k****h 发帖数: 944 | 1 下月初有个CAMPUS VISIT(跳巢,但是是jounior position),我想女朋友一起去看一
下,因为我们是要一起move的。需要让对方学校知道my significant other 跟我一起
飞过来吗?Dinner可以让女朋友参加吗?女朋友倒也可以自己周围转转。 |
p*f 发帖数: 739 | 2 second visit是去的。
第一次不知道。 |
m****z 发帖数: 1394 | 3 unless you pay all the expenses yourself for her trip.
otherwise, it is quite unusual.
for the 2nd visit given you get the offer, it would be normal to take her
with you. |
i**********9 发帖数: 158 | 4 In my field, many fresh graduate would start as a visiting asst. prof.
before landing a tenure track position in some teaching school/ liberal art
college. |
P*******D 发帖数: 523 | 5 一月初要去2nd visit,想请教一下都有啥要注意的。
1.我有一个equipment list,比如需要UV-vis。然后他们说,我们有share的
你用那个就行了。估计他们就会把那个从start up上删掉,但是如果heavily used的仪
share的,毕竟不爽。应该怎么deal with这种情况?
3.一个medical school,要几个initial的postdoc support比较reasonable?
万分感谢! |
n********8 发帖数: 170 | 6 如果作为过渡的话,visiting professor (or teaching college)和postdoc,那个
差的学校做faculty, 不如读牛校的postdoc给自己的background加分,以退为进,花个
意见讨论~ |
e*****y 发帖数: 1192 | 7 你说的对,那种一年的visiting professor就是替人教课的,除了忙的要死的教学外,
呢正好有时间想想自己的phd research, 同时为post phd research做做准备。 |
c******a 发帖数: 725 | 8 Go on market every year. Meanwhile, do well in your teaching and try to have
some publications. It's tough. Most univs will not sponsor green card
applications for visiting faculty.
professor |
v***e 发帖数: 90 | 9 嗯,感觉visiting Pro多教课比较充实,有些成就感。而作科研没压力和动力(至少我
长进了... |
N****1 发帖数: 35 | 10 郁闷了很久,今天终于有点消息了
收到信说要安排on-campus visit
谢谢了。 |
l******4 发帖数: 207 | 11 I just did a favor to a professor in China to accept her as a visiting
scholar in my department. The department
chair helped with this because of my request. During her application, the
chair has to fill some forms for, so
she has some contacts with the chair. During this period, the chair said if
we should stop her application. I still
want to help "tong bao" and said to the chair we should work on. One day,
this lady asked me about the chair's
research background, which she would send to the ... 阅读全帖 |
s*******e 发帖数: 629 | 12 Did anyone help you when you came to the US? She is a visiting scholar.
Maybe this is also her first time coming to the States.
You should help her if you can. |
v***l 发帖数: 2623 | 13 这种visiting professor一般是谁帮忙接受,就到谁lab去工作。楼主接收了她,在做
开去傍更大的大牛一个道理。 |
t******g 发帖数: 84 | 14 我接受学校A的offer之后,withdraw了大多数学校的申请。没有withdraw学校B的,因
为觉得phone interview做的不满意。结果刚才收到这个学校的campus visit邀请。应
该怎么婉转的拒绝? |
c*******i 发帖数: 117 | 15 you needn't 婉转. Just say thank them for the opportunity to visit their
school and the consideration of you for this position, but you already
accepted another school's position. |
g***i 发帖数: 1972 | 16 现在面了一个学校A,那边的recruiting chair让我填了几个表,然后根我说把材料给
会给我打电话。而且说she is going to offer you the job.
明年会请学校批准tenure track。
我总觉得之前那个学校都面试完了,人家也说了offer you the job了,我是不是不好
像这种VF,明年申请tt的时候会不会比外面的申请者有优势呢? |
E********e 发帖数: 1734 | 17 选A.到中国去弄本科的成绩单挺麻烦的。
做了visiting faculty,以后申请本系的tenure-track职位没有优势。 |
n***p 发帖数: 7668 | 18 如果Tenure Track Faculty 是一块洗脸毛巾的话,有些时候会用来洗脸,
当系里需要一块临时擦脚布时,就找一些Visiting Faculty。当然他告诉你,
明年我们需要一块毛巾,你有机会。 每一块擦脚布都梦想着成为洗脸毛巾 |
F********y 发帖数: 7139 | 19 人家先来混个脸熟,自然比外面的更有优势。通常时候这种情况都是自己人拿到位置,
的了。 |
g********r 发帖数: 8017 | 20 visiting那个人可能去别的地方拿职位啊。这东西就跟相亲似的,有时候机会不大也得
去见见面。 |
j****0 发帖数: 248 | 21 lz你拿到offer了吗? Bless一下,其实visiting做起来也没什么意思,总是temp的。
最好是能去个签的久点的,BTW,我们同姓 嘻嘻~ |
a**********h 发帖数: 1001 | 22 请问大家有在拿到绿卡之前(140已批准,485还在等)离开美国去其他国家
visit一年以上的经验么?美国这边学校算我leave of absence,这个对移民有问题么?
非常感谢 |
I**********s 发帖数: 1573 | 23 多谢多谢!我的campus visit来得很突然,而且这几天要准备其他电面,焦头烂额的,根本抽不出时间逛店,迫切需要大家给我pinpoint几家常见的mall里有的店,outlet是肯定去不了了,小破城市,开车去outlet单程两小时。
我怀疑我要去的地方下周都得110度,希望室内都是凉快的吧。 |
q*********8 发帖数: 81 | 24 下周去一个学校visit, 背景和要招的比较相符,说是和两个教授各谈一谈,然后看看
系里的实验室。。。第一次,没什么经历。 有一下几个老问题:
1。 穿solid colored suit + match skirt + pump shoe. 可行吗?
