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发帖数: 38
来自主题: Automobile版 - your suggestions, pls.
Toyota Camry LE 2011
color: beige
Out to Door: $21550
Is it a good deal?
Thanks to all your suggestions!
发帖数: 30
来自主题: Automobile版 - Suggestion/advice needed on XC70 purchase
Here is the basic info for the car we are interested in:
2013 XC70 T6 , Silver Metallic with Sandstone Beige Leather Interior in
Premier Plus Trim Level, equipped with Climate Package, Child Booster Seats
and Blind Spot Information System - MSRP of $45,145.
Really like the T6 (the XC60 with T6 is also very nice). The dealer
mentioned an "Internet Sales Price of $43,740." but have no idea how low the
price can go. All suggestions/advice are highly appreciated!
发帖数: 422
来自主题: Automobile版 - need suggestions: want to buy 2013 Honda CRV
my old car is small and I feel it is not safe. I did some research about the
low class crossover/suv s and find honda CRV is affordable.
How do you like it? Any suggestions?
Sorry cant type chinese
发帖数: 143
I am struggling for a while, cant make the decision.
2011 Honda Pilot EXL with DVD player, 20000 Miles, good condition.
----$26800, New 2013 EXL should be around $34000
2010 Acura MDX base, 40000 miles, good condition
----$28500, New one 2013 model should be around $38000
Any suggestion is appreciated.
发帖数: 220
just kick off the price shopping, any suggestion is welcome. thanks
发帖数: 321
2014 HONDA ACCORD LX + WINDOWS TINT, ODT $21384,50. Is this a good deal?
Please any suggestions.
发帖数: 1250
看了一个airbag deployed的车,CarFax的suggested retail price居然是+$880, 这是
发帖数: 1058
来自主题: Automobile版 - speeding ticket need suggestion
Sorry, cannot type Chinese in this computer.
Got one speeding ticket, 86 in 70 mph, I know it's my fault,
fine is $250.94, 4 points, and the police wrote in the ticket that
Appearance Required "No"
Could anyone give me some suggestion on how to reduce the loss? I'm in
I won't speeding any more, it's terrible experience of pulling over by the
Thanks a lot.
发帖数: 1030
Just curious, what is xls?
I did not post my story everywhere. I wont get it exposed if there was no
this outbreak. I even told Liz6i not to mention he once had transaction with
me because I think it was a shame to be cheated by a kid. And I want
somehow to slove the situation. When approached by other victim in this
scandal, I did provide my personal suggestion.
And I undstand that not every holy-doc wants feedback for his/her
发帖数: 733
It is amazon order from:
8536 NW 66 TH ST
MIAMI, FLORIDA 33166-2635
It seems like a international transfer service. Any suggestion?
发帖数: 510
littlesnow (雪儿) 于 (Wed Jun 20 12:21:15 2007) 提到:
I will have an on-campus interview two weeks later. The search committee
offers an informal dinner/lunch during the interview. Can you give me
suggestions about what to say on these occassions? I really appreciate any
comments from you guys! Thx!!!
KingofMS (你太有才了) 于 (Wed Jun 20 13:35:29 2007) 提到:
anything, weather, sports, movie, hobbies.

发帖数: 31
My background:
Research Scientist in US University(rank around 75)
Postdoc in Korea
Papers; 38, first author 31; Citations>750, average 20 citation per papre, h
-index 17
Major: Physcis and materials Science
Three references are Chinese professors in USA.
Is it possible for me to apply for a tenure track position in US university?
Will Chinese professors' recommentation letters affect my application?
Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
发帖数: 1478
来自主题: Faculty版 - suggestions for rejection
since you are not sure whether it's an offer, I would suggest that you set
up a time to talk to them first. When they extend the offer, you can tell
them that you've accepted another one.
发帖数: 440
来自主题: Faculty版 - suggestions for rejection
Thanks for the suggestions, hypoact.
Anything else that I need to be aware?
发帖数: 440
来自主题: Faculty版 - suggestions for rejection
Thanks cyberfriend and digua for your suggestions.
Don't know this before...
发帖数: 38
Please suggest a good online service for research paper writing/editting.
发帖数: 50
来自主题: Faculty版 - 求助:关于投稿suggest reviewers
别幼稚.选你的朋友做suggested/preferred reviewers.
大牛或者根本不审文章,或者扔给组里postdoc/senior student,
发帖数: 390
来自主题: Faculty版 - NSF suggested reviewer
suggested reviewer有用吗?我从来不填。
发帖数: 95
来自主题: Faculty版 - NSF suggested & excluded reviewers
大家一般会在fastlane填suggested & excluded reviewers吗?这个信息到时候panel
里面的人能看到吗?有人说只有program director可以看到,想确认一下。
发帖数: 6456
I know the start up package can cost a lot. If I include some shared
resources for people in the department, it is a good gesture to the future
collaborators. Should i talk to the search chair for suggestions?
发帖数: 2504
来自主题: Faculty版 - Suggestions: first phone interview
Looking for faculty positions. Just got the first phone interview. A little
bit anxious. Any suggestions?
发帖数: 820
来自主题: Faculty版 - suggestions?
How to deal with this:
I got a consulting work with external school, but our school has the policy
as below. Anyone has such experience and suggest whether I should take it or
not. If yes, how to avoid troubles may have in future?
Prior approval of professional consulting and other external professional
activities is required. Requests for approval should be directed to the dean
or designee.
Professional consulting and other external professional... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 175
来自主题: Faculty版 - need suggestion on a tablet for teaching
Like to buy a tablet to help teaching classes. The main function is to
prepare solution to homework, quiz or examines, since I need to travel a lot
. Any suggestion on a good tablet? Thanks a lot.
发帖数: 389
A couple, working places are ~140 miles apart, each being close to a big
city, have a toddler girl. Should the family live in between, each commute ~
70 min one way without traffic; or should be live separately, girl staying
with Mom, then Dad coming to visit during weekends?
Any suggestions?
I personally prefer to stay between, so the family can stay together; LD
prefers to stay separately to avoid long time commute. BTW, LD hates driving
. We need to rent now, so we have some flexibility in te... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 389
A couple, working places are ~140 miles apart, each being close to a big
city, have a toddler girl. Should the family live in between, each commute ~
70 min one way without traffic; or should be live separately, girl staying
with Mom, then Dad coming to visit during weekends?
Any suggestions?
I personally prefer to stay between, so the family can stay together; LD
prefers to stay separately to avoid long time commute. BTW, LD hates driving
. We need to rent now, so we have some flexibility in te... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2999
来自主题: FleaMarket版 - Help! Paypal limited... baozi for suggestions
borrowing money from friends for tuition

