

全部话题 - 话题: votes
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发帖数: 19713
Rhode Island House Speaker Promises Marriage Vote
Rhode Island House Speaker Gordon Fox said that he intends to hold a vote on
marriage equality legislation next year if he is reelected to his
leadership post.
Fox, who is gay, made the remarks Friday in an interview taping with WPRI 12
’s Newsmakers.
"I'm calling the vote," he said. "It's one of those issues that I need to
come back, we need to address, and I intend if I'm elected speaker to
address it early."
Last year, Fox decided not to hold ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4184
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: HIFU (花里胡哨), 信区: USANews
标 题: House Votes 225-201 Authorizing Lawsuit Against Obama
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 30 19:21:58 2014, 美东)
FOX News reports that the US House of Representatives has voted 225-201 on a
resolution authorizing a lawsuit against President Obama.
All Democrats and five Republicans voted 'nay'.
The Republicans voting no were said to be Reps. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Paul
Broun (R-Ga.), Tho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 92
来自主题: RuralChina版 - Please vote for this professor's Charity-
See his request:
This is Tonghai Yang, a math professor at UW-Madson and also founder of the Hometown Education Foundation---helping very poor kids in China to stay in school (see our website below for more information).
Would you please help my charity the `Hometown Education Foundation' win
$25000 grant from Chase Community Giving? Please be assured that all the fund goes to the needy students 100 percent!!! it will help more than 300 poor kids stay in school to continue their... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4324
On Monday, CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield highlighted CNN/ORC poll numbers showing
that, when it comes to support for President Barack Obama this election, 86
% of those voting for him are doing so because they genuinely like and agree
with him, while 12% report that they’re simply casting a vote against Mitt
Romney. Meanwhile, 62% of those voting for Romney are doing so because they
like and support him, with 37% admitting that they’re casting a vote
against Obama.
http://www.mediaite.c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16778
来自主题: USANews版 - new voting system
I designed a new voting system to replace the current system in the U.S.
please give your feedback.
everyone has voting right.
But the voting weight depends on his or her tax report.
For example, a person who filed a $1000 tax and a person who filed a $10000
will have the voting scores, 1*1000 and 1*10000, respectively.
If 10 persons who file $1000 vote for Obama, and 2 persons who file $10000
vote for Romney,
then Romney will beat Obama by 2*10000 > 10*1000.
But if 100 persons support Obama... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 850
Chinese American across the State should vote for Republican candidates in
2014 mid-term congressional elections.
This does not mean that we will vote for Republican candidates always in the
This is simply to send a message to Democrats and particularly those elected
Chinese-origin Democrat congressman and congresswoman that you can not have
both ways. You can not have our Chinese votes and also cast votes to damage
the interests of Chinese American population.
In several states such as ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
有的是vote your food stamps
有的是vote your stupidity
有的是vote your fear (of Trump becoming president)
如果选民真的都vote their conscience,希拉里就彻底没戏了,谁的conscience能让他
另一个高兴坏了的,是Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson,他很萌很天真地说
:"He did say to vote for Gary Johnson, didn't he? And that was 'vote your
发帖数: 2249
来自主题: USANews版 - 现在在投sessions的procedure vote呢
Sessions' confirmation vote set for Wednesday
Posted: Feb 06, 2017 7:49 PM CST
Updated: Feb 06, 2017 9:17 PM CST
By Bob Grip, FOX10 News AnchorCONNECT
The U.S. Senate is expected to vote Wednesday on the nomination of U.S. Sen.
Jeff Sessions of Alabama to be the next U.S. attorney general.
Here is the timetable:
Following Tuesday afternoon's vote on the nomination of Betsy DeVos as
education secretary, there will be a cloture vote on the Sessions nomination
. Cloture is a procedure for ending a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
Senate Democrats secured the votes on Monday to block President Donald Trump
's Supreme Court nominee, but it was virtually certain to be a short-lived
political victory. Republicans have vowed to change Senate rules to put Neil
Gorsuch on the court and score a much-needed win for their party.
Delaware Sen. Chris Coons said before a Judiciary Committee vote on Gorsuch
that he would vote with his fellow Democrats to block the nomination later
this week. Majority Leader Mitch McCon... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 92
Please see his request:
This is Tonghai Yang, a math professor at UW-Madson and also founder
the Hometown Education Foundation---helping very poor kids in China
to stay in school (see our website below for more information).
