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发帖数: 5172
来自主题: ebiz版 - [合集] sales tax vs use tax
NeoEgg (喝凉水都塞牙) 于 (Mon Jul 20 16:55:37 2009, 美东) 提到:
发信人: eastfire (曾经的你), 信区: StartUp
标 题: Re: eastfire,能否告诉你的关于charge 税的帖子是哪一篇,想好
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 20 15:05:15 2009, 美东)
销售税包括两部分:sales tax +use tax,两者rate完全一样。很多人可能不知道use
tax。设立use tax的目的是为了均衡out of state自动不加sale tax的情况。这种情况
下虽然没有sales tax但是要付同等的use tax,所以结果一样。
比如你在加州,从纽约买进产品,这是不加sales tax的,因为卖家没有在加州注册,
没法charge你sales tax,但是你必须claim use tax
发帖数: 395
After Tax也是traditional 401k的一种?
Contributions Per Pay Period
Before-Tax (0% - 25%)
Roth 401(k) (0% - 25%)
After-Tax (0% - 25%)
我看公司对 After-Tax 的解释:
after-tax contributions may be withdrawn at any time regardless
of your age
并且好像after-tax 和 401k一样都有公司的match:
Basic Contributions" are the first 2% to 6% of your
pay that you contribute, regardless of whether you save on a before-tax,
Roth 401(k), or after-tax basis.
Note that if you have been a memb... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1025
我去年付了social security tax and medical tax,但是在W2表上的Social Security
tax and medical tax withheld 上却是空的,并且第一栏"Wages,tips..."是我在付
social security tax and medical tax之前的gross income。
不知道是不是哪里搞错了,否则这不就相当于我还要对已经付的social security tax
and medical tax进行第二次交税了吗?
另外,州税表中有一项“taxable social security and RR benefits”,请问这是不是
相当于我所付过的social security tax and medical tax?如果W2表中那一拦为空,
发帖数: 1007
F1 file jointly,但我是F1 nonresident被扣了medicare和social security tax,到
看了精华关于F1 file jointly 不影响另一方NR退medicare和social security tax。
1)Election to File Joint Return
If you make this choice, you and your spouse are treated as residents for
your entire tax year for the purpose of your federal individual income tax
return, and for the purpose of withholding U.S. federal income tax from your
wages. 这里只提到了federal individual income tax, 请问包括medicare和so... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 510
【 以下文字转载自 Complain 讨论区 】
发信人: chengrao (h & g), 信区: Complain
标 题: 投诉tax版主利用权力不公平的封人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 26 00:58:04 2014, 美东)
1 投诉人(ID) Monfucius
2 投诉对象及职务(限版主)tax版主
3 投诉标题 不正当的不公平的行使权力
4 投诉目标(更改处理决定/更改板规/弹劾板主...) 更改处理决定,要么解封我,
5 投诉理由及证据
对此我觉得... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 32828
【 以下文字转载自 Complain 讨论区 】
发信人: chengrao (h & g), 信区: Complain
标 题: 投诉tax版主利用权力不公平的封人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 26 00:58:04 2014, 美东)
1 投诉人(ID) Monfucius
2 投诉对象及职务(限版主)tax版主
3 投诉标题 不正当的不公平的行使权力
4 投诉目标(更改处理决定/更改板规/弹劾板主...) 更改处理决定,要么解封我,
5 投诉理由及证据
对此我觉得... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11
业前的学校给的,里面没扣social security tax和medical tax;另一份是opt期间的
,里面已扣social security tax和medical tax。我疑惑的问题有:
1. 我应该以resident的身份报今年的税吧(所以可以用Turbotax保税)?
2. 第二份W2里所缴的social security tax和medical tax是由于F1转opt还是
nonresident转resident引起的(我毕业之前从没缴过social security tax和medical
3. 尝试了Turbotax,发现最后还要补交联邦税,是否是因为要补交第一份W2里的
social security tax和medical tax?像我这种情形是否一般都要补税?
