

全部话题 - 话题: suicided
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发帖数: 29846
More Americans now commit suicide than are killed in car crashes as
miserable economy takes its toll
Deaths from suicide up 15pc with fears more deaths go unaccounted
$56m suicide prevention plan being rolled out after shocking statistics
Harsher penalties for drink driving credited with reducing road deaths
By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 10:03 EST, 22 September 2012
Suicide is the cause of more deaths than car crashes, according to an
alarming new study.
The number of people w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
In light of the recent suicides of several Palo Alto teens, the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began an epidemiological study in
February 2016 that investigated previous youth suicide clusters. Last week,
the CDC released preliminary findings of their study, which revealed that
mental health problems, recent crises and problems at school were major
factors in the suicides of the 232 youths throughout Santa Clara County the
CDC investigated.
The CDC’s research revealed that 46 pe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: flyingpie (pie), 信区: Parenting
标 题: CDC releases preliminary findings on Palo Alto suicide clusters
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 16 21:53:31 2017, 美东)
In light of the recent suicides of several Palo Alto teens, the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began an epidemiological study in
February 2016 that investigated previous youth suicide clusters. Last week,
the CDC released preliminary findings of their study, which revealed that
mental health problems, re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16963
Just a quick refresher course 'lest we forget' what has happened to many "
friends" of the Clintons.
1- James McDougal - Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an
apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness
in Ken Starr's investigation.
2 - Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a
Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder happened just after she
was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
3 -... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 46
FoxConn, which at last count had well over 1 million workers and rising,
appears to have had enough of being the global electronic gadget sweatshop,
and as the Telegraph reports, saw its workers threaten with mass suicides
unless working conditions are not improved. "Around 150 Chinese workers at
Foxconn, the world's largest electronics manufacturer, threatened to commit
suicide by leaping from their factory roof in protest at their... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 46
FoxConn, which at last count had well over 1 million workers and rising,
appears to have had enough of being the global electronic gadget sweatshop,
and as the Telegraph reports, saw its workers threaten with mass suicides
unless working conditions are not improved. "Around 150 Chinese workers at
Foxconn, the world's largest electronics manufacturer, threatened to commit
suicide by leaping from their factory roof in protest at their... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 249
Suicide and the Young Physician
By Alexandra Sowa McPartland
Graduating from medical school and starting residency training should be one
of the most exciting times in a physician’s career. Instead, for two newly
-minted New York City doctors, who ended their lives within a week of each
other this summer, this period marked a morbid end. They represent a tragic
and rarely discussed phenomenon in the medical profession: Doctors commit
suicide at a rate more than twice the national average. Eve... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4957
来自主题: _BibleStudy版 - discuss: can suicider go to heaven?
to make the discuss easier, here are the key points:
1. is suicide a sin?
2. is suicide a sin that is greater than God's grace and cannot be covered
by His salvation?
3. Is it possible for a real Christian commit suicide, under some certain
circumstances? Or a real Christian will never commit suicide? Any one who
commit suicide is a fake believer?
4. how should we treat those suicider? should we lable them as sinner and
keep as far away as we can to show we are much holier than them? Or should
发帖数: 39120
北京时间7月17日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国老牌摇滚乐团Suicide的主唱阿兰-维嘉(Alan Vega)已于当地时间7月16日去世,享年七十八岁。
阿兰-维嘉去世的消息是由前黑旗乐队(Black Flag)的核心人物亨利-罗林斯(Henry Rollins)对外公布的,在罗林斯的个人官方网站上,他分享了一份由阿兰-维嘉的家人发布的声明。
在上世纪七十年代初期,阿兰-维嘉与马丁-莱夫(Martin Rev)一同组建了Suicide乐队,他们创造出了一种前所未有无法归类的音乐风格。两人对抗性十足的现场表演比后来的朋克摇滚早了很多。Suicide乐队的首张同名专辑是美国摇滚音乐历史上最有挑战性最值得关注的成就之一。在Pitchfork评出的七十年代最伟大唱片排行榜上,这张专辑排在第三十九位。此外,滚石杂志还将这张唱片列入了历史上最伟大的五百张唱片中。
Suicide创作出的那种有侵略性的合成器摇滚乐影响了日后一... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
NJ weighs new bullying laws after Rutgers suicide
FILE - In this Oct. 3, 2010 file photo, people participate in a candlelight
vigil for Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi at Brower Commons on AP
– FILE - In this Oct. 3, 2010 file photo, people participate in a
candlelight vigil for Rutgers University …
By GEOFF MULVIHILL, Associated Press Writer Geoff Mulvihill, Associated
Press Writer – 2 hrs 42 mins ago
TRENTON, N.J. – New Jersey lawmakers introduced an "anti-bullying bill of
rights" M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17225
Two suicide bombers killed nine other people and wounded 30 on Friday near a
camp in northern Cameroon housing civilians displaced by Nigeria's Boko
Haram militants, the region's governor and other officials said.
