

全部话题 - 话题: underbid
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发帖数: 21367
来自主题: Bridge版 - Should I bid 6c or?
4c is not underbid, after 4S cue, with this type of hand,
5C is underbid
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - how to bid with this hand?
Even if it does not die at 2D, the point is you may never be able to catch
up. Let's say the bidding went 1D-p-1H-1S-x-p-2D-2S-p-p-? Now you bid 3D?
You think that does justice to the hand? And let's say pd holds that minimum
4-3-5-1 hand, you think he'll suddenly get into game zone just because you
balanced 3D?
My philosophy is this, if you have to make a decision between underbidding
and overbidding, if early on, I'd overbid a little, later on, underbid a
little. The hand may fit badly, but bo
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - 这牌怎么叫?
As I said, 3H is overbid, but 2H is underbid. 2H is more of an underbid than
3H as being overbid. Give partner total minimum hand like x / Axxx / Axxx /
Kxxx, 4H is favorite, but partner won't make a move over 2H. The key point
is that partner is supposed to be short in spades, and you have xxx there,
no wastage. You also have nice hearts (especially 5th H), CQ is probably
very useful too. All these make this hand closer to 3H than to 2H. I don't
know whether I will bid 2H or 3H at the table, bu
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - lets discuss a hand
It is either a 2D or a 1NT rebid hand. 1NT is an underbid because partner
may sometimes pass some really good 10 or some bad 11, which may often
produce games.
Sometimes, you may have a tough bid if partner bids 2H. 3H here can be an
2C is generally a bad bid for such shapes. It's especially bad because it
may lead to bad games or slams in clubs.
2D may land you some bad partials, but if partner can bid over 2D, you
should usually be in good shape.
Another unpopular choice for this han... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6080
Chinese and Indian newcomers to the U.S. are now outpacing Mexican arrivals
in most regions of the country, a marked reversal from a decade ago, when
immigrants from America’s southern neighbor dwarfed arrivals from the large
Asian countries.
A Wall Street Journal analysis of census figures shows that in Illinois, New
York, Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Georgia and other states, more immigrants
from China and India arrived than from Mexico in 2014, the most recent year
for which data are available.
T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3082
这种home warranty claim你不是最终付钱的,而且为了拿保险公司的大单plumber需要
所以这种home warranty公司都是浪费钱用的,唯一目的就是省seller点麻烦
发帖数: 434
来自主题: Stock版 - Germany bond auction struggled
为啥欧元区也有higher inflation expectations呢?

