

全部话题 - 话题: whever
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: HiFi版 - 看了一个星期的audiogon
but whatever we say here or whever the review you read on Audiogon, they are
purely subjective at best. NYC has a lot of good shops so you should take
advantage of it and visit a few. The more you listen, the more you know.
buying speakers is like getting a wife. you should not pay too much
attention to others' reviews and only buy what you like..
发帖数: 50
来自主题: Medicine版 - 侄女发热后抽搐,癫痫治疗
If seizure occurs everytime when she has a fever, it is called febrile
seizure. Most of them will resolve when child gets older. The most important
thing is to control fever - give tylenol/motrin aroud the clock whever she
develops a cold. However, if it occurs very frequent, some pediatric
neurologist will give anti-seizure meds for a few years then stop it. You
should consult a pediatric neurologist.
发帖数: 8
来自主题: Unix版 - [转载] Help for sound effect
【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
【 原文由 banjo 所发表 】
I am using linux for my home machine. Whever I open a file,
I could hear some sound . If I typed the something wrong,
the computer also give me warning sound. I am wondering how
to configure to turn the sound off?
BTW: how to do the same thing on solaris on sun workstation?
thanks a lot!
发帖数: 54
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - cs 交作业
I just received my report and I passed cs. I learned lots from the others
and I promised to myself I would share no matter pass or fail when I got the
score. Now I got the score and pretty high performance, I can say what I
think about this exam. But it could be my own thinking, 大家自己衡量. Here
is my brief prepared process:
I prepared around 7 weeks parttime. the first 2 weeks, I spent 2-3 hrs on
weekday and 5-6 hr on weekend to get to understand what is cs and which
material I need to use and sear... 阅读全帖