f*********n 发帖数: 11154 | 1 From CareerBuilder.com:
Résumés are tricky: If done well, they can put you in the running for a
job; if done poorly, they end up in the hiring manager's recycling bin. They
should be easy since you're just talking about yourself. No one knows your
work history, qualifications and skills better than you. Unfortunately, they
are hard work.
Making years of experience fit on one or two pages is no easy task. Yet,
while there is no one way to craft the perfect résumé, there are some
moves guaranteed |
s*******e 发帖数: 1630 | 2 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: simprince (Yu), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: lump sum relocation是随便怎么花都可以?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 21 09:22:44 2013, 美东)
公司给的offer中,relocation可以选择lump sum,说是给一张prepaid card,不用我
?会被认为和relocation无关吗? |
l***j 发帖数: 3977 | 3 Relocation policy 看的我想死
lump sum 不是想怎么用都行嘛 怎么还规定
Home Finding:One trip totaling four days three nights for employee.
Temporary Living:Up to 30 calendar days. 已经问了 这些花费不给报销 我住40天
然后还给几千allowance 和lump sum有啥区别? |
c***p 发帖数: 251 | 4 不知道你是在Durham 那家还是在Cary 吃的,我半年前在Durham 那家好像叫香港楼(
也许记错了名字),85 附近。也是朋友介绍说好,结果很失望。 全餐厅就一个steam
cart 来回推,半天也不到你的桌边来, 好不容易等来了, 大多都卖完了没多少选择
了。点了个虾肠粉,等了二十多分钟。 到是两个小墨推甜点经常在附近转,一声高一
声低的叫着“第汁”很好玩。问到里面是什么馅,全都不知道。到是有一个优点, 都
比Cary 的 Neo Asia (原来叫Neo- China)便宜点。要吃Dim Sum 还是攒足了去加州和
另外, 有最近去过Cary Neo Asia 吃过Dim Sum 的交流一下吧。 谢谢。 |
s*******d 发帖数: 56 | 5 我OFFER的一个房子在PEACHTREE CORNERS,发现有Redon Reduction System.不过好像
安装的不合乎要求而且风扇也不转。SELLER 没有提这个问题。不知道他不知道还是怎
有房的朋友们对这个怎么看?安装个合格的Redon Reduction System就行了吗?对
还有地下室安了SUM PUMP,可能以前水进来过。现在修了SUM PUMP,INSPECTOR说修的
这房子本来挺喜欢的。有一面是LP的WOOD SIDING,不过还没太差。局部要几块换
谢谢了 |
h*******8 发帖数: 1217 | 6 谁家晚上还有Dim sum啊?去机场接人,晚上4-5pm才能到。想去吃Dim sum,谢谢推荐
。 |
P**********r 发帖数: 61 | 7 Thanks for the info.
I went to 福临门 (the one at Convoy) last week. It's ok, not very
impressive and the service was pretty slow. Even with the promotion going
on (all dim sums charged at the small dish's price regardless), it's still $
2.6 per dish. I feel it's on the quite expensive side in terms of dim sum.
What about other places you guys recommend above? |
w*********1 发帖数: 112 | 8 要搬走,给老师送了个纪念礼物,后来老师发信来请吃饭,说可以一起a dim sum
lunch或者dinner。 这个dim sum luncn是什么意思?
谢谢 |
mt 发帖数: 211 | 9 只有下午3点前,不管大中小和厨点,特点,统一价格$2.5一份。3点后要自己看着Dim
的菜。个人觉得Dim Sum好吃些。 |
t*******g 发帖数: 465 | 11 【 以下文字转载自 DC 俱乐部 】
发信人: tweliying (you belong with me), 信区: DC
标 题: 大家推荐一下周围的dim sum吧
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 14 20:07:05 2009, 美东)
MD VA DC 都可以
下周二有个invited speaker要来,此人酷爱dim sum
多谢多谢! |
h****r 发帖数: 258 | 12 《灭绝总动员》(The Sum of All Fears):今天你核恐了吗?
所未有的真实再现在银幕上:《灭绝总动员》(The Sum of All Fears)。
Wait a minute! 让矫情的描述暂停,让俺轻松一下先!(谁说深沉很好玩?)看到这里
那“如花”似的经典动作,KAO!全世界倒了五分之四的人口,唯独英勇的中国 |
e******e 发帖数: 10121 | 13 分期可以多拿30%吧?