them about this? Any suggestions?
发帖数: 335
来自主题: FleaMarket版 - Help! Paypal limited... baozi for suggestions
just call and tell them funds are from friends money you borrowed or
something, do not follow the steps. they'll restore or at least remove the
invoice step I think

them about this? Any suggestions?
发帖数: 1030
Due to the recent outbreak of cheating scandal, I would suggest mandatory
feedback should be enforced in mitbbs FleaMarket.
There is no regulations for fleamarket and ebiz here, the sandy foundation
is just mutual trust and indidivual reputation, which can be easliy abused
when huge profit present.That is why we sufferred from Jojo, Shengxian
Jiejie, and Liz6i, among others, again and again. Mandatory feedback and
exposure should be enforced in mitbbs before the transaction system
collaps... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30
来自主题: Gowest版 - I suggest
I suggest that we maintain an updated record about the progress of making
appointments for visa application. This will be convenient and helpful for
others. For instance, I want to apply for visa on May 14. I called several
times. Each time they told me it's too early, but they didn't tell me when I
should call.
So, let me start. I called the day before yesterday, and was told appointments
were handled for April 12.
Can we have an Excel file or something that records the dates on this BBS
发帖数: 12
The set I think is a bargain:
anthena as-b1 bookshelf speakers ($100/pair)
dayton 10'' subwoofer ($100)
some cheap sacd/dvda player($150)
plus speaker wire, power supply for T-amp..., $300.
all you need to do is sitting back and enjoy the music. For HT purpose,
please ignore this suggestion.
发帖数: 17
I want to enjoy surround sound at late night, any suggestion? need be able
to take optical input with DTS or DD, and output dolby headphone, either
full system or at least surround sound processor/amp, thanks.
发帖数: 2
Due to my summer intern in South San Francisco (SSF), I need to rent a room
in SSF for 2 and half months during the summer. If you have a room for
sublease, please email me by u******[email protected].
In addition, if you have any suggestions and/or information, please comment
too. I am totally new to SF area.
Thanks in advance.
发帖数: 558
来自主题: Investment版 - Need suggestion on 401K
why do you choose social index? it's for people who are into socially
responsible investing. basically the fund does not invest in companies such
tobaco, defence, etc. you have other socially "irresponsible" funds in your
portfolio and curiously choose FTSE social index among others.
i would choose vanguard explorer, an excellent small cap fund. it's actively
managed though. but i don't see an index option for small cap exposure.

发帖数: 1014
来自主题: Investment版 - Need suggestion on 401K
This maybe TMI for someone who just started, another consideration is tax
efficiency, the usual recommendation is to place REIT (if any), bond, small
cap in 401K/IRA, then total stock market (domestic or international), in
this order.
If you also plan to invest in taxable accounts, and still maintain 80/20
overall, you’d do more bond in 401K, not in taxable accounts.
If you chose FTSE for ideological reason, then good for you :) Otherwise
small cap tilt might make more monetary cents.

