

全部话题 - 话题: supercondu
发帖数: 3
If you know the history that how hard it is that people
tried to increase Tc. You could understand it. C60 has very
unique structure and needs some special condition and lab
to make it. MgB_2 is just some material everyone can find.
Since people have gone so low temperature to test every
material properties, how could one miss it?
【 在 fiber (小纤) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 3
Sorry, Not now, no official reporting until now.
A professor in Japan found it. A research group in US has
confirmed it. Some research group is heading for to confirm
it. The rough chemical structure has identified. Moreover,
the isotopic effect is also proved, which mean this is a
conventional BCS superconductor.
I think this will be a great news in this year's coming
Match meeting of APS.