 50 Golden Rules
Cyclists are innovators, constantly hunting for an edge. Over the last half-
century, we've tried thousands of methods to become stronger, faster, and
smarter on a bike—many of which have been discarded through the years.
These have endured.
1. To corner, enter wide and exit wide.
2. Brake Less
It sounds counterintuitive, but the harder you yank on the brakes, the less
control you have over your bike. The best riders brake well befo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1980
来自主题: Cycling版 - 预告:6/28周六 汗迷而臀
For those who have never done the climb up Mt. Hamilton from the East side (
just like myself), here is a clip
The video is from the 2011 Amgen Tour of California, Stage 4 KOM climb from
Livermore via Mines Road heading up to the top of the summit of Mt. Hamilton
, lick Observatory.
Keep in mind this is the hardest side (East) to climb up to the top of the
mountain and with steep grades, also the pro riders are at times doing 24-26
mph up the steep grade! 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2507
来自主题: Fishing版 - 转贴: Cold Water Bass Fishing
转贴 from
I like bass fishing in cold water. Here in middle Georgia lakes never
freeze more than some skim ice, and that is unusual. Usually the coldest
water I fish is around 45 degrees, and most winters it will range from there
to about 52. These tactics have worked for me in that range of water temps
over the years.
• Fish slowly. Bass slow down as the water cools. They are less
likely to hit a fast moving bait, so slow your prese... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 22764
来自主题: Fishing版 - Water Temperature Guide for Crappie
"Most, if not all experienced anglers consider water temperature as the
single most critical factor governing crappie location and behavior.
This guide will help you pinpoint crappie year-round, so you can spend
more time fishing and less time searching."
Water Temperature: 35 Degrees
Crappie will be holding tight to bottom cover in 30-50 feet deep and tight-
lipped, but they still need to eat and is catchable with the right
presentat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 724
来自主题: Golf版 - 关于THIN,FAT给MEDSON
上听HANEY也是这么说的.另外,WRIST IMPACT POSITION也是很重要,如果你没有足够的
WRIST,导致LAG大部分都丢掉了, 虽然这个SOLID,但一直这么打的话很难CONSISTENT.
另外你的教练恐怕在教你STACK N TILT,这种SWING的中心一直在左脚.相对比较容易
SWING WIDTH,对于STEEP PLNE比较而言有好处,另外可以略微增加POWER.但坏处是需要
发帖数: 517
Thanks everyone.
My biggest problem with irons on the course is losing distance, I can hit
straight on the course and range.
I agree that I do not hit down steep enough for iron, but that does not
explain why I have problem with woods on the range.
Maybe somehow, my plane is more steep on the range than on the course. I
will pay attention to that next time I step on the course.
Thanks again.
发帖数: 977
来自主题: Golf版 - 我怎么Driver总是打不好?
Everyone has his own unique problems. So you may have to experiment a lot
and think about the reason that caused your problem. As for your problem,
maybe your swing plain is too steep, try more flat swing plain, watch Ben
Hogan's swing on youtube. Steep swing plain will cause over the top, I had
similar problem before, I even made divot with driver.
Here's a drill, tuck a towel under both arms and try swing without letting
the towels fall, it may feel awkward in the beginning, but it will encour
发帖数: 48
来自主题: Golf版 - 请教bunker shot
各位打深的bunker, swing是shallow还是steep的? 对于右手选手,球是不是靠左(
forward target)一点,重心是不是偏左一点?
还有要是碰到荷包蛋那种深陷的,肯定是steep swing吧,这时是直接在球的后侧,还
大家是怎么对付这两种最恶心的bunker shot.
glasgow或edinburgh, 我带大家一起打。。。
发帖数: 1917
Level Three
Level Three skiers are confident novices who are able to stop and make round
snow plow turns on easy beginner trails.
Level Four
Level Four skiers are cautious intermediate skiers who can link turns but
still moderate speed. Level Four skiers ski in a small wedge and their skis
may even be parallel at the end of the turn on green or easy blue trails.
Level Four is a transition level in which skiers will begin to ski more blue
intermediate runs.
Level F... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 412
来自主题: Golf版 - 最近一点心得
我一直尝试JIM HARDY的ONE PLANE SWING,来来回回摸索一年了,我平时的教练也不教
ONE PLANE SWING,很多时候自己思索和尝试。最近有所顿悟,挥杆质量提高不少,而
且发现他书里提到的东西和实际有出入,比如matt kuchar就一直用ONE PLANE SWING,
正的要点,plane truth 只在他们的CLINIC 里才提到。在尝试中,我发现书中在back
swing 和DOWN SWING 方面有两点特别误导的地方。如果有尝试ONE PLANE swing的球友
试过,总的来说,TWO PLANE SWING对节奏和TIMING要求多些,所以有些时候听到今天
发帖数: 4574
发帖数: 4574
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 最近看了两部ski的电影
和大家分享一下。一部是大名鼎鼎的Steep,另一部是Seven Sunny Days。摄影都没得
Steep是大片,纪录片,历史片,Ski Mountaineering的大牛挨个介绍,Bill Briggs,
Doug Coombs,...,Shane McConkey。而且人物的刻画很成功,值得反复看。
Seven Sunny Days不能说画面不美,但是看了一遍没什么印象,当Ski的MTV看了。
发帖数: 732
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 写了个 SAC的抓deal code
段code修改后存为,然后运行python sac.py即可。在python 2.7下测试通过。
import re
import urllib
import smtplib
import time
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
target=[['trekking', 'poles'],['Napali', 'Backpack'],['north', 'face'],['
oakley','battalion']] #The items you want to monitor, in every set of [] AND
logical will be used to match a specific item
discount_threshold=50 #threshold of percentage to trigger event
check_interval=60 #the interval to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 这双雪鞋评价咋样?
I haven't heard about this brand, and judging from its retail price, I am
not very confident about its quality and performance.
I own my snowshoes, but I use them only once or twice a year. I am not a
huge fan of snowshoeing. So take my advice with a grain of salt.
In general, what you need depends on what terrains you are in and what the
purpose they will serve. Tubular frames are only good for flat terrains. We
have no flat terrains that would be covered by snow in PNW so basically
tubulars ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 57
来自主题: Outdoors版 - accident report -- lucky to be alive
It's a short steep steep section about 10 feet long, and already compacted
on the way up. The person in front of me tried to walk down but slipped, so
I thought I should just do a "preemptive" sit down.
The major mistake I made there is not realizing that I could slip off the
ridge and not be able to stop right away when that happened. The party
agreed later that we should take off our snowshoes and postholing down.
发帖数: 3975
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 今年想去登山,诚征建议
class 3 , 绳子要用吗?
"class 3: Scrambling or un-roped climbing. You must use your hands most of
the time to hold the terrain or find your route. This may be caused by a
combination of steepness and extreme terrain (large rocks or steep snow).
Some Class 3 routes are better done with rope."
btw, 7月底 我们大概选择1-2个14ERS CLASS II.

