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发帖数: 21374
gtme2003 (smiletiger2000) 于 (Tue Sep 13 02:21:42 2005) 提到:
It is not an Ads here. Just want to discuss the website related technology
with you guys.At the same time to initiate a discussion of how to make money
from it. The global market make the website design a really low cost job for
the so called "software engineers". In my personal opinion, the website design
is more and more like an arts work, because the techniques involved in the
site buildin
发帖数: 87
来自主题: BuildingWeb版 - building ecommerce website questions
We as a team are trying to build a ecommerce website and an admin portal to
manage orders and view reports. This website needs customer to upload images
, manage their images, but don't need edit image function.
This is our first project, and we know nothing but coding. There are some
beginner questions to ask experts in this forum. Please advise.
1. how much can we charge them?
2. How to choose a hosting website? If we decide to host by ourselves, how
much is going to take?
3. As we work on thi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1536
BusinessWeek website attacked and hosts malware
Posted on 15.09.2008
Folks from Sophos have discovered that the website of BusinessWeek, the
world famous weekly magazine, has been attacked by hackers in an attempt to
infect its readership with malware.
Hundreds of webpages in a section of BusinessWeek’s website which offers
information about where MBA students might find future employers have been
affected. According to Sophos, hackers used an
发帖数: 143
来自主题: Programming版 - Bandit Algorithms for Website Optimization
When looking for ways to improve your website, how do you decide which
changes to make? And which changes to keep? This concise book shows you how
to use Multiarmed Bandit algorithms to measure the real-world value of any
modifications you make to your site. Author John Myles White shows you how
this powerful class of algorithms can help you boost website traffic,
convert visitors to customers, and increase many other measures of success.
This is the first developer-focused book on bandit algori... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9501
来自主题: Programming版 - Obamacare website
Traffic problems. The website’s first and most obvious problem occurred
shortly after launch, when users rushed to sign up, only to find the website
overwhelmed and malfunctioning due to the massive amount of traffic. When
most people think about web traffic problems, they assume they occur because
of a problem with the server, but as tech blogger Paul Adams points out,
the site’s problems were caused by architecture as well. Adams ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9501
来自主题: Programming版 - Obamacare website
No insurance website has scale even close to obamacare website. Live
validation as one step of multiple registration steps is the reason why the
website is not working.

发帖数: 9501
来自主题: Programming版 - Obamacare website
None insurance company's website has a scale even close to 1% of what
Obamocare website is. You designed a few systems with more daily active
users than Obamacare website need handle? Let's see it.

发帖数: 2630
Hi, Guys:
I am looking for a website to buy an antivirus program. But I AM worry some
online websites might just steall my credit card info. Could anyone share
with me a reliable website but of course low cost?
发帖数: 272
Here are some websites I recommend:
practicelink.com (their q 3monthly journal is very good, when you register
to the site, you will get free journals, there are tons of tips and advises
MDlinx, health ejobs, indeed, careerbuilder,Medicorp
JCO, NEJM,(for academic positions)
There are other tons of websites. I don't remember now.
Try to post your resume in some on some of the websites, and then you will
know what to do next because everyday you will receive so many emails.
Recruiters: Act... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
来自主题: _DealGroup版 - 【$】Cashback rebate comparison website
Hey everyone,
I searched SD and didn't find a post on this... you know there are several
websites you can use for cashback such as mrEBATES, fatwallet, etc. However
, it takes time to search the various websites to see which one has the
biggest % cashback...
I use www.cashback monitor.com:
to compare all of the websites at one time prior to making any purchase.
thought this might help an avid newbie or seasoned pro... but sometimes you
have to jump on a HOT bef
发帖数: 60932
But Dell Mobility Store is selling all of Windows Phone 7 phones on their
website for $150 with 2 years contract.
Tomorrow is official launch day for Windows Phone 7 and T-Mobile and AT&T
site just went live and now you can order HTC HD7, HTC Surrond, and Samsung
Focus for $199.99 from T-Mobile and AT&T websites.
Dell Venue Pro Windows Phone 7 will be available to purchase from Microsoft
Store tomorrow for $199.99 and later from Dell website.
Order yours before they change price to $199.99!