suggesti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 114
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Suggestions on GE group interview and Onsite?
标 题: Asking Help: Group interview and Onsite Re: GE interview experience
( Hope this will be helpful fo
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 15 19:49:51 2010, 美东)
Just call the manager today and he is arranging the group interview. And he
suggested me to allocate time for the onsite interview. It seems the group
interview will be similar to the first round of interview. Is this true?
Second question, how to prepare the onsite? It will take full day. It
includes one hour presentation.
Thanks in advance!
发帖数: 391
来自主题: JobHunting版 - suggestions to improve interview skills
Dear All:
Really frustrated with interview!!
Got more than 15 telephone interviews and more than 7 onsite. None of
them is successful. For some hiring agency, they are looking for the best (
this is the trend in our profession). For some, they hired Americans (they
exhausted every possible sources to do this).
I did make one technical mistake at one big company and did make clumsy
or wrong answers to some behavioral questions at another.
Do you all make some sort of mistakes with... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 391
来自主题: JobHunting版 - please give some suggestion
Dear XDJM:
Give me some suggestion. I once worked for a boss. Her expectation is a
kind of unusual. People around her told me that you need finish the 1st task
very quickly and excellently. However, the 1st task I got was to define the
theoretical concepts of her theory verbally (she came out with that theory
4-5 years ago. At that time, she used graph to define them). She wanted me
to finish within one week. (BTW, I majored in applied statistics.)
I left after 2-month stay. Very unpleas... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 142
来自主题: JobHunting版 - How to design google search suggestion?
Just auto complete suggestion, NOT google instant.
发帖数: 209
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 如何design google suggest
讨论一下如何design google suggest. 抛砖引玉。
我想基本的structure应该是trie + minheap.
First, we need to assume that popular search phases' search frequencies are
known. I think this can be achieved by map reduce easily, and the result is
stored at a database called DB.
Then, build a trie according to those popular search phases. Each node in
the trie has a pointer to a minHeap. The minHeap has a fixed size of 10.
Each node in minHeap stores a word and its frequency.
Suppose we want to insert a word craigslist int... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 103
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Any suggestion for Perl language book?
Good morning everyone! Need your suggestion to find out a good book for Perl
Language. Please do not hesitate to give me any recommendation. Your help
is highly appreciated. Thanks very much!
发帖数: 721
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 如何做 Keyword Suggestion
How is it implemented in the real word ?
Where is the suggestion list coming from ?
Dictionary ? User browse history (client side) or popular search of the day
from google plug-in on your bowser's tool bar ?
发帖数: 1655
来自主题: JobMarket版 - Any suggestion about 学历认证?
I need to get Chinese bachelor's 学历认证 as soon as possible. I'm in New
Could anyone suggest some good organization, please? Thanks!
发帖数: 54
I am first home buy without much experience. I contacted Chase, they said
their rate according to our credit score (which is excellent) is 5.125% for
30yrs and 4.625% for 15yrs and they also listed fees as follows. Are these
fees reasonable? Any suggestion on low rate mortgage bank? I am in CO.
Thanks lot
Loan Origination fee 1000
Appraisal fee
Tax Related Service 84
Application fee 395
Processing fee 399
Underwrinting fee 295
Courier Fee 25
发帖数: 48
来自主题: Living版 - 7/1 arm loan, suggestion?
We just bought a house and are working on the loan. Because LD likes to
change to a big house years later, we decide to chose 7/1 ARM. I am not very
sure if this is a smart idea or not because who knows what could happen 5
or 7 years later.
Any suggestions?
发帖数: 2504
We found one SFH. It was listed as 214,6000$, and yesterday it was listed as
a foreclosure. I have no idea about foreclosure houses. Its price right now
is 176,000.
Could any body give me some suggestions about this house? Do I have to pay
by cash? If I have to, how much do I have to pay after closing? Thanks so
发帖数: 2504
来自主题: Living版 - Any suggestions about the contract?!
Already gave an oral offer, and the seller's realtor asked us to go through
the contract this afternoon.I cannot understand why he already asked me for
the deposit and other information. Anyway, does anybody have any suggestions
about what buyers should pay attention to when signing the contract? Thanks
so much.
发帖数: 9308
来自主题: Living版 - Any suggestions about the contract?!
Contact your agent, he/she should be able to help you out.

发帖数: 2504
来自主题: Living版 - Any suggestions about the contract?!
Unfortunately, we donot have an agent. Maybe I should find one this
We will just take the contract back istead of signing.
Thanks for all your suggestions.
发帖数: 1509
来自主题: Living版 - suggestion needed
may buy a new construction home. please give me some suggestion and advice.
发帖数: 803
来自主题: Living版 - rice cooker size suggestion (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 shopping 讨论区 】
发信人: popomama (popomama), 信区: shopping
标 题: rice cooker size suggestion
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 20 16:33:14 2011, 美东)
I am planning to buy a Zijirushui (象印) rice cooker from one of the 3 low
end models(ZCC/TGC/WCC).
They have 5.5 cups and 10 cups, and we have only 2 people or at most 4
people when parents are here. Since there is only about $15 difference in
price, the 10 cup ones look more cost effective. But someone said if you don
't need big capacity, the smaller on... 阅读全帖
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