The bombers - both men - entered the town of Kolofata, around 10 kilometers
(6 miles) from the border with Nigeria, before dawn on Friday, posing as
refugees looking for food before the start of the daytime fast for Ramadan.
"Once among the population, they detonated their explosives, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Perkins Blames Suicides on Gay Community
Posted on Advocate.com October 13, 2010
Perkins Blames Suicides on Gay Community
By Advocate.com Editors
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins recognized National Coming
Out Day by blaming recent youth suicides on the gay community in an online
column for The Washington Post.
In the Post’sOn Faith blog, Perkins wrote that the “homosexual movement”
was responsible for creating a sense of despair that drives some gay people
to suicide.
“Some homosexuals may re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Perkins Blames Suicides on Gay Community
Posted on Advocate.com October 13, 2010
Mom Counters Perkins on Suicides
Sirdeaner Walker, whose son Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover killed himself in 2009
at age 11 after being subjected to bullying and antigay taunts, has an
essay in The Washington Post’s On Faith blog countering assertions made by
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins in the forum Monday, blaming
gay activism for suicides by young people.
“Mr. Perkins’ tactic, and that of others like him, is to use faith and
religion to d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
A new survey of more than 7,000 trans people in the US says that 41 per cent
have tried to kill themselves.
The research, carried out by the National Center for Transgender Equality
and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, also found than 19 per cent had
been refused medical care because of their trans status.
Twenty-eight per cent said they had experience harassment in hospitals or
doctors’ surgeries, while two per cent said they had been violently
assaulted in medical settings.
Half of tho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
June 16, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
A young Maryland boy named Joshua Eisner, 14, committed suicide early in
June. He used a reproduction civil war era black powder rifle to do it. Now
his father is launching an ill-advised and unnecessary drive to force more
gun laws on Marylanders, pushing an idea he wants called “Joshua’s law.”
According to his obituary, young Joshua was interested in music and history,
the latter being why he owned the old-style firearm. News reports say that
he left no no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
ISIS Video Portrays Preparation for Times Square Suicide Bombing
An official media affiliate of the Islamic State released a new video this
weekend praising the Orlando attack, calling for similar attacks in multiple
languages and portraying a suicide bomber striking Times Square.
Titled "You Are Not Held Responsible Except for Yourself," the Al-Furat
Media Foundation release was distributed online with a promotional banner
featuring President Obama, Omar Mateen and scenes from the previous week... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Medicine版 - Suicide Prevention in Japan
Martin Fackler, At Japanese Cliffs, a Campaign to Combat Suicide . New York
Times, Dec. 18, 2009.
Japan is "one of the world’s most suicide-prone nations. * * * The World
Health Organization says that people in Japan are now almost three times as
likely to kill themselves as are Americans.
"But the main cause [of Japan's high suicide rate], they say, is the nation
’s long economic decline. Suicides
发帖数: 1536
Push to achieve tied to suicide in Asian-American women
POSTED: 8:45 p.m. EDT, May 16, 2007
Story Highlights• Suicide second-leading cause of death for Asian-
American women 15-24
• Highest suicide rate among women of any race, ethnicity for that age
• Experts cite "model minority" expectations, family pressures as
By Elizabeth Cohen
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- One evening in 1990, Eliza Noh hung up
发帖数: 472
Push to achieve tied to suicide in Asian-American women
· Suicide second-leading cause of death for Asian-American women 15-24
· Highest suicide rate among women of any race, ethnicity for that age
· Experts cite "model minority" expectations, family pressures as factors
By Elizabeth Cohen
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- One evening in 1990, Eliza Noh hung up the phone
with her sister.