发帖数: 538
来自主题: TAX版 - 急问self employment tax
Self employment tax并不是指只有自雇的taxper才需要缴付。consulting fee,
commission fee,tips,神职人员的housing allowance 都subjected to self-
employment tax.这是因为公司在付给你先生咨询费的时候没有withhold social
security and medicare tax.
这里说明一些,self employment taxes不同于individual 的income tax.Self -
employment tax是指 social security tax and medicare tax only.Social security
tax rate是6.2%, medicare tax rate是1.45%
举个例子:如果你先生收到$2000 CONSULTING FEE,
那么他应该交的self-emp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 7-1号sales tax降一个点
California Statewide Sales and Use Tax Rate
to Decrease by 1% on July 1, 2011
Statewide Base Tax Rate Decreases from 8.25% to 7.25%
Effective July 1, 2011, the one percent sales and use tax rate increase that
was approved with the state budget and effective April 1, 2009, will expire
lowering the statewide base tax rate from 8.25 percent to 7.25 percent. In
areas where there are voter-approved district taxes, the total tax rate
related to sales and purchases will be the statewide base tax rate o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3144
【 以下文字转载自 TAX 讨论区 】
发信人: GentleWen (砖头、文), 信区: TAX
标 题: 住在新泽西,单位在纽约,请问city tax
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 22 09:36:56 2011, 美东)
想问问看我这种情况需要报city tax吗?
Who must pay this Tax?
Every income-earning individual, estate and trust residing in New York City
must pay personal income tax. Part-year residents figure their tax based on
income and deductions on the days lived in NYC.
F... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2053
By Jeanne Sahadi, senior writerDecember 17, 2010: 11:42 AM ET
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Come January, you'll start to see some changes in
your paycheck, as the new Social Security tax break that President Obama
will sign into law Friday takes effect.
The measure, part of a sweeping package of tax cuts, will reduce the amount
of money workers pay into Social Security in 2011, which will mean more take
-home pay for many... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 39
来自主题: Accounting版 - Opening: International Tax Analyst position
Please contact my mitbbs ID if you are interested.
Our company (Archer Daniels Midland, www.adm.com) is seeking an
International Tax Analyst in the tax department. This position is open to
sponsorship at this time. Relocation and full benefit package (including
health, dental, prescription drug and life insurance, 401(k)/ESOP with
company match and pension).
Every day, the 29,000 people of Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) turn crops into renewable products that meet the demands of a gr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 39
来自主题: Accounting版 - Opening: International Tax Analyst position
Please contact my mitbbs ID if you are interested.
Our company (Archer Daniels Midland, www.adm.com) is seeking an
International Tax Analyst in the tax department. This position is open to
sponsorship at this time. Relocation and full benefit package (including
health, dental, prescription drug and life insurance, 401(k)/ESOP with
company match and pension).
Every day, the 29,000 people of Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) turn crops into renewable products that meet the demands of a gr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61
来自主题: Accounting版 - International tax question for experts
Here is my two cents on ASC 740 and Subpart F income.
In the simplest case, when a CFC earns $100 Subpart F income, say, an
interest income, it is a deemed dividend paid to its US parent, and the US
parent immediately made an investment of the same $100 into the sub. This
immediate reinvestment raises parent's basis in the sub by $100.
This treatment appears similar to the case where a fixed asset of parent
depreciates faster for book than for tax by $100: the book-to-tax difference
increases by... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61
来自主题: Accounting版 - International tax question for experts
Here is my two cents on ASC 740 and Subpart F income.
In the simplest case, when a CFC earns $100 Subpart F income, say, an
interest income, it is a deemed dividend paid to its US parent, and the US
parent immediately made an investment of the same $100 into the sub. This
immediate reinvestment raises parent's basis in the sub by $100.
