b*****u 发帖数: 1556 | 1 xc60。因为安全(客观上2个美国测试和1个欧洲测试都得满分,主观上volvo专注在安
全上for years),漂亮,驾驶感觉,不大妈,不烂大街。Call me paranoid,但是个人观点,我
volvo的可靠程度在可接受范围内,不是show stopper。 |
b*****x 发帖数: 3786 | 3 恩, 这个也买了, 请教一下怎么放好。 是两个 stopper 夹着一个后轮, 还是两个
后轮一边一个顶着? |
B*G 发帖数: 13438 | 4 jack stand可能会倒,会滑齿。ramp + wheel stopper看起来安全很多,反正我有了
ramp以后,出了下轮胎,再也没用过Jack stand。 |
B*G 发帖数: 13438 | 5 俺是穷人,在沃尔玛买的塑料的,橘红颜色,二十多一对,顺便再捎上两对塑料的
wheel stopper。俺觉得挺安全的,想开过冒也没那么容易。 |
d********r 发帖数: 211 | 6 2011的highlander还在自动加速啊...
Complaints - Search Results
12 Record(s) Displayed.
Report Date : September 14, 2011 at 03:33 PM
Search Type : VEHICLE
Year : 2011
Make : TOYOTA Model : HIGHLANDER Year : 2011
Crash : No Fire : No Number of Injuries: 0
ODI ID Number : 10424698 Number of Deaths: 0
Date of Failure: August 1, 2011
V... 阅读全帖 |
b*****x 发帖数: 3786 | 7 终于到第一次换油了, 工具都准备了两个月了。 趁星期天有空,
就决定今天换油。 前段时间在车底找过engin oil filter 的位置,
拍了照, 放上来后有人说那是 transmission oil, 所以今天我也
首先上ramp, 然后加jack stand, 在加wheel stopper |
k**u 发帖数: 10502 | 8 干得不错啊。
有个问题,已经开上ramp了,还要jack stand吗?好像whell stopper也放反了。
我一般爬上坡后在后轮后面放一块木头顶住就完了。 |
b*****x 发帖数: 3786 | 9 安全, ramp是空心的, 看着心里不是很踏实。 既然有 jack stands,
放两个进去又不麻烦, 所以就放了, 这样就算 ramp 塌了也有 jack 顶住。
stopper 前后都放了, 后面是砖头。。。 |
l**********i 发帖数: 11748 | 10 stopper和砖头换下位置会更保险
drain plug拧松之后就非常好拧了,熟练的话不会沾到手上的
filter wrench上用橡皮筋绕两圈,这样就可以靠橡筋的弹力先咬住filter
protection goggle |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 11 tire stopper+手闸
双份jack stand+木块 backup
再撑不住实在是上帝想你 |
t*********r 发帖数: 2558 | 12 [声明]本帖不骂人,不黑日,仅是从一个文科生消费者角度谈体验和比较民科的理解
台电视机是14寸彩色的HITACHI,第一台空调是MITSUBUSHI ELECTRIC,后来搬大房子后
家买了ONKYO组合音响,第一听感觉音效牛逼... 阅读全帖 |
b*****x 发帖数: 3786 | 13 来自主题: Automobile版 - 给Q5换油 指定动作, 上 ramp, 加stopper, 加jack-stand, 起break. |
y*****g 发帖数: 6223 | 14 今天又一个p1 stopper 我都疯了。
三国杀来不来?别老潜水行吗,恩。 |
b*****x 发帖数: 3786 | 15 趁还没下雪, 赶快把油给换了. 把上次搞的免费机油出来,还有两罐, 嘿嘿
看下次再能搞几罐不。 话说, 这 forester 原来在冬天没热车的情况
开动, 走半条街后有时候会微串一下, 自从换了 sync oil 后就没这
情况, 不知道是不是碰巧。
另外那 oil drain 的开关继续坚挺。 从开始到收拾好所有工具, 就
30分种, 一滴油都没弄出来, 感觉穿西装白衬衫都可以换. 就一对 ramp
和 stopper 就搞定, 其他任何工具都不需要。 |
c**h 发帖数: 46 | 16 2012 Quest, 买了不到三个月,一开始是右侧移门有异响,DEALER 做了调整,说是
RUBBER STOPPER。现在又响了,而且DASHBOARD 也开始吱嘎作响。最坑人的是每次到
DEALER 处检查反倒不怎么响。郁闷死了。几乎每个礼拜都到DEALER处报到。 |
H***m 发帖数: 128 | 17 Use Rhino Ramp from Advanced Auto (do not use from Wal-Maxt), park car and
check two tires on the ramp, hand brake then engine off. Use two stoppers to
both rear tires, then, apply jack stand to the front.