发帖数: 669
来自主题: Outdoors版 - Rainier Success Cleavor
Steep and exposed traverse thought a series of chutes. One slip then you are
history. (pictures really do not show the steepness.)
发帖数: 669
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 严冬冬遇难经过
Always rope up on glaciers unless both of the following are true:
1. the terrain is steep enough that self or team arrest is unlikely.
2. snow/ice condition is bad enough that protections are unlikely to hold.
Avoid getting into the situation where both conditions are true, e.g., late
in the day on very steep (>55 degree) snow slope.

发帖数: 669
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 严冬冬遇难经过
Always rope up on glaciers unless both of the following are true:
1. the terrain is steep enough that self or team arrest is unlikely.
2. snow/ice condition is bad enough that protections are unlikely to hold.
Avoid getting into the situation where both conditions are true, e.g., late
in the day on very steep (>55 degree) snow slope.

发帖数: 7994
12/20-12/30 Antarctica
12/30 back to Ushuaia then transfer to El Calafate
12/31 El Calafate to Torres Del Paine then start the W
12/31-1/3 The ‘W’ Backpacking
1/3 Back to El Calafate
1/4 Merino Glacier then transfer to El Chalten
1/5-1/6 Fitz Roy Backpacking
1/7 Transfer to El Calafate then to Buenos Aires
1/8 BA-Iguazu, Iguazu Argentna side
1/9 Iguazu Argentina Side
1/10 Iguazu Brazil Side then transfer to Buenos Aires
1/11 Buenos Aires City tour, back to reality
Patagonia the ‘W’
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
From your description, I do not think you are ready yet. Hood is much
difficult than St Helens.
Hood has crevasse and last part is very steep. you need to learn self
arrest, be comfortable to ascend on steep snow, and rope travel is also
I suggest you go to Adams, seems you should be able to do that.
发帖数: 13580
4 o’clock, I woke up 5 minutes before the alarm went off. After a light
breakfast of 1.5 bagels and a can of congee, my wife drove me to downtown
where the shuttle stop is. There was very little traffic around 5 even if
this is a big race. I arrived at the start line around 5:30.
The weather was perfect, low 50's with a layer of thin clouds. I was hoping
that the clouds would stay for the whole morning. It was a little chilly
even with long sleeves on. So I wrapped myself in the trash bag I'd br... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 819
来自主题: Running版 - LT100 (3) - Dig deep and deeper
Gun Time: 26:00:45
Chip Time: 25:56:09
Checkpoint Name | Time of Day | Interval Time | Total Time
1 May Queen Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 06:38:22.652 | 02:38:22.982 | 02:38:22.
2 Fish Hatchery Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 08:40:43.126 | 02:02:20.474 | 04:40:
3 Half Pipe Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 10:14:52.813 | 01:34:09.687 | 06:14:53.
4 Twin Lakes Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 12:28:43.161 | 02:13:50.348 | 08:28:43.
5 Winfield | 2011-08-20 | 16:50:48.940 | 04:22:05.779 | 12:50:49.270
6 Twin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1283
Heading back from Twin Lakes, there were immediately a few miles' steep
climb. I walked up just like everybody else. The walking continued for a
couple miles, and I wasn't feeling well. Somehow I seemed to have been
drained of energy. I felt dizzy and nauseated, my legs felt weak, and I was
wobbling as I hiked up the dirt trail. I had a pro bar in my camelbak but I
could not make myself eat it. I couldn't stomach anything. It became
difficult to run even on the flat sections. It was getting dark... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
Leg 29: empty the tank
My 3rd leg is my hardest leg. It starts with a continous 3.5 mile climb,
which gets gradually steeper. It then follows a 3 mile downhill almost as
steep. The course started out in the shade. "Nice", I said to myself. First