Dell... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Hi All,
Today I was on my library's website (Cincinnati, OH suburb) and was looking
around at their databases. One of the options available was Consumer Reports
. I clicked on the link and it redirected me to an Ohio Library site that
asked me for my library card number. After entering my number, it took me
directly to the Consumer Reports website and had me logged in as a "Library
User Account". I have access to all categories and everything the normal
site offers. I'm not sure which other stat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1464
【 以下文字转载自 bluechips 俱乐部 】
发信人: newgumin (新股民), 信区: bluechips
标 题: 5 Financial Websites You Can't Afford to Miss (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 8 17:09:32 2011, 美东)
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: Caspia (情人草), 信区: Stock
标 题: 5 Financial Websites You Can't Afford to Miss
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 7 20:07:40 2011, 美东)
I only subscribe to the Big Picture, but the other fours look very good.
发帖数: 9932
【 以下文字转载自 ChinaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: JFiRB (血鹦鹉-蓝龙), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: Please file a formal complaint on FCC website! (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 10 14:55:02 2008)
发信人: freeair (花蝴蝶), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Please file a formal complaint on FCC website!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 10 11:45:57 2008)
Here are some fields you need to fill in:
*(1) Date of Program: April 09,2008
*(2) Time of Program: 6PM US EST
(3) Network: CNN
*(4) Call Sign, Channel OR Frequency of the station on which you viewed/he
发帖数: 17544
来自主题: Military版 - Amazon stops hosting WikiLeaks website(zz)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Amazon.com Inc has stopped hosting WikiLeaks'
website after an inquiry by the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee amid
anger about the release of classified U.S. government documents on the site.
WikiLeaks turned to Amazon to keep its site available after hackers tried to
flood it and thus prevent users from accessing the classified information
posted. WikiLeaks said Wednesday it was now being hosted by servers in
Staff for Senate Homeland Security Co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3978
来自主题: Military版 - LanXiang NB, hacked down CIA website
Lan Xiang, disguised as Lulz, have successfully knocked the Central
Intelligence Agency's website offline, the latest in a string of attacks on
U.S. government websites Wednesday
发帖数: 8175
Aug 12 (Reuters) - A prominent computer security firm has warned that the
Dalai Lama's Chinese-language website has been compromised with malicious
software that is infecting computers of visitors with software that could be
used for spying on its visitors.
Kaspersky Lab researcher Kurt Baumgartner told Reuters that he is advising
web surfers to stay away from the Chinese-language site of the Central
Tibetan Administration's site until the organization fixes the bug.
He said he believes the grou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Security experts call it a “drive-by download”: a hacker infiltrates a
high-traffic website and then subverts it to deliver malware to every single
visitor. It’s one of the most powerful tools in the black hat arsenal,
capable of delivering thousands of fresh victims into a hackers’ clutches
within minutes.
Now the technique is being adopted by a different kind of a hacker—the kind
with a badge. For the last two years, the FBI has been quietly
expe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 40861
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: SmartOwl (聪明的猫头鹰), 信区: Parenting
标 题: 做了一个指导小孩编程的website (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 2 00:54:34 2015, 美东)
发信人: SmartOwl (聪明的猫头鹰), 信区: SanDiego
标 题: 做了一个指导小孩编程的website
关键字: 小孩,编程
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 2 00:24:34 2015, 美东)
或者来找我学. :)
发帖数: 29846
Over the weekend, the Obama administration decided to close the Amber Alert
system website thanks to the government shutdown. The Let’s Move website,
Michelle Obama’s designated domain for her nutrition and exercise program,
remained open. On Monday, after public outcry, the site was posted back
online late on Monday. The Amber Alert program is used in all 50 states to
alert residents to child abductions.
发帖数: 29846
White House Admits Obama Couldn’t Use Website To Sign Up For ObamaCare
by Jammie
He’s simply too lazy and incompetent. What other plausible excuse could he
have to not have been the first person to sign up for something named after
him? So he went and had some minions do the work for him.
He won’t use it, and he didn’t actually sign up for it himself, but
President Barack Obama has enrolled for health coverage through the new
insurance exchanges.
Announcing his enrollment Monday, the Wh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2744
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: thighhigh (Thigh High), 信区: Military
标 题: Trumps website is not live fact checking despite his claim that it was
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 26 23:54:18 2016, 美东)
Trumps website is not live fact checking despite his claim that it was
发帖数: 182
来自主题: BackHome版 - Buy tickets from agents or website
The prices from agents and delta website are the same.