Hope this help.
Good luck. |
d*******s 发帖数: 15155 | 18 如果是嘎吱嘎吱的金属声,我的p71以前也有这问题,是在wheel bearing上有个
如果是吁吁的那种液压声,可能是助力泵,每次不要打到头,到头了回一点应该就没了 |
r****y 发帖数: 1437 | 19 thanks. i agree very much what you said. i test 328i and also like its drive
. its interior is kind of a show stopper, too low-end. |
l*******g 发帖数: 27064 | 20 trunk lift support?
你需要检查的可能是盖子上或者下方的trunk stopper是不是没了,一般是橡胶的,圆
柱形居多 |
l*******g 发帖数: 27064 | 21 如果后备箱盖子支不起来才需要换这个
要么可能锁头润滑太差,喷点wd40 |
s*******2 发帖数: 194 | 22 2004 年 passat wagon, 症状: 空调不出热风,一点都没有
状况: coolant 液面正常,温度指示也一直正常。 风扇所有挡位都正常出风。 温度
调节旋钮从冷到热,明显感觉有声音变化,风速也有变化。 内外循环转换,也有明显
风速变化。 通往heater core的两个管子都是热的。 所有的fuses都是好的。没有能查
AC的code scanner 所以没有查
可能的状况,自己觉得应该是heater core 堵了或者 temperature flap 不工作, 之
前的coolant 有点漏,加了些 leak stopper, 粉末那种,有可能堵heater core, 还
有以前混用了coolant,也可能堵,但是为什么进出管都是热的? 而且一般如果是堵了
应该稍微有点热气吧。 还有如果是flap不好,为什么我在从冷到热过程中能听到明显
想自己解决这个问题,dealer 修一般太贵。 问问大家有没有什么建议? 还有没有别
的可能的问题了 |
d*********2 发帖数: 19 | 23 2013 Nissan Rogue逆行,和2012 Camry迎头对撞。Camry司机死。从Rogue司机的Mug
两车base model 重量比较
Camry 3190 lb, Rogue 3276 lb
NHTSA Crash Test Data 比较,两车均不错,Camry稍好于Rogue.
An Island Park man was killed early Friday when his car was struck head-on
by a drunken driver who had crossed into his lane on Route 25A in Smithtown,
Suffolk County police said.
Natalia Simons, 36, of Kings Park, was arrested and charged with driving
while intoxicated af... 阅读全帖 |
W***n 发帖数: 11530 | 24 Aug 19, 2016
Chinese tourist killed in Goodwood crash
Jason Liebregts / Metroland
Uxbridge Times Journal
UXBRIDGE — A 63-year-old tourist from China was killed in a traffic
collision Aug. 18 in Goodwood.
The crash happened at about 8:12 p.m. at the intersection of Goodwood Road
and Front Street. Police said a southbound black Chevrolet Cruze entered the
intersection and collided with an eastbound Honda CRV.
The male visitor from China, a passenger in the Honda, died of his injuries
at the ... 阅读全帖 |
b*****u 发帖数: 1556 | 25 前轮开到ramp上,后轮用stopper固定住。安全第一。
jack |
l**g 发帖数: 1914 | 26 姑且不谈HERE的导航能甩车载GPS几条街,(布置您和什么车的GPS做的比较),但就它
就是SHOW STOPPER。用手机小屏看还不如上外置大屏GPS。 将来车上来个AUGMENTED
REALITY 投影到司机视线处的路面上就更给力了。 |
b*****n 发帖数: 684 | 29 This is surely conflict of interest. But it doesn't matter as long as you
can justify it. Read the policy of your university carefully and write a
good justification. Again, conflict of interest is not a show stopper, just
a procedure you need to go through. |
b******r 发帖数: 251 | 30 最近在纠结到底去industry还是academia
PhD的GPA 3.5 但是有一门和专业不是很相关的课是C
这种情况是不是申请assistant professor position难度非常大,或者根本就不用浪费
求轻拍 |
x*******5 发帖数: 1335 | 31 没关系
找AP的工作人家看的是你的research能力和teaching能力 |
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 32 除非某些teaching college, 否则根本没有人要你的GPA or transcript.