mile was pretty steep, I decided not to look at the GPS except at mile
splits and run by feel. Split 1 was 8:10, which was surprisingly fast. The
hill levels out a little after mile 1, just enough to relax my quads a
little before picking up the pace. Mi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5141
Trail running generally takes place on hiking trails, most commonly single
track trails, although fire roads are not uncommon. A distinguishing
characteristic of the trails is that they are often inaccessible by road
except at the trail heads. The trails tend to traverse varying terrain;
hills, mountains, deserts, forests, and narrow passages are common. Likewise
, steep inclines or rough terrain sometimes may require hiking or scrambling
. Runners participating in trail runs must often descend ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 59
来自主题: Ski版 - 原来还有这个版啊~~~~
dartmouth skiway实在太small了,而且有点steep的一面到现在都不开,

bit more elevation and is much steeper (like the East style -- small but
steep), but not free.
发帖数: 1632
来自主题: Ski版 - 对滑雪有帮助的健身运动
drinking beer.
After you had a few pints in you - suddenly those steeps don't look so damn
steep anymore.
(oh yea, spinning definitely is great! Even more so, it's no impact so you
save your precious precious knees. Also do some exercise to build up your
core as well, both will help tremendously)
发帖数: 408
I skiied down there a couple of times, scary steep... Another steep and
rocky run is right down the scott chair, haven't tried it yet.
发帖数: 1327
来自主题: Ski版 - 有人去过jacksonhole么?
I have never been Jackson Hole so I compare the challenging level by overall
steepness and roughly, feet per acre.
Considering vertical drop per area, Jackson Hole's overall steepness is hard
to compete in USA. Of caurse, Snowbird are among them with about 20% less
vertical drop in the same 2500 acres. The Chutes in your home resort(may i
call it this way?:) offers 1500ft in 200 acres, which makes it tahoe's most
challenging slope.
Hope I can go JH next-next season to see if my way of evaluting
发帖数: 472
I wouldn't worry this too much to contaminate your skiing experience. Pay
attention to it and enjoy the reward of less tiring quad, less fear and and
fewer falls and progress from there, slowly but surely.
if you want to expedite the process, find some low hazard zone of simple
steep and narrow chutes where turn is not possible, and take-offs (rock,
cornice, or park); and start adrenaline run. The humiliation (possibly pain)
falling backward either in speedy steeps or simple air plus the excitem
发帖数: 3311
来自主题: Ski版 - Snowbird report - early season
A long story. Three or four years ago, I went up to the Mineral Basin at
Snowbird. It was absolutely a whiteout condition but super nice powder day.
I thought the heck just go with it. I went down the steep slope and
before I knew it, I had two compete cartwheel s with head down. I had to
sit down for two minutes and get myself together. I struggled down the
slope and made back up again. I felt the dizziness – it’s like your brain
was turning but your skull was not because you absolutely... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 883
来自主题: Ski版 - 晚安,雪版
you get a good recovery this summer and come back in the winter. The biggest
storm I skied is 25in overnight (truly sick but you are only able to move
in those few steep slopes at vail), can not imagine those over 100in dump in
the tahoe area, must need very very steep slopes to enjoy those really
thick staff.
发帖数: 586
关于 FlatStar vs. Sierra,基本赞同 lnk 观点。不知你在哪里上学,应该也就 20mile 的区别。另外我倒是想推荐 SugarBowl,比FlatStar又近了20mile,而且要size有size,要steep
有steep。Midweek Pass很便宜,学生不必每天上班点卯,可以考虑一下。

发帖数: 3290
来自主题: Ski版 - EpicMix3:Christmas in the Rockies
Video可能看不大出,the slope at 2:00 is very steep
Unless you are a pro and can ski this kind of steep as if it is a blue run,
you will find it is very convenient to use uphill pole to help you initiate
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