想要lump sum的心理都是反正钱太多了,无穷大减一半也是无穷大。。。。:)
分期拿款貌似20年不到就赶上lump sum 拿的了。话说真这么多钱可能对公司产业有用
大奖的买买好了。。。:) |
l**k 发帖数: 45267 | 14 这个lump sum基本是按照3.5%利息算的,也就是说你如果很自律,把lump sum绝大部分
么多种大奖的没有一个分期领的。但问题是绝大部分中奖的都不会自律,很快就花花掉了 |
f**d 发帖数: 1952 | 15 用SUM能将同一列中的数加起来,得出总数。但用SUM能不能将同一行不同列中的数加起
谢谢! |
B*****g 发帖数: 34098 | 16 主要是处理不是number的比较烦,oracle 11g写了一个,纯属娱乐
DBMS_XMLGEN.getxml ('SELECT 1, ''2'', ''3.0'', '' 4.2 '',
sysdate, ''abcd'' FROM DUAL'
) myxml
FROM tmp a,
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(TRIM(v), '^[0-9]\d{0,2}(\.\d{1,2})?%?$')
... 阅读全帖 |
f**d 发帖数: 1952 | 17 谢谢!因为题目里有个用SUM的提示,所以就一直想着用SUM了。 |
z***e 发帖数: 14 | 18 I saw a similar post in this board, and recalled my recent interview
experience. Got this question in Amazon interview. Although I failed, it is
still a good one.
My answer:
1. Create a hash table to store all integers in this array. O(n)
2. For each int, look for sum - int in the created hash tree. Since hash
tree is the fastest look-up table, we can take advantage from it. n*O(1)
3. So this is O(n) algorithm.
Then the guy gave me the array 1, 2, 10, 20, sum is 2. My answer will return
true obv |
e*****m 发帖数: 320 | 19 \[\begin{cases}
\sum_{i=1}^n f_i=1
放在SUM号的上面和下面,谢谢! |
m*******r 发帖数: 3 | 20 det(Z*Z') == sum(Z.^2)
Z*Z' == sum(Z.^2)
just don't understand why? Any intuitive explanation? |
m*******s 发帖数: 3142 | 21 Let I be a nonempty set and {x_l}l∈I an indexed collection of nonegative
real numbers, that is, x_l≥0 for each l∈I ,Define
\sum_{l\in I}x_l=sup \left \{\sum_{l\in F}x_l: F finite, F\subset I \right
where each sum in the set on the right is the ordinary sum of a finite
collection of real numbers
Show that if \sum_{l\in I}x_l<\infty, then {l∈I:x_l>0} is countable.
这题看起来好像很显然,但是我说不清理由,请大家说说证明关键的地方。 |
k***e 发帖数: 556 | 22 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: krone (krone), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 讨论个subarray sum的变种问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 29 09:27:08 2009, 美东)
input: a circular array
output: a subvector of the array that has max sum
1. take any element as the leader and break the circle into one dimensional
array a[1:n]. use the classical method to get the maxsum subvector
2. we did not consider the case that the maxsum subvector in the circle
passes a[1]. in the next step we will fig |
o******6 发帖数: 538 | 23 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
lihao (思君) 于 (Wed Feb 13 10:12:51 2008) 提到:
data aa;
input id var1 var2;
001 1 1
002 1 2
003 3 4
I want to calculate the var1 sum of all 3 cases.
please help! thanks!
lihao (思君) 于 (Wed Feb 13 10:22:40 2008) 提到:
wuhuya (wuhuya) 于 (Wed Feb 13 11:27:47 2008) 提到:
to many ways to do this. just listed two of them
1. proc means data=aa;
var var1;
o |
s***1 发帖数: 343 | 24 一下是题。要求用sum求解。请教各位大侠,谢谢~
You will note that some years are missing. You may interpret that two teams
won the national championship in the same year. Assign the missing year
with the year above in the data. You may use sum statement. Do NOT use a
year constant to do this. Do this in the same DATA step.
part of the data portion:
1947 Notre Dame 9-0-0 Frank Leahy
Michigan 10-0-0 Fritz Crisler
1948 Michigan 9-0-0 Bennie Oosterbaan
1949 Notre |
c*******7 发帖数: 2506 | 25 SCORE was defined as a numeric array/
I want to sum some of the elements of the array, like
but it did not work.