某些公立大学因为官僚原因也找你要transcript,但是他们几乎连看都不看。 |
w********c 发帖数: 2632 | 36 perhaps help her develop some hobbies so that she doesn't take up all your
time? honestly i don't think the
"issues" you've listed are show stoppers, and a 善良贤惠 wife is pretty hard
to come by these days.
夫俗子,犹如 |
k********s 发帖数: 320 | 37 大师级? hoho, I'm far from being there..., just a Bordeaux lover, that's
For casual drinker, there are good Bordeaux in box, such as the "2005
Bordeaux Bag in the Box". It comes in a 3L box and is selling for about
$30. I suggest you try that. It's made entirely of Merlot, so should be
good for starter.
If you are not a hard-core wine drinker, then as long as you store the
opened wine properly (tight stopper, in refrigerator), 1 week should be
fine. Enjoy! |
d*i 发帖数: 9453 | 38 专门有卖酒瓶塞的,叫做wine stoppers
一般的liquor store都有卖的,网上也有很多。 |
k********s 发帖数: 320 | 39 Many, depending on what you like, French, Argentina, Italian, Spanish,
Australian or domestic (California/Oregon)?
For French wine, if you are looking for something below $50, I would
suggest Bordeaux since it is hard to find good Burgundy and Rhone below
50, not sure about Chablis, Alsace or Loire.
For Bordeaux less than $50, try the following: Langoa Barton, Clos Du
Marquis, Talbot, Duhart Milon Rothschild, Kirwan, Lascombes, Smith Haut
Lafitte, St. Pierre, D'issan, and Bahan Haut Brion, try t... 阅读全帖 |
r*****n 发帖数: 3014 | 41 只有软木塞才是cork,好多卖的stopper都是金属/橡胶/塑料的。。 |
S**C 发帖数: 2964 | 42 I do not think ATC is a good deal. The lack of flexibility and to pay tax
twice are show stopper for me.
If you have kids, then ESA and 529 could be your option. I think to have
healthy chunk of taxable account is good thing, it serves as sort of "
emergency" fund. In addition, you did not say ROTH IRA, so I assume you are
in the top 2 tax bracket, some short term muni probably is good for your
emergency fund. |
t*****3 发帖数: 112 | 43 第1个问题:
controller: doDevice(deviceID, commands)
controller: runTasks(), runTask()
Task: {multi-rooms, multi-devices} run(), pause(), stop(), restart()
高级点做法:用个queue... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 44 看问题的严重性 如果可以等到第二天早上就log 一下comments 然后第二天处理 之后
就继续刷题 如果非常严重 show stopper 就要处理一下然后再继续刷题拿大包 |
d*******q 发帖数: 553 | 46 也许里边有电线, 你钻到nail stopper (保护电线的钢片)上了. |
t*****y 发帖数: 230 | 47 INSPECTOR建议说屋顶长了MOSS和ALGAE,让清洁.我们就让SELLER在卖之前CLEAN了,我们
律师居然说这不是我们的正常权利.费解...SELLER还不答应换BATHROOM TUB STOPPERS,
律师说那也是小问题.不应该纠缠.实在不明白那我们还有什么权利. |
a****l 发帖数: 8211 | 48 tell the lawyer to go lost. As a buyer, you have the absolute rights to request whatever improvements, of course meanwhile the seller has the absolute right to reject any of your requests, no matter reasonable or not.
On the other hand, I would prefer to do those things by myself. Those are not critical, and it's better to let you do it, who would be more careful.
n*******9 发帖数: 3244 | 50 you can ask and they can say No and then you can disapprove the inspection
and kill the deal which makes both of you back to where you started. Your