发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - hoho, advanced bid
hehe, maybe he found 1NT underbidded and wanted to catch it up. :)
However, If Texas Xfer is available, your bid was wrong.
The auction should be 1NT-4H-4S-pass;
With 1NT-2H-2S-4S, the responder is showing mild slam interest.
Thus, your pd's reaction to your bid was quite sensible. :)
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - 5 level decision?
Pass probably would work better as pd might bid with SKJxx AKQxx x Axx, but on
the table I thought I knew what to do now pd chose to x after my forcing pass.
I doubled, partly out of worry of overbidding in previous bids. Dummy had - xx
T9xxx KQJTxx so only a trump lead (and pd ducks) would set 5C but 5D was
completely cold. 5S would go one off due to lack of structures in S, and 5H
played by me can go 2 off with S lead.
Postmortem I couldn't convince pd he underbidded his hand. I think after my
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - Raise pd or rebid your suit
There are a few bad signs for this hand despite a 15 count. 1st, you are
aceless. 2nd, your H structure isn't that great, and unilaterally jumping to
3H would restrict yourself from other streams. 3rd, when you have a 3 card
support, KQx isn't always good, because with that holding, your shortness may
become a vulnerability, not strength -- it wld be much better to have Axx. And
the fact that it's aceless can make things worse.
So I think 3H and 2S are out. 2H is a bit underbid, but if you could
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - seeking advice on bidding of this hand
I don't mind your 2H at all. I know some experts like to reverse only
with "strong" hands. However, if you don't bid 2H, you are just out of bid,
1NT is misleading, because you have 16 HCP, 1NT usually shows 12-14.
2D is awful, your diamond suit is poor, and you have 16 HCP, 2D usually
shows a weaker hand than that, around 12 to bad 15.
Another choice is 2S, which is an underbid, you may have a good game
if partner holds SAJxxx Hxx DKx Cxxxx, but he would pass your 2S
with the hand above, becau
发帖数: 545
来自主题: Bridge版 - seeking advice on bidding of this hand
with 3-card spt, and some ruffing value, always consider to raise pd. with
that hand, raising to 2s is underbid, but still desirable. if add one more
spade, then you shld jump to 3s. 【 在 xlxie (《※★★★※§三少爷§※★★★※
》) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 545
来自主题: Bridge版 - what to bid?
hehe, I underbid 3c in the previous round, but now after east's 3d, i think pd
should have no waste in d,so i jump to 5d, which is down one as sk is in wrong
i posted this hand on bbo and many think i should bid 3d as you did here,
which will lead to 5c too.【 在 josephine (jo) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - 3N or 4H?
Your pd does not have his bid for 3NT. Period. His hand is more suitable for
suit contract -- precisely my point in my previous post -- say, you have a
weak H, JTx, even 3 spades, xxx, do you want to play in 3NT or 4H??
The upshot is generally, you don't bid NT because your trump is too garbage --
in that case, 3NT won't be too much better, you don't have other sources of
tricks, and you don't have timing to set up your weak suit -- his hand is
simple to bid, after surviving the underbid of 2NT,
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - under bid?
your 2S is a huge underbid, also, I assume your diamond is T543, right?
You have only 5 losers, so this is a 3S raise.
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Bridge版 - under bid?
2S is a too much an underbid.
Even you only count the so-called damn "HCP", it's roughly a 3S call.
在 xlxie (《※★★★※§三少爷§※★★★※》) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 2449
来自主题: Bridge版 - under bid?
agree, it is an underbid.
This hand, is 99% my fault.
What I think is since, P have 6 control and know 54 fit in S.
any cue before jumping to 4s directly seems not that had.
Since he can bid 4s without CK as well.
then as list I could get a chance to do better and try invite for 6s.
发帖数: 2449
来自主题: Bridge版 - underbid 2
1C X 1D
1H 1s - 2h
x 2s - 4c
- 4d - 5c
- - =
What is the problem here?
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - underbid 2
It's best to start from 2NT over the take out double to show
invitational or better hands, then you'll have an easy time:
1C x 2N p
3S(value) p 3N p
4D(shortness) p 4H(cue) p
4s p 6C all pass.
发帖数: 21367
来自主题: Bridge版 - underbid 2
发帖数: 2449
来自主题: Bridge版 - underbid 2
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Bridge版 - underbid 2
实际上在扣叫2H后,再叫3C已经是非常强的邀叫了。现在跳叫4C, 如
果是一个描述叫品, 那么2H就是提前扣叫。即使你吃不准, 你也要知道,
至此,南的牌已经叫完了。 如果在4D后还要叫6C, 干脆1C开叫后就叫
发帖数: 2449
来自主题: Bridge版 - underbid 2
再者,4d承诺5c,在此前提下,明显具有满贯倾向。s没叫过S, c也就支持了一次
北的1s 2s都是主动叫品,
原话“即使你吃不准, 你也要知道,
而且是两次。 :)
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Bridge版 - underbid 2

This is way too wrong...
can only be half stopper in hearts in ths context
of course. You talk like a person who is able to bid out
the difference between with and with club Jack...
obviously, I am not that good, if I were North, I would have
taken the shot.
Don't know what you talking about.
Yes, You always make a plan before the first bid.
South showed strong intention to play club contract, Diamond side suit,
Heart control and mild slam interest based on North's free bids, what
no offe
发帖数: 21367
来自主题: Bridge版 - Should I bid 6c or?
after a premptive, life is always more difficult...
5c is kind of underbid but ok, pass with your hand is absolutely
ok because you can not risk a slam without control on trump.
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Bridge版 - Should I bid 6c or?
If you are right, So, with
S 94
H AJT872
You partner bid 4C over 3S obviously is a underbid, and he should
push again. is that the conclusion?
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 单A的灾难

SJS is not right for this hand anyway, it's a 6-4 two suiter.
obviously east's 4S is a huge underbid. The right bid is 4D over 4C as
a cuebid. When one holds only 3 losers and partner made a extra showing
bid(4C) after opened the hand, 4S is just a crime.
West's 4S is rather bad, he should bid 4H as a cuebid and partner would
cooperate for sure.
4H is bad, 4H rebids show a weaker hand here.
发帖数: 21367
来自主题: Bridge版 - 今天的一副牌
if in your system your 3S includes the hand you have,
your partner could not pass with all these, he/she should bid 4c
and let you decide whether 4S or not
however, usually 1S 3S is a limited raise which could be passed
hence your 3S may be a bid underbid
this slam is not easy to bid after 3S even you play it as GF.
you could start with J2NT or 2/1 GF... then the slam is reachable
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Bridge版 - What do you rebid?