Would you please help my charity the `Hometown Education Foundation'
$25000 grant from Chase Community Giving? Please be assured that all
the fund goes to the needy students 100 percent!!! it will help more
than 300 poor kids stay in school t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 92
Sorry to bother you, please See his request:
This is Tonghai Yang, a math professor at UW-Madson and also founder
the Hometown Education Foundation---helping very poor kids in China
to stay in school (see our website below for more information).
Would you please help my charity the `Hometown Education Foundation'
$25000 grant from Chase Community Giving? Please be assured that all
the fund goes to the needy students 100 percent!!! it will help more
than 300 poor ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 92
Please see his request:
This is Tonghai Yang, a math professor at UW-Madson and also founder
the Hometown Education Foundation---helping very poor kids in China
to stay in school (see our website below for more information).
Would you please help my charity the `Hometown Education Foundation'
$25000 grant from Chase Community Giving? Please be assured that all
the fund goes to the needy students 100 percent!!! it will help more
than 300 poor kids stay in school t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8227
The Senate just voted not to move ahead with Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid’s proposal for raising the debt ceiling, which included $2.2 trillion
in spending cuts. The vote was 50-49, with 60 votes need to advance the bill.
But by the time of the vote, the result was anti-climactic; the real action
is unfolding far from the Senate floor, as leaders of both parties try to
hammer out the final details of a deal by day’s end to raise the debt
ceiling from the current $14.29 trillion. That would ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16971
CANNES, France (AP) -- European leaders heaped pressure on Greece over its
decision to hold a referendum on its latest bailout deal, calling it a vote
on whether it wants to stay in the eurozone and vowing Athens would not get
new rescue loans until the result was in.
The acknowledgment that the vote -- which will likely take place on Dec. 4 -
- could see Greece leave the currency union is the first official admission
that such an e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 92
Please see his request:
This is Tonghai Yang, a math professor at UW-Madson and also founder
the Hometown Education Foundation---helping very poor kids in China
to stay in school (see our website below for more information).
Would you please help my charity the `Hometown Education Foundation'
$25000 grant from Chase Community Giving? Please be assured that all
the fund goes to the needy students 100 percent!!! it will help more
than 300 poor kids stay in school t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
October 7, 2013 - 4:35 PM
PAUL DAVENPORT, Associated Press
PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona plans to implement a dual-track voting system
allowing people who register to vote without submitting proof of citizenship
to cast ballots only for federal offices — such as Congress— but not for
state or local offices, officials said Monday.
Secretary of State Ken Bennett will implement the system recommended under
an opinion issued Monday by Attorney General Tom Horne, Bennett spokesman
Matt Roberts said.
"Becaus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: House panel votes to subpoena Corzine on MF Global
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 5 11:44:41 2011, 美东)
AP Business Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A congressional panel has voted to subpoena former Sen.
Jon Corzine to testify next Thursday about his role leading MF Global, a
brokerage firm that collapsed this fall after a disastrous bet on European
The hearing will be a rare moment in Washington. Congressional historians
had ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7506
Mitt Romney lost Latinos by unprecedented margins -- even worse than the
initial exit polls showed -- according to a study by Latino Decisions.
An election eve poll of 5,600 voters across all 50 states by the group,
which has researched the Latino vote throughout the campaign, concluded
Obama won by an eye-popping 75-23 margin. Their research concluded that CNN'
s exit poll estimate of 71 percent of Latinos breaking to Obama likely
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3030
Who would have the right for "internal" vote? Are you going to exclude
chinese american from Taiwan who supports Taiwan independence? Old
immigrants and their decendents? FLG practitioners? Women married outside
Chinese race who were demeaned daily on this website with the blessing of
the website owner? the list can go on and on.
For those chinese American's who wouldn't follow your "block vote" guide in
your utopia, but prefers to vote with their own free will, what are you
going to do to them?... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 92
It seems that he is from USTC. Please see his request:
This is Tonghai Yang, a math professor at UW-Madson and also founder
the Hometown Education Foundation---helping very poor kids in China
to stay in school (see our website below for more information).
Would you please help my charity the `Hometown Education Foundation'
$25000 grant from Chase Community Giving? Please be assured that all
the fund goes to the needy students 100 percent!!! it will help more
than... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 92
Please see his request:
This is Tonghai Yang, a math professor at UW-Madson and also founder
the Hometown Education Foundation---helping very poor kids in China
to stay in school (see our website below for more information).