This treatment appears similar to the case where a fixed asset of parent
depreciates faster for book than for tax by $100: the book-to-tax difference
increases by... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3
我就是想做corporate tax,对individual tax喜欢当兴趣学习但是不想作为career发
展,我的最终目标就是在corporation做tax。本来我的规划是想进big four,然后积累
让我灰心的主要是实习下来积累的全是Individual和VC tax return的经验,完全不符
合我的career goal,后来拿到一家small firm的offer,在这家虽然我不用只做个人和
VC但还是要做很多个人的 (一大半时间做individual/trust, 一少半时间做small
corps),有种心灰意冷的感觉,没想到刚刚居然拿到一家Fortune 500的offer (tax
analyst),就果断accept了。心想如果要去那家small firm的话离我的目标太远了,将
来不会有corporation exit ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Note: These are refurbs. Some have Win7 some have Vista. These are limited
supply and most likely online only. YMMV
$199.49 + tax FS
Powered by an Intel Pentium Dual Core T3200 processor (2.00GHz, 1MB L2 cache
, 667MHz FSB)
320GB 5400rpm Hard Drive
4096MB PC6400 DDR2 Memory
15.4" TruBrite WXGA Widescreen LCD Display (1280x800)
SuperMulti D... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
IRS Asks Airlines to Refund Tickets Tax
Link to Original artical:
ir passengers who bought plane tickets before the airlines had to stop
collecting U.S. ticket taxes, for travel on or after July 23, may be
entitled to a refund of tax paid.
The Internal Revenue Service:
, in a notice posted today on its website, said it has asked the airlines
to repay eligible customers ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Google music has Own The Night by Lady Antebellum for $1.99 + taxes. Cyber
Monday Sale. Some are live now.
Also, a lot more $1.99 albums.
Sorry if this is a repost.
Pink Floyd:
rel="nofollow" target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'thread',
'clic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
Why Japan’s 8% Tax Mauled Economy as Europe Tolerates 20%
By Simon Kennedy Nov 18, 2014 6:02 PM CT
Pedestrians walk along a crowded shopping street in Barcelona. Since 2010,
Spain... Read More
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is discovering that haste makes waste.
Trying to double his nation’s sales tax to 10 percent over an 18-month
period has resulted in the fourth recession since 2008 and the need to
postpone the increase’s second part planned for next October. With an
election now pending,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 865
We should take into account the all-in tax. Focusing on income tax only is
not a fair comparison.
Federal tax revenue source:
45% income tax.
36% pay roll tax.
Income tax is progressive, meaning the effective tax rate increase as income increases, like almost all countries in this world.
The Social Security component of the FICA tax is regressive, meaning the effective tax rate regresses (decreases) as income increases.
发帖数: 29846
July 9, 2012 by Doug Johnson
Hey look, when you’ve got nothing to show for over three years of effort (
such that it is) on the economy, you’re pretty much left with demagoguery.
That’s exactly what President Obama is going to attempt, by talking about
“tax fairness.”
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is launching a push to extend tax
cuts for the middle class, as he seeks to shift the election-year economic
debate away from the dismal jobs market and toward the issue of tax fairness.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - WSJ: France Raises Taxes in Tough Budget
PARIS—-The French Socialist government on Friday unveiled the country's
toughest budget in decades, hiking taxes for the rich and big business in a
bid to slash its deficit while facing a stalled economy.
President François Hollande, in his first budget since being elected
five months ago, has pledged to balance public accounts by the end of his
mandate in 2017 and given himself two years to turn around the French
According to documents presented at the weekl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
3 U.S. Oil Companies Paid Highest Corporate Income Taxes: $289.7B in 2007-12
April 15, 2014 - 4:03 PM
By Penny Starr
(CNSNews.com) – Three U.S. oil companies paid a total of $289.7 billion in
corporate income taxes between 2007 and 2012, the biggest portion of
corporate taxes in absolute terms, according to analysis by Standard & Poor
’s Capital IQ.
The data show, as reported in the New York Times on May 25, 2013, that when
it came to corporate income taxes -- federal, state, local, and foreign ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2054
来自主题: USANews版 - border adjustment tax
This is one of the most controversial parts of the House Republicans' tax pl
an. It is also key to making it work.
Under current law, the United States taxes the profits of U.S.-based compani
es, even if the money is made overseas. However, taxes on foreign income are
deferred until a company either reinvests the profits in the U.S. or distri
butes them to shareholders.