What benefits could I get if I buy the ticket from delta website?? My credit
card is citi Forward.
Thanks so much.
发帖数: 1763
Return reason: Different from website description
Buyer comments: Please send a label to return the product. The item has not
be used.
写信问他是怎么回事,有什么different from website description,有没有open box
The product is not what was expected when it was opened. The package was
opened by not connected. AMAZON and vendors have always been extremely
professional when returns are necessary. Thank you in advance for taking
care of this request.
我是不是只能给他retu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 112
发帖数: 536
Sorry that I cannot type Chinese here.
Do you build your reserach lab website in university, or have you considered
hosting service outside the university?
It is difficult to deal with the IT folks in university - too much
restrictions. I heard that a concern about getting a hosting service outside
is that some IPs or websites might be blocked by China. Is that right?
I'll appreciate any comments or suggestions.
Thank you very much!
发帖数: 1
POSTGRAD Apartment, which is a real estate middle agent helping people to
find an ideal apartment for FREE. Currently, we have networks and
partnership with real estate agencies in Chicago, New York and Boston. In
addition, we also offer information about the city such as entertainment,
nightlife, restaurants to help you to transit from China to United States.
Another service we offer is that your students can sell or buy furniture on
our website. Please visit our website: www.PostGradApartm
发帖数: 1
http://www.gottara.com is a good website which may be useful for you to search available graduate assistantship such as research assistantship, teaching assistantship, fellowship and scholarship.
Please also let your professor know that he/she can post the assistantship
opening on that website to attract most talent students.
We will benefit from it by helping each other.
发帖数: 2
We are looking for some individuals to build up a website, our business is
about direct sale of wine, the website is a platform between our company and
our customers. The following is a reference, it makes sense.
Do you have interests and experience? please contact us by email, in the
first email please show up your background and some sample of your works and
your salary expectation.
Email: a**********[email protected]
发帖数: 68
来自主题: JobMarket版 - need help on building a website
I want to build a website for commercial purpose. I have an idea on business
model. I need someone to help me building the website. Basically, I want to
be able to let people post their product for sale either free or fee based.
Then we need to be able to get the seller's information, and develop ways
to collect fee from seller or buyer. The system may become complicate as the
business develops. For example, we may want to set up an aution just like
eBay. I the end, I hope to become an agent
发帖数: 1
A fresh start-up located at South Bay near Santa Clara University, we are
developing an education website for the world market. So far the prototype
of the website has been completed, and we are looking for talented
developers and designers who want to be part of this existing project.
You will build the site from the current prototype, under very limited
guidance, therefore you will act as both as a developer/designer and an
entrepreneur during the whole developing period.
Skills and Experience... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3
We are an emerging, professional laundry service located in Beijing and
Tianjin, China. To take our e-Commerce to a new level, we’re looking for
ONE long-term consultant to work with our web/mobile platform designers in
Los Angeles for website and mobile APP development.
You must be familiar and updated with the latest technologies in foresight,
having work experience particularly in Chinese website construction and
mobile APP development, knowing CNNIC regulations and e-banking related
solution... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Employer info:
Name: Capital Law and faayou.com
Company website: www.faayou.com
Company description: Faayou.com serves corporate clients in the legal
service provider
industry. Our focus is on providing you a free, simple and easy-to-follow
website to help you find
the most suitable service provider for your legal needs.
Position:online marketing/business develop
Job description:
Number of hiring: 2
Job Location: 4170 s decatur bl. B4, las vegas, NV
Starting tim... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 759
It seems that serve changed the amex offer page on their website. samsclub
offers added through twitter do not show up on the website anymore. They
were there before.
发帖数: 1256
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - a good website for video
recommend this website:
it is a very good online video website.
发帖数: 4
Just for some one who want to buy Mr. Liang's service to apply visa at CJ,
Mexico. This time some photos are included in this website.
Also any comments are welcomed. Again, I have to say, I MAKE NO MONEY TO BUILD
Thanks for your attention.
发帖数: 582
Anyone knows any website/software that can read English
words/sentences for kids?
Because of my inaccurate pronunciation, I seldom read English to my
son. Therefore, I like to find some website/software.
发帖数: 9035
Visa Information and Assistance - The recommended first source of
information regarding visa matters is our internet site at http://travel.state.gov.