Disturbed about the conversation, Noh immedi
发帖数: 189
【 以下文字转载自 WorldNews 讨论区 】
发信人: jacowtg12108 (TG GO GO GO), 信区: WorldNews
标 题: College on edge after recent wave of student suicides
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 18 21:21:40 2010, 北京)
A wave of suicides at Cornell University in the past two semesters is a "
public health crisis," the school's mental health initiatives director said.
"We are not out of the woods yet," Timothy Marchell said of the school in
Ithaca, in upstate New York.
The Ithaca Polic
发帖数: 189
A wave of suicides at Cornell University in the past two semesters is a "
public health crisis," the school's mental health initiatives director said.
"We are not out of the woods yet," Timothy Marchell said of the school in
Ithaca, in upstate New York.
The Ithaca Police Department reported four student suicides during the fall
2009 semester, and at least two over the last two months.
In February, a freshman jumped off a bridge over one of the a
发帖数: 1461
Toyota to Investigate Prius Following Second Hollywood Suicide
Toyota Motor Corp. announced today it had launched a full-scale
investigation into its line of Prius vehicles following the recent suicides
of Hollywood filmmakers Tony Scott and Brian Gerber, both of whom drove the
company's popular hybrid.
According to Toyota, the investigation will affect thousands of Prius
vehicles driven by members of the Hollywood community, where the hybrid is
de rigueur among its environmentally correct citiz... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3882
'Craigslist Killer' Philip Markoff Commits Suicide
Philip Markoff Faced Charges in Killing of Masseuse
Aug. 15, 2010
Philip Markoff, the Boston University medical student dubbed the "Craigslist
Killer" after he allegedly went on a murderous crime and gambling spree,
committed suicide today in jail, officials said.
Forensic psychiatrist Michae
发帖数: 581
来自主题: Georgia版 - Athens Police Investigate Murder-suicide
A black male shot his girlfriend dead 1 mi from UGA campus and
committed suicide later 10 mi away in Oglethorpe County.
Athens Police Investigate Murder-suicide
Updated: Thursday, 05 Nov 2009, 6:55 PM EST
Published : Thursday, 05 Nov 2009, 3:20 PM EST
Edited By: Leigha Baugham | myfoxatlanta.com
ATHENS, Ga. (AP) - Athens-Clarke police are investigating a murder-
suicide that started with a woman’s body found in a parked car about a
mile from the University of Georgia campus.
The s
发帖数: 7881
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was likely steered into the sea intentionally,
by its own captain, in a pre-planned mass murder-suicide, a new report
In an exclusive story posted online Friday, New York magazine says that the
plane’s captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, “conducted a simulated flight deep
into the remote southern Indian ocean less than a month before the plane
vanished under uncannily similar circumstances.”
The story cites as its source a confidential document from the Malaysian
p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2248
来自主题: Football版 - Terrell Owens suicide attempt
Terrell Owens was rushed to the hospital in early October due to a suicide
The 911 dispatcher asked Owens' personal assistant if the pill overdose was
a suicide attempt. The response was, "Yes, I believe so." T.O. was
reportedly talking with his girlfriend or ex-girlfriend prior to the
incident, a possible cause. T.O. was hospitalized for a similar incident
five years ago amid reports that he attempted suicide by swallowing 35
Vicodin pills. His reps have declined comment on TMZ's repor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Psychology版 - Suicide and Motherhood: Negative Correlation
Moms less likely to commit suicide: Study. Canwest, Mar. 22, 2010.
("The more children a mother has, the less likely she is to take her own
life, according to a new study published Monday in the Canadian Medical
Association Journal.")
Note: The report is based on
Chun-Yuh Yang, Association between parity and risk of suicide among parous
women. Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), "Published online a
发帖数: 12
来自主题: Military版 - China makes 'suicide squad' claim
不过提了一句话"Mr Wu's comments mark a dramatic increase in the seriousness
of the accusations against Tibetans and, by extension, the Dalai Lama, the
head of Tibetan Buddhism." 看来他们也知道如果这些指控属实的话有多严重.
China claims that Tibetan "independence forces" are planning to launch
suicide attacks as part of a wider uprising to establish an independent
Public Security Ministry spokesman Wu Heping said these suicid
发帖数: 6973
Noah Schachtman, Drones’ Suicidal Cousins Lead Libya Attack. Danger Room,
Wired, Mar 21, 2011.