Would you please help my charity the `Hometown Education Foundation'
$25000 grant from Chase Community Giving? Please be assured that all
the fund goes to the needy students 100 percent!!! it will help more
than 300 poor kids stay in school t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26222
在村,县,市,省,全国各级规模,对适宜于公民投票的项目,一律采取公民直接投票来处理相关事项。 现在网络如此发达, 开发这样一个投票系统,不应该有什么问题。
该投票系统就叫PRC Voting System,全国每个公民都有一个个人账户,可以用身份证输入,配合密码登陆, voting system及时update 该选民所在村,县,市,省乃至全国正在进行的投票, 配合电子邮件或者短信, voting system也可以提醒选民有哪些正在进行的投票, 投票内容,截止期等。
全国Voting System联网, 及时real time统计相关投票结果, 在截止日公告投票最终结果。
该voting system可以广泛应用于官员选举, 拆迁协调投票, 重大工程项目听证, 国家重大事项如外汇储备处置投票, 领导人民意投票等等。
发帖数: 109
【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
发信人: DFWCA (DFW华盟), 信区: Texas
标 题: DFWCA达拉斯华人联盟 -- Early Voting
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 20 00:54:26 2014, 美东)
DFW Chinese Alliance urges registered voters to go out and vote!
Early voting has started on Feb 18, 2014. Voting early has at least two
advantages: flexibility in voting location and short line.
For tax reasons, DFWCA, as an organization, cannot and will not endorse any
individual candidate. But any member of DFWCA as an individual can support
any candidate. If yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6361
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: cccpwx (Carp), 信区: USANews
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 13 04:16:17 2016, 美东)

发帖数: 1
Logically speaking, why would you ever vote if the chance of the vote become
useful is so small that can be neglected?
You should not. So the truly intelligent people never vote. Instead they
will use their power to influence many other less intelligent people to vote.
So the essence of the democratic politics is mass-manipulation.
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Lieberman on DADT: We Have 60 Votes
osted on Advocate.com November 18, 2010
Lieberman on DADT: We Have 60 Votes
By Kerry Eleveld
Sen. Joe Lieberman said Thursday that repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell”
as part of the National Defense Authorization Act is no longer a question of
votes, it’s a question of process.
“I am confident that we have more than 60 votes prepared to take up the
Defense authorization with the repeal of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ if only
there will be a guarantee of a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com June 20, 2011 07:40:00 PM ET
N.J. Senator Regrets Vote Against Marriage Equality
By Michelle Garcia
A New Jersey state senator said he now regrets voting against marriage
equality last year.
Senate president Stephen Sweeney said his vote against marriage equality was
the "biggest mistake" of his political career, according to the New Jersey
Star-Ledger. The Democrat made the remarks after a floor speech regarding a
bill that could overhaul state workers' pensions and healt... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
ALBANY, N.Y.—Republicans in the New York Senate agreed Friday to allow a
full vote on legalizing gay marriage, setting the stage for a possible
breakthrough victory for the gay-rights movement in the state where it got
its start.
* Tweet Be the first to Tweet this!
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New York could become the sixth state where gay couples can wed, and the
biggest by far. A vote could come as soon as tonight.
Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos said the bill will come to the floor and
be brought ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Majority Leader Harry Reid says he not only backs marriage equality but also
that the Senate might vote on a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act
before the election.
Reid followed President's Obama's announcement of support for same-sex
marriage with the announcement of his own more nuanced position. Reid said
that although he personally believes marriage remains between a man and a
woman, the government shouldn't interfere with same-sex couples who want to
“My personal belief is that m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5023
Early Voting Available in More Than 30 States
WASHINGTON — Election Day will be something of an afterthought for tens of
millions of Americans — they’ll be voting well ahead of time.
In fact, six weeks out from Election Day, some voters in Kentucky, South
Carolina and Virginia already are done.
Nationwide, about a third of the electorate is expected to vote early this
year, thanks to expanded early voting prov
发帖数: 29846
AP Business Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A congressional panel has voted to subpoena former Sen.
Jon Corzine to testify next Thursday about his role leading MF Global, a
brokerage firm that collapsed this fall after a disastrous bet on European
The hearing will be a rare moment in Washington. Congressional historians
had to reach back to 1908, when a former senator from North Carolina was
called to testify in connection with a corporate lobbying scandal, to find a
similar inst... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Associated Press
CAIRO (AP) -- Voting in election runoffs for Egypt's first parliament since
Hosni Mubarak's ouster resumed on Wednesday without the long lines outside
polling centers seen in previous rounds of the staggered vote.