Contacting U.S. Embassies and Consulates – For case-specific inquiries, you
may contact the U.S. embassy or consulate processing your visa application
for information regarding your case. Visit www.usembassy.gov for U.S.
embassy and consulate contact information.
Contacting Visa Services - Information is available to the public by
telephone at the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9035
Visa Information and Assistance - The recommended first source of
information regarding visa matters is our internet site at http://travel.state.gov.
Contacting U.S. Embassies and Consulates – For case-specific inquiries, you
may contact the U.S. embassy or consulate processing your visa application
for information regarding your case. Visit www.usembassy.gov for U.S.
embassy and consulate contact information.
Contacting Visa Services - Information is available to the public by
telephone at the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 403
I really worried about the application of the visa for my mom. My dad passed
away many years ago and she stayed in China alone because I'm the only one
kid. Last year she extended the visa when she stayed with me in US. I know
the situation is not easy for her to apply visa this time.
On Monday I checked the website at night and found "no status" on website,
and I called her and she didn't say anything... Well, at last she can be
发帖数: 8
来自主题: StartUp版 - A toy website. Feedback appreciated.
We build a website www.play4kid.com
Feel free to give us some feedback.
"Kids learn through playing. Play4kid.com recommends toys and games
appropriate to children's age and their development needs. This website
summarizes the current understanding of children's gross motor, fine motor,
language, cognitive and social skill development at each stage. We hope our
web site makes searching for educational toys a simple, time-saving and
enjoyable experience.
Come and visit www.play4kid.
发帖数: 325
ps. to build a database website with < 100 merchandise, is there a software
or website I can use to create my own or it's better to hire someone to do
it? any recommendation is appreciated! thanks.
发帖数: 259
来自主题: StartUp版 - create eBiz website
Hi, Gang, newbie to eBiz and first question is how to create a website that
host TomCat and mySql to run Java and JSP type of services. Thanks.
Searched a few web-hosting site (1and1, fatcow etc), none of them seems
support running TomCat.
The next question is what does it take to host the website with home
computer? is regular cable network user enough to do? or ISP will charge
more? Thanks.
发帖数: 1300
来自主题: StartUp版 - e-commerce website
I need to build a very simple, but specialized website which has shopping
cart and check out functionality.
Anyone here has experience or recommendation?
The website could be made from reconfiguration of other shopping cart
software such as os-commerce.
I do need experienced developer or company.
I was talking to a Pakistani and paid him a small down payment, but the guy
has not delivered anything for 2 weeks so I decided not to waste my time.
Please PM me if you are interested and send me sampl
发帖数: 1027
来自主题: StartUp版 - an interesting website for sale - $60K
currently in auction at flippa.com, highest bid is currently at $41,000.
looks like a very well done website. what are your comments?
发帖数: 496
来自主题: StartUp版 - 寻求Website Design服务
thx! I checked those templates and it seems all of them are e-commerce
Our company is a biotech start up. The website will be quite different.
For example: http://www.cellapplications.com/
do you have similar (but different, less shanzhai) solutions?
Sorry I can not type Chinese at office.
发帖数: 8227
Bank of America is having a bit of a soft patch. The company’s stock was
the worst performer in the Dow this quarter. And now, BofA says it is having
some “access issues” with its website.
This is not an unusual situation for BofA, unfortunately. (Of course, BofA
is the country’s biggest bank, so more people notice when its services have
BofA is saying the website problem isn’t due to hacking or a security
problem, according to Dow Jones Newswires headlines crossing the tape right
发帖数: 3883
Yahoo buys Summly website from 17-year-old tech whiz for $30 million
发帖数: 16778
来自主题: Working版 - website copyright
is it legal to copy a whole webiste from internet and then
change title or text and use its original css and style?
it infringes copyright or something?
I am designing our company's webiste. I find a beautiful website from other
company. Can I copy the style file of the company and design our company's
with this style file?
The two webpages will appear very similiar with difference in text.
The logo from that company will be replaced by our logo.
发帖数: 21578
【 以下文字转载自 Seattle 讨论区 】
发信人: HousingBlack (房黑), 信区: Seattle
标 题: June Visa Bulletin OUT on Mumbai Consulate Website (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 11 01:39:59 2010, 美东)
发信人: Nogales (Nogales), 信区: EB23
标 题: June Visa Bulletin OUT on Mumbai Consulate Website
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 11 01:19:00 2010, 美东)
India EB2 Current
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