(Block IV)
(a) The "gen" in "next-gen" is "generation."
(b) waypoint (n): "an intermediate point on a route or line of travel"
(c) schwack (v): "HIT"
But I do not know what language it is.
(d) The last paragraph states, "The X-51a aircraft is designed to test
technologies for a next-gen cruise missile." Well, Boeing X-5... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
Suicide bomber kills at least 52, mostly women, kids in Pakistan park
A suicide bomber killed at least 52 people, mostly women and children, at a
public park in the Pakistani city of Lahore on Sunday, government officials
and police said, striking at the heart of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's
political base of Punjab.
The blast occurred in the parking area of Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park, a few feet (
m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6601
JUNE 20, 201612 COMMENTS
This is the second public suicide of a half-Asian in one month.
Imagine if something was true: i.e., that half-Asians are born from Asian
women who believed Asian men to be inferior, that integration was integral
to a life of happiness, and give birth to half Asian sons who get bullied,
consistently reminded by their own immediate families of their low self
worth, and yet people refused to admit this could potentially be disastrous
for their young sons because it would m... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
【 以下文字转载自 Comment 俱乐部 】
发信人: CornucopiaX (小土豆), 信区: Comment
标 题: How to commit American moral suicide?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 25 14:31:17 2017, 美东)
I think what I am doing is moral suicide.
发帖数: 217
Democrats aren't suicidal. They're self-executing
By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent
March 15, 2010
It's not every day you hear a sentence like this on the House floor: "Madam
Speaker…they are hiding behind blooming algae as they twist arms and try to
work their backroom deals."
Those words were spoken by Rep. David Dreier, the ranking Republican on the
House Rules Committee, and
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - Murdoch说胖州长是suicide bomber
Conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch on Wednesday called Republican
presidential candidate Chris Christie a “suicide bomber” for his hit-and-
run attack on rival Marco Rubio.
“Chris Christie, suicide bomber,” Murdoch said in a tweet. “Damages
victim while blowing himself up!”
发帖数: 4860
Charles Krauthammer said that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) "blew it" at the
Republican National Convention with his address in which he did not endorse
Donald Trump.
"What Cruz delivered was the longest suicide note in American political
history and this morning he added an addendum," said Krauthammer.
Krauthammer weighed in on America's Newsroom this morning after Cruz spoke
to Texas delegates (som... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Charles is a thoughtful commentator
[在 MVPYao (退役了 | Hall of Famer) 的大作中提到:]
:Charles Krauthammer said that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) "blew it" at the
:Republican National Convention with his address in which he did not endorse
Donald Trump.
:"What Cruz delivered was the longest suicide note in American political
:history and this morning he added an addendum," said Krauthammer.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7948
By msnbc.com staff
PFGBest has frozen its customers’ accounts after an apparent suicide
attempt by its owner Russell R. Wasendorf Sr. and a report from an industry
group that one-half of customer funds at the Iowa-based trading company are
Late Monday, the National Futures Association (NFA), which regulates the
futures industry, said it has taken an emergency enforcement action against
Peregrine Financial Group, the parent ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7397
February 19, 2010
Tax Law Was Cited in Software Engineer’s Suicide Note
In his suicide note, the computer software engineer who flew a small plane
into a building with Internal Revenue Service offices in Texas on Thursday
cited a 1986 tax law as a major motivation for his action.
The law, known as Section 1706 of the 1986 Tax Reform Act, made it extremely
difficult for information technology professionals to work as self-employed
individuals, forcing most to become company
发帖数: 10425
A soap actor killed himself this week on his 47th birthday ... hours after
he was forced to put his beloved dog to sleep under pressure from his
Manhattan condo.
According to the NY Post the building had a ban on pit-bulls, but Nick
Santino's dog had been grandfathered in ... which didn't sit well will some
of the neighbors. Some claimed the dog was loud and aggressive, but others
said building management was just harassing Santino... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7881
来自主题: NewYork版 - financial professional suicides
A 28-year old Manhattan investment banker has died after an apparent suicide
, police sources said.
Kenneth Bellando, who worked at Levy Capital since January, was found dead
on the sidewalk outside his East Side building on March 12, after allegedly
jumping from the sixth-story roof, sources said.
