

全部话题 - 话题: urasia
发帖数: 6571
Indeed, in a 4,000-word front page story written over a year ago, the New
York Times’ Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Jo Becker and
Mike McIntire verified the Clinton Cash uranium revelation in stunning
detail, including charts and graphs laying out the flow of millions of
dollars from the nine investors in the uranium deal who flowed $145 million
to Hillary’s family foundation. Since Alesci and Frankel appear unable to
perform basic journalistic research, here are the names ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24733
来自主题: USANews版 - 我为川普向你道歉(ZT)
gemini2012 (双子AB)发于 Thu Jun 23 14:37:40 2016, 美东, 信区: USANews标
题: 骇人听闻:希拉里用铀换俄国的政治献金
Indeed, in a 4,000-word front page story written over a year ago, the New
York Times’ Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Jo Becker and
Mike McIntire verified the Clinton Cash uranium revelation in stunning
detail, including charts and graphs laying out the flow of millions of
dollars from the nine investors in the uranium deal who flowed $145 million
to Hillary’s family foundation. Since Alesci ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 骇人听闻:希拉里用铀换俄国的政治献金
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 23 14:37:40 2016, 美东)
Indeed, in a 4,000-word front page story written over a year ago, the New
York Times’ Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Jo Becker and
Mike McIntire verified the Clinton Cash uranium revelation in stunning
detail, including charts and graphs laying out the flow of millions of
dollars from the nine investors in the uranium deal who flowed $145 million... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 骇人听闻:希拉里用铀换俄国的政治献金
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 23 14:37:40 2016, 美东)
Indeed, in a 4,000-word front page story written over a year ago, the New
York Times’ Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Jo Becker and
Mike McIntire verified the Clinton Cash uranium revelation in stunning
detail, including charts and graphs laying out the flow of millions of
dollars from the nine investors in the uranium deal who flowed $145 million... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 骇人听闻:希拉里用铀换俄国的政治献金
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 23 14:37:40 2016, 美东)
Indeed, in a 4,000-word front page story written over a year ago, the New
York Times’ Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Jo Becker and
Mike McIntire verified the Clinton Cash uranium revelation in stunning
detail, including charts and graphs laying out the flow of millions of
dollars from the nine investors in the uranium deal who flowed $145 million... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 骇人听闻:希拉里用铀换俄国的政治献金
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 23 14:37:40 2016, 美东)
Indeed, in a 4,000-word front page story written over a year ago, the New
York Times’ Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Jo Becker and
Mike McIntire verified the Clinton Cash uranium revelation in stunning
detail, including charts and graphs laying out the flow of millions of
dollars from the nine investors in the uranium deal who flowed $145 million... 阅读全帖