How should I modify it?
Thanks. |
J******m 发帖数: 97 | 26 I tried this:
data a;
input id id_2 id_3 payment;
1 2 6 1
1 2 6 0
2 3 8 2
2 3 8 2
proc sort data=a;
by id id_2 id_3;
proc means data=a noprint;
var payment;
by id id_2 id_3;
output out=sumhays sum=;
proc print data=sumhays;
it seems it sum for me, however, in the result table, it does not display ID
_2 AND ID_3.
Can anyone help? what I need :
id id_2 id_3 payment
1 ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 27 Best Buy
The Sum of All Fears:
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/The Sum of All Fears - Widescreen Dubbed Subtitle AC3 - Blu-ray Disc/8905571.p?id=62969&skuId=8905571&st=DOTD_112111&lp=1&cp=1
Patriot Games:
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Patriot Games - Widescreen Dubbed Subtitle AC3 - Blu-ray Disc/8905456.p?id=48037&skuId=8905456&st=DOTD_112111&lp=2&cp=1
Clear and Present Danger:
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Clear and Present Danger - Widescreen Dubbed Subtitle AC3 - Blu-ray Disc/8905438.p?id=59999&skuId... 阅读全帖 |
M******O 发帖数: 209 | 28 春节就要来了,我打算在附近买点DIM SUM, 回家开PARTY, 春节的PARTY。 =)
神通广大的各位可以给我推荐1,2个DIM SUM做得好的地方吗? 最好是可以PICK-UP
最少也推荐早茶里几个好吃的东西吧,英文名字的哦。。 |
v*********u 发帖数: 10464 | 30 以后应该用dianxin而非dim sum
哈哈哈哈哈哈 |
I******c 发帖数: 245 | 31 some Chinese support Chinese
some Chinese hate Chinese
in sum Chinese are zero to your life. |
B*****t 发帖数: 820 | 32 爷撸的本科sum laude,扑林私吞的博士,正宗蓝血名门出身,怎么结果被贬到lubbock
有出路的三鸽三姐小黄人,一群三流屁挨着地,不知心理作何感慨。 |
l****o 发帖数: 5435 | 33 你找dim sum 吃不就是找shit 吃么
不过湾区都是质次价高。我早就说了 |
x********0 发帖数: 85 | 34 【 以下文字转载自 ChinaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: xiaxie2010 (xiaxie), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: The Sum of All Fears in 2009
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Feb 7 07:33:38 2009)
下面本虾提到的这些worst-case scenario绝对不可能全部发生,但应该引起我们的警惕.
1) 华北冬旱持续,变为春旱,造成40%冬小麦绝收,使得全国小麦产量下降36%,全国粮食
2) 旱灾过后是蝗灾,水灾过后是畜禽疫病,禽流感H5N1广泛流行,和高致病性链球菌共同
3) 中国东北-西南走向的主地震带上再发生一到两次7级以上大地震(类似于1975-1976
4) 世界经济进一步衰退,对工业品的需求锐减,中国出口继续大幅度下降,返乡农民工由
2000万激增 |
x********0 发帖数: 85 | 35 【 以下文字转载自 ChinaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: xiaxie2010 (xiaxie), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: The Sum of All Fears in 2009
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Feb 7 07:33:38 2009)
下面本虾提到的这些worst-case scenario绝对不可能全部发生,但应该引起我们的警惕.
1) 华北冬旱持续,变为春旱,造成40%冬小麦绝收,使得全国小麦产量下降36%,全国粮食
2) 旱灾过后是蝗灾,水灾过后是畜禽疫病,禽流感H5N1广泛流行,和高致病性链球菌共同
3) 中国东北-西南走向的主地震带上再发生一到两次7级以上大地震(类似于1975-1976
4) 世界经济进一步衰退,对工业品的需求锐减,中国出口继续大幅度下降,返乡农民工由
2000万激增 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 36 March 23, 2013 Posted by David Robertson
Here is an excerpt from a 03/22/13 news story published by the Detroit Free
The Rev. Jesse Jackson joined the fight against Detroit’s emergency
financial manager on Friday, calling for mass, nonviolent protest in the
city to fend off what he called an attack on residents’ voting rights.