Bellando, a former investment bank analyst at JPMorgan, is the son of John
Bellando, chief operating officer and chief financial officer at Condé Nast
. His brother, John, a top Chief Investment Offic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 222
来自主题: SanDiego版 - Suicide Draws Attention to Gay Bullying
我给你个权威的数据吧。gay teenage的自杀率是其他的4倍, 美国政府的报告。
A U.S. government study, titled Report of the Secretary's Task Force on
Youth Suicide, published in 1989, found that LGBT youth are four times more
likely to attempt suicide than other young people.[3]
发帖数: 222
来自主题: SanDiego版 - Suicide Draws Attention to Gay Bullying
Students who described themselves as gay, lesbian, or bisexual were
significantly more likely than their peers to
report attacks, suicide attempts and drug and alcohol use. When compared to
peers, this group was:
¾ over four times more likely to have attempted suicide in the past
¾ over three times more likely to miss school in the past month because
of feeling unsafe
¾ over four times more likely to have been in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2651
By Ian Bauer
Milpitas Post
Posted: 02/18/2011 01:07:11 PM PST
Updated: 02/18/2011 01:07:13 PM PST
An apparent home invasion robbery Thursday led to a foot pursuit and suicide
attempt near the KB Home Terra Serena residential complex west of South
Abel Street, according to Milpitas Police Department reports.
At about 8:30 a.m., officers responded to a report of a home invasion
robbery on Vida Larga Loop near Cielo Lindo Commo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1837
来自主题: Utah版 - 周末hiking汇报 -- Suicide Rock
Suicide Rock:
Suicide Rock这个名字挺不好听,据说是原来印第安人因为有美女从上面跳下来殉情而
起的。这块花花绿绿的大石头就在Parleys Canyon口上I215边上,估计大伙开车的时候
Parleys Canyon:
这块石头可以从Bonneville Shoreline Trail上过去,夏天的时候无数的人骑车在上面
锻炼。这条路走到头就绕到了Parleys Canyon的对面,Wasatch Dr.的尽头。从这里可
以上到Grandeur Peak。我们往上爬了一点,正好看山谷里的日落:
看完日落回家,路上碰到响尾蛇一条,blazing star一朵:
发帖数: 2248
来自主题: Football版 - Terrell Owens suicide attempt
Terrell Owens' representative disputes a report that the free agent tried to
commit suicide when he was hospitalized on Oct. 6."The facts are that [T.O.
's assistant] arrived at his home that evening after he had already taken a
sleeping aid to fall asleep. He was unresponsive because of this," said the
rep. "Unaware he had taken a sleeping aid prior to her arrival, his
assistant became concerned and decided to call 911." This is the second time
in five years that Owens and his reps have denied ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21566
Facebook Offers Tools for Those Who Fear a Friend May Be Suicidal
发帖数: 550
【 以下文字转载自 Ohio 讨论区 】
发信人: harley7788 (生活就是MOVE ON), 信区: Ohio
标 题: Chinese student at University of Dayton committ suicide.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 1 11:30:58 2010, 美东)
My dear fellows,
This morning I was told that my friend, Chenghong Jiao, a first-year
Chinese graduate student in Electro-Optics Program at University of
Dayton, OH, committed suicide yesterday. He killed himself because of
depression. I don't, and don't want to know the details. I burst into
tears when I heard of the news and
发帖数: 17566
来自主题: PsychoAnalysis版 - Suicide: Helping Someone At Risk(2)
Suicide: Helping Someone At Risk - Responding to a cry for help(2)
*Developments that signal increased risk
If any of the following development have occurred, you need to take the
possibility of someone hurting him or herself even more seriously.
(1) Threats - Take any verbal statements that imply suicidal threat
seriously. Here are examples of comments that should worry you:"I don't want
to be here any more,"" no one would miss me,"or"I might as well end it.""If
one more thing happens to me..."
发帖数: 17566
来自主题: PsychoAnalysis版 - Suicide: Helping Someone At Risk(3)
Suicide: Helping Someone At Risk - Responding to a cry for help(3)
*What to do instead:
(1)Listen - Don't succumb to the myth that people who talk about suicide
will not do it. Show that you take the person's feelings seriously by
letting him or her talk about what is on his or her mind.Tell this person
that he or she is not alone and that you want to help. Let the person know
that you care about how they're suffering. Try conveying the idea that "I
can see that you're hurting a lot. I want you
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