

全部话题 - 话题: thejas
发帖数: 5114
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 贴个工作
Sunitha Thejas (s************[email protected])
My name is Sunitha Thejas and I am a recruiter for QuEST Global Services-N.A
., Inc. We have an opportunity in Greenville, SC .Our customer is GE. The
job description is attached. If you are interested please reply to this
email and answer the optional questions below as best you can. If you are
not interested I kindly ask that you reply to this email stating that you
are not interested so we don’t further inconvenience you.
What is your c
发帖数: 5114
来自主题: CivilEngineering版 - 贴个工作 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: zucchini (浪迹天涯), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 贴个工作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 31 20:16:11 2010, 美东)
Sunitha Thejas (s************[email protected])
My name is Sunitha Thejas and I am a recruiter for QuEST Global Services-N.A
., Inc. We have an opportunity in Greenville, SC .Our customer is GE. The
job description is attached. If you are interested please reply to this
email and answer the optional questions below as best you can. If you are
not interested I kindly a