The balloting comes amid growing calls for the ruling military to step down
and allow the next parliament to form a national unity government that would
take over the reins of power until a new president is elected before the
end of June. Another scen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4961
来自主题: USANews版 - Let us block voting for GOP
共和党不屌亚裔也是事实。我怎么从来没见过共和党来拉亚裔选票的组织? 你把选票送
的事情。你要是不喜欢的话可以去竞选里面的officer, 我肯定拉人来支持你。
如果你不喜欢80-20,你要是能够折腾一个80-20这样规模的组织来组织bloc vote的话,
我也愿意和你一起bloc vote GOP. 可是现在你一个人这么瞎折腾,根本不可能搞成
bloc vote,对亚裔有什么好处吗?你现在什么组织和实力都没有,你今年根本搞不成
bloc vote, 还不如好好组织你的队伍2016再来组织bloc vote GOP。有机会当leader的
时候要拿出魄力和工作来当leader, 不是时机当leader的时候就应该做一个好的team
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Vote Fraud is Real
by Quin Hillyer
John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky are on the case. I explain here. http://cfif.org/v/index.php/commentary/54-state-of-affairs/1591-vote-fraud-threatens-this-years-elections
A taste:
Von Spakovsky, meanwhile, devastatingly refuted the leftist arguments
against laws requiring voters to show identification at the polls. Critics
say the laws make it too difficult to vote, especially for minorities. Yet,
as von Spakovsky explained, when voter-ID laws went into effect in Indiana
and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4354
来自主题: USANews版 - Early Vote Gallup Poll
Not really, he is losing quite a bit of young votes and black votes, they
are not coming out to vote for him in large number like 2008.
For the young, he is not rock star any more, and half college graduates
cannot find a good job.
For the blacks, he didn't help them at all, they are disappointed.
He is also losing votes in most other categories.
Maybe only Mexican Hispanics will vote for him more than 2008, due to his
dream act effort.
发帖数: 6411
来自主题: USANews版 - 投了。early vote最后一天
early vote的最后一天。人很多。排了大约50分钟的队。我所在是东部一个swing
state. 看不出周围人的倾向,只跟身边的一个还在读研究生的mm聊了几句。她也选o8.
中间有志愿者问需不需要帮助,还发放voting guide. D这边的是个大妈,R那边的是个
hot girl。我各要了一份。D这边的guide是彩色的,上书"easy as 1-2-3",下面三布
1) Vote Obama 2)vote Straight Demogratic 3) vote for non-partisan
candidates. R的材料是黑白的,纸质不太好。上面列出了所有的共和党的候选人,相
Obama 2012!
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
If you think this is an isolated incident we’ve got some lovely Kansas
oceanfront property in case you’re interested.
She admitted voting twice in the presidential election last November,
and now, Obama supporter Melowese Richardson has been indicted for allegedly
voting at least six times. She also is charged with illegal voting in 2008
and 2011.
The 58-year-old veteran Cincinnati poll worker, indicted Monday, faces
eight counts of voter fraud. Two others, one of whom is a nun... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1814
FOX News reports that the US House of Representatives has voted 225-201 on a
resolution authorizing a lawsuit against President Obama.
All Democrats and five Republicans voted 'nay'.
The Republicans voting no were said to be Reps. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Paul
Broun (R-Ga.), Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), Steve Stockman (R-Texas) and Walter
Jones, Jr. (R-N.C.)
Jones recently told The Hill that he planned to vote 'no' on the resolution
due to t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 460
John F Remillard • an hour ago
Considering Chuck Hagel (Obama's Secretary of Defense) owns the company that
makes all the electronic voting machines and SEIU (pro-Marxism labor union)
technicians install and calibrate the electronic voting machines AND the
only way Democrats could win any election is by fraud, then THE ONLY
recourse for honest people is DO NOT USE ANY ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINE!!!!!!
9 • Reply•Share ›
THEKING John F Remillard • an hour ago
ONE WAY ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2215
More significantly, Trump is positioned to easily pass the modern record-
holder, George W. Bush, who collected 10.8 million votes in 2000.
That presents an uncomfortable reality for anti-Trump forces: they’re
attempting to thwart the candidate who is likely to win more Republican
primary votes than any GOP contender in at least the last 36 years, and
maybe ever.
In an email to POLITICO, University of Minnesota political science professor
(and Smart Politics blogger) Eric Ostermeier noted that o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
August 8, 2016
Fareed Zakaria calls for mandatory voting
By Thomas Lifson
Demonstrating that no idea is so bad that it will lack adherents, CNN’s
most fatuous pundit advocated on air for mandatory voting.