Jackson and several other opponents to an EFM pledged to file a lawsuit
next week challenging the constitutionality of Michigan’s new emergency
manager la... 阅读全帖 |
a******e 发帖数: 36306 | 38 groupon local deal, $11 for stir-fry plus Dim Sum combo |
r*****6 发帖数: 5063 | 39 where is the group deal?
Dim Sum King in Houson at Welcome supermarket square is so good.
They have many kinds of 点心. I go over there for breakfast whenever I go to
Houston. |
W**r 发帖数: 1492 | 40 Dim Sum是广东话点心的英文谐音,老美听多了就这样叫了,属于外来语。 |
D****9 发帖数: 10889 | 41 请问一下什么是dim sum?
是包子油条吗? |
l******a 发帖数: 1356 | 42 co wen ,what is dim sum? |
h*******a 发帖数: 1058 | 43 穷学生没东西 连搬家公司的minimum都到不了
请问relocation package可以改成lump sum么
如果可以 这个该接受offer前叫dean写好白纸黑字在offer上
还是该接受offer后跟hr谈? |
m**********w 发帖数: 4161 | 44 http://jobfunctions.bnet.com/abstract.aspx?docid=73682
A Monte Carlo simulation model is developed to help an investor decide
between a lump-sum (LS) investment strategy and a dollar-cost averaging (DCA
) investment strategy. Simulation provides the investor with a more complete
picture of the risk-return trade-offs associated with an investment’s
outcome. Results indicate no clear advantage of a DCA over an LS strategy
and question the validity of the claim that DCA delivers superior returns
fo |
t*m 发帖数: 4414 | 46 Say I got 6w cash want to invest long-term (e.g. 20 years)
, and like to buy some stock funds/etf, e.g VEIPX, VIG and VBK
should I
(1) lump sum the 6w to these high risk funds
or (2) load the money to a balanced fund (more stable), eg. VWINX, then move
the money into
stock index funds using dollar-cost-averaging (say in 20 months)?
which way better?
Thanks! |
k***e 发帖数: 556 | 47 input: a circular array
output: a subvector of the array that has max sum
1. take any element as the leader and break the circle into one dimensional
array a[1:n]. use the classical method to get the maxsum subvector
2. we did not consider the case that the maxsum subvector in the circle
passes a[1]. in the next step we will figure out the maxsum subvector that
passes a[1], suppose it is a[n - i:j].
3. claim: a[j+1:n-i-1] is the minsum subvector of a[1:n]. beca |
w********p 发帖数: 948 | 48 code is here, I run it simply, it looks good
O(n) for running time, and O(1) for space
using namespace std;
int SumKMember(int iArray[],int startIndex, int endIndex, int sum);
int main (int argc, char *args[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
cout<<"comment line: a.exe number\n";
return 0;
int k=atoi(args[1]);
//n is the array size
int maxSum=-99999999;
int iArray[] = {1, 2 , 4 , -3, 5 ,2};
int n = sizeof( iArray) /sizeof |
H*M 发帖数: 1268 | 49 原楼主的方法好像是对的
没想到有什么不妥的地方。 好像也能用同样的方法算minconsum.. |
w********p 发帖数: 948 | 50 俺嘬觉得O(1)space 还是可以的
1。 先说说普通non-circle array. 可以用非dynamic programing O(n)runing time,
O(1) space 。 关键是sum<0时,就drop, goto next
2. circle array, 向楼上说的在负数那段开,记住当前maxSum开始的 index,
计算到end of array 时继续,一直到one element before 当前maxSum开始的 index
ex1: -3, 5, 2, 1, 4, => 一只计算到5, 2, 1, 4, -3 got solution 5, 2, 1 , 4
ex2: −2, 1, −3, 4, −1, 2, 1, −2, 4 => 当前maxSum开始
4, −1, 2, 1, −2, 4, -2, 1, -3 got solution 4, -1, 2, 1, -2, 4 |