Critics say the system encourages U.S.-based corporations to invest profits
overseas or, more dramaticall... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 759
Congress is considering online sales tax legislation that is wrongheaded and
unfair, and I am writing to ask for your help in telling Congress "No!" to
new sales taxes and burdens for small businesses.
Whether you're a consumer who loves the incredible selection and value that
small businesses provide online, or a small-business seller who relies on
the Internet for your livelihood, this legislation potentially affects you.
For consumers, it means more money out of your pocke... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4414
来自主题: Investment版 - Help! Tax Question
“We'll the following income for 2013 (married file jointly): and $35K is
salary and $10K is qualified dividends; $5K is ordinary dividends; $60K is
capital gains ($20K is short term capital gain and $40K is long term). Say
the 10% tax bracket is at $17,850 and the 15% bracket is at $72,500, what is
the best way to estimate our taxes?”
I tried to answer this question as the following. Am I correct?
Salary + ST capital gain + Ordinary Div first. Then subtract our deductions
(itemized or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5
Senior Tax Accountant
Harless & Associates - West Palm Beach, FL
Senior Tax Accountant needed for West Palm Beach CPA firm. CPA license (or
CPA eligible) with 5 years minimum experience in tax required.
Responsibilities include meeting with clients, tax planning and tax
preparation. Candidate should be a team player with strong closing skills;
international tax experience and fluency in English and Mandarin required.
Email resume to [email protected]
/* */
Tel. 561-666-4200.
About Harle... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2
state tax可以作为fed tax的itemized deduction,
可是这个state tax的数额是根据头一年的实际缴税,还是根据本年度的withhold?
以2005春天file 2004 fed tax为例,是根据你2004年w-2上面的state tax withhold
还是根据你在2004春天时候交的2003 state tax呢?
如果是根据w-2上面的state tax withhold,那么岂不是多withhold一些state tax
就能多有一些fed tax return (because of moe itemized dedution)?
反正state tax也会退回来。
发帖数: 6348
I consulted a tax professional and the answer is negative, I don't need to
pay tax for gift. Thanks so much! :)
Below is my question and her answer:
I am a resident alien (H1B visa holder and lived in the US full year for the
past 12 years) and I received a gift money of $50K from my parents in law,
who live in China (foreign persons not filing US tax, that is).
I understand that under normal circumstances the gift giver pays the tax:
https://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Emp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6348
I consulted a tax professional and the answer is negative, I don't need to
pay tax for gift. Thanks so much! :)
Below is my question and her answer:
I am a resident alien (H1B visa holder and lived in the US full year for the
past 12 years) and I received a gift money of $50K from my parents in law,
who live in China (foreign persons not filing US tax, that is).
I understand that under normal circumstances the gift giver pays the tax:
https://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Emp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 506
【 以下文字转载自 ebiz 讨论区 】
发信人: bridgechang (sim), 信区: ebiz
标 题: amazon 可以收tax了?有人试过么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 25 22:17:49 2011, 美东)
Tax collection set up
The Amazon.com Tax Collection Engine will calculate state and local, sales
and use tax for Marketplace items purchased from qualified tax enabled third
party Merchants. You must complete all four steps to complete initial set
Follow these steps to complete your initial tax set up:
View Tax Calculation Methodology
View Master Product Tax Codes an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12
I have after-tax contributions in my Traditional IRA, can I convert just
that portion to a Roth?
No, you cannot convert just the after-tax dollars within your IRA. Whenever
there are both pre-tax and after-tax dollars in an IRA, the IRS requires
that any conversions (or withdrawals) be calculated on a pro-rata basis to
determine which portion of the conversion is taxable. That means each
distribution from the account contains some portion of pre-tax and after tax
那我想放$5... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2128
see pub.514
"If you carry unused foreign taxes to a year in which you chose to deduct
qualified foreign taxes, you must compute a foreign tax credit limit for the
deduction year as if you had chosen to credit foreign taxes for that year.