with no gadgets, there are 4 alternatives:
1. underbid 3C.
2. put a club in spades and bid 4S
3. bid 3S and hope for the best.
4. make a fake reverse 2D and hope to sort it out later.
None of them is attractive...
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 满贯叫牌
If you think you have a reasonable chance to mkae 6H if partner holds
5 hearts, then 3S might not be a good choice cause it then becomes
an underbid. Instead, you can start from 3C here:
1D 1H
3C 3D
4H(suppose you are not playing kickback rkc)
Now partner knows that you hold exact 0-4-5-4 shape and super maximum,
thus it's possible to move on after 4H.
For those who play kickback rkc, you just can't bid this way.
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Bridge版 - how to bid with this hand?

Here partner's pass over 2S is a violation of LOTT, so the rest of your
assumption is not valid.
IMHO, it's much easier to underbid a little earlier and catch up later than
overbid a little earlier and press brake later. I can't see how the opposite
is easier to sale than this.
In addition, do you want buy the contract (preemptive) or you want to invite
game (constructive) ? make up your mind. As far as I know, one can't have
the best of both world.
at the point of time of 2D, I don't think the
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - 飞还是挤2
Of course east can pitch whatever he likes, but in the game, you have to
guess well to decide which situation is more likely. Here, let go 3 spades
and intentionally keep a low heart without much thinking usually means that
he doesn't really hold SK. Of course, another possibility is that opener
holds 7 hearts and underbid a little bit to open 2D and RHO holds 6 spades.
That's why I said one has to read the situation well.
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - Cruise bridge随记
1, It's a huge nonsense of modern bridge. If you have extra distributions
and a weak hand to bid, you should enter the bidding at low level, not pass
then suddenly bid something at 2 or even three level. By doing so (
especially when they have more HCPs than you), you offer them two chances to
beat you, they can double you for a huge penalty or they can fight back and
get more distributional information from you to make extra tricks than
before. Also, it's extremely easy to play against such ki... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Bridge版 - 叫牌
I am not saying 5S was a good bid, but the main reason of this failure is Li
Jie didn't cue 4D then 4NT, took the charge.
Perhaps it's a good idea to do your homework, reading their convention card,
before putting words in their mouth. After 2C open, 2NT 3C 3D 3H 3S are all
simply invitations. 2D starts GF sequence. These are just the FACTS,
nothing to argue about.
Yeah, yeah, I know, their method is inferior, to whatever you are going to
design on-the-fly, after seeing two hands.
But I am just ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - 【每周一题】叫牌疑问
I post the question here because I want to trigger more discussion. To me,
either 3H or 4H is reasonable, with slight inclination toward 4H since my
hand can be quite worse. At bridge table, there is no absolute right or
wrong, only winning or losing.
Actually I am more interested in how and why. I never dismissed your
reasoning for 3H call, in fact I bid 3H only at the table, for very similar
reasons. I think there is good reason for 3H, and also good reason for 4H.
3H is slight underbid, 4H is... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - lets discuss a hand
1) I think for this hand, 1NT is fine. Yes it shows 12-14, but I just have a
so-so 15 and misfit with partner, so it is not much of underbid. The
problem of 2C is, say partner bids a neutral 2D, you don't really know what
to do (probably pass). Also, 2C may result missing heart fit. When I bid 1NT
, if partner has 4 hearts, he can bid a non-forcing 2H, I can raise to show
a super-max. The problem of 1NT is that, partner thinks I have at least 2
spades, sometimes we may end up in wrong part-score... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 23691
来自主题: pets版 - 问个事
发帖数: 5148
来自主题: pets版 - 问个事
It's reseller. The goods they sell are actually from other merchandiser
sites. So their 仓库 can be everywhere. A lot of people complained about
items being out of stock at the really seller site, but underbid still lists
them as available.
发帖数: 5148
发帖数: 298
来自主题: Law版 - 最近好多朋友要往IP跳
These days, it is getting harder to get into law school. Although the number
of test takers and applicants are going down, each school is becoming more
selective, some even announced enrollment cuts.
These days, it is a lot harder to get a firm job, even for law students with
science or engineering undergraduate degrees, including EE.
This correlates with the reality that clients are cutting budgets, firms are
competing furiously by underbidding each other.
Patent law practice in my area took of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1283
来自主题: _GoldenrainClub版 - 实战 “阿玛屯” 房坑。
我们05年看的时候就有一降再降的,而且每个agent 都表示可以underbid, 那边的房子
挺贵的,又远,旧TH能list 过110万,跟saratoga 和palo alto 可比了。
1 (共1页)