2。 不知和教授谈什么?谈自己的经验和规划?
3。 观览实验室,要问些问题吗?
望过来人多指教,不胜感激。 |
M*****n 发帖数: 16729 | 25 second visit也不一定offer就到手了。
而且你还不知道人家offer 多少钱呢。
不要太得意,不要太紧张, 就行了。
祝好运! |
w******t 发帖数: 1422 | 26 do not go if you have other choice
if they want you, they will remove "visiting" |
F********y 发帖数: 7139 | 27 visiting一般就是一年的职位。问清楚明年成为正式assistant professor的机会有多
大。有的学校可以直接转正,有的要重新申请,重新面试,很头痛的。 |
U*******1 发帖数: 1565 | 28 a lot of faculty did visiting at the begining. It added more experience (
such as teaching) in your CV. Also, you became more mature after working one
year or two in terms of communications, working with other persons, and
methods of teaching. |
c****h 发帖数: 120 | 29 树挪死,人挪活;
如果有别的不太差的offer,还是不要选visiting position
unless it will lead to a TT position thereafter。Anyway, good luck. |
l********n 发帖数: 396 | 30 on site 做了research presentation and teaching demonstration, 我自己感觉还都
不错,one-on-one的meeting感觉也很好。。。回来发了很简单的thank you letter结
phone interview and campus visit面经。。。 |
k*****c 发帖数: 6 | 31 big bless!
我也是刚campus visit回来,很不淡定,
完全理解楼主的心情。祝福我两都有好消息! |
e******e 发帖数: 421 | 32 Engineering major.
I'd like to have a second visit to a university before accepting its offer.
How can I request that? Family reasons (e.g., show my family around the area
)? Thanks!
BTW: If the university doesn't cover the trip expenses, I can pay for the
trip out of my own pocket. |
e******e 发帖数: 421 | 33 oh.. i'm in engineering. It seems that very few people go for a second visit
BEFORE accepting the offer, but I know some people do so AFTER accepting the
offer. |
a**********y 发帖数: 2367 | 34 基本上去SECOND VISIT意思就是不出意外就会接受了吧
楼主既然自己愿意出钱,还不如自己悄悄去? |
t*****o 发帖数: 556 | 36 一个小学校,估计是teaching为主的,招visiting assistant professor。这算是怎么
一个职位呢?算是正式的编制吗?有知道的牛人过来讲解一下吧, 多谢! |
c**********e 发帖数: 276 | 37 One possible reason : One recently tenured faculty member is on sabbatical
leave........they need to hire a visiting A P to cover his/her teaching
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器 |
x****i 发帖数: 46 | 38 It is definitely a good thing. Likely they will offer you a position. On
your return visit, gather as much information as possible. You want to make
sure if they have all the necessary resources for you to start your job.
Ask junior faculties whether their start was smooth. Are there any
surprises, meaning things the department had promised but didn't provide?
If you are going to start your own lab, bring a detailed equipment list as
well as the budget. You also need to bring your spouse'... 阅读全帖 |
p*****g 发帖数: 996 | 39 安排参观地产,和地产商接触?
我印象中都是second visit或者快要给offer了才安排的(EECS专业)
thx |
D*********4 发帖数: 29 | 40 I did a good job in the first interview and was invited for a return visit a
few days ago. I initially thought it would be easy. Today the chair sent me
an email asking me to give a chalk talk. I never gave a chalk talk before,
and am wondering what a chalk talk is about. What is the difference between
a research talk and a chalk talk? How long should it be and what should I be
careful? Is there anyone who can share the experience with me? Thanks a lot
. |
t******e 发帖数: 174 | 41 上周二电面时,chair说上周会结束所有电面。现在还没有收到campus visit通知,是
不是没戏了?谢谢。 |
l****i 发帖数: 394 | 42 在申请funding 时,有区别吗? 我知道都是non-tenure. 一般都没什么竞争力。但是
听说过有几个research track 的faculty申到过NSF 和NIH grant的。Visiting
assistant professor 是不是更会被 panel look down? |
r******8 发帖数: 204 | 43 嗯,同意该观点。不过有时候看这个老板有多大。
这个visit 是否等同于interview问题还没有答案? |
h*******1 发帖数: 1648 | 44 谢ls各位的建议。
是visiting teaching assistant professor,主要是教课的。该以什么理由来说明这
担心学校会为难我,不给批。这样的话,唯一的一个offer就没了。 |
a*****2 发帖数: 308 | 45 国内学校邀请job candidate回国面试campus visit, 是不是基本上100%能够发给
有没有回国面试以后,没有拿到学校的工作的人?? |
e******e 发帖数: 421 | 46 去其他lab做暑期visiting(paid position),给我办h1b的律师说需要我换新的h1b,
然后等我回到学校,再让我重新申请学校的h1b,是这样吗?这样也太麻烦了。。谢谢! |
u*****n 发帖数: 3277 | 47 昨天收到电话和email,约了两个campus visits。都是在两周后。slides还没有准备完
呀,紧张中。求bless! |
u*****n 发帖数: 3277 | 48 thank all for your replies. I've cancelled my visit and am working to
reschedule it. It seems fine to the department. They understand that people
get sick, especially in this flu season. |
A**E 发帖数: 424 | 49 Visiting Assistant Professor是个什么东东?中文的意思是啥? |
F********y 发帖数: 7139 | 50 基本上是代课老师的代名词。一般是学校原来这个职位的人因为种种原因短时间不能来
上班所以找个visiting的来顶一下,通常不超过一年的期限。 |