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发帖数: 146
来自主题: Investment版 - A playbook for 2013 (ZT)
Bullish outlook on European and emerging market stocks, as well as
By Jurrien Timmer, co-manager of Fidelity Global Strategies Fund, Fidelity
Viewpoints – 12/19/2012
It has been a year of confusion, of tail risks anticipated and averted,
fiscal cliffs, and quantitative easing (QE). It has been a year of a housing
recovery in the United States and a growth recession in China. It has been
a year when the eurozone stared into the abyss. It has been a year of an
against-all-odds rally i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 114
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Two Intern Positions - 请帮转发
发一个招intern的帖子,主要面向在校学生,本科就可以。remote work okay. 请有
心人帮转发你们学校的CSSA mailing list,不胜感激。
联系方式在下面的job posting里。
Do you want to be a part of a fast-growing U.S. Startup and enjoy the
excitement of creating things from none?
Do you want flexible work schedule and potential upside compensation through
Please come and join us at Boson, LLC to Unleash your full potential!
Boson, LLC is a New York registered Limited Liability company which provides
capital and co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1
University of Houston, Biomedical Engineering
Three PhD positions are available at the Biosignal Processing and Neural
Interfacing Laboratory in the Biomedical Engineering Department of the
University of Houston. A list of the 3 research themes are
shown below.
i. “Spatial Decoding of Neural Activity in a Brain Machine Interface”
ii. “Processing ECoG recordings from Epileptic Subjects”
iii. “Investigation of Local Field Potentials Recorded from Subthalamic
Nucleus of Parkinsonian Subjects”... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4
来自主题: JobMarket版 - Project Based Freelance Web Developer
加州尔湾公司现招募一名WEB Developer, Project Based:
- LAMP stack expert (specifically PHP and MYSQL)
- Familiar to setup the system from scratch at the web hosting to make WP
site live.
- WordPress savvy, at least 3+ years experience working with WP
- Bootstrap must. Must been able to work from PSD files to build bootstrap
theme for WordPress.
- Experience building custom jQuery/JavaScript/AJAX functionality.
- Bilingual Chinese/English is a plus.
* This is project based job, Successful and s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 118
来自主题: Money版 - 被Discover彻底雷翻了
Maybe Disney is counted as theme park?
I remember theme park was one of the categories in discover card and chase
发帖数: 118
来自主题: Money版 - 2013 discover 5% 种类全出来啦
Any programmers here? - Source is your friend.
7/1 - 9/30 : 5% for gas (at stand alone gas stations) and admission to theme
parks, water parks and zoos