Just what we need: another restriction on our freedom, the government
telling us what we must do. And what kind of votes will be cast? Will they
be knowledgeable electors, or merely casual drive-by votes in which a
trivial factor or a vague impression, not powerful enough to impel a person
to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8906
Per foxnews pollster Frank Luntz. Again it is absentee ballot return count
according to party line. Not the final vote result.
Early vote returns in NORTH CAROLINA so far
Democrats: 17,543 in 2016 (17,331 in 2012)
Republicans: 19,533 in 2016 (34,103 in 2012)
Early vote returns in FLORIDA so far
Democrats: 305,700 in 2016 (111,471 in 2008)
Republicans: 314,301 in 2016 (176,855 in 2008)
Early vote returns in IOWA so far
Democrats: 99,345 in 2016 (132,188 in 2012)
Republicans: 61,065 in 2016 (78... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8906
Per foxnews pollster Frank Luntz. Again it is absentee ballot return count
according to party line. Not the final vote result.
Early vote returns in NORTH CAROLINA so far
Democrats: 17,543 in 2016 (17,331 in 2012)
Republicans: 19,533 in 2016 (34,103 in 2012)
Early vote returns in FLORIDA so far
Democrats: 305,700 in 2016 (111,471 in 2008)
Republicans: 314,301 in 2016 (176,855 in 2008)
Early vote returns in IOWA so far
Democrats: 99,345 in 2016 (132,188 in 2012)
Republicans: 61,065 in 2016 (78... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1294
来自主题: USANews版 - George W. Bush did not vote for Clinton
Rush Limbaugh's claim that George W. Bush and Laura Bush voted for Hillary
Clinton is wrong, a spokesperson for the former president says.
"Rush is wrong and should apologize," Freddy Ford, a spokesman for former
President Bush, told CNN on Tuesday.
The former first couple did not vote for a presidential candidate, Ford said
. They did vote for Republican candidates down the ballot.
Limbaugh, the most popular conservative talk radio show host in the country,
had led his listeners to believe that... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17225
来自主题: USANews版 - Paris Hilton: I Voted for Donald Trump
Socialite and DJ Paris Hilton voted to Make America Great Again.
In an interview on Australian television Thursday, the hotel heiress
confirmed that she voted for Republican Donald Trump in the U.S.
presidential election earlier this month.
“I’ve known him since I was a little girl, so yes,” Hilton told Network
Ten’s The Project program on Thursday.
Hilton has previously said that she and Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump’s
dau... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
In 2008, as many as 5.7 million noncitizens voted in the election. In 2012,
as many as 3.6 million voted, the study said.
In 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that there were 21.0 million adult
noncitizens in the U.S., up from 19.4 million in 2008. It is therefore
highly likely that millions of noncitizens cast votes in 2016.

发帖数: 1
ZT. Anyone who can have a reasonable thought process knows that non citizens
are voting. That's why liberals pander to the illegal community , that's
why they have sanctuary cities and defy federal law. Every time legislation
is proposed to show ID or proof of citizenship to vote the left comes out en
mass to oppose it with lame excuses like it is discriminatory, and racist
and poses an undue burden on the poor. That POS Ruth Bader Ginsburg fights
any action requiring ID to vote with fantasy sto... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18
来自主题: USANews版 - why I will vote for Travis Allen
I have long decided that I will vote for republican in 6/5 Carlifornia
primary. It is important to choose between two republican candidate in
Governor's race
1. John Cox
2. Travis Allen
the reason it is important:
1. only top 2 of all candidates from both parties will compete in general
election so there is a risk that no republican candidate will make it to
compete in November general election if the votes are split
2. It is important for republican party to get at least one candidate to run
in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - vote the video please
Dear Madam or Sir,
I am writing to ask for a favor. I made a video for my little girl, Tracie,
who celebrated her 1st birth day last month, to participate in the video
contest sponsored by iTalkBB. Please log into your Facebook to vote for this
video to show your support. I will need support from you, your family and
your friends to vote video. Every vote counts!!! My video is “萌主争霸 参赛
视频 08 号".
But also know that this contest is restricted in US only, which means people
outside States are not s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 109
【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
发信人: DFWCA (DFW华盟), 信区: Texas
标 题: DFWCA达拉斯华人联盟 -- Early Voting
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 20 00:54:26 2014, 美东)
DFW Chinese Alliance urges registered voters to go out and vote!
Early voting has started on Feb 18, 2014. Voting early has at least two
advantages: flexibility in voting location and short line.
For tax reasons, DFWCA, as an organization, cannot and will not endorse any
individual candidate. But any member of DFWCA as an individual can support
any candidate. If yo... 阅读全帖
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