If the credit computation results in an excess limit for the deduction year,
you must treat the unused foreign taxes carried to the deduction year as
absorbed in that year. You cannot actually deduct or claim a credit for the
unused foreign taxes carried to the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 299
今年第一次用 itemized deduction
比如我2012 叫了 1000的 state income tax
但后来income tax 要补交 500
那 1040 schedule A
上 income tax 那一项我是应该填 1000 还是 1500 呢
还有一个问题是 我去年搬家 生活在两个州 一个是没有州税的
那在itemized deduction 表上可不可以
income tax/ sales tax 那一栏 可以 填 州A的 income tax
加上 州B的 sales tax
还是要么全是用 income tax 要么全是用 sales tax
发帖数: 4414
来自主题: TAX版 - Help! Tax Question
“We'll the following income for 2013 (married file jointly): and $35K is
salary and $10K is qualified dividends; $5K is ordinary dividends; $60K is
capital gains ($20K is short term capital gain and $40K is long term). Say
the 10% tax bracket is at $17,850 and the 15% bracket is at $72,500, what is
the best way to estimate our taxes?”
I tried to answer this question as the following. Am I correct?
Salary + ST capital gain + Ordinary Div first. Then subtract our deductions
(itemized or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 116
来自主题: TAX版 - Resident Alien for Tax Purposes
Resident Alien for Tax Purposes
If you are a Resident Alien For Tax Purposes AND Eligible to Claim a Tax
Treaty Exemption:
• File Form 1040 (NOT Form 1040EZ);
• On the top of all pages, write “Resident Alien With Tax Treaty
• Include all income (including tax treaty exempt income) on the
appropriate lines;
• On the “Other Income” line of Form 1040, enter the total of the
tax treaty exempt amount
as a negative number so that it will be subtracted;
• On th... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
turbo tax free vs. trubo tax deluxe
我先用的是turbo tax free, 写了job seeking expense和home office expense,和
unreimmbursed job related expense,turbo tax算出一个很大的tax return, 然后让
我升级到deluxe, 说free version不能用itemized deduction只能用standard, 所以
free version算出的少。turbo tax 列举了用free version和用deluxe的 tax return
我的问题是,turbo tax 列出的较大数目的tax return可信么?我因为自己不会算
itemized deduction,所以不知道为什么会多出那么多,有点不想信turbo的计算,觉
得他们是诱我switch to deluxe and pay for it.有人遇到过这种情况么?可不可以给
发帖数: 159
1、首先不需要考古,大家就应该知道,即便超过了5年,变成tax resident,F1 tax
2、现在比较tricky的就是变成tax resident的方式有很多,比如(a)呆到5年,(b)变成
,遇到(b)和(c)也没事可以继续claim treaty。依据如下:
Some exceptions to the saving clause apply
to all resident aliens (for example, under the
U.S.-People's Republic of China treaty); others
apply only... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 69
U.S. Tax Treaties
Federal Treatment of Income Sources within the United States:
The United States has income tax treaties with a number of foreign countries
most of which are reciprocal; if an item of income is exempt to U.S.
residents who are working in a country overseas, that same item of income
will be exempt to residents of foreign countries "nonresident aliens" who
are working in the U.S. Under these treaties, nonresident al... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4414
来自主题: Boston版 - Help! Tax Question
“We'll the following income for 2013 (married file jointly): and $35K is
salary and $10K is qualified dividends; $5K is ordinary dividends; $60K is
capital gains ($20K is short term capital gain and $40K is long term). Say
the 10% tax bracket is at $17,850 and the 15% bracket is at $72,500, what is
the best way to estimate our taxes?”
I tried to answer this question as the following. Am I correct?
Salary + ST capital gain + Ordinary Div first. Then subtract our deductions
(itemized or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12276
来自主题: Colorado版 - 2011 tax change
The recently passed federal Tax Relief Act of 2010 affects Social Security
taxes and income tax withholding. Below is some important information about
these changes:
Social Security
◦The employee Social Security (OASDI) tax rate has been reduced from 6
.2% to 4.2% of the first $106,800 of wages paid in 2011.
◦The maximum that can be withheld will be $4,485.60, a $2,136 decrease
from the 2010 maximum of $6,621.60.
◦The employer share of Social Security will remain at 6.2% for 20... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4039
来自主题: NewJersey版 - 关于Estimated Taxes
【 以下文字转载自 TAX 讨论区 】
发信人: monk (猪六戒~首长), 信区: TAX
标 题: 关于Estimated Taxes
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 15 10:02:41 2010, 美东)
我实在有点被搞糊涂了, 09年我的withholding不足 需要补税, 所以turbotax自动打出
来4张estimated tax的voucher.
我去IRS的网站上查了一下关于Estimated Tax,是这么说的:
Who Must Pay Estimated Tax
If you had a tax liability for 2008, you may have to pay estimated tax for
General Rule
You must pay estimated tax for 2009 if both of the following apply.
You expect to owe at least $1,000 in tax for 2009 after subtracting your
发帖数: 24123
If you purchase taxable merchandise from an out-of-state mail order or
Internet business and no New Jersey sales tax is collected, you owe 7% use
tax on the purchase price of the goods. Use tax is due within twenty days
after the merchandise is delivered into New Jersey. As of 10-1-06, delivery
charges (shipping, handling, postage, etc.) imposed by the seller are also
subject to tax if the goods purchased are subject to tax. If your order
inclu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 491
regional income tax agency a.k.a. RITA collects tax for a lot of cities
around cleveland.
in ohio, you have to pay tax for the city where you work and the city where
you live. some cities where you live give you a break or credit if you pay
tax to the city where you work.
your employer only withholds tax for the city where you work, not for the
city where you live, so you need to file a local tax return with the RITA to
pay tax to your residential city.
for instance, if you work in cleveland but... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 592
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 再贡献两个personal income tax tips
there is sth i don't understand. AMT is difference between the tmt and
regular tax. It is actually additional tax on the top of your regular tax.
state tax refund is subject to the regular tax. If the tp subject to amt, he
will pay additional tax. How does it change the tax rate for the state tax
refund from the regular tax marginal tax rate to amt rate?

发帖数: 781
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - Why we need a Google Tax and Facebook Tax
To have a better/fair US society and improve economy recovery:
1) google tax: anyone work for google, pay additional $100K flat tax +
%20 G tax to the fed + state
2) Facebook tax: anyone work for Facebook, pay additional $500K flat
tax + 20% F tax to the fed + state
3) anyone who is not working for Google nor Facebook should receive up
to $100K tax break for fed/state income tax
That should be Obama's top Tax deal
发帖数: 4414
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - Help! Tax Question
“We'll the following income for 2013 (married file jointly): and $35K is
salary and $10K is qualified dividends; $5K is ordinary dividends; $60K is
capital gains ($20K is short term capital gain and $40K is long term). Say
the 10% tax bracket is at $17,850 and the 15% bracket is at $72,500, what is
the best way to estimate our taxes?”
I tried to answer this question as the following. Am I correct?
Salary + ST capital gain + Ordinary Div first. Then subtract our deductions
(itemized or ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 983
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - RSU Payroll Reporting and Tax
With RSUs, you are taxed when the shares are delivered, which is almost
always at vesting. Your taxable income is the market value of the shares at
vesting. You have compensation income subject to federal and employment tax
(Social Security and Medicare) and any state and local tax. That income is
subject to mandatory supplemental wage withholding. Withholding taxes, which
for U.S. employees appear on Form W-2 along with the income, include the
•federal income tax at th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6348
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - tax question on gift money from parents (转载)
I consulted a tax professional and the answer is negative, I don't need to
pay tax for gift. Thanks so much! :)
Below is my question and her answer:
I am a resident alien (H1B visa holder and lived in the US full year for the
past 12 years) and I received a gift money of $50K from my parents in law,
who live in China (foreign persons not filing US tax, that is).
I understand that under normal circumstances the gift giver pays the tax:
https://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Emp